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Fostbored TET usr as fafa Achille 40 beheld On 30/093/201 a important istRucTIONS. !&: 1 3B (Rad carefillyan com) Wels an? 1 pe ent pvt pry nit wees EE Ae eu ee ee Be iplete instructions carefully and fill the details from SI. No. 1 to 8 in the Question | SR ee ere ore ibe CMR Anwershat ys aoa te cous ani WS i correct, yu wil be personally responsible forthe consequences arising dur in SY of yi Bpswer Sheet. > Ss FS cna bar bet neg Ron Score nlan) acne neg ancounegoenne bey Smad ang vise ae G “cme mt ne at be usin Batlle pine uengeattnar 225 Seno econ te peace pes ORG ' ‘Theqsion okt comprises 32 pugs hving 60 gure pred open he a Beotlt only the candidate wil tart the ever of the@seton Bgohft Check whether the Booklet contains 150 question starting from to 31. ‘ensure that no page! & a er tmcteepene ncogg dan (erent Ousn ite im ine mc ¥ earqenwieyamet are a i ptt tam wo 2 tg » Aebedided to BYOB/LOIS On . conection willbe made ng ‘All questions are of MCQ (Mul ‘ach question carying one ‘Wit cch question ou wid SGV poste wors marhed by he eters A B,C &D. Rea ech vsti carflly nd hath acording you comet Ina our anger by hteing the appro ci! inthe OMR Answer Set comespondigo he set er gen gel rnin ny spot e st08 Qo. fermen] fanz om] [rere 5 x Gon mae gP 00 BSH met: [2.0018] [0004) 2008) é x $ °. RaQirak ay be dns in he Quon Boot ony inthe pase provided athe SRE Be rerteaa eae Sse ep Electronic Watches allowed. Their se, one TET Seuchron Papen. Georgie Cts Se Rs Noes Po Dial SF wintgg Res of Caleulator or any other electronic item/istrument et. is in dsqualifiation, cae rey i SAGAR Answer shect is designed for computer evaluation. If you do not follow the instructions given ‘and shown inthe OMR Answer Sheet, it may make evaluation by computer difficult Any Fee cana on ye pcm fad cay. oe S/O O08 $9 eee Oy | a1. pood¢so4 P %, & i es % Foper— Behe diliat tore etd ora R Oth ones ae nig led ot TEACHER ELIGIBIL) sT (TET) 2014 o Question on [1 Form NoJRoit Na. He ww [No.of Pages in Question mag 2 ‘ene iby the candidate) ‘Anwver Sheet No. Co be filed | 3. Due of Fuaminaton ay D> DMM fe bop Lelio} as [ eye 4+ Gace vo q > a {ue ° Finvigiator's Name & Signature Re 3 a x teat Qestons + 150 Time St 2 ™ There are 150 objective multpte choice. Be © five sections, each section consist oO S ston 1 & Vn seston 1 + S aso on the Medium enema or & Section] Contents Ss s ‘No.of |_Question Nos. | Page Nos 2 oo {eeestions| From [te [From | to | | Hang & = ; rs eae es 3 @ 7 30 1 30 6 7 & bo > Oriya 30 1 30 8 9 a ’ a ee ics est ec 30 Lice tag] t p> ane Sih ierds.a0caba tafe] 2 FF Sanha fet |e Lar | 8 = § Pec e: Child Development & Pedagesy| 30 | 61 | 90 | at | 4 |. 