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Lower School

Romeo and Juliet

Lesson 1
26th April 1564

Who am I?

23rd April 1616

Lesson 1

Shakespeares World

LO: To understand the context in which

Shakespeare wrote his plays.
William Shakespeares Life

He was born on the 26th April 1564, and he died on

23rd April 1616.
He married a woman named Anne Hathaway with
whom he had three children.
His hometown was Stratford-Upon-Avon, in
He moved to London when he became a
His plays were performed at the Globe Theatre, on
the South Bank of the River Thames.
He was the author of thirty eight plays.
His work has stood the test of time because of the
unparalleled beauty of its language and the
universality of its themes.
What do we know about Shakespeares time? Write down three things
you already know, or look at the pictures and make three guesses.
Have you been to the theatre?

Talk to the person next to you and write down three things you know
who goes to the theatre. Has it always been this
what it looks like. way?
what kinds of things you might see there.
The Swan Theatre
Theatres were
The rich
circular and
had no roof.
would sit in
the seats up
here. They didnt use
scenery, just a
bare stage.
The stage had
lots of doors The stage
and trapdoors stuck out
for the actors right into the
to come in audience.
and out of.

Poor people
would stand
Women were not at the front
allowed to be actors. they were
Female parts were called
played by men! Groundlings.
Shakespeares Legacy
Shakespeares influence is still felt today. Do you know which of
his plays these modern films and musicals are based on?

Taming of
the Shrew

Night Romeo and Juliet
Plenary Quiz

1. When and where was Shakespeare born?

2. Which two monarchs reigned during
Shakespeares lifetime?
3. Which theatre did Shakespeares plays
mostly get performed in?
4. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
5. Name four of them!
6. What was the name given to the audience
members who stood at the front of the
stage during a performance?
7. Identify three differences between the
theatre now and the theatre in
Shakespeares time.
8. Write a paragraph about why Shakespeare
is so great.
Lesson 2
Starter: Round Robin
Discuss on your tables what you know about
policemen and how they have to deal with crime
scenes. What should they do? What should they
be aware of? What should they avoid?
Lesson Outcomes:
All of you will be able to understand some of the
themes of Shakespeares most famous plays.

Most of you will be able to identify and explain

some of the key features of the characters.

Some of you will be able to speculate about the

characters and Shakespeares reasons for
addressing key themes.
You are a police officer
You are called to a graveyard following reports of
a fight.

When you arrive, the place is in silence.

You see lights coming from one of the vaults and

go over to investigate.
The Scene of the Crime
You see:
A bunch of flowers scattered on the ground
Two swords, one with blood on
A crowbar
You discover two men hiding behind some
One man has a spade and a torch. The other has
just a torch.
Both are unwilling to talk.
You investigate further
You walk over to the vault, which has been
forced open and walk inside.

There in front of you are three bodies, all of

whom have recently died.
The Victims
One body, male, lies a short distance away from the
other two, with a sword wound.

Two bodies, one male, one female, are lying together

with the woman laying over the man. The woman
has a knife wound. No visible wounds are found on
the man.
An empty bottle and a bloodied knife are found next to
the bodies.
Your notebook
Items found at crime scene:

One male, sword wound
One male, no visible wounds
One female, laid over second male, knife wound
What has happened?
Draw the map of the graveyard and the vault
showing where the bodies and the items were found.
Write a police report on the killings. You must
- Who you think killed who?
- What weapons were used?
- Your thoughts as to why the killings took place (no
clues are given for this so its up to you)
Police Report Style

Graveyard Mystery 9th July 2012



What may have happened:

Peer Assessment:
Read through your partners police report.

Does it make sense?

PIN it, commenting on their spelling and use of

Lesson 3
Starter Twenty Questions

Your job is to get one of the people who has just

been sent out to say the code word: Jammy

The first one of them to say it will receive PLTS

points, as will the person who gets them to do it.

Rules 1: You mustnt use the word yourself.

Rule 2: Only one person at a time may ask them a
Rule 3: You cant use the words biscuit or jam.
You have just experienced...


What is it?
Write this down!

Dramatic irony - when the audience

knows something that a character in
the play does not.
The Prologue Of equal
A city in
Two households, both alike in dignity, Fresh

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, hatred
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes R and Js
Fated deaths
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; end the
Whole misadventured piteous overthrows feud
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
Misguided The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, The play!
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
But = except What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.

Can you identify the two key

themes in the prologue?
Draw a table like this in your book. With a partner, find
words in the prologue which relate to each theme.

Love Conflict
Does the prologue have any similarities to
a modern day blurb?

Stanley Yelnats family has a

history of bad luck, so he isnt too
surprised when a miscarriage of
justice sends him to a boys
juvenile detention centre. At Camp
Green Lake the boys must dig a
hole a day, five feet deep, five feet
across, in the dried up lake bed.
The Warden claims the labour is
character building, but it is a lie.
Stanley must dig up the truth.

