Owen Riseley

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Owen Riseley

MARCH 3, 2016

Types of research

Methods of research

Purpose of research


Types of research
Quantitative research:
Quantitative research is research to do with facts a figures to
establish an answer, like the amount of views on a website, or the
amount of CD sales. The positives of using this method are that it
is very factual and easy to understand as it manly involves
numbers meaning it is a good technique to uses when try to
prove a point or persuade people. The negatives of using this
technique are that its not very personal and restricts you just
sticking to numbers and you cant get other perspectives on the
matter. The data below is an example of quantitative research
and would be information that music producers would look at
when choosing marketing techniques as is shows information on
the market its self.

This information is useful as it

put the information in an
easier way to to read and
understand for me it helped
me get percentages for my
target audience showing the
percentages of what genre
my target audience is.

Qualitative research:
Qualitative research is manly exploratory research as it enables
insight, allowing us to gain a better understanding and find a
more in-depth answer like song reviews, fanzine website
opinions. The positives of this of this types of research is that in
enables to understand different perspectives of the matter and
look at it from different angles to comes to our own final
conclusion. The negatives of this types of research are that
although reassembly reliable it is very much opinion based so is
not as factual so you cannot use it to make a point just to inform.
The research below is from my website and is qualitative
research as is takes peoples opinions into matter when coming to
a conclusion, it is information that produces would uses to help
come to a decisions on music video gene, what song to releases
first and other many others.
This research type
was useful for me as it
helped me get more
personal views on my
production so I can
improve, although the
information is more
complexed it is more

Methods of research
Secondary research:
Secondary research is research gathered from books,
newspapers or the internet meaning that it is sourced from
someone else this research is can be reliable depending on the
source meaning that it also can be very unreliable. This method is
an easy way to source information and very quick but can be
In the music industry producers would use secondary research a
quick way to find things about their artists and other various
Primary research:
Primary research is research generated on your own; making
your own questionnaire or holding focus groups are ways of
doing this. The positives of using this method are that it means
that what you conclude from your results are totally independent
and you can get a more specific answer to what you are looking
for. The negatives of this method are that they could possible not
be as arcuate as they are not preformed professionally as you
may not have that many responses.
Producers in the music industry would come up with their own
research to keep track of their artist they would create surveys
to find out who enjoys the music the most, what the recode sales

are and other information so they know what they can do the
best for the artist and themselves.
Data gathering agencies:
Data gathering agencies gather dater from certain categories
for you to use, RAJAR is a company own by the BBC and the
radio center that measures radio audiences for the use for to
work out pricing for, panning, buying and selling advertising. The
positives of this are that most of the work is done for you and
you just have to find the information. The negatives of this
method are that is very much quantitative research dealing just
with numbers. In the music industry this information would be very
useful for the producers so they know what channel to air their
song on, and the price that they will have to pay.

Purpose of research
Audience research:
Audience research is any communitive research conducted on a
specific audience. The reason this type of research is important in
the music video industry is because it helps establish a better
understanding of who the target audience are and their
characteristics, this knowledge enables the producer to include
the correct convection to appeal to the right audience. Ways of

generating this information are surveys and focus groups. These

methods will try to find a specific audience classification so they
know who it is aimed at. The media preferences and product
preferences of that audience so they know what to sell it on and
buying patterns, so they have some idea of how well the song
will do.

Market Research:
Market Research is the process of gathering information about
consumers needs and preferences. This important again as it
help finds the preferences of the target audiences. This research
also enables the producer to look at the competitors this is import
as they can find out what they are competing with and get some
analyse their competitors, which will help make up their minds
about what the music video is going to be like. It will also give
them insight in the product market so they can understand what
they are getting into and advertising placement so they know
where to advertise their song and how effective their advertising
will be.
Production Research;
Production Research is a necessity so as the producer can
understand the product and know what he is selling which in this
case is the song. Production research will consists of studying the
product to its finest details and learning about it so as it can be

portrayed in the correct way and best way possible. The

producer for the music video will need lots resources like
auditions so as you can find the right talent for the music video
and find out their viability, location recs to help find the ideal
place and the practicality of it, a budget so they know what the
limits are and



measurement measurement
measures how many
people are in an


and advertisers
determine who
is listening and
just how many
people are

of it


TV Ratings are the

standard buying
currency for
advertising in the
UK. Written as a
percentage they
show the potential
TV audience viewing
at any given time.
TVR's measures the
popularity of a
television program
or advertisement by
comparing the
number of target
audience viewers
who watched
against the total
available as a
whole. One TVR is
equivalent to 1% of
a target audience.
TVR=Reach x Time

Face-to-face The face-to-face

interview (in-person
interview) is
probably the most
popular and oldest
form of survey data

Easier way to
work out
pricing. And
helps people
find who Is
watching the
telly and
know where to
show their
advert due to

if an ad
in any
show gets
es' TVR of
20, which
that 20%
of all
s viewed
the ad.

More reliable An
than most data
as respondents
are more likely interview
to give their
attention when
an interviewer
is present.

Focus groups A focus group is a

form of qualitative
research in which a
group of people
are asked about
their perceptions,
opinions, beliefs,
and attitudes
towards a product,
service, concept,
advertisement, idea,
or packaging.

The main
advantages of
focus groups
are they can
are obtain
about personal
and group
feelings, easily
and cheaply,
and are less
time consuming
than other

Questionnair A Questionnaire is a
series of questions
that help to develop

They are a
cheap, quick
way to get
responses from
all over the


Makes finding
the target


A means by which
viewers to a
channel, programme
or day-part may be
broken down across
a single variable
such as age or class,
always totalling 100


Audience Research
Board) the Joint
Industry Committee
responsible for TV
Measurement in the

Clear and
reliable way of

Reference page
Quantitative research
Dater research agencies
Audience research
Market Research
Production Research

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