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Features seven hypnotic musical tracks by internationally acclaimed recording artist Steven
Halpernand the audio-guidance support of Hemi-Sync. The compelling meditative music
is fashioned around an infrastructure of low tones to ground the body and higher frequency
harmonics to crystallize the delicate textures you feel spiraling around in your head. Deep
Journeys will immerse you in an inner peace that is uplifting an deeply restorative. (57
Another Metamusic title by Steven Halpern is Seaside Slumber.
Steven Halpern
Deep Journeys, Seaside Slumber
Steven Halpern is an award-winning composer, recording artist and producer
whose healing music has helped millions worldwide to experience the
blessings and benefits of deep relaxation and inner peace.
CHAKRA SUITE, his debut release in 1975 helped establish a "quiet
revolution and a new genre in contemporary instrumental music. To date it
has sold over 700,000 copies. Halperns cumulative sales exceed 6 million
units and his current releases continue to set the standard of excellence in
the field.
Based on his own spiritual and health-related experiences, Steven discovered secrets of
combining ancient sound healing traditions with quantum biology and energy medicine to
produce recordings that support relaxation, stress management, yoga, meditation, massage,
sleep, accelerated learning and pure listening pleasure.
After being initiated into what he has described as a ministry of healing music, Steven was
encouraged to scientifically validate the extraordinary effects his music was having on listeners.
This became the focus of his graduate studies, and his landmark research exploring the
connections between sound, consciousness and healing were the first to employ the more subtle
and sophisticated new technologies of brainwave biofeedback and Kirlian (aura) photography.
Halpern's most representative and best-selling recordings include CHAKRA SUITE, MUSIC FOR
THE OM ZONE,and theBillboard-charting DEJA-BLUES.
Before focusing on keyboards, in his earlier career, he was a dynamic jazz-rock trumpet player
inspired by John Coltrane and Miles Davis, a guitar and bass player with old school R&B bands,
and a long-time student of World music and shamanic sound traditions.
Steven Halpern is more than just a musician. He is a Renaissance man who is also an author,
media spokesperson, seminar leader, pioneering sound healer and entrepreneur who helped

create the alternative market for lifestyle-support music outside the traditional music industry.
Steven has been recognized byKeyboard magazine as "one of the 30 most influential keyboard
artists of the past 50 years."
Steven's music is an ideal complement for meditation, yoga, massage and other therapeutic
bodywork, psychological counseling, and accelerated learning. Halpern's music gets listeners "in
the zone and is used by leading business professionals, success coaches like Mark Victor
Hansen and Brian Tracy, and entrepreneurs, students and teachers worldwide.
Steven has produced over 70 recordings in the Inner Peace Music and SoundWave 2000
subliminal audio series. He has influenced two generations of recording artists and music
therapists, and has performed and recorded with a whos who of well-known musicians
including: Paul Horn, Paul McCandless, Babatunde Olatunji, Al DiMeola, Larry Coryell, Rick
Derringer and Georgia Kelly.
This research, and his first two books, Tuning the Human Instrument (1977) and Sound
Health (Harper & Row, 1985) established him as the pre-eminent spokesperson for the emerging
field of sound healing. He was the first in his field to appear on national television, including The
Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder. In 1991 he was profiled on CBS-TVs 48 Hours.
Halpern's work has been covered in The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the San
Francisco Chronicle, as well as by CBS, ABC, NBC and the BBC. Steven has written hundreds of
articles, as well as a syndicated monthly column for over 20 years.
Since 1975, Steven Halpern, Ph.D. has been a popular speaker at leading holistic health and
complimentary healing centers and conferences worldwide: He has presented workshops at
Esalen, the Omega Institute, and Kripalu, and has spoken at the Sixth International Conference
on Stress (Montreux), the National Music Therapy Association, the American Massage Therapy
Association, The International Alliance for Accelerated Learning, The Whole Life Expo, and many
Visit Stevens website at

Understanding the difference between the lines/labels/genres

We offer a variety of brainwave and audio guidance

methods that help you experience peak brain
performance and expanded awareness.
Metamusic is more than music. From soul-stirring New Age to dramatic ambient, and
the timeless popularity of classical, Metamusic combines delightful musical selections with
Hemi-Sync binaural beats sound technologies to entertain and benefit the listener. Many
titles feature special blends of Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies to slow excess mental
activity in order to facilitate meditation or support deeper, more profound relaxation. Other

selections feature a predominance of Beta frequencies for focus and concentration, or