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Ee weienm ete Sa eI, see ar frit S eRe &) tae ae) as Sw ee 2 Hee Sf nie GG Bar 3 s % ° s Ot ge © ser as = bere 88 OS, 3 om 0) ive £ y i or > mera wre 3 ces ¥ CPS le Ma Semmwac a ie meee =e o am 52 ge ge : = 4 wo em tmet- = SG) Oe = 8 pe Da" ee 3 oe oi SO gear eta ott oe ore Se Sete " an © Fe Po S cava smd = mae ee ee ele oo weet = ts es Some el TE eta Ae oer mee a5 (Dy tom a ee oO ae uN maa E Pein Ve 3 0 ech o,manener Be : = 5 ifeen er ant P ee oe na 3 aces © ei var oe on o (D) art ar Are rT eal =, S _Siow|golo LAL Pood fo, Terme ma oy Pere ey whee) oem Foxton TET Quor¥io, finftin A-chedcled 4o, ba ehh ow °8/201s— | eke oat section—t ay A Bote: S Sie a8 Language-!—Oriya Plier weceeer es om ® © mat (0) ede eet z Fay ars 4 Fe (A) o+aer @) e+era B woven o 2% 2.98809 soe coon Geno 0 nang - vin caf sea a1 % w Gao, (@) coe g re 10 Goa ngewe oneagaeesn 20 © «a (0) Seace8 3 so a ayreaaca » © oe oe La. asel dade Be BaeR Oa aA BBeR s Bere Chet = Paula cley cinta » w ad © Ww a ee : dg © Ben ©) sem & Sok Sauce BBice 24, gee aa. Pah See (A), BRO B) 3 yom. o dou Be terns 2G TEE * Ee s Sy 08 0 £ § se jlctoee gfe, A oO ¥ © 2 acer 3S @ ON pe = cogs eed: So os eee fi 3 a w 3 @ 0 1 wey ta ss, “5 «a © 2 oem cits (A) Wer (B) Aeag So a ‘ a Cc ne werd & © tag) ad (Com) a rea Peprenges ops og Lab rreogp Hg} Ele a TET we is: ‘SECTION schedules +o be sae angt BENGAL BOARD O> “ Pamuagek—Oriye —" peqany BDUCATIONNY a 15. dem mung cadié Gor ane gie0 god? Ey ofa ene a og own Sy oe 90 wi ow VW © 6a © om 3 so” Ove ee 8 > i 3 Al eg—envinans #, Hranas tg? 2 = 2 mygor cle (@) AOR o1@ gage e++ae w) ¢ ie pager eI (D) AysKCAS ae 9 2 RO mee or on te 169 ayo BEANE ow — vat ope ee is aes gon a gad? gD Feom ~ ceowm Zs is ea & ©) 999 ) 0B ais (D) ide wer "8 © oHen a yee | © Saas (A) aBaie, (8) aBI8 “= ®) @ =~ 2 © caee eae eats 3 a © erase eo 3 2 ig Se Seca. ave 3M erento eres? 3 é So Sw @) Fé 2 amen oO = i) Oe 38 a bo i Oe fava o¢ guen gedewen once eme'a? 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Shots eerdo D5 ” =o ee, Ae © sees 3 3 (B) errs Bago (©) syteo © me ©. me Sey D8 Gy’ ease D go Se Sehgdided stile weg tee Pe 2 ray o|oat 2 a ) wesge— @) BHR SGD ware wasy an 4 © sys mesg | ques tia 6 eee EE a seis wa ot ape ovate? © eS iS Cee © Cee, by ©) reste, rs s Ss A) cin sss (B) Bw 88s © Ges Ds oss Qs whe baste an 2 6557 $ ii 3 oe = Postpoved TET 16 “Sgbenfe! 6Sco8 3800 7 (A) Serieotye (6) ete #0 (©) 986 308aty (0) Seong Peps scheduled ty bo. heer ipa taht deep Tease ‘EST BRIGAT BOARD o7 ‘ ret EAREBETSTEY Serusiy nooo arog we Gy ay Oy Beton ee 1 mere tt a ce = B) esses ogo en. ~w BB ieee : °° 8 sera Sy pe ® ss Be Ae renace esa Ss eae deaiba vss 38 B50 wn S28 2 swe ae, Ne, > = z ED) aes furs oS a obits Huo Re $ Ty FO wee, sswogt QE Btmayo 98 7 “EE ssc const iis 87 oo 3 ew) bie 8) oxy Deh ay 2 © wee ©) cone b f & Em sgottic bos mage 307 nee ba pie gg Bietee oe ore = < @) Soe, 82 & El (©) SRR, ens x& © i sier nd © Seer i Pens = ; > 5 _ Re soma . 