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Human resource development


Human Resource Development (HRD) is aframework for
helping employees, develop there personal and organizational
skills, knowledge and abilities. Human ResourceDevelopment
includes such opportunities as employee training,
employeecarrier development, coaching, succession planning,
key employeeidentification, tuition assistance and
organizational development.

Role of Human Resource Development :

Human Resource Development reinforce the executiveSkills by

marketing people aware about the skills required for job performance
and by outlining performance standards.
It uploads career planning and ensure all around growth
of employees.
It makes utilization of manpower by employing right man to right job
at right time.
It is two ways process and establishes congenital growth
of employees.
It is action oriented. Employees contributions are rewarded hand
It facilitates human resource planning and control by maintaining
update data about the manpower for present andfuture use.
It fights resistance to changes and employees become a
ccommodating and willing to accept the change.

What Is the Function of Human Resource Development?

Develop a HR philosophy for the entire organization and

get thetop management committed to it openly and consistently.
Keep inspiring the line managers to have a consistent desire
tolearn and develop.
Constantly plan and design new methods and systems
of developing and strengthening the HRD climate.
Be aware of the business/social/other goals of the
organizationsand direct all their HRD effort to achieve these goals.
Monitor effectively the implementation of various HRD
Work with unions and associations and inspire them.
Conduct human process research, organizational health surveys
and renewal exercise regularly.
Influence human resource policies by providing necessary inputs
to the human resource development/top management.


1)Country Develops if The Human Resource isDeveloped:

To enhance economic development the stateconstructs roads, buildings bridges, dams, power
houses, hospitals,etc. to run these units doctors, engineers, scientist, teachers, arerequired. So if the
state invests in a human resource it pays dividendin response.
2)Increase in Productivity :
The batter education,improved skills, and provision of healthy atmosphere will result in proper
and most efficient use of resources (non-natural & natural)which will result in increase in economic
3) Eradication of Social and EconomicBackwardness:
Human Resource development has an ampleeffect on the backwardness economy and society. The
provision of education will increase literacy which will produce skilled HumanResource. Similarly
provision of health facilities will result in healthy Human Resource which will contribute to the
national economic development.
4) Entrepreneurship Increase:
Education, cleanenvironment, good health, investment on the human resource, will allhave its
positive effects. Job opportunities would be created in thecountry. And even business environment
will flourish in the statewhich creates many job opportunities.
5) Social Revolution:
Because of Human Resourcedevelopment the socio economic life of the peoples of a
countrychanges drastically. Over all look changes thinking phenomenachanges, progressive
thoughts are endorsed in to the minds of peoples.

Responsibilities of Human ResourceDevelopment:

Fairness in the workplace

One important
managerialresponsibility is making sure that all managers and staff apply personnel
policies on a day-to-day basis and distributetasks and responsibilities fairly and
equitably amongemployees. When developing an integrated human
resourcemanagement system, you should review your organization's job classifications
and related salary scales to ensure thatsalaries are appropriate to the level of
responsibility and arecompetitive when compared with local economic conditions.
Setting Work Priorities
You should also review your organization's personnel policies, update them as needed, and
make the updatedinformation available to all staff. One of the steps you can take
instrengthening an HRD system is to make sure that all staff has a currentand up-to-date job
description that provides them with information abouttheir general duties and responsibilities.
The job description provides thesupervisor with a starting place in developing a work plan with
Encouraging Good Performance
An important element of a workplanning and performance review system is holding joint work
planning and performance review meetings on aregular basis.


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