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Ratna Consultants


Corporate Training
The Secret of getting ahead is getting started Mark
The collation of knowledge, practice, aptitude, competence is vital to perform
tasks on day to day basis. Everyone aspires to grow and develop in terms of
position, responsibility, and authority. Hence it is indispensable to hone skills &
knowledge. We all get richer day by day in our experiences and it is mandatory
to team up this experience with continuous development. Ratna brings out the
gem in you through trainings and mentoring.

At Ratna we develop leaders.
Our training programs are focused on organization development and employee
motivation towards achievement of the larger organisation goal.
Right behaviour, positive attitude, and polished soft skills in employees in
addition to domain knowledge gives a competitive edge to the organization in
the global business platform. At Ratna we have chosen few very important skills
that are essential for the employees for their and organisations extraordinary
In addition to the listed topics we also offer training on subjects that have been
identified by companies specific to their requirements.
Trainers at Ratna have mastered the art of training by experience, practice and elaborate
learning. Our training vary from classroom based presentations to workshops. Our
blended use of lectures, examples, case studies, activities, discussions, games and role
plays and experiential learning using effective audio visuals improve participant engagement and
enhance retention.

Change your life today. Dont gamble on the future, act

now, without delay.
Simon de Beauvoir

Training areas critical to the EPC & Construction

We have courses designed for all the various areas of training, however there are
some critical areas in the construction industry for which training is very
1. Time Management & Productivity
2. Negotiations and Conflict Management
3. Stakeholder Management (how to manage your client, vendors and coemployees)
4. Business Etiquettes
5. Leadership Essentials Overcoming dysfunctions of team, art of
delegation, Importance of communication, emotional intelligence.
6. Project Management Training Module.
7. Advance Excel for Engineers.
We also have consultancy services on Competency mapping and Cost Benefit
Analysis of Training.
We are already working with other EPC organizations assisting them in their
employee development, through training and consultancy.
Kindly refer to the brochure for the details.


Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress
into a positive one Hans Selye
In an increasingly complex and demanding world, lack of resilience leads people
to become much more vulnerable to stress. In turn, stress can lead people to
suffer from psychological as well as physical ailments.
There are many studies that show stress to be the number one cause of sickness
absence in the workplace. Whether in HR (Human Resources), or as a team
leader or manager, a sound grasp of how to deal with stress can help to maintain
and even build employees resilience and will also reduce the likelihood that they
will suffer, or that the organization will lose valuable team members as a result
of stress-related illness.
But, of course, stress isnt confined to the workplace. People also have to deal
with relationship, family, home, finance and health issues on a daily basis. As an
individual one needs to have a high level of tolerance to manage the many and
sometimes competing demands to juggle each day. A leader needs to have the
knowledge and ability to educate and motivate others to build the resilience they
need to survive and thrive in a challenging world.


The challenge of work-life balance is without question
one of the most significant struggles faced by modern
man - Stephen Covey
People with a good balance between their work and other responsibilities and
interests tend to be more motivated and productive: in other words, happy
people work better.
Studies have shown that long working hours isnt as productive as that with
shorter hours. So while people are spending more time at work, they arent
necessarily achieving more.
The ideal worklife balance is a very personal concept. It isnt an obvious,
tangible, or static thing that people can identify, get right, and then expect to
keep. Its dynamic and has different elements for different people at different
Worklife balance is a feeling of being in control of your life, being able to
exercise choice, and about finding an equilibrium between your own needs and
those of others, whether at work or at home.

Change before you have to- Jack Welch
Successfully managing change will always be important. As the pace of change
continues to increase, the skills needed to know how to change to be better,
faster, and cheaper will increase in importance. Whether the change is based on
new technology, the quality of life, organizational changes (mergers and
acquisitions, downsizing, outsourcing, off-shoring, start-up), or changes in geo
political positions around the world, those that can adapt and be in front of the
change curve will have the most success.
Managing, and in some cases, creating change offers opportunities and
challenges. The key is to understand what is happening, minimize the risk that
goes with it, and take advantage of the opportunities it can bring. Developing a
skill set and building a network of the right individuals with the right skills can
make a difference.


One of the most important tasks of a manager is to
eliminate his people's excuses for failure- Robert
With few exceptions, both managers and employees dread appraisal time.
Managers are afraid of demotivating employees by giving them critical feedback
and employees are afraid of receiving negative feedback that may threaten their
jobs and even their careers. Both managers and employees may consider the
process overwhelming.
Performance appraisals are also expensive. Consider all the hours that a
manager spends in planning, executing, and following up on performance
appraisals. Consider the impact on each employee: the time spent thinking and
talking about an upcoming appraisal, the time spent with his or her manager, the
time spent thinking about the appraisal session and talking about it with other
employees, and the loss in productivity and morale when the results are not
Performance appraisals can work. They can help organizations maintain focus on
their strategic plan. They can enable managers to assess the performance of
their employees. They can help employees know how well they are doing their
jobs. They can provide a more solid basis for decisions on not only pay raises,
promotions, and terminations but more important issues like career
development, Personal Goals, Coaching, Counselling and Skills development.


