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9 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN) THE STATE versus HENRI CHRISTO VAN BREDA INDICTMENT THAT the accused is guilty of the crimes of: 1. MURDER; 2. MURDER; 3. MURDER; 4, ATTEMPTED MURDER; and DEFEATING OR OBSTRUCTING THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. IN THAT the accused on or about TUESDAY 27 JANUARY 2015 and at or near 12 Goske Street, DE ZALZE WINELANDS GOLF ESTATE in the district of STELLENBOSCH unlawfully and intentionally ~ 10 ‘COUNT ONE killed RUDI VAN BREDA, an adult male, by hitting hin repeatedly with an axe or similar sharp object and/or inflicting cther violence ‘unknown to the State; ‘COUNT Two killed MARTIN VAN BREDA, an adult male, by hitting him repeatedly. with an axe or similar sharp object and/or inflicting cther violence unknown to the State; COUNT THREE killed TERESA JACOBA VAN BREDA, an adult female, by hitting her repeatedly with an axe or similar sharp object and/or inflicting other Violence unknown to the State; COUNT FOUR attempted to kill MARLI VAN BREDA, a female who was sixteen’ years of age, by hitting her repeatedly with an axe or similar sharp. object and/or inflicting other violence unknown to the State; uw AND FURTHER THAT the provisions of Act 105 of 1997 are applicable In that: Counts one to three: the offences are specified in Part I of Schedule 2 Of the said Act in that the murder was planned or premeditated and that a minimum sentence of life imprisonment is therefore applicable; ‘COUNT FIVE With intent to defeat or obstruct the course of justice, committed (an) act(s), to wit inflicting injuries to his person and/or tampering with the crime scene and/or supplying false information to the police in order to mislead the police as to the true identity of the perpetrator, which act(s) defeated or obstructed the administration of juste PENALTY: In terms of the provisions of section 276 of Act 51 of 1977 In the discretion of the Court. AMOPP DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS OF THE DIVISION 2 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA [WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN] In the matter between ‘THE STATE ‘versus HENRI CHRISTO VAN BREDA, SUMMARY OF SUBSTANTIAL FACTS IN TERMS OF SECTION 144 (3)(a) OF ACT 51 OF 1977 ‘The Van Breda family consisted of Martin Christo van Breda, who was fifty-four years of age and his wife, Teresa Jacoba van Breda who was fifty-six years of age. There were three children born of the marriage, Rudi Martin van Breda who was twenty-two years of age, Henri Christo van Breda (the accused), who was twenty years of age and Marli van Breda ("Marli") who was sixteen years of age at the time of the incident, During the evening of Monday 26 January 2015 the family was at home. They lived at 12 Goske Street, De Zalze Winelands Golf Estate, De Zalze Winelands Golf Estate is an exclusive private housing estate Which is guarded by high security systems and monitored round the clock. 3 ‘The Van Breda home is located approximately at the centre of the housing estate. During the course of the evening of 26 January 2015, raised voices ‘were heard from the Van Breda home. At approximately 426 on Tuesday 27 January 2015 the accused made 2 cell phone call to his girlfriend which went unanswered, ‘At approximately 4h27 the accused did an internet search via Google looking for emergency numbers. ‘At approximately 07h12 the accused made a series of telephone calls from his cell phone to emergency telephone numbers and at approximately 7h38 there was a further call to his girfriend. ‘The $ A Police Service were notified of the incident at about 7h15 and arrived, with the other emergency services, at the Van Breda home, ‘The three deceased were declared dead at the scene. Marli was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries from which she recovered In due course after extensive surgery and other medical treatment. Post mortem examinations conducted on the bodies of the three deceased shows the cause of death of all the deceased as being: “Head Injuries and the consequences thereof.” ‘An axe and kitchen knife was recovered from the scene. The axe Is most likely to have been used in the attacks on the deceased. The axe 44 and the kitchen krife come from the Van Breda home. The knife was part of a set of kitchen knives. The accused was found at the scene. He was dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and white socks, ‘A DNA analysis of blood found on the accused and on his clothing, matches the DNA of the three deceased, ‘The accused exhibited superficial wounds which included knife wounds. ‘There is expert medical opinion that the wounds are self-inflicted. There were no signs of forcible entry to the Van Breda home, No items were removed from the home. No intruder to the estate was detected by the security company during the period in question. ‘The accused is responsible for the deaths of his father, his mother and his brother and for the attempted murder on his sister. It is alleged that after the commission of the crimes, the accused tampered with the crime scene, inflicted injuries to his person and suppled false information to the police in order to mislead the police as to the true identity of the perpetrator. Cnrbir tickers placd an econ Cory of dadeul- “agent —Conkrn. ditaile af adllresses — Conf ct CASENO: Alon]! THE STATE versus HENRI CHRISTO VAN BREDA BAIL CONDITIONS Bail is set in the amount of R100 000 (one hundred thousand rand). The conditions of the bail are that: 1, The accused appear at the Western Cape High Court at 9:00 am on 09.09.2016 and stay present until he is excused by the Court. The accused should also appear at the subsequent dates, times and places determined by the Court until such time that the case is, finalised. 2. The accused resides at the address as supplied to the State. 3. The accused inform the investigating officer Sgt M J Appollos, in writing, of any change of his residential address prior to the change. 4, The passport of the accused remains in the possession of the South African Police Service. 5. The accused hands over any further travel documents or passports iin his possession or issued to him, immediately after his release. 6. The accused may not leave the province of the Western Cape. 7. The accused may not come within 500m of any internationel port of entry. 8. The accused report every Monday and Friday to the Commanding Officer of the Community Service Centre of the South-African Police Service in Parow during the hours of 08:00 to 20:00, 9. The accused may not make contact or communicaly in any way, directly or indirectly, with any of the State witnesses as mentioned in the list of witnesses, a copy of which has been provided to the accused. Magistrate: Stellenbosch Date

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