Delta frequencies for sleep enhancement.Metamusic titles are experiential and may be
used to facilitate a given application or simply for musical enjoyment (but NOT while
driving or using heavy machinery).
Mind Food titles do not contain music. These selections incorporate verbal guidance
and/or subtle sound effects along with specially blended Hemi-Sync frequencies and
sound patterns designed to help you achieve and sustain synchronized brain wave activity
in both hemispheres of your brain. As with Metamusic recordings, Mind Food selections
are available for a wide variety of uses ranging from meditations or focused attention to
stress management and sleep enhancement, or for other practical everyday applications.
Human Plus, or H-Plusis a means of utilizing the immense power of the
subconscious to affect change in your life. Each H-Plus (or Function Exercise) contains
verbal guidance and precise combinations of Hemi-Sync frequencies that gently draw
you into an extraordinarily receptive, whole-brain state while establishing the Access
Channel -- the ultimate communication channel to all levels of awareness -- mental,
physical, and emotional. By design, the Access Channel is opened during each Function
Exercise, allowing you to learn a different Function Command (short, verbal cue) ranging
from controlling your appetite to increasing your energy. Once the Function Command has
become encoded while the Access Channel is open you can then call upon or "activate"
that Function at any time, on demand, in everyday life situations. The H-Plus series offers
a different kind of pathway to new levels of freedom -- to becoming Human Plus.
Heart-Syncexercises feature frequencies that focus on opening ourselves to our
heart's intuition and energy. This line of products was developed by Laurie Monroe, who
had a wonderful ability to live from her heart and encourage others to do the same. HeartSync exercises incorporate verbal guidance and subtle sound effects along with specially
blended Hemi-Sync frequencies.
Album Series: These titles include multiple Hemi-Sync exercises in a series designed for
specific applications. All include verbal guidance exercises mixed with Hemi-Sync
binaural beats and subtle sound effects or background music.
The Gateway Experience In-Home Training Series is dedicated to developing,
exploring and applying expanded states of awareness. Beginning with Discovery, there are
six "albums" calledWaves of Change. Each Wave (6 exercises) contains special HemiSync exercises designed to gently lead the listener into profound states of expanded
awareness. While in such states, one has available a broader range of perceptions with
which to solve problems, develop creativity or obtain guidance.

Each album is progressive in nature, building on the tools and techniques from the
previous albums. Therefore, the albums must be used sequentially. The Gateway
Experience Guidance Manuals, included with each Wave, prepare you for these exercises
which help you to know and better understand your total self so you might enjoy a more
fulfilling life.
What can you expect from the Gateway Experience?
"As much or as little as you put into it. Some discover themselves and thus live more
completely, more constructively. Others reach levels of awareness so profound that one
such experience is enough for a lifetime. Still others become seekers-after-truth and add
an on-going adventure to their daily activity." -- Robert A. Monroe
Sacred Geometry by LightSOURCE Arts with Hemi-Syncproducts are visual aids
(DVDs and/or software) containing sacred geometry and other sacred symbols combined
with Hemi-Sync Metamusic soundtracks.

Brain waves and the Various States of Consciousness

Our brains are always generating Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma beats at the same
time. When we say a person is in a Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta or Gamma state, it only
means that is the strongest signal being detected at that time.
Over the years, the Hemi-Sync process has evolved into a sophisticated multi-layering of
Hemi-Sync signals"designer mixes" of sound frequencies, fashioned to be optimally
effective for a given application. Naturally, Hemi-Sync sleep products incorporate
predominately Delta frequencies; learning products predominately Beta, relaxation
products predominately Alpha, and meditation products predominately Theta. However,
these designer mixes are supplemented with special sound frequencies which enable the
desired result. This is the "key" to the effectiveness of Hemi-Sync.
Beta brain waves are fast frequencies ranging from 14 cycles per second up to 38 cycles
per second. Beta is your normal thinking state, your active external awareness and thought
process. Without Beta you would not be able to function in the outside world.
Alpha brain waves are the brain waves of relaxed detached awareness, visualization,
sensory imagery and light reverie. Ranging between about 9 cycles per second and 14
cycles per second, Alpha is the gateway to meditation and provides a bridge between the
conscious and the subconscious mind.

Theta brain waves are the subconscious mind. Ranging from about 4 cycles per second
up to 8 cycles per second, Theta is present in dreaming sleep and provides the experience
of deep meditation when you meditate. Theta also contains the storehouse of creative
inspiration and is where you often have your spiritual connection. Theta provides the
"peak in the peak experience.
Delta brain waves are the unconscious mind, the deep sleep state, ranging from about 4
cycles per second down to 0.5 cycles per second. When present in combination with other
waves in a waking state, Delta acts as a form of radar seeking out information reaching
out to understand on the deepest unconscious level things that we can't understand
through the thought process. Delta provides intuition, empathetic attunement, and
instinctual insight. It is also the brain wave most often associated with energy healing.
Gamma brain waves are the fastest of the brainwave frequencies ranging from 40 cycles
per second to 70 cycles per second. They signify the highest state of focus possible. They
are associated with peak concentration and the brains optimal frequency for cognitive
functioning. They have been linked to having a great memory, an increased perception of
reality, natural feelings of happiness, and compassion. In the Gamma state, your brain is
running at full capacity.

Into The Deep Album


Many believe the ocean to be the origin of

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physical life. Explore this silent world through
the delicately textured music of Into the Deep.

Radiance Album

Immerse yourself in an ethereal "homecoming click to see more

of the soul with Aeoliah and Hemi-Sync.

The Return Album


Embark on an inward passage that leads you

into the arms of the Creator in this sequel
to Inner Journey

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Seaside Slumber Album


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Drift gently into deep, restorative sleep with

soothing ocean waves, solo piano, and HemiSync.

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