2B, (OSs osm 9 eso ee SY & ws os te bre ee Se wap “ J mookemgntant He 7. bot nade ta toss » eeeg 0, ® 30) 380 & oe = WO goes aay é 3 <é SNe LIP Bs ces msgs 2 Soe ose & =a? @) Rooe sy yo ) wdc cP xs ©) empows é =a Np 3 hetated ace ‘a us TeT sehe. eebeieed oy ame Powtpo vod TET qyeost ersiagihe 8 beheld ah 8 Lenweset eal om ‘ PRruany Cy 1 era" tera fg — % preg oie eo Y CS) Rep eT |B) eevee teste, mea — Sow rohe (a) fe i © arg ©) eee en = = SS “Hl sre aftareh wor ques wf gH — ope ea) sete ate sre MA (D) Mee Ft oat _ gS BENOAT BO. scheduled +0, be, hold iI x So a Z aE hes = Ra, “ore citer ofr oA wea TT 3 Ss s i seve BE A wa NTT WAL SA 3 . hy 2 ow tam @ ome Ps = 3 & Ow (©) eaters a} Sago eee Bee 3 w RO) ra = iy =x om (©) weet vere (>) oH om ” © 3 « =e “ae WY RAT TER ne re 2 ewer ee w ot © oat fp sete ver ol Se vas on © we ¥ © Fou" a e oe Eee ee ot. 1 z a) ter @ 1 = ero. ® to we ow 3 q © “s 8 se anit ge we 18. on 91 et Rees $ Bo Gin ie was ek ) feet) wr FS SOF certo 8 vey © wae) eg Dw maggie fe ee oe ar svn ROI en enes Gent ) wr @) wwe oa ahem re 55, “by "ey WTA Contd.) 205 Fosdtpoued TET 9 uoste te po Tar asae i Paper sched 40 questear cheduled + be. Pep TET a peta 4 se a ast mont borhoo# 50 Language-I—Nepalt Hal BOARD OF, a. Se eae ao Se ah ) 6 @ a ae St Say ©) wads aa PHD = Qe RS ev 5 es core veoh gene fer. eo. > = Le bah sf a Sw ee) ants Hak Sth) at cl Se Ses tm rte age ee SO tx 3 x 3% oem ane et ane 26 een Gee agers ete ae 2. 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Beskpousd TET quosinn Pepoe scheduled “fo be held ‘au 2dtoal| zou pene Scheduled 10 ve. boa!|2.01 ed TET Poadpowed Te Sei sso foa ove teat Phy [ETON gr Stee oF <5) Language Urdu 5 te Ob nM nes PRUNE EP 4 8 Mardi mi we Sine ® be as 3 Fs Ge os 8 gen gy 8 = 2 adie Sy ee ses ik g BR ee tuition 6 “8 BE Gl QFiuen = git te BEE Sgt ae AS Sau e q ty wbx © 4 a & waFo q = 2 Phe o > y wit = a rey arg ireuiLden fog cooat ay, e fe » didrex Pe ae BO oo" Badin @ Le ae oe wire © = & n f Sa Ustyg® 3° 3. be Bt wi P 3, 3 we et i ey 38 iat Rats » i seed in os ‘ 7 iis cnt % Pine a & 3 8 et = ned TET auostion Fpwigstir © (coma eel TET quoitien Tey a Be te. held senor ee anguage-I—Urdu 7 SNe BOARD o} 63 vou 3s ceca RIES we © 8 ve ® ee $ “at o 3 3 Ea 28 +204 @ gees a g Nes sodvekazy ast BENGAL BOARD OF PRIMARY SOUCATION te dsbuieivias “338 ye 3 hy Ee ow tO a +s 8 ee, BES ucinia, “i Neue fas a ‘ Weasilm OE ng Si rarttbenan ag ned TET question fopare scheduled “to be held en vo] g/2615 NPIS 0 Se Sous Nese VER ve? ® =e sh ETP abe O 4 5 ee ee ie ES jew gh OS ep ie ite teva © wbir © Se 5 wen 6 eofte EAS EY eda op a a 2 ” E neo 3 we vo g weto = z te boftecJew yr gripe £ bot ho oe & go tS o2 ee om RSS Soa = oo gs, a =. ©. TET queshion map scheduleseet o Soe ve em Bojoa{2ou- ¢ ema PRIMARY EDUCATIOP Pocgponsd TET on eojoneale (©) vea vouse Bae aza0 (D) a2a8 vea ere GChe dhe fo be rc a0 ee Mt eee 7 me a: Language-I—Santhali + ae ‘ enero AO 1 seveoe mos veinn'es voce — % wacyuat BA Fine coe © ae sn Sf eee ore & a (D) 2% 20370 = (C) ee Os S a 7S 0, ceone 20 agp tans QPS 8 cman | ESE (B) op.nsaqy,vae weet SOB 3 suaneiate Owe oO { pave Seer SuGtod( loco’ My ve GuNRe et eg ove weozoz 2 m_ ry ee acoA a . vesere 9on3eo 22000 a2e50 2808 & ae (a) gape (B) 082 veuone $0) veep eapapeD M1 o20Rz lo 3 & = § a. ry 3 & is (A) deueek nogd dase. (8) vaso souaee dea (© pa.sanea0e ubaK os ‘by