Louis Sachar, Holes

Write a blurb for Romeo and Juliet, using the prologue as a
basis for your own work.

It should be short,
A step by step guide: snappy and attention-
1. Introduce your
hero and heroine.
2. Describe the plot.
3. Say who caused
the conflict.
4. Give a hint about
the ending.
How do you know from the language
in the prologue that the two major
themes in Romeo and Juliet are love
and conflict?

Write you answer as a PEE paragraph.

Lesson 4
Starter: Round Robin
Everything you already know about the play
Romeo and Juliet.
Lesson Outcomes:
All of you will be able to understand some of the
themes of Shakespeares most famous plays.

Most of you will be able to identify and explain

some of the key features of the characters.

Some of you will be able to speculate about the

characters and Shakespeares reasons for
addressing key themes.
Animated Tales
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
You will all have a timeline in front of you. You
will need to fill these in by working together and
taking it in turns to add an event.
Task 1: Create a Timeline of Events
Romeo sees Tybalt picks a fight Romeo and Juliet
Paris leaving Juliet takes a with Romeo.
Romeo finds meet at the
flowers at sleeping Mercutio steps in
Juliet dead Capulet party.
Juliets potion which and is killed. Romeo
and take a
grave. makes her takes revenge and
poison to kill
Romeo is sleep for 42 kills Tybalt. Romeo Romeo and Juliet
angry and hours. is banished. get married.
kills him.

Juliet is
Romeo doesnt Juliets wedding The Capulets
promised to Juliet wakes
know Juliets to Paris is moved and Montagues
Paris for up to find
faking her death forward. Juliet fight causing
marriage. Romeo dead,
and goes to find speaks to the Prince to say he
She does not so she kills
out for sure that Priest who offers will kill anyone
want to herself.
shes not alive. her a way out. else who fights.
marry him.
Task 1: Create a Timeline of Events
Romeo sees
The Capulets Juliet is Juliets wedding Paris leaving
and Montagues promised to to Paris is moved flowers at
Paris for Romeo finds
fight causing forward. Juliet Juliets Juliet dead
Prince to say he marriage. speaks to the grave.
She does not and take a
will kill anyone Priest who offers Romeo is poison to kill
else who fights. want to her a way out. angry and
marry him. himself.
kills him.

Romeo and Juliet Tybalt picks a fight Juliet takes a

get married. with Romeo. sleeping Romeo doesnt
Mercutio steps in know Juliets Juliet wakes
potion which up to find
and is killed. Romeo makes her faking her death
takes revenge and and goes to find Romeo dead,
Romeo and Juliet sleep for 42 so she kills
kills Tybalt. Romeo hours. out for sure that
meet at the is banished shes not alive. herself.
Capulet party.
You need to know what happens in the rest of
the play. Stick this into your book!
Act 1, Scene 1 - Romeos attitude to love and his feelings for Rosaline.
Act 1, Scene 3 - Juliet with her Nurse and Lady Capulet. Discuss idea of
marriage to Paris.
Act 1, Scene 5 - Their first meeting - the party.
Act 2, Scene 2 - In Capulets orchard - the balcony scene.
Act 2, Scene 5 - Nurse brings news that Romeo is waiting to marry her.
Act 2, Scene 6 - Romeo and Juliet meet to marry.
Act 3, Scene 2 - Juliet hears that Romeo, her husband, has killed Tybalt and
been banished.
Act 3, Scene 3 - Romeo seeks comfort from Friar Laurence.
Act 3, Scene 5 - The dawn scene.
Act 4, Scene 1 - Juliet is told that she must marry Paris.
Act 5, Scene 1 - Romeo is told that Juliet is dead. He visits the apothecary.
Act 5, Scene 3 - Romeo at the tomb.
Act 5, Scene 3 - Juliet at the tomb
Lesson 5
Making a Drama Graph

LO: To be able to trace the development of

themes throughout the text.

Red Group: Niall, Charles, Isobel, Alex

Purple Group: Elliot, Stan, Georgie, Jess

Green Group: Aiden, April, Sophia, Samantha

Yellow Group: Chloe D, Sophie, Sam, Niamh

Blue Group: Chloe W, Roberta, Josh

Orange Group: Olivia, Euan, Nathan, Grace

Your Task
You need to plot a graph of the plot of Romeo and Juliet.

You will need to:

read the plot summary I have given you and decide which are
the most important events in each act.

decide on the level of emotion relating to these three key

themes: conflict, love, and tension. This means you should
have three different coloured lines charting each theme
throughout the play!

You will need to annotate your graph, making it clear which

events and themes each plot point relates to.
Time to present your findings.

What were the most significant

events in each act?

What were the emotional peaks for

each theme?

Is there a moment in the play

where all the themes peak at the
same time?

Did you identify any moments of

dramatic irony in the play?
Lesson 6
Lesson 5
Shakespearean Insults

Can you match the insult to its meaning?

