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Analog video recording is a type of filming first used in 1870, it was the
first type of filming possible and was used by such film makers as DW
Griffith in Birth of a nation (A cinema history, 2014) as well as Georges
Mlis (shaggylocks, 2013) who would physically cut film after it was
developed to act as a form of editing.

This form of film making may have been evolutionary in its day, however
this style of video recording has its problems, one of which was that film
was easily exposed to sunlight leading to the over exposure of the film
which destroyed the footage, this was very bad as filming is expensive as
ruining a roll of film would cost the production greatly.

Digital video recording is a more recent development being invented in
1920-1930 and works by encoding images as data (History of film, 2016).
This advancement in technology allowed footage to be taken and stored
easily and compactly onto SD cards and flash drives. This also meant that
footage could not be ruined by the sunlight as it was all digital making it
easier to protect and harder to ruin.
However digital editing makes room of a wider verity of problems, one of
which is that footage is easily lost or miss placed as files can get
corrupted or over lapped with more recent footage, this can lead to
reshooting. This form of filming allows more a wider range of editing
possibilities instead of just what a persons hands can accomplish, this
style of filming also allows editing to be fast.
A cinema history (2014) The birth of a nation (1915 film by D.W Griffith). Available at: (Accessed: 14 June 2016).
History of film (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at:
(Accessed: 14 June 2016).
shaggylocks (2013) Le voyage dans la Lun (A trip to the moon) by Georges Mlis (1902).
Available at: (Accessed: 14 June 2016).
Citations, Quotes & Annotations
A cinema history (2014) The birth of a nation (1915 film by D.W Griffith). Available at: (Accessed: 14 June 2016).

(A cinema history, 2014)

History of film (2016) in Wikipedia. Available at:
(Accessed: 14 June 2016).
(History of film, 2016)
shaggylocks (2013) Le voyage dans la Lun (A trip to the moon) by Georges Mlis (1902).
Available at: (Accessed: 14 June 2016).
(shaggylocks, 2013)

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