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Roberto Rocha

Alien Jail
10A, Wednesday March 16th

Pictures of hallway exhibit

Self-Reflection Answers
1. One of the most important things that I learned was how to help people out
when they needed it.
2. I wish that I had done the Aliens more differently because I wanted to make
them more detailed.
3. I did my best work on making the welcome sign for the hallway that we
worked on.
4. The most enjoyable part of the project was helping people out in the hallway
5. The least enjoyable part of the project was having no clear direction on what
part of the problem do people need help in.
6. I dont think that there is anything else that my teacher can do to make this

Pictures of Class Working on Exhibit

Group Evaluation Answers

1. I adopted the role as all around helper to whoever needed it and part time
2. Some of the success that we faced as a group was that we had a sound plan
on what we wanted to get done each day but it was also a challenge because
sometimes some of my peers felt that we never got enough done
3. I learned that when you work in a group you learn very early on what role you
have and how important is is to the other people in your group

My Grade For Exhibition Contest

I believe that I deserve a B+
I believe that I deserve this grade because if I was done with a project I would
either go out in the hallway or in the classroom to find someone that needed help.
I also was always contributing my ideas whenever I could while in class
discussions on what to do next. The only problem that I faced was I was never
there to help out my classmates after school or during lunch.

Cookie Critique Picture

I like how they made the clouds out
of cotton and paper mache it makes
it look really nice. The paintings
seem out of place they would look
better if they had fluffed edges on
the painting to make it look like
clouds also. They seemed to put in
a lot of effort on making the
newspaper buildings.

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