Shrew Coward

Cuckold A nagging woman

An idiot

A man who is vain and

Lily livered boy pretentious.

A man whose wife has

Moon calf been unfaithful.
Lesson 4

Act I, Scene i Our First Meeting With Romeo

LO: To use PEE to make developed points about the play.

Romeo A Montague
Benvolio His cousin
Now answer these questions.
These questions are about the last part of the scene, once the Prince has

1. Why is Romeo so sad?

2. What does Benvolio say Romeo should do in order to stop feeling sad?
Find a quotation to support your answer.

3. Find two metaphors that Romeo uses to describe love in the speech which
begins Why, such is loves transgression.

4. What is Romeos opinion of love? Write your answer as a PEE paragraph.

Hint: You could use your answers to question four as evidence. Dont forget
to explain why your quote supports your point.

5. Write another PEE paragraph about how the other metaphor you found
shows you Romeos opinion of love.
Swap books with the person next to you...

You are now responsible for marking that persons work!

When we get to question 7 (the PEE paragraph), mark a P

next to their point, an E next to their evidence, and
another E next to their explanation. Did they manage to do
all three?

When we have finished marking, your job is to evaluate how

well theyve done and write a positive comment and a
target for improvement. (Nothing silly or mean!)
Lesson 5


LO: To analyse Romeos character in Act One, Scene One.

Lesson 7
How do you feel about Juliet?
Why do you feel that way?
Did you feel that way all the way through?
Lesson 6


LO: To be able to analyse Juliets character.


Imagine that one day when you get home from school, your
mum comes into your room with some important news while
you are doing your homework.

Shes bursting with excitement and can barely contain herself.

What is it? you ask.

Ive arranged for you to get married! she replies.

To who? you cry.

No one you know!

Write a paragraph explaining to your mum how you feel

about the marriage.
Reading Act 1, Scene 3
Lines 64 - 100

Things to think about as we read:

What is Juliets response to the idea of marriage?

What does her response say about her relationship with

her parents?

Was her reaction very different to yours?

What do you think this says about the way children

treated their parents then and now?

How is she different to Romeo?

Lesson 8 Agony Aunt
Starter: Empathy

What is empathy?
Can anyone find the dictionary definition of
When do you feel empathy?
Do you feel empathy
with anyone in Romeo
and Juliet?
The first time Romeo sees Juliet
(to a SERVINGMAN) What lady is that which doth enrich the hand
Of yonder knight?
I know not, sir.
Oh, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
Like a rich jewel in an Ethiopes ear,
Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear.
So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows
As yonder lady o'er her fellows shows.
The measure done, Ill watch her place of stand,
And, touching hers, make blessd my rude hand.

How does he react when he

Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.
sees Juliet for the first
Look at the key words from Romeos

beauty heart
beauty jewel

bright love
Read the words from
night the list on the left.
What do you notice?
crows What are your first
rich impressions?
earth true
Task: Write a letter to an agony aunt
from either Romeo or Juliet just after
they meet at the Ball.

You should include:

What happened, when and where
How you felt before you met Romeo / Juliet
How you feel now
What you think you should do
Who youve told, if anyone
Agony Aunts
You will now act as agony aunts to each other.

Swap your letter with someone else in the room.

Write a response to them, considering the
writers thoughts and feelings while
remembering to be empathetic.
SPAG: Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

Has your partner
Next step
misspelled any words?
Have they used capital
letters and full stops?
Have they used
apostrophes correctly?
Romeo and Juliet Mini Project

1. Write a letter to an agony aunt from either Romeo or Juliet

just after they meet at the Ball. Your letter needs to include:
how you felt before you met Romeo / Juliet
how you feel now
what you think you could now do

Swap letters with another member of the class and write the
reply from the agony aunt.
Lesson 9
Lesson 7
The Balcony Scene

LO: To be able to compare Romeo and Juliets characters.

The Balcony Scene
Perhaps the most
famous scene from any
play in the whole world!

Can you explain what

happens before we
begin reading?

Do you know any of the

What does this mean in modern English?

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore

art thou Romeo?

Say it to your partner.

How do you think it

should sound?

What exactly does she

O Romeo, Romeo,
wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy
Balcony Scene
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my
And Ill no longer be a Capulet.

As Mercutio and Benvolio leave

the Capulet estate, Romeo jumps
over the orchard wall into the
garden, unable to leave Juliet
behind. From his hiding place, he
sees Juliet in a window above
the orchard and hears her speak
his name. He calls out to her, and
they exchange vows of love.
Whats in a name? Juliet asks.
That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as
Have a little think about this.
What do the images
Romeo uses suggest
about the way he
views Juliet?
Look at lines 4-9, 15-
22, and 26-32
i a r y .
Dear hat
e nt r yt
a d i ary a ft e r
e te
Writ /Juliet wro ard
Romeo t in the orch
e y p a r
rd e n .
a t d i a ry
b e r th in lo t s
R e m em d c o n ta

s s h o ul ti o n s.
entrie gs and emo w
e e li n w ho
of f t to sho
o u r b es r e a c h
Try y their love fo
t h e r is. e as
o om e i d
p l an s
Timeline of Romeo and Juliets Relationship

Sunday Morning Sunday Evening Sunday Night Monday Morning

The balcony scene.

