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@ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure qme ACTUATOR CALIBRATION PROCEDURE IGV GE 10/1 and GE 10/2 With Precision electrical actuator 1_]| GENERAL REVISION SIME Lane R. [mens] 02/03/10 N. RIC8990162/4 0_[issuEo Tasciatan 25100710 He Seer nev [DESCRETION mero _[_owo [pwrro [owe 112 “This document's the property of Ganev Evetric Company. Al ights are reservac ingtotaw | REPLACES REPLACED BY Electronically approved draw. GE NuovoPignone Confidential DT-'C' @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure 1. GENERALS 2. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT 3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 4, CALIBRATION PROCEDURE 5. CONCLUSIONS Page 10 Te N. RIC8990162/4 7__ | GENERAL REVISION fo_[issueD TANG. SHEET Rev [ DESCRIPTION A 2/13 i dceuart ne pope of enna elecie Conany. Al ih ae reserved eecordng law REPLACED BY @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure 1. GENERAL This document comes from SOM6676646 rev.0, Test Dept. issue, and describes the calibration procedure for single or double shaft GE 10 turbine using the Precision ActWiz software. 2. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT For the calibration procedure it’s necessary to have the "Precision" software: nowadays (2009) the actuators firmware needs the actwiz 3.0 software that can be found in the Support Central under address http// asp?prod_id=23538 under “Manual” / GES & GE 10 DLN section. Under such section are available the software using and the actuator installation manuals. Also, it is necessary to have a portable PC with a 9 pin serial output port (on which you have to install the software and that must have Windows 2000 or Windows XP operative systems} and ‘a 232 serial cable used for the connection, In order to connect to the driver serial port it is necessary to have a DB9 female connector cable to be connected to the drive terminals. On this driver it will be connected the 232 serial cable for the communication with the PC. Figure 2-1: ACT2000 Electronics System Block Diagram TEM 1_ | GENERAL REVISION N. RIC8990162/4 fo_[issueo TANG. SHEET Rev [ DESCRIPTION A 3/4 rs doer ne papaya ena Eecie Company. Al igh ae reserved a REPLAces REPLACED BY @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure 3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. Arrangement prerotation blade GE10B-1 “Precision Actuator’: SMO0211600 Electric actuator data sheet: SOM6604071 4, CALIBRATION PROCEDURE Hereafter are shown the operative instructions to follow for a correct calibration: 41, 42, 43 44. 45, 48. 47. Connect the cable to the PC serial port and to the driver connector, as described inside previous paragraph. Run the software and set the correct serial port on the PC. Verify the communication: the circles on "Transmit" and "Receive" have to alternately flash. Open the Setup window [for the Setup window refer also to SOM6604071/4 sh.8/9). Inside the Actuator Identification section no operation is required Inside the Configuration section verify that: Actuator Type = Stand Alone, Command Sourve = Analog, Baud Rate = 19200. Inside the Position Definition section verify that "Retract" have to be selected on Home, put the Span Position on 4.43 (value to be change after) and the Stop Position on 0.5 (Note: different values compared to SOM667664 - SOM660407 1) NOTE: the Stop Position value defines the IGV maximum closure, 0.5 is about -40°. 48. Inside the Home Positioning Tuning section, verify the following settings: for Maximum, Homing Velocity 0.5, for Maximum Homing Force 500, for Maximum Holding Force 500. Te 7_ | GENERAL REVISION N. RIC8990162/4 fo_[issueo TANG. SHEET Rev [ DESCRIPTION A 4/5 Ths document ie popu General etic Company. sa eaeredascortng law REPLACED BY @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure 49. Inside the Loop Tuning section, verify the follwoing settings: for Maximum Velocity 6 and for Maximum Force 1000. The other values are not settable and for this reason it is not possible to have the values shown inside SOM 6604071. 4,10. Finally, inside the Interpolation Table section verify that the value relative to 4 mA is 0, verify that the value relative to 20 mA is that shown as Span inside the Position Definition section (that is 4.43}: oll the middle values should be aquired automatically (to be sure, it is possible to push the “Linear Stroke” button), 4.11, Exit from the ActWin setup menu, NOTE: hereafter it is considered an UCP with a MK6 with std control softwore. For other UCPs the instruction are still applicable but there could be some minor differences to be considered by the FSE. The signals tags are only for reference, for each project the correct tag could be another one (e.g. [30vcle instead of ISvcle, etc) 4.12. Force to 1 the |Svcle signal on the MK VI system (Driver reset command). 