Bulletin - June 12, 2016

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Augustine Church, Barberton, OH June 12, 2016)

(Insert Graphic 1000-0117.tif) June 13-19
Monday, June 13 St. Anthony of Padua, Priest & Doctor of the Church
12:05 Margaret Toth
6:00 Confessions
Tuesday, June 14 Weekday
5:15 Helen Halenar Anniversary
Wednesday, June 15 Weekday
12:05 Anna Lazar
Thursday, June 16 Weekday
12:05 Mike Macko
Friday, June 17 Weekday
12:05 M. Geraldine Witt
Saturday, June 18 Weekday
8:30 Theodore Lysiak Anniversary
2:00 WEDDING Jesse A. Moses & Katie G. Ryan
3:00 Confessions
4:00 Jim Lyle & Alice Harris (Fr. Majikas)
Sunday, June 19 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00 Tom Cheever (Fr. Majikas)
10:30 Kenny Carpenter Anniversary
5:15 The People of St. Augustine Church

Readings for the Week of June 13

1 Kgs 21:1-16, Ps 5:2-3,4-6,6-7, Mt 5:38-42
1 Kgs 21:17-29, Ps 51:3-4,5-6,11,16, Mt 5:43-48
Wednesday2 Kgs 2:1,6-14, Ps 31:20,21,24, Mt 6:1-6,16-18
Thursday Sir 48:1-14, Ps 97:1-2,3-4,5-6,7, Mt 6:7-15
2 Kgs 11:1-4,9-18,20, Ps 132:11,12,13-14,17-18, Mt 6:19-23
Saturday 2 Chr 24:17-25, Ps 89:4-5,29-30,31-32,33-34, Mt 6:24-34
Zec 10-11; 13:1, Ps 63:2,3-4,5-6,8-9, Gal 3:26-29, Lk 9:18-24

Sunday Offering
Faith Direct Offering
Total Offering

(Insert Graphic 2109-0030.tif)

Time, Talent & Treasure
May 29

June 5



Weekly Budget to meet Operating Cost $






School Support
Capital Support

St. Vincent de Paul
Organ Campaign
Organ Campaign Goal $600,000




Year to Date


Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

David, one of the great men of faith in the Bible was also a great sinner. He was
humble enough to repent and try again. The righteous men in the Gospel were
humbled by the example of an imperfect woman who showed repentance and great
love to Jesus. Let all of us humbly turn our hearts toward our Heavenly Father and
give thanks that we are saved by Christ and not by our own works. Let our works be a
thankful response to His love and mercy.
Insert Graphic 2000-0042.tif) Please pray for our Sick especially: John Baylock, Joseph
Benear, Betty Bartel, Jack Weigand, Lisa Gnap, Irene Lyle, Jenny Moslowski, Judy
Kriston, Anne Trischan, Fred Kormanic, Shanon Johnson, JoAnn Mullett, Stephen
Deibel, Joanne Ramsay, Leroy Morlan, William Bedford. Karen Gondor, Carol Garman,
Chad Trischan, Pat Shemuga, Andrew Somercik, Helene Van Oss, Paula Collins,
Alexandra Kepler, Gary Reed, Kristine Hornacek, Vicki Martin, Camilla Pieffer, Barb
Shehan, Gloria Rondy, Joe Patterson III, Lowell Potts, Sandra Walters, Bruce Hartung,
Barb Helms, Nicole Hahn, Carol Hendricks, Clay Walton, Tom Abbott, Bob & Patty
Moses, Therese Weigand, Marge OBoyle, Bill Judge, Agnes Hurley, Mark Soberano,
Paulette Holland, John Madia, Betty Morlan, Brittany Wunderle, Brenda Griffin,
Elizabeth Heflin, Kelly Ann Eby, Denise Benear, Michael Scott Benear, Sue
Christopher, Rey Soberano, Phyllis Mayer & Norma Geary Catlin
(Insert Graphic 1103-0071.tif)
Everly Marie Lowe
Daughter of Michael & Erin (Balash) Lowe
(Insert Graphic 2000-0107.5tif)
Barbara C. Kelly
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord!
(Insert Graphic 1108-0029.tif) III Jesse A. Moses & Katie G. Ryan
I Ronald Lee Campbell & Amanda K. Bailey

322 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week.
I know mine and mine knows me. June 14 there will be a meeting in the rectory
for the holy hour captains at 7:00pm. Please bring your notebooks. Consider an
open hour: Friday 11-12 noon or Saturday 6-7:00pm. For more information on
becoming a Holy Hour Adorer, please contact Barb Weigand at 330-848-2024.
Vacation Bible School is only 8 days away, and plans are being made to make
this week enjoyable for all. Make sure to get your reservations in for the St.
Augustine Vacation Bible School Camp Courageous Equipping for Life
June 20-24 from 9-noon. Additional registration forms can be found on the
bulletin board in the vestibule of the church. Volunteers are needed to make this fun for all!
If you are interested in volunteering for VBS, please contact Ann Barni at 330-753-6435. If
you have a camping tent that the VBS team can borrow it would be greatly appreciated. We
are looking for approximately 6-10 tents, if you have a tent available, please contact Ann
Please do not remove candles from the votive racks in the church unless they are
completely burnt out. Candles cannot be placed between other votive candles and must
not be placed on the back altars, this is a fire hazard. Thank You!
Save the Date: Spiritual Adoption sign-up will be held on Father's Day ,
June 19,2016. St. Pope John-Paul II challenged Catholics to reject the
culture of death and build a new Culture of Life. The Spiritual Adoption
Program was inspired from the Spiritual Adoption Prayer written by
Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen and is an exceptional way to answer the
challenge of St. Pope John-Paul ll. It requires nothing more than commitment to
pray Bishop Sheen's simple prayer daily for nine months on behalf of a baby and
family contemplating abortion. It incorporates the power of prayer and
compassionate mercy. Volunteers will be available in front of the church to assist
you in signing up and answer any questions you may have.
St. Augustine Culture of Life meets in the rectory on the first Tuesday of every
month following the 5:15 Mass and Benediction. For more information you may
contact Lynn Willig @330-472-9452.
On behalf of the Greek Catholic Union of St. Nicholas Byzantine Church
in Barberton, we would like to invite you to join us for a wonderful
evening of friendship at our annual card party. The Picnic Card Party
will be Wednesday, June 22 from 6-9 pm. Join us at St. Nicholas Byzantine Church
1051 Robinson Ave., Barberton for a night of fun, food, raffle and door prizes. For
details call: 330-773-6008; 330-673-9142 or 330-234-7302
All are invited to attend Catholic Renewal Ministries' 34th Annual Conference to be
held on July 15th and 16th, 2016 at Magnificat High School in Rocky River.