Romeo is sad Romeo meets Juliet
Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet
because at the Capulet Ball.
swear their love are married by
Rosaline They fall in love at
and decide to get Friar Lawrence.
doesnt love first sight.
Did my heart love till
Parting in such These violent
Ay me! sad now? Forswear it
sweet sorrow, that I delights have
hours seem sight! For I neer saw
shall say good night violent ends
long. true beauty till this
till it be morrow.
Lesson 10
A ____________ breaks out on the streets of ______________ which is only stopped
when the ______________ threatens both the Capulets and the ________________
with _______________ if it ever happens again. In the next scene, Lord Capulet talks
with ______________ about his daughter ________________. Paris is keen to
________________ Juliet as soon as possible, but Lord Capulet is reluctant to allow this
because Juliet is not yet __________________. Capulet eventually decides to invite Paris
to a ____________ he is hosting that night and to take events from there. Capulet gives
a ________________ party invitations to give out, but the servant is unable to
____________ them! Luckily, he bumps into Romeo and his cousin _________________,
who are discussing _______________, the girl Romeo thinks he _______________. The
young men decide to _______________ the party: Benvolio thinks he can show Romeo
_______________ girls, while Romeo just wants to see Rosaline! Meanwhile, Juliets
__________________ and her Nurse tell Juliet that Paris, who is considered the most
____________________ and wealthy man in Verona, wants to marry her. They are both
extremely ______________________ about this, but Juliet doesnt seem quite as

Party Benvolio Excited Juliet Read Mother Rosaline

Montagues Servant
Certain Prince Fourteen Prettier Paris Death
handsome Fight Loves
Marry Gatecrash Verona
Copy and fill in the gaps.
Romeo and Juliet is a play about a girl and a
_____ who fall in love. It was written by William
_____________. Romeo and Juliets families are
________ and that means that they shouldnt be
together. The problem is that Romeo falls in
_____ with Juliet and they get ___________ in
secret. Unfortunately it ends badly and Romeo
and Juliet ______.

love Shakespeare married boy

enemies die
Lesson Outcomes:
All of you will be able to understand some of the
themes of Shakespeares most famous plays.

Most of you will be able to identify and explain

some of the key features of the characters.

Some of you will be able to speculate about the

characters and Shakespeares reasons for
addressing key themes.
List of main characters
House of House of
The Church The Court
Capulet Montague
Friar Lawrence - a The Prince of
Juliet Romeo
priest Verona
Mercutio -
Capulet - her Montague- his Romeos friend,
father father
the Princes son
Lady Capulet- her Lady Montague - Paris - wants to
mother his mother marry Juliet
Benvolio - his
Tybalt - her cousin

Nurse - to Juliet
What describing words could we use to talk
about Romeo?
Who is Romeo?
Write a character file for Romeo:
Friends / Family members:
Who is Romeo?
Write a character file for Romeo:
Name: Romeo Montague
Age: 15
Lives: Verona
Personality: Friendly, Boisterous, Over-the-top, Falls in love
easily, Often sad about his position in life.
Friends / Family members: Lady and Mr Montague,
Benvolio (cousin and best friend), Balthasar (personal
servant), Rosaline (previous love interest), Juliet (wife)
Details: Has had a few romantic liaisons, Seems to enjoy
fighting at the beginning, Caught in the family war.
What describing words could we use to talk
about Juliet?
Who is Juliet?
Write a character file for Juliet:
Friends / Family members:
What describing words could we use to talk
about Tybalt?
Who is Tybalt?
Write a character file for Tybalt:
Friends / Family members:
Plenary: All three?
Are there any words you could use to describe
all three of the characters?
Think carefully. Do they share any personality
Lesson 11
Lesson 10
Romeo and Juliet - Act 3 Scene 5

LO: To look closely at Juliets relationship with her father.

Lady Capulet: Marry, my child, early next Thursday morn,
The gallant, young and noble gentleman,
The County Paris, at St Peters Church,
Shall happily make thee there a joyful bride.

How do you think Juliet will react? Jot it down in

your book.

Juliet: He shall not make me there a joyful

I pray you tell my lord and father,
I will not marry yet.
What is Lady Capulets reaction to Juliets defiance?

I would the fool were married to her grave.

What emotions do you think are being conveyed by
Juliets father?

Mistress minion
Out, you tallow-face! green-sickness carrion!

Hang thee, disobedient


puling fool Whining mammet
Lord Capulets Parting Words - Close Analysis

Copy this quote into your book and leave some space around it so
that you can make notes.
Behave as my daughter Marry her off to
should and do as I say Paris

And you be mine, Ill give you to my friend;

If you
disobey me
And you be not, hang, beg, starve, die in the streets,

For by my soul, Ill neer acknowledge thee,

I swear

Nor what is mine shall never do thee good.