The single biggest problem in communication is the
illusion that it has taken place - George Bernard Shaw
The ability to communicate with clarity, courage and commitment is one key to
success at work and in personal life. No matter how innovative ideas or sincere
feelings or passionate beliefs, one has, failing to connect with other people and
communicate in a way that persuades, inspires or motivates them, the efforts
are going to be in vain.
It is never that we are not communicating. Whether in a deep sleep, in a heated
debate with a colleague or in a text-a-thon with a friend, in todays world of 24/7
communication we are always sending and receiving messages. Some people are
outstanding communicators, listening for understanding in addition to conveying
their own clear intentions, whereas others struggle to connect with their own
message as well as with other people.
Great communication leads to understanding, intimacy and mutual not only
within the organization but also with clients, customers, vendors and virtual


The most important thing in communication is hearing
what isn't said - Peter Drucker
Five-tool managersthose who read quickly, critically, and comprehensively;
who write with speed and clarity; who present their ideas in an understandable
manner; who are always one or two steps ahead in their thought processes; and
who listen actively and empatheticallyare highly prized and sought-after.
Its much more likely that managers who read, write, speak, listen, and think well
will stand out from their peers, and will be closely watched by top management.
The Managers Communication offers simple and effective tactics to help
managers improve their ability to communicate with staff, peers, supervisors,
and the public.


Lost time is never found again - Benjamin Franklin
The modern workplace is unrelenting and deadlines, pressure and a daily
avalanche of e-mails are the order of the day
To survive and prosper one has to be productive, efficient and effective. Time
management is about working actively to create efficiency and effectiveness in a
way that makes achieving targeted results more likely.
Good, effective time management is a core skill, a career skill that we all need
both to make us able to perform in a current job and to enhance our career
prospects. Addressing this area is not in any sense an option. It is not that being
an effective time manager would be somehow nice or maybe useful; it is
essential to making work and career successful.


Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what
makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a
civilization work - Vince Lombardi
Virtual teams play an important role in todays global business environment.
Along with its various advantages, virtual teams has its own challenges,
especially when the team includes members from various cultures. Challenges
occur in the progressive phases of team development, and virtual teams must be
able to cope effectively with those obstacles if they are to be successful and
reach their potential.
It is important to understand skills and characteristics necessary for building high
performing virtual teams. This training course talks about the challenges many
virtual teams face and the pitfalls that often lead to failure, differentiators of
successful virtual teams, the critical things that virtual team leaders can do to
boost the performance of virtual teams, managing virtual team communication,

If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in
behaviour - William Glasser
Good office manners may not be listed in job descriptions, but they certainly play
a crucial part in career. Professional behaviour helps build strong relationships
among management, staff and clients. Fine business etiquette reflects
confidence because the individual is seen as someone who is together and
knows what to say and how to say it.
As the globalization of industries and marketplaces bring managers ever closer
to unique cultures around the world, it is more important than ever to recognize
why business etiquette is important.
An understanding of business etiquette facilitates cross-cultural communication
and trade in addition to increasing productivity in the workplace.


It has been said that arguing against globalization is like
arguing against the laws of gravity - Kofi Annan
In the increasingly globalized business world, being exposed to cultures different
from ones own is a common experience. Sometimes, foreign people who behave
in strange ways are perceived as charming or at least as interesting, but often,
cultural differences lead to frictions.
Culture is a concept that includes many different elements; due to its inherently
fuzzy boundaries, there is no consensus on a shared definition.
The theory of cultural dimension focuses on values and attitudes and offers a
tool for thinking about cultures and conceptualizing the similarities and
differences between them.
With changing business partners and multicultural work groups, requires guide
posts as to where and how cultures might differ significantly. This systematic
approach to intercultural differences helps deliver maximum results with
minimum conflict.


In any organization, the greatest untapped resource, and the most expensive, is
its people. The greatest potential for growth, productivity, performance,
achievement, and profitability lies within the skills and abilities of the average
According to Robert Half and Associates, the average person works at about 50
percent of capability. The other 50 percent is largely wasted throughout the
working day in idle conversation with co-workers, or when we waste time on the
Internet, come in late, leave early, take extended coffee breaks and lunches, and
handle personal business.
One of the reasons for this time wastage, which is one of the greatest financial
drains on any organization, is that people are not motivated and focused enough
on their work; they lack the urgency and direction to get the work done before
anything else. This is a challenge that a good manager can resolve.

