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Guided Notes – Template (8.2.


Using the rubric above, circle the benchmark that will be addressed in the presentation.

Directions: Read the items on the template to understand what you are looking for today and
also to see what should be added when prompted.

I. From JFK to LBJ

A. A Nightmare On Elm Street……But Not The Elm Street You Were Thinking Of?????
B. The title suggests a hidden meaning, what is the hidden meaning? Record your
answer below:

C. So the question is, who did it?

1. Finish this statement: Cuba – Castro was still angry that the

2. Finish this statement: It was the mob –

3. Finish this statement: U.S.S.R. – A communist plot –

4. Finish this statement: KKK – Because

5. Answer from the Warren Commission: One bullet killed the president and it
was fired by Lee Harvey Oswald

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