How does Lord Capulet think Juliet ought to behave? Write

your answer as a PEE paragraph. Use the sentence starters
we came up with earlier to help you.
Lesson 12
What do you know about
the play Romeo and Juliet?
In your groups, can you identify which character
from Romeo & Juliet sent the following text
messages? Each team with the correct answer
gets a point.
I iz tryin to
fight. Cnt fight
im back.
Trying to chill
everyone out.
Caps are looking
for a fight.
Argued with Dad.
Tryin 2 tell me I
gotta marry that
Parris idiot.
I shanked M.
Gotta split.
5-0 are comin.
Ill kill any1
who ignores
my order. Let
em try.
Self Assessment

For every correct answer your team will

gain a point.
I iz tryin to
fight. Cnt fight
im back.
Trying to chill
everyone out.
Caps are looking
for a fight.
Argued with Dad.
Tryin 2 tell me I
gotta marry that
Parris idiot.
I shanked M.
Gotta split.
5-0 are comin.
Ill kill any1
who ignores
my order. Let
them try.
a and and ay blushing dear despair devotion do do do do do effect faith

for for gentle good grant grant hand hand hands hands hands have have

holy holy holy I I if in in is is kiss kiss lest let lips lips lips lips mannerly

move move much must my my my not not not O palm palm palmers palmers'

pilgrim pilgrim pilgrims pilgrims' pray prayer prayer's prayers' profane

ready rough saint saints saints saints sake shows shrine sin smooth stand

take tender that that that the then then they they this this this thou

though to to to too too touch touch turn two unworthiest use what which

while with with wrong you your

1. Working on your own, read the list of words. What do you notice? What are
your first impressions? What do you think is happening? Make a note of your

2. In pairs, discuss what you notice about the words and annotate the word list
with your ideas. Look at the questions below to help!

Do any words grab your attention? What? Why?

Are there any repeated words that you think might be significant? What is the
effect of this?
Do you think any of the words are linked in some way? What is the effect of
Whats the mood and atmosphere? What creates this?
What are they talking about?
Number 2s from each table must now
move to the table on their right. They
should look at their new groups ideas and
thoughts and take these ideas back to
share with their own group.
Act 1, Scene 5
If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this.
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this.
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.
Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.
O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do!
They pray: grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.
Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
He kisses her.
Key Words
Look at the next slide and pick three words.
Explain how each word is connected to the story

Eg love two people fall in love and its

important to the story.
Lesson 13
The Big Fight Act 3, Scene 1

LO: To make a comic strip version of the events in Act 3, Scene 1

Benvolio: By my head, here come
the Capulets.
Mercutio: By my heel I care not.
Tybalt: Thou art a villain.
Mercutio: Ask for me tomorrow
and you shall find me a grave
Mercutio: A plague on both your
Romeo: I am fortunes fool.
Page References

Tybalts challenge to Romeo:

Romeo trying to stop Mercutio

from fighting:

Mercutios death:

Tybalts death:
Lesson 14
What if

Someone said bad

things about your Someone called you a
family? chicken for not doing

Someone hurt your Someone turned up

best friend? to your birthday
party but you didnt
invite them?
The way some of the characters behave in the
play may seem a little extreme or strange.

To understand why they behave the way they

do you need to understand the context (the
society they live in and the rules it has).
Honour Code

In Verona a man must always

defend his honour against
Honour Code
Can you think of a section of the play that
shows the honour code in action?
Honour Code in Act III Scene I
Play clip of Mercutio & Tybalts deaths.
Honour Code in Act III Scene I
Tybalt goes after Romeo because he feels
Romeo insulted the Capulets when he turned
up to the party.
What does Mercutio say to Romeo when he
does not want to fight Tybalt? How does this
link to the male honour code?
Romeo has to go after Tybalt for killing his
friend Mercutio.
Either thou, or I, or both must go with him!
The Honour Code
The honour code is what leads to most of the
tragedy in the play.

Tybalt and Mercutio die as a direct result

Romeos banishment for killing Tybalt leads to

his and Juliets death.
Patriarchal Society
Show clip of Capulet demanding Juliet marries
Patriarchal Society
Verona has a patriarchal society

This means the father of the family is powerful.

Capulet sees himself as owning Juliet.

An you be mine, I'll give you to my friend;
Task 3
Identify the male honour code in action in Act
III, Scene I
Lesson 15
Romeo and Juliet fill in the blanks!!
A young ____ and ____ meet by chance and fall in _____. But
their ______ are bitter enemies, and in order to be ________
the two lovers must be prepared to risk ______. Set in a city
torn ______ by feuds and _____ warfare, _____ and ______
is a dazzling combination of _____ and hatred, comedy and
high ______. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in _____.

