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Second grade

Hot and Cold
One morning.

Mouse woke up and jumped out of bed.

Rat is

coming for lunch today, he said. I must get ready.

First, Mouse made a pot of hot coffee. He put the coffee on the
table. Next, Mouse put some cheese in a plate and put it on the table.
Then Mouse mixed some eggs, milk and flour for a cake. He put
the cake in the oven to bake.
Soon Rat came to Mouses house. Come in! said Mouse. I just
took the cake out of the oven. Lets have lunch.
Mouse and Rat sat down at the table.
Mouse gave Rat a cup of coffee. She took a drink.
Oh my! Rat said. The coffee is cold! I think we have to heat it up.
What a bad luck! Said Mouse. Please have some cake.
So Rat cut a piece of cake and took a bite.
Oh my! Rat said. The cake is very hot! I think we have to let it cool.
What bad luck! said Mouse. Please have some cheese.
So Mouse and Rat ate some cheese, the cheese was just perfect.
1. What did Mouse do first?
He made coffee.
He baked a cake.
He ate cheese.
2. What part of the story could be

A rat talks.
A mouse baking a cake.
Rat eats.
3. What did Mouse need to make
a cake?
Milk, eggs and flour.

Coffee and sugar.

Very hot.

Some cheese.

Just perfect.

4. Where did Mouse and Rat

6. How was the cake?

have lunch?

Very hot.

In a restaurant.

Very cold.

At Mouses house.

Just perfect.

At Rats house.

7. How was the cheese?

Very hot.
Very cold.


5. How was the coffee?

Very cold.
8. What did Mouse and Rat ate?
Make a picture about the story.

Oral Reading Fluency.


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