The Babbage Engine

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The Babbage Engine

Charles Babbage, computer pioneer, designed the first

automatic computing engines.
He invented computers but couldnt build them due to
intricacies and expenses.
The Babbage Engine was completed in London in 2002,
153 years later, after it was designed by Babbage an
Difference Engine No. 2, built to the original drawings,
is built up of 8,000 parts, weighs five tons, and is 11
feet long.

This is the Babbage engine

What could it do?

The Analytical Engine incorporated an
arithmetic logic unit, control flow in the form
of conditional branching and loops, and
integrated memory, making it the first design
for a general-purpose computer that could be
described in modern terms as Turingcomplete.
In other words, the logical structure of the
Analytical Engine was essentially the same as
that which has dominated computer design in
the electronic era.

How it worked
The input (programs and data) was to be
given to the machine through punched cards,
a method being used at the time to direct
mechanical looms such as the Jacquard loom.
For output, the machine would have a printer,
a curve plotter and a bell.
The machine would also be able to punch
numbers onto cards to be read in later. It used
ordinary base-10 fixed-point arithmetic.

There was a memory storage capable of

holding 1,000 numbers of 40 decimal digits
An arithmetical unit (the "mill") would be able
to perform all four arithmetic operations with
comparisons and optionally square roots.
it was conceived as a difference engine curved
back onto itself, in a generally circular layout,
with the long store coming out to one side.
Like the CPU in a modern computer, the mill
would rely upon its own internal procedures,
to be stored in the form of pegs inserted into
rotating drums called "barrels", to carry out
some of the more complex instructions the
user's program might specify.

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