samecese enoa, Bde (B) naases usocae Loe (O_gnanoes oma (Dy eeuveneer c2e20 (© sauene noDs (Oy veuweoeor cceso carscease coos onus $96, 09087 ‘Boepee © wezes PRE @ 7D ence coenceeneu 29 Soo (3) oem eeeaone eoeoee Leven 16, eooes vowsaan ce 020 obee7 (D pousu cose vo eoeme nom pesto PRY 19 Bowers sadod wouter LIL wer (Coma) Ug]oe ~? OM es LO RILEA foie hile on 207et/a ALsshion paper SATE Pos hp B ne TET Qineahion hold. or ag, EL Por5- font tah aaa ‘fedasears oe seeann Bond OD NP ‘ere isnt 900 kab Se paenoceon 24. N82 200 -¥85 BPoa, RO rots 2 cou one 8 > saone 8 es onuce gS ‘B)t00e nme & s ‘D) 2000 So oreens SS $ me cocenu ve on ion oase =O SH Ren eve onie' sata. > Seige ca © mmo eae [3 o8an0 soena Has eveStcovoon eee azn aw 1% optee veren aense00 eo ns0m oe w cum ey a ‘00 onue' coca > wy ai aca 8 w) copes coco oom ews MO mea (© mo» cane) so00e cere ND) tye, s s > > 1, ‘enn vaaom! en pee povee uneuze szene? una ee ozone eonee <> rae voce ? & 2 mann voo 2 vonne vaen 7 (8) 7p veer oe — ree S 0 te woah = Ho eS (D) eoeeersarpeeo, vote ot 20, ‘ax won, #0 ot0e eva ceca (opie vere Y ebe noe ‘®) onuee Yous Loum {®) s2e0 «ea seoe (© oparpar usin (D) naass> usecase wads ®) osmevaa—aim (©, veaneasre—vetQoane (Dy veeaunea- eet aim, . “va00e" one o2u2: WW $062 oS erst cee eae ere Okeke ted to bo; (@ soma wa eeas 1D) %E Ue oB0 wDED kaconan seeea pzva0z ves vee 1€8 0782.6 oan» 92 wena eneee-o 7 we ez oe oe . uaonaa serea p20 O28 barns ontes One 22 Wanna enees-@ 7 we we 6 m6 eaeona 2.22. 20 o00 nenae vaee wapee aova0rs oacn 7 ) onera7-era7a0 (8) coovp-eaune (© vavas-o200 (©) v7pe0. eveu swolahe ~2 pry 79 of primperyer x08 Postfponsict TET Atrention paper &theduted fo be helt ow ae sxcripnen 29/28/8915 BEG oo ‘ Language-Il—English \ fi “p)_ Manco tof the nes athe ro, Mar cre ie appropri eg ie ‘Ifthe sentencesare correct mark ‘D"(Noerror): > theblanks: SS & 3. Thealdman aikediheberwhat — S41. Doyou think er As a ® een a Dae WS penadzuntd —Maaeié io Ss : 3 Bene 32 Oubutsummrday — shessumusatin — f)42-Leok The ercheg S10 (ay (B) (A) willgo @Y (8). going, es ; 4 Olam oes 5 ‘o © 2 Sgt JB acon hesyommsorae tomar mrs: YP eee svat (4) bhish ©) golden 2 Sevengh (0) had ries ae jee 2 2 MAS cor gen om opted Eat caret FO eG) rat a ae | oie Sc gua *) o) eerie ZB Mme 0) tt s 28h ch. re ee ‘soliloquy (D) sollloquey SO eu Ome eee eS Tae 5 © enbe (O) jee § Marker the ntnys fh oe cea 5 ew © tmy ¢ 2 an £ SE o. ae © iano TERT GR colette wy anton g Sa Py © dies ©) dates Qe ig S 7 Mack corey he appropri preonions hat a Qs ‘he bianks: = ‘ 48, Itis four o'clock my watch SP sain ma aa ice ee & z a : oy Diteotieg lasanaMage ea ee aS fe. Grae RS e © for ©) ia SA ? © Of 08/ Bal jg - fo « Papen $0 hehe ted 7 6% ule {Bearing Such an approach facilites scces not onlyo jy! (©). iremedible @ N onetime ede wtenoiin Ter TY) tema” A etectvenes, however, highly depends on he cre ec, S etn of mia te appa of sport ur orctifer af he ce hat hn err ‘3 methodology in ech ease. i he sents co sD? 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