1555 man families Romeo passion gang

woman everything Juliet love

together apart tragedy

Complete a PEE chain answering the following
Why did characters in Romeo and Juliet fight?
Choose one character and discuss.

Use the following quote: Thou art a villain!

Check that your partner has thought about the
quotes they have used. Complete a PIN for each
others PEE chain.
Does your partners quote match the point?
Do they use a relevant quotation?
Does their explanation link to the point?
Do they fully explain the reasons which one
character might fight?
Do they use one or more reason?
Discuss the role of conflict in the play as a
whole. Use the quote Peace. I hate the word.
to comment on how the younger members of
the families were affected by conflict.

How are the younger characters affected by

conflict between the families?
Write a quote which Plenary
explains how one
character feels about
fighting and stick it on
their picture:

Produce a newspaper front page reporting the

death of Mercutio and Tybalt. Remember that it
was Romeo who killed Tybalt because he killed
Mercutio, Romeos best friend. Consider
interviewing his parents and the parents of
Lesson 16
What happens in the fight scene?
What happens in the fight scene?
Mercutio and Benvolio are walking in town.
Tybalt and other Capulets turn up and begin to
be rude to the Montagues.
Both families begin to challenge each other.
Romeo enters, Tybalt challenges him to a fight.
Romeo refuses but says he cant explain why he
wont fight him.
Tybalt and Mercutio fight Mercutio is killed
and Tybalt runs away with the other Capulets.
Romeo watches his friend dies and swears
revenge. He hunts Tybalt down and kills him.
I am hurt.
A plague o' both your houses! I am sped.

Write a PEEL about what

Mercutio says just before he
Point dies.
Evidence Consider:
What is he thinking?
Explanation What is he feeling?
Language Who does he blame?
What does he wish to happen
Peer Assessment
What is he thinking?
What is he feeling?
Who does he blame?
What does he wish to happen next?
Spelled correctly?
Used full sentences?
Zoomed in on key words and explained what
they meant?
Lesson 17
How would you direct the fight scene?
How would the characters act and speak? Why?

Benvolio would act ............................................... Mercutio is not scared of Tybalt because he says .....................

................................................................................ ......................................................................................................

Because .................................................................. ..

When he says ....................................................... When ...........................................................................................

He should ............................................................... ..

To show .................................................................. During this scene, Mercutio would

................................................................................ act .......................................... .....................................................

Especially when he says
When Tybalt says ............................................... At the start of the scene, Romeo is feeling .......................................
He should ................................................................ ............................................................................................................
Mercutio would be
................................................................................. Because ..............................................................................................
feeling .............................................................
Because he is feeling............................................... He doesnt want to fight Tybalt and says ..........................................
He would show this
After he has killed Mercutio, he would .................. At the same time, he would ................................................................
by ...................................................................
................................................................................. To
Because ................................................................... show ...............................................................................................
................................................................................. After Tybalt has killed Mercutio, Romeo would feel ...........................
Lesson 18
Starter: How can you correct the
Romeo and Juliet Summary?

Romeo and juliet is a play about too people who fall in

love. Their familys are enemies and they cant tell anyone
they love each other. they get married in secret, but strait
after, the girls cousin, Tybalt, picks a fite with the boy
shes just married, Romeo. After the fight, Romeos best
friend, Mercutio, is ded becos he tried to defend Romeo.
romeo also kills Tybalt. Romeo is sent away and Juliets
family tri to forse her to marrie someone else, Paris. she
fakes her death with a poshun, hoping Romeo will come
and get her and take her away with him. romeo doesnt
realise shes faking it, comes to see her and finds her
dead. He kills himselve. She wakes up, sees him dead and
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a play about two people who fall in
love. Their families are enemies and they cant tell anyone
they love each other. They get married in secret, but
straight after, the girls cousin, Tybalt, picks a fight with the
boy shes just married, Romeo. After the fight, Romeos
best friend, Mercutio, is dead because he tried to defend
Romeo. Romeo also kills Tybalt. Romeo is sent away and
Juliets family try to force her to marry someone else,
Paris. She fakes her death with a potion, hoping Romeo
will come and get her and take her away with him. Romeo
doesnt realise shes faking it, comes to see her and finds
her dead. He kills himself. She wakes up, sees him dead
and kills herself too.
Starter: How can you correct the
Romeo and Juliet Summary?
Romeo and juliet is a play about too people
who fall in love. Their familys are enemies
and they cant tell anyone they love each
other. they get married in secret, but strait
after, the girls cousin, Tybalt, picks a fite with
the boy shes just married, Romeo. After the
fight, Romeos best friend, Mercutio, is ded
becos he tried to defend Romeo. romeo also
kills Tybalt.
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a play about two people
who fall in love. Their families are enemies
and they cant tell anyone they love each
other. They get married in secret, but straight
after, the girls cousin, Tybalt, picks a fight
with the boy shes just married, Romeo. After
the fight, Romeos best friend, Mercutio, is
dead because he tried to defend Romeo.
Romeo also kills Tybalt.
Lesson Outcomes:
All of you will be able to understand some of the
themes of Shakespeares most famous plays.