Guest speakers will be Jim Murphy, Paco Gavrilides, Nellie Cruz Krawczynski, Fr.
Damian Ference, Fr. Bob Franco, Bishop Richard G. Lennon, and Roberto Santiago Jr.
This year's theme is "Proclaim God's Mercy". The conference opens on Friday at
7:00 p.m. Contact Shirley or Tom Fumich at 440-327-1226 for registration
information or visit www.crmweb.org. Advance registration through July 6th is $30,
and at the door $35. Come experience the healing power and gifts of the Holy
(Insert Graphic 1103-0041.tif) For those preparing to have a child baptized in the near
future, one requirement is that the parents attend a Pre-Baptism Class. The next
class will be held at St. Augustine Church in the rectory on Tuesday, July 19
beginning at 7:00pm. Please contact the rectory at 330-745-0011 if you plan to attend
this session.
(Insert Graphic 1101-0006.tif) 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration The
annual 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration will be held on Sunday, July 31 at the
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Bishop Richard G. Lennon, will be the principal
celebrant. Reservations are now being accepted for couples married 50 years.
Couples who are celebrating other significant anniversaries (55 or over) or have
missed previous celebrations are welcome to register and attend. Seating is limited
in the Cathedral. Mark your calendars for Sunday July 31, Mass will begin at 2:30pm
in the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Please contact the rectory by Monday,
June 20 if you wish to register for this special event.
First Communion pictures are available for pick up in the rectory.
Please stop by during regular business hours, for call the office
at 330-745-0011 with special instructions.
Catholic Family FESTival - Looking for a great family day this summer?
Join us for The FEST on Sunday, August 7 on the seminary grounds in
Wickliffe. The 56 acre campus becomes the home of our 16 th Annual
Catholic Family FESTival. Its a day that celebrates faith and family. Its
fun and its FREE. Join thousands from across the region for national Christian
bands (Newsboys, Michael W. Smith, Matthew West, and Lauren Daigle) and great
faith-based activities and displays for the whole family. The day ends with an
outdoor Mass at 8 pm followed by an incredible American Fireworks display. Check
it out online www.theFEST.us. The FEST has EVERYTHING you need for a
great family day and everyone is welcome! Tell your friends!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 28 the St. Augustine Parish
Picnic The Summer Olympics.
Join fellow parishioners as we
celebrate the 2016 Olympics Games with, food, fun and most
importantly fellowship. Our first volunteer meeting will be Thursday,
June 9, anyone wishing to volunteer, please plan on attending that meeting. Many
hands make light work. Keep an eye out in the bulletin for further details.
(Insert Graphic 2126-0017.tif) Happy New Year 2017 St. Augustine Church is once again
planning to bring The New Year in with a party. Consider joining fellow parishioners for
the end of the year bash. Enjoy dinner and dancing into the New Year. Mark your
calendars and keep an eye on the bulletin for further details.

We are sending out a plea for personal hygiene items for The Peter
Maurin Center. Our guests are constantly in need of the most basic
hygiene items: deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, body lotion, feminine
supplies, and razor blades. As you know, The Peter Maurin Center (PMC)
is an inner city Day Drop in Center for homeless and marginalized
individuals. These supplies will assist those most in need. Please bring these items
to PMC on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays between 11am-3pm or call Ken Zehenni
330.907.6710 to arrange pick up.
The Ozanam Center will be changing their operating hours beginning July 9. We
will be open from 9:30-12 on Saturdays. This means that if you are volunteering
you need to be there by 9 AM and if you are donating items, please drop them of
during the open hours. Thank you for always being willing to help the Center in our quest to
assist those less fortunate than ourselves.
(Insert Graphic 1201-0055.tif) ADULT SERVERS NEEDED for 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. The
Adult Servers schedule which will begin July 3 needs three new servers to complete the
teams. If you are interested in joining the Adult Servers Ministry, please call Tom
Logsdon (330-745-1373) so that your name can be included on the new schedule.
Training provided. You will be scheduled to serve every four weeks.
Heart to Heart Communications invites you to our next quarterly breakfast on July
12, 7:30-8:45 AM at the First Congregational Church, 292 East Market St. Our
speakers will be Fr. Norm Douglas and Larry Vuillemin, co-founders of Heart to Heart
Communications. Speaking about The Heart to Heart Spiritual Path: Beginnings and
Possibilities", they will share insights such as how Heart to Heart Communications
was started and new opportunities for continuing to enrich lives. Cost is $20. To
receive more information or pre-register by July 8 visit www.h2hc.org or call 330434-3278 ext. 0.

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