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By Usman Ali

Purpose & User Requirements

The purpose of a database for the doctors surgery is to produce a new
appointments system in order to help doctors manage the number of patients,
numbers of doctors at the surgery, and the appointments in a more laboursaving way compared to paper and spreadsheet systems they currently use.
The new system will be part of a new upgrade in the health services in the area
which will benefit them due to the increased number of new patients and

The user requirements for the new appointment system are :

To create a database holding relevant tables, forms, queries and reports.

3 Tables containing details of: Patients, Doctors and Appointments.
Make forms for the staff at the surgery to enter new patients, doctors
and appointment details this will also help them to look up existing
Carry out queries such as patient forename and surname, patients
D.O.B and patients ID on patients and doctors to gain information about
Produce and print out reports about the details of the appointments,
doctors and patients, this information should also be presented in a
user friendly way.
And finally create a useful user guide for new users on how to use the
new appointment system.

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