4,13. Push the ActWin download button. Sometimes itis possible to have a communication error message. Retry: in the worst case, normally after some try the download is successfully executed. Finally it could be useful to de-energize and re-energize the driver. 4.14, Remove the forcing logic for the ISvele signal on the MK VI system. 4.15. By MK VI force the analog command A_90C1 on an intermediate value, 50% for example. Verify the IGVs are on an intermediate point, record the A96AVC1E actuator current on the MK VI or look at it on the ActWin software Status menu. The current should be about 23 A NOTE: the following operations have the purpose of verifying that the entire actuator mechanical run corresponds to the 0-100% / 4-20 mA command range. That is, for extreme Te 1_ [GENERAL REVISION N. RIC8990162/4 fo_[issueo TANG. SHEET Rev [DESCRIPTION A 5/6 Ts docuner ie popu of Geel setie Company. Al gh arereseredarcoding slaw [REPLACES REPLACED BY, @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure values (0-100%) the actuator has to be in mechanical beat, for values just above the minimum or just below the maximum the systems restart regulating. 4,16, By MK VI force the analog command A_90C1 to 0. Verify that the current is increased; this means that the actuator is in mechanical beat {typical values are about 10A\. Record the IGV angle: to bring it back on the test procedure and to set the K_90VC1_X1 constant of the MK VI. Increase the command signal with little steps (e.g. 1% for step) and verify that with commands about 1+2% the current returns on normal values: 2:3 mA (system regulating) 417. By MK VI force the analog command A_90C1 to 100, Verify that the current is increased; this means that the actuator is in mechanical beat [typical values are about 20A). Record the IGV angle: IGV_MAX to bring it back on the constant test procedure, Decrease the cornmand value with little steps (e.g. 1% for step) until the current comes back to normality and record the command percentage value, let's call it VAL_FIN. If the current will not reach the high value (mechanical beat not reached! it will be necessary to change (increase) the Span Position value (e.g. 0.1 increose) and then repeat points 4.7, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14. 4.18, Execute the following calculation: (VAL_FIN-1%I/100*Span position: the result is the Span Position to be set: ie. the Span Position will be a value equal circa to the run determined by the 2 mechanical beats 4.19, Remove the forcing logic for A_90VC1 4.20. Change the Span Position value bringing it to the set value calculated inside point 4.18 following the instruction already described inside points 4.7, 4.10, 4.11, 412, 4.13, 4.14. Force the A_90VC1 signal to the 100% and verify that the current is on a normal value (warning: in positions near to the maximum run the “normal” current could be a little above the 3 A) and that the IGV angle is about the value found inside point 4.17. Record this angle value (typical values are about +6*) that will be set on the MK Vi as K_90VC1_X10 constant. Te N. RIC8990162/4 7_| GENERAL REVISION fo_[issueD TANG. SHEET Rev [ DESCRIPTION A 6/7 is ccuent inne property of Genres Conioay. Al its ae reserved a enuaces) REPLACED BY, @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure 4.21, On the MK VI force the A_90VC1 command about at half run value (50%) then force the l4vele signal to 0 and verify that the IGVs go to about ~36° (they should go to ~40", but the 4 are lost with the stopped machine because of the hysteresis and the mechanical clearance). Removing the forcing logic for the lévele signal, then forcing the A_90VC1 to 0 and finally forcing again the ldvele signal to 0 it should be obtained an angle value of about -39°. Remember that 1 degree tolerance is more than accepted, if the above mentioned description will not happen, it is necessary to change the Stop Position value considering that to change the position of 1° it is necessary to change the stop value of ‘about 0.09 inch. If this operation is not necessary, at this point it is possible to exit from the ActWin software and disconnect the laptop. 4.22. Remove all the forcing logics. NOTE: At this point it's necessary to verify the IGV control system linearity, populating the K9OVC1_X1 constants set until X10, constants that are used by the control system algorithm in order to interpolate the intermediate positions. Then it is necessary to verify that for each position value of the setpoint the actual value of the angle read on the field indicator is within the acceptable error (+/- 1°. 