PMIs Project Management Professional (PMP) credential is the most important
industry-recognized certification for project managers. Globally recognized and
demanded, the PMP demonstrates that you have the experience, education
and competency to lead and direct projects.
This recognition is seen through increased marketability to employers and higher
salary; according to the PMI Project Management Salary SurveyEighth Edition,
certification positively impacts project manager salaries.
Professionally developed training for project managers and senior members of
team who are preparing for PMP exam or want to apply project management
best practices in their day to day work.
Balanced theory and case study based teaching pedagogy is used so that
participants can start applying knowledge in their work.
Course is developed around PMI, USA published PMBoK 5.


life cycle
Integration Management
Scope Management
Time Management
Cost Management
Quality Management
Human Resource Management
Communications Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management
Stakeholder Management

Microsoft excel has proven to be an efficiency enhancer tool for most jobs these
days. Excel is much more than creating simple table and adding few numbers.
We will teach you all techniques necessary to make design spreadsheets,
quantity estimation, financial statements, data extraction, chart generation,
automation and many more uses. Boost your performance at job with this
enhanced training
Essential shortcuts
Absolute & Relative
referencing ($)
ROUND() for ANY nearest
multiple no.
Working with Dates
Data Lookup & Calculations
VLOOKUP() a practical
VLOOKUP() with MATCH() 2-D
INDIRECT() + Range Naming
for 3-D lookup
INDEX() and 2 MATCH()
reverse lookup
multiple criteria
Pivot Table for multi-variable
Computations %, Sum,
Average, Count
Grouping (Clustering)
Generating multiple reports
Logical Statements
IF(), Nested IFs, AND(), OR()
Combo Logics; IFERROR()
MIS reporting
Automatic row-wise Subtotal
3-D Data Consolidation

Multi-Variable Sensitivity
Analysis with Data Table

Advance Charting

Simple charts warmup

Advance charts, more than
two charts types in single
Dynamic charts with form
Special JPDM chart type for
efficient deliverable tracking


Cleaning I
Using &(ampersand) to join
cells data -Concatenate

Data Cleaning II
Find & Replace (using wildcard
character -Asterisk * )
Go To (Special) with Ctrl+Enter
Text-to-Columns (Advanced)
Select Dashboard Techniques
Activate-Deactivate Gridlines
Data Validation (list)
Cell-Range Naming
Form Controls -Scroll Bar
Macros Application
Developer tab; Visual Basic
Record & Run a Macro
Using Google to locate VBA

SAP 2000
SAP 2000 is industry accepted Structural analysis software. It is widely used for
advance structure analysis. We impart training on SAP2000 from basic to
advance levels.
Typical module includes

Basic Understanding of

Graphical User Interface, basic

theory, technical concept of

Begin a New Model,

Define a Material,

Define Frame Sections,

Define an Auto Select Section


Add Frame Objects,

Draw Frame Objects

Assign Member End Releases

Divide Frame Objects

Add Restraints

Replicate Frame Objects

Draw Additional Frame Objects

Add Area Objects

Define the Area Sections

Draw the Area Object

Mesh the Area Object

Replicate Area Objects

Move Objects

Assign Area Stiffness Modifiers

Define Load Patterns

Assign Loads

Define Load Combinations

Run the Analysis

Graphically Review the Analysis

Viewing the results

Object Based Graphical Interface
Model Templates with Auto
Area (Shell) and Solid Objects
with Internal Meshing
Integrated Graphical Section
Designer for Complex Frame
Editing with Move, Merge, Mirror and
Accurate Dimensioning with
Guidelines and Snapping
Quick Draw Options for Object
Support for Multiple Coordinate
Property Definition and Cracked
Properties Property
Modification Factors
Gravity, Pressure and Thermal
Line and Surface Multi-Linear Springs
Static Analysis with Frame and Shell
Response Spectrum Analysis with
Eigen or Ritz Vectors
P-Delta Analysis
Joint Constraints including Rigid
Bodies & Diaphragms
Plane, A solid and Solid Objects
Time History Analysis

Frame Hinges for Axial, Flexural,

Shear & Torsional Behaviour
Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis

Steel Frame Design (Indian Codes.)

Concrete Frame Design (Indian

Design for Static and Dynamic Loads
Seismic Check of Beam/Column
Joints in Concrete Frames

STAAD Pro is most widely used Structural analysis and design software. Working and advanced
knowledge of STAAD Pro is must have skill in todays world for structural engineers.

Introduction to STAAD Pro

SFD, BMD, Deflections

Introduction to Structural Analysis

Creating Report

Types of Structures

Design Structures

STAAD Editor

Concrete Design

Snap/Node Beam Tool

Beam and Column Design

Structure Wizard

RC Designer

Model Optimization

Steel Design

Material Constants

One way and Two way slab load



FEM Modelling

Member Specifications

Interpretation for FEM results

Grouping Members

Reviewing Structures

Using Excel with STAAD Pro for

efficient working

Structure Analysis Methods

Shear Wall modelling

Pre-print and Post-print analysis


Flat Slab Modelling

Raft Modelling

Rigid Diaphragm

Modelling using FEM

Foundation Design using


Performing analysis

Viewing Results

STAAD Output file

Priyanka Jani

Human Resource professional with over 10 years of rich experience in

Indian & MNC Giants HCC, Tata Projects, Indian Oiltanking & Technip.
Vast experience in talent acquisition, manpower planning, employee
engagement, training, employee coaching , presentations, grievance
handling, policy making, team building, Performance appraisal, work
life balance, organisation development and employee benefits.

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