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Amanda McBride

Website Evaluations & Answer Key

This website is great for teachers who are looking for a quick way to teach or
review fractions. It covers different topics in mathematics with games and quizzes for
children to review what they had just learned. I give the sites authority a poor rating (1)
because it is very unclear who authored the site. Whoever created the site does not offer
any information of who they are. Also, there is no contact information or credentials on
the page. This website is adequately designed and organized (3). All of the information is
logically and grammatically correct. It is a site with fast-loading pages and images to
accompany the information that is provided, but it could use some more images and
color. If the page had additional features, students may find it more interesting. Each
page is relevant to the topic that it is covering. I rate BBC a rating of (2) in links because
the website offers an adequate number of links, but some of them are no longer
functioning, or do not function in certain countries. Overall, I think that this site should
only be used for a quick review of fractions, but should not be used if the teacher is first
introducing this topic to students.
YouTube can be an excellent educational resource used for all subjects. I would give
YouTube a navigability rating of (3). It is very simple to navigate throughout the site. YouTube
provides a search engine as well as suggested videos and different categories to browse
through. However, this site does not offer a site map. If there was a site map, viewers could
browse through their chosen category in a much easier, faster way. YouTube receives a bias
rating of (5) because it presents multiple viewpoints with no bias. There are a wide variety of
videos that represent different topics and perspectives. By offering a wide variety of videos to
browse through, YouTube creates an environment for all different learners. I would give the site
a rating of (4) for organization and design. YouTube is organized well with little to no errors.
However, some videos take longer to load than others for no apparent reason. There is not
much color or design to the site either. Overall, I really enjoy using YouTube for educational use
and also for pleasure. There is a never-ending amount of videos that students can explore and
use in their learning experiences!
Math-Only-Math provides a great amount of math content for all grades. I would give this
site a rating of (5) in navigability. This websites navigation is logical and clear. The site offers a
site map and a search engine. The person navigating the site can use either one of these
aspects of the site to look for specific information. I would give the content of this website an
excellent rating of (5). Math-Only-Math exceeds in the amount of content that it offers to
students. It provides quality information and activities for students from grades PreK-12, along
with parents and teachers as well! Some of the activities and information that is offered are a

math quizzes, math puzzles, math coloring pages, math flash cards, and homework sheets. The
authority of this site is rated a (4). The author is present on the site and provides beneficial
information about herself, including her contact information. This website would be very
beneficial for me as a math teacher because it has a numerous amount of important math tools!

Math MCAS Review is a website that offers students help in specific areas of
mathematics. It offers help with order of operations, fractions, decimals, percents, and polygons.
Also, it offers a quiz for students to practice the topics that are covered on the site. I give this
website a rating of (4) for its citations. All of the sources are cited with a reference page on the
site. However, the references are not properly cited and some do not contain active links. This
site receives a rating of (1) in dates. There are no dates evident on this site. Since there are no
dates, the viewer might be looking at information that does not follow the new Common Core
Standards. Math MCAS Review receives a rating of (3) for relevance. The site adequately
meets the instructional objectives. All of the content is relevant to topics that are on the site.
Overall, this site is great for students to use when reviewing these specific topics. Also, teachers
can use this site in the classroom when reviewing for a test on these mathematical topics!
This website is a great resource for both students and teachers! It covers various topics
in mathematics appropriate for all different age groups. This site offers definitions, examples,
and practice questions for students in every grade level. It provides teachers with useful tools
for their lessons including worksheets, games, a dictionary, puzzles, and lists of Common Core
standards that apply to each topic. I give the sites navigability an above average rating of (4). provides users with quick, easy-to-access tabs for various mathematical topics.
Each navigation tab of the website is clearly defined and well-structured. It provides users with a
translator option and a search bar to further search for results. This site is adequately designed
and organized (3). All of the information is grammatically and logically correct. The site is
appealing with fast loading pages, but more colors could be added to make the site more
engaging to students. Each tab is relevant to the specific topic at hand. I rate a
(5) in relevancy because it exceeds all of the instructional objectives by providing accurate
information as well as other resources to expand a students knowledge. Overall, this website
has an abundance of great mathematical information that can be used inside and outside of the
This website intends to teach children everything that they need to know about fractions,
decimals, and percents. The site also offers a quiz that students can take to test their knowledge
of the information that they just learned. I give this website a rating of (4) for its citations. All of
the sources are cited with a resources page on the site. However, the resources are not
properly cited and some do not contain active links. This site receives a rating of (1) in dates.
There are no dates evident on this site. This site receives a rating of (3) for relevance. The site

adequately meets the instructional objectives. All of the content is relevant to topics that are on
the site. It provides accurate information as well as a practice quiz to expand students
knowledges. Overall, I believe that this site is great for teachers to use when reviewing fractions
and their properties.

1. A fraction is a part of a whole. The two parts of a fraction are the
numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number).
2. Fractions were invented by the Egyptians to organize taxes on land.
3. The three types of fractions are proper fractions, improper fractions,
and mixed fractions. Proper fractions are fractions in which the numerator is
smaller than the denominator. Improper fractions are fractions in which the
numerator is equal to or larger than the denominator. A mixed fraction is a
combination of a proper fraction and a whole number.
4. To convert a decimal into a fraction, move the decimal point two places
to the right, then divide the number by 100.
5. A proper fraction is a fraction with the number in the denominator is
greater than the number in the numerator. An improper fraction is a fraction
with the number in the numerator greater than the number in the
6. False because the numerator is larger than the denominator so it is
actually improper.
7. To simplify a fraction, divide the top and bottom by the highest number
that can divide into both numbers exactly.
8. True because the number 2 can be divided into both 4 and 8.
9. We can use fractions in cooking, money, and probability.

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