423. The table shown below is populated defining K_90VC1_X1 = Angle IGV @ Stop position (point 4.16) K_90VC1_X10 = Angle IGV @ Span position (point 4.20) K_90VC1_X2 until X9 by linear interpolation within the above mentioned limits, Approximately, if the IGV system minimum beat (see point 4.16} is ~42° and the maximum beat is + 6° (see point 4.20), the typical values to be set on the MK VI should be those shown inside the following table: Te 1_ [GENERAL REVISION N. RIC8990162/4 fo_[issueD TANG. SHEET Rev [ DESCRIPTION A 78 rus doament ie piper of onal Ekcte Company Al he arresered ecco biaw | REPLACES REPLACED BY, @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure Constant tag A90VCI Value | Value tobe set | Critical for the functioning (96) DIN Not DLN K_90VCL_XI 0 ~42 Ves Yes K_90VCI_X2 20 “32 Yes Yes K_SOVCL_XS 30 “27 Yes KS0VCI_XG a0 ~22 KS0VCI_XS 50 -17 KS0VCI_X6 60 -12 K_90VC1_X7 70 7 K_90VCI_X8 80 2 Yes Yes K_90VCI1_X9 90 42 Yes Yes K_90VC1_X10 100 6 NOTE: some constants are more important than the others, and so they have to be verified more accurately as possible, As a matter of fact, within the ranges determined by these constants, the IGVs are driven by an open ring system, without feedback, for this reason the correspondence between the command and the actual position is fundamental. 424, On the control system (MK VI or PLC) it is necessary to determine the degree signal that generates the 0-100% / 4-20mA {A_90VC1) output. This signal will be changed by means of opportune forcing logics, generating the angles commands. It will be also verified the correspondence between this signal and the IGVs field position indicator. During the cold calibration (with stopped machinel, because of the mechanical hysteresis, the values shown inside the following table should be obtained both for what concern the rise (constant increasing degree from -42 to +6) and for the decrease (constant decreasing degree from +6 to -42), Note: the +6 angle is detected only during the rise, the -40 angle is detected both during the rise and during the slope going first at about the full-scale [-42) and then rising. All these variables are available inside the Watch Window [IGV Precision]. In the Te (GENERAL REVISION N. RIC8990162/4 ISSUED TANG. Rev [ DESCRIPTION A SHEET 8/9 re dccunart ne property of Gena elecieCanpay. lis ae reserved acorn law REPLACED BY @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure case that these values are not approximately obtained, it is possible to modify the constants shown inside the previous table tconsidering that the constants that influence a specific point are those relative to the A_90VC1 range limits where the command is referred: if giving a 0° command you have a 83.3% A_90CV1 command it must be considered that the variables that influence that specific point are the K_90VC1_X8 (corresponding to the 80% of the command} and the K_90VC1_x9 (corresponding to the 90% of the command) that influences more [about the double} than the first variable since 83.3 is more close to 80 than to 90. NOTE: the values shown inside this table have been detected using a test unit c/o the Test Dept. and are only for reference, with a greater reliability level for those close to ~40* MK Vi command Rise Angle (detected) Slope Angle (detected) ~40) 39 -36 ~35) ~34) “31 -30 -29) -26 -25) -24) “al -20 “19 “16 “15 “14 “11 -10) 9 “6 “5 “4 “1 0 +1 +3 36 +6 NOTE: consider that the IGV opening angle, during the start-up has to be below -39° in order to avoid an excessive air flow, that could damage the flame ignition 4.25, Remove all the forcing logics and proceed with all the necessary activies to the machine start-up. i) 7_ | GENERAL REVISION N. RIC8990162/4 fo_[issueo TANG. Rev [ DESCRIPTION A SHEET 9/10 ri doer ie popaty of ena elecie Company. lh ae reserved second law REPLACED BY @ GE Oil & Gas Actuator Calibration Procedure 4,26. During the unit normal running, in steady conditions, verify the proper correspondence between the effective angles and those shown on the control panel. Errors until + 1.5 degree are acceptable: if possible, verify the angle with the same command both after a decreasing and after a increasing phase of the command, both with cold and warm machine. 5. CONCLUSIONS It is important to consider that there is a considerable mechanical hysteresis for the IGV movement system. For this reason it is possible to note, with the stopped machine discrepancies until 3 degree between the movement from the minimum to the maximum and the reverse. Also, there are some differences between the values obtained for the stopped and the running machine, when the IGV vane is under mechanical stress: discrepancies are about 3 degree. Errors until 1.5 degree with the running machine have to be considered tolerable. Te N. RIC8990162/4 7_ | GENERAL REVISION fo_[issueD TANG. SHEET Rev [ DESCRIPTION A 40/10 ie docuert ie popu ef Genral fectie Company. Aight ervesenedascoting slaw [REPLACES REPLACED BY,

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