Most of you will be able to identify and explain

some of the key features of the characters.

Some of you will be able to speculate about the

characters and Shakespeares reasons for
addressing key themes.
Romeo. He acted too hastily throughout the play. He Juliet. She shouldn't have deceived and disobeyed her
shouldn't have asked Juliet to marry him so suddenly, and parents. Like Romeo, she was too hasty in rushing into
he should have thought more carefully before rushing back marriage. She was already engaged to marry Paris at the
to Verona after hearing of Juliet's death. He also acted time of the ball, and until then, had been very happy with
violently and without thinking when he killed Tybalt and, her parents choice.
later, Paris.

The Prince. He should have acted earlier to stop the feud Lord and Lady Capulet. They were partly responsible for
between the two families. It was unjust of him to send keeping the feud going. They had authority over their
Romeo away from Verona as a punishment for killing Tybalt household, and could have stopped the quarrelling if they
when the fight was Tybalt's fault. wanted to. They should have paid more attention to Juliet's
wishes and listened to her opinions. They were too hard on
her when she refused to marry Paris.

Lord and Lady Montague. Like the Capulets, they were also Fate. The tragedy was not the fault of any one individual - it
responsible for keeping the feud going. If they had been happened because of bad luck. It was fate that Romeo and
more understanding, Romeo would not have felt he had to Juliet met and fell in love, and bad luck that the letter which
keep secrets from them. could have saved them didn't reach Romeo in time.

Tybalt. He started the fight that resulted in Romeo being The Nurse. She encouraged Juliet in her romantic ideas. She
banished, and he was always causing trouble. He, more carried messages, and helped the lovers to meet and get
than anyone else, kept the hatred alive between the two married secretly. She should have let Juliet's parents know
families. what was going on. She advised Juliet to marry Paris,
knowing she was already married to Romeo.

Friar Lawrence. He should never have agreed to marry Mercutio. His attitude to quarrels and fighting made the
Romeo and Juliet in secret. He gave Juliet the sleeping drug, situation worse. He saw the feud as a game and that led to
and he was responsible for getting news of the plan to his death and Romeo's banishment.
Romeo - the news never reached him, so Romeo thought
Juliet was dead.
Group Task: Who was to blame?
In groups you will create a presentation about who
was to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Consider the information on your cards and think
about the animated version you saw.

Use the A3 paper to write down information and

ideas you want to remember.

You will ALL be performing these to the rest of the

Self assessment: Red Pen

Have you got at least 5 points to discuss?

Is there anything you can change / add?
Write the letter Friar Lawrence sends to Romeo
to explain what he is helping Juliet to do when
she is supposed to be marrying Paris. (think
Lesson 19
Starter: Round Table
What 3 things do you think caused the death of
Romeo and Juliet?

Was there one person who was to blame?

Group Task: Who was to blame?
In groups you will create a presentation about who
was to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Consider the information on your cards and think
about the animated version you saw.

Use the A3 paper to write down information and

ideas you want to remember.

You will ALL be performing these to the rest of the

Get ready to perform your presentations.

You should all be able to have a speaking part in the

presentation and you should explain your reasons.

People who arent performing

need to give feedback about
what they did well and what
they need to improve on.

A. Couldnt have tried harder
B. Lots of effort
D. Very little effort

A. Use an insightful choice of character
with well considered reasons.
B. A range of carefully selected reasons
for their character.
C. Appropriate and considered ideas
regarding their character. ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE
D. Straightforward reasons given about
their character.
E. Chosen a character, used the
information from the sheet.


A. Explore complex ideas, issues and
relationships, answering questions
B. Respond skilfully to different ideas
posed by peers.
C. Develoo and consider intriguing ideas.
Give thoughtful answers. ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE ABCDE
D. Engage with situations and ideas from
the play. Some questions asnwered
E. Little thought put into ideas. Cant
answer questions.
Lesson 20
Writing Assessment
What is an assessment for?
Learning Outcomes
All: Will be able to identify and understand key
criteria for writing.
Most: Will be able to explain how to meet key
criteria and use the criteria to help shape a piece
of writing.
Some: Will be able to consider the criteria in
order to analyse their own work and give
themselves levels.
Praising Stars: Writing Task
Writing: Rewrite the ending of Romeo and
Juliet trying to make it happy.

