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14 June 2016

Mr. Md. Abdul Hamid

President of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
Your Excellency;
The Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) would like to express its deep concern
about the latest acts of administrative and judicial harassment against its member organization in Bangladesh,
Odhikar, and the organizations Secretary, Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, as a further attempt to sanction and
silence their human rights activities.
AFAD has received information that on May 25, 2016, Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, Odhikar Secretary and
AFAD Council Member, was summoned in front of the Bangladeshs Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC),
where he was interrogated by ACC Deputy Director Jalal Uddin Ahammad regarding a complaint against
Odhikar for alleged money laundering.
On May 22, 2016, Odhikar received a notice from the ACC citing sections 19 and 20 of the ACC Act 2004
and requesting Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan to appear before Mr. Jalal Uddin Ahammad over the
abovementioned allegations. The notice, dated May 18, 2016, referred to 97000 EUR that were transferred
to Odhikars bank account by the European Union (EU) in July 2013, in the framework of a EU-sponsored
project called Education on the Convention against Torture and OPCAT Awareness Programme in
Bangladesh, run by Odhikar and approved by the NGO Affairs Bureau (NGOAB) of the Government of
AFAD recalls that although the ACC has been investigating this matter since 2013, neither Odhikar nor Mr.
Adilur Rahman Khan have received any copy of the letter of allegation outlining the grounds for the
In addition, attacks and harassment against Odhikar have been continuous since 2013, including judicial
harassment against both Mr. Khan and Mr. Nasiruddin Elan, Odhikar Director, as well as the surveillance
and repression of Odhikar, its staff, and their relatives. As a result of these actions, Odhikar is facing great
difficulties in implementing its activities, since all of its bank accounts have been frozen and it has been
forbidden from receiving foreign funding.
AFAD strongly condemns these baseless acts of administrative and judicial harassment against Odhikar and
Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, which are taking place in an already repressive context for civil society in
Bangladesh, where reported cases of enforced disappearance have been increasing since 2013.
Against this background, AFAD calls on you as president to stop all acts of harassment against Odhikar, its
members and their relatives, and to ensure that:

1. The physical and psychological integrity of Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, all Odhikar members, their
relatives as well as of all human rights defenders in Bangladesh will be respected in all circumstances.
2. The ceasing of all kind of harassment - including at the administrative and judicial level towards
Mr. Adilur Rahman Khan, all members of Odhikar, their relatives as well as all human rights
defenders in Bangladesh will be made an absolute priority.
3. Odhikar, as well as all human rights defenders in Bangladesh, will be able to carry out their legitimate
activities without any hindrance and fear of reprisals.
4. The Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Bill of 2015 is withdrawn.
5. All State institutions and law enforcement agencies conform to what is provided for in the provisions
of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, adopted by the General Assembly of the United
Nations on December 9, 1998, especially its Articles 1 and 12.2.
6. Human rights and fundamental freedoms are respected and implemented in accordance with the
international human rights standards and international instruments to which Bangladesh is party.
In particular, as a State party to various international human rights treaties, such as the Convention against
Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) and the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Bangladesh is bound to respect the life and freedoms of all
those present in its territory and under its jurisdiction, and to ensure that the rule of law and justice are
AFAD calls on you to take measure to ensure that all acts of harassment perpetrated against human rights
defenders, civil society organizations and their members and families will be put to an end immediately.
We trust this case will be given the appropriate consideration and that decisive steps will be initiated by the
government of Bangladesh to respect and protect human rights as well as those who work to see them fully
Signed on behalf of AFAD:




With support from the following members and networks of the Coalition Against Enforced Disappearance
(CAED) of the Philippines:
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________

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16. ______________________________________________________
17. _Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)_______

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