Tying Blocks To Yards or Masts

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Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

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Tying blocks to yards or masts.

St a r t ed By Ben der , Ma r 0 9 2 0 1 3 0 3 :1 3 A M


Post ed 0 9 Ma r ch 2 0 1 3 - 0 3 :1 3 A M

I was asked to repost this. This is an easy way of ty ing blocks to y ards or m ast. I hav e also used this to tie blocks to the underside of tops.
I start out with thicker thread. A little trial and error with different threads to get the look I want. Notice I hav e the thread folded three
tim es and use a clip to hold the thread tight.

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(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-1 4 3 6 83 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 86 .jpg)

I use sm aller thread to wrap around the thicker thread. I start out with a slip knot tied in the thinner thread, and stick the loop and
loose end of the thicker thread through the knot.




Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-4 58081 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 87 .jpg)
The thinner thread has two ends. The end that pulls the slip knot tight and the end the pulls the loop through the knot.

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-7 9 2 1 2 500-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 88.jpg)

I pull the loop tight against the thicker thread and use a second clip to hold the thinner thread in place.




Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-9 7 2 7 0500-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 89 .jpg)

I start wrapping the thin thread (The end that pulls the knot tight.) around the three lay er of thick thread and the loop of the thin

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-4 6 09 9 9 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 9 1 .jpg)

I m ake 7 to 1 0 or m ore wraps. Trail and error to get the look.
While wrapping and after, y ou hav e to hold the wraps to keep them from unwinding. Rem ov e the one clip. Take the end of the thread
y ou'v e been wrapping and pass it through the loop of the thin thread.




Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-4 3 3 9 7 500-1 3 6 2 7 9 6 9 7 6 .jpg)

Still while holding the wraps to keep them from unwinding, pull on the other end of the thin thread to pull the loop tight around the end
of the thin thread. Pull the thin thread tight but not too tight. If is too tight, it will be hard to pull the thicker thread through. Also, as
y ou pull on the end of the thinner thread it will pull the loop and the other end on the thin thread into the wrap.

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-7 86 7 8500-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 9 3 .jpg)

You now hav e a loop and a loose end of thicker thread sticking out each end of the thinner thread. Pulling the loose end on one side pulls
the loop in on the other side. Put a block in one loop and pull the loop tight.




Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-7 4 6 3 06 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 9 4 .jpg)

Slip the other end ov er a y ard or m ast. You can also start out with the loop already around som ething.

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-1 6 6 6 1 7 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 9 6 .jpg)

Pull that loop tight.




Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-4 4 2 3 3 1 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 57 9 7 .jpg)

Add a drop or two of CA glue, and when it is dry snip of the loose ends. This picture shows two block tie to a y ard.

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-2 4 9 4 2 2 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 83 83 .jpg)





Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

Post ed 0 9 Ma r ch 2 0 1 3 - 0 3 :2 5 A M

I am not v ery good at drawing but . . .

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-04 4 2 6 9 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 887 0.jpg)
The last four pictures shows different places I hav e used this m ethod.
Around a y ard.

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-4 3 7 6 7 9 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 887 1 .jpg)
Under a top. These blocks were added by passing the thicker thread around the cross tree before doing any warping.




Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-6 802 4 4 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 887 2 .jpg)
All of these blocks are attached with this m ethod. I used a v ariation of this m ethod to attach the stay .

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-3 2 6 7 7 4 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 887 4 .jpg)
And one m ore




Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-54 6 81 2 00-1 3 6 2 7 9 887 6 .jpg)
I lied. One m ore.

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _03 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 7 -0-01 1 3 8800-1 3 6 2 7 9 9 4 6 5.jpg)


Post ed 2 7 Nov em ber 2 0 1 3 - 1 0 :4 7 A M

hm m m , I'll hav e to try this.

Thanks Bender.





Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

Post ed 0 1 Decem ber 2 0 1 3 - 0 9 :2 2 A M

Very nice method. I will try this next time

Thankyou for posting


Post ed 0 6 Decem ber 2 0 1 3 - 0 8 :2 8 PM

Bender, that is a great way to tie a block to a yard, mast, etc.

I had to try this and, if y ou don't m ind, I like to show m y first attem pt below.
The hardest part for m e was to hold the block in the loop while pulling on the loose end to slide the loop closed. I ended up holding the
block carefully on its edge with a hem ostat.

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _1 2 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 6 -0-9 7 1 2 0500-1 3 86 3 6 1 56 9 .jpg)

I m ight add that I used a 'com m on whipping' or seizing for the center thin thread. Again m y hem ostat cam e in handy for this.
By way of starting this whole thing, I think of m aking a dollar sign with the tweezer being the thin seizing line.

(http://m odelshipworld.com /uploads/m onthly _1 2 _2 01 3 /post-2 4 6 -0-6 082 6 3 00-1 3 86 3 6 1 589 .jpg)
Thanks again for posting this neat trick.





Tying blocks to yards or masts. - Masting, rigging and sails - Model Ship World

Post ed 1 0 Decem ber 2 0 1 3 - 0 1 :1 3 A M

Hi Duff, Jeff, and Jay . I was happily surprised when Modeler1 2 (Jay ) PMed m e and m entioned this thread. I hav en't posted any thing in
awhile and hope to get back to m odeling by sum m er. And thanks Jay for taking the idea further.


Post ed 1 0 Decem ber 2 0 1 3 - 0 3 :2 1 A M

As I m entioned to y ou, Al, I will be posting a v ideo about y our idea shortly .
Thanks for letting m e use a couple of y our pictures (as well as y our idea) for this subject.
I think that this is such a sim ple, but v ery effectiv e idea, that it deserv es som e attention in this forum .


Post ed 1 0 Decem ber 2 0 1 3 - 1 0 :4 8 A M

Hi. Im v ery glad I found this topic, as I hope v ery soon to hav e to take use of it.

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