Try to include the following:

What changes after Romeo is banished.
What Romeo and Juliet think and feel.
Who else is involved?
Level 4
I use connectives such as: if, when, because.
I can write using the past, present and future tenses.
I use full stops, capital letters and speech marks correctly.
I include some commas in my sentences.
I include paragraphs.
I sometimes include topic sentences at the start of my paragraph.
I include adjectives and adverbs.
I try to make my writing match the purpose.
I can spell some complicated words correctly.
Level 5
I use a range of different sentences.
I use a range of punctuation marks correctly.
I use paragraphs correctly.
My paragraphs are linked and put into an appropriate order.
I choose between the past, present and future tenses.
Most of my spelling is correct.
I choose vocabulary for effect.
My writing matches the purpose and I can change how
formal my writing is.
Level 6
I use a full range of punctuation marks correctly, including colons
and semi colons.
I always link my paragraphs.
I use a full range of sentences and choose these carefully to make
my writing more interesting.
I can use figurative language to keep my audience interested.
I use well-chosen words to create an effect.
My spelling is accurate throughout; some unusual words may be
spelt incorrectly.
My writing matches the audience, purpose and tone.
Self Assessment

Revisit the criteria for Level 4, 5 and 6.

What level do you think you are? Why?

In purple pen, write down your level and the
reason for your choice.
Lesson 21
Creating a Dramatic Monologue

LO: To understand how to express your thoughts about Romeo and Juliet in a dramatic
A dramatic monologue is written to
a dramatic monologue?
situation at hand and the
character herself.
What You Need to Demonstrate

Level 4 - To show straightforward ideas about characters or events

in a role-play situation. To use speech, gestures and movements in
a flexible way to achieve this, and to adapt this role convincingly in
order to explore the ideas and issues.

Level 5 To show insight into texts and the issues they explore by creating a
convincing character or role based on an understanding of the text. To make
thoughtful choices about gestures, speech and movement to create this role

Level 6 To show empathy and understanding of ideas and issues when

creating a role. To be able to use speech, gesture and movement in a
convincing way in order to explore these.

Level 7 To explore complex ideas through insightful choice of speech,

gesture and movement, playing roles with confidence.
What clues do you put into a monologue to
show expression?
Some ideas:

Juliet describing how she feels

after her mum and dad say she
has to marry Paris. Why does she
Imagine you are a character from feel this way?
the play. Write a monologue from Lord Capulet talking about what
his/her perspective exploring that he would have done differently in
characters feelings about their order to stop his daughter killing
experiences and relationships in herself.
the play. Romeo describing his love for
Juliet after the balcony scene and
how she is better than Rosaline.
Juliet having a teenage rant
about her problems with her
The ghost of Tybalt explaining
why he is so angry with Romeo.
Some tips to improve your
writing and performance.
Use punctuation to
show expression.
Write four paragraphs.
Write only what your
character would say.
Use stage directions.
Show pauses.
Put in as much detail
from the play as you
20 minutes of silent
writing time.

Read your neighbours work and mark it for these things:

1-2 marks for paragraphs
1-2 marks for stage directions
1-2 marks for showing their characters feelings
1-2 marks for using punctuation to show expression

Give a mark out of 8.

Lesson 22
End of Unit Quiz
Shakespeare Quiz
Work in groups.
Answers on a blank piece of paper.
Winners receive a prize.
Question 1
Name 5 characters from the play Romeo and
Question 2
Name all the people who died in the play
Romeo and Juliet.
Question 3
What was the name of Romeos nemesis?
Question 4
What does Prince threaten if anyone fights in
Verona after his speech?
Question 5
Who helps Romeo and Juliet marry in secret,
and are the only people who know about their
Question 6
What was the name of the place Romeo was
exiled to when banished from Verona?
Question 7

1. Romeo is a Montague.
2. Mercutio is the son of the Prince.
3. Juliet is only 16 years old.
4. Romeo is stabbed to death.
5. Juliet kills herself with poison.
Question 8
What is the only happy thing that happens at
the end of Romeo and Juliet?
Question 9
William Shakespeare was born in 1564. He was
baptised on 26th April when he was 3 days old.

How many years ago was he born?

Question 10
What usually happens to heroes in Shakespeare
Question 12
Name as many Shakespeare plays as you can.
1. Romeo, Juliet, Nurse, Tybalt, Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet,
Mercutio, Benvolio, Paris, Prince, Friar Lawrence
2. Romeo, Juliet, Paris, Mercutio, Tybalt
3. Caliban.
4. He tried to kill Prospero (the wizard).
5. Ariel
6. She could change into any shape.
7. 448 years
8. True, True, False, False, False
9. The families stop arguing.
10.They usually die.
11.Thirteenth Night its called Twelfth Night
All's Well That Ends WellAs You Like ItComedy of Errors
Love's Labour's LostMeasureCymbelineHenry
for MeasureMerchant IV, PartofI Venice
Henry IV,Night's
Merry Wives of WindsorMidsummer Antony
Part IIHenry
Dream V and CleopatraCor
Much Ado about NothingTaming Henry ofVI,
thePart HamletJulius
VI, Part II CaesarKing
IHenry Night
Two Gentlemen of VeronaWinter's TalePart IIIHenry
Henry VI, MacbethOthelloRomeo
Timon of
King JohnPericlesRichard II AthensTitus And
Richard III Troilus and Cressida

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