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WITH MARKERS - SECOND EDITION : HOMAS C, WANG To Joseph, Andrew, and, Matthew Medion Technique 0 PREFACE Markers are probably one of the most popular sketching meds They are ver fate expressive. coer and above al ‘easy to use Yet. becouse of tor ably te adapt tea wade range of awa tech riques. markers are stl used primary ae ‘substitute lor other traction sketching tmede. For example, the fine post marker ante usedte duplicate the performance (fan ink pen. Likewise. the sobow selection of Far pens is used the an Granary color pent cet. Markers are oper becouse of thee eose handing bed sempicly rather than for ther Uniqueness. consincton, and range of fib sizes. and inks This, unfortunate ‘oes not encourage the development of ‘rowing technques specie for mark fs Mths pater perosts, markers may ‘Sneys hol a second fiddle postion te pen ond pencl. which have an ancent nd respectabe hertoge This book emphasizes the unusual ver sty of ths remarable draw iat ment and demonstrates ts une ay to combine its own quaty harmenously ‘wth many other mecia such as water color pen. pec. ard nk is my ler to encourage the use and werease the ‘oworeress of the marker 2= a superior ‘sketching tool wath unique quotes thot Gan only be expressed thorough ttecugh the art of sketching ‘Ties Uibon Spot! Sty nighnat iver #11 inches Technique sucks

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