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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Awakening

Awakening can happen to anybody: it has happened to Jesus, it has happened to Lao
Tzu, it has happened to Basho it can happen to anybody.
An awakening can be immediate, awakening can be sudden in fact, awakening can
ONLY be sudden. When you wake somebody up, it is not that slowly slowly, in parts,
gradually, he wakes up. It is not that now he is ten percent awake, now twenty, now thirty,
now forty, now ninety-nine, now ninety-nine point nine, and then a hundred percent no.
When you shake a sleepy person, he awakes immediately. Either one is asleep or one is
awake; there is no place in between. Hence Buddha says enlightenment is a sudden
experience; it is not gradual, it is not that you arrive in steps. Enlightenment cannot be
divided into parts; it is an indivisible, organic unity. Either you have it or you dont have it.
The most fundamental religious truth is that man is asleep not physically, but
metaphysically; not apparently, but deep down. Man lives in a deep slumber. He works,
he moves, he thinks, he imagines, he dreams, but the sleep continues as a basic
substratum to his life. Rare are the moment when you feel really awake, very rare; they
can be counted on the fingers. if in seventy years life you had only seven moments of
awakening, that, too, will be too much. Man lives like a robot: mechanically efficient, but
with no awareness. Hence the whole problem! There are so many problems man has to
face, but they are all by-products of his sleep.
Buddha says: It is only by awakening that one becomes victorious; not by conquering the
world but by conquering ones unconsciousness.
Enlightenment is just an awakening out of sleep. It is to become aware.
Zen is a method of awakening, not a theology. It does not talk about God: it forces you
into God. It hits you in many ways so that you can be awakened into God. To be asleep is
to be in the world: to be awake is to be in God.
This is one of the most important emphases of Bodhidharma. That you all have every
human being has the same space within you, the same no-mind, and the same
potential to blossom into a unique flowering. Nobody is poor and nobody is rich as far as
the inner being is concerned. You have always had it. Even this very moment you are all
buddhas. But you have never looked into yourself, you have never discovered it.
Remember buddhahood, enlightenment, awakening, liberation, moksha, nirvana; all
these words mean the same thing.
You are already enlightened. You have simply forgotten it. You have to be reminded,
thats all. The function of the Master is to remind you, not to give you a path but to give
you a remembrance; not to give you methods of cultivation, not to give you a character,
virtue, but only awareness, intelligence, awakening. In a single moment it can be attained
because you have never lost it in the first place. You are dreaming that you are
The moment mind disappears with all its illusions and dreams and thoughts and
imaginations, you see within yourself the awakening, which you can call the buddha, you
can call the Christ. These are simply names. But one thing is certain: the moment your
mind disappears, something divine appears in you and starts growing into a huge tree
with great foliage, with great flowers, with great fruit.

This is real awakening. Moving from ego to egolessness is the most radical change
possible. There is no other revolution greater than that because it brings you to the
ultimate peak of awareness, awakening. It makes you a Buddha, an awakened one.
Enlightenment is not something like an achievement; one cannot achieve it. One has to
disappear for it to happen. It is a happening and it happens only in the absence of the
ego. And whenever you are doing something the ego becomes more and more
strengthened. The ego is a doer, and enlightenment happens in a state of nondoing. It is
simply the realization of who you are; it is not a question of achievement. You are already
it! Just an awakening, just a turning in!
The experience of enlightenment, awakening, illumination, happens when there is no
mind present. Enlightenment is a no-mind experience. Words are not there, language is
not there. In fact, you are not there either. It is such a silence, so profound and infinite.
If your consciousness is clean, pure, innocent, the moment is not far away when you will
explode into a luminous splendor. Thats what is known as enlightenment, or awakening,
or self-realization.
This state of watchfulness is your pure consciousness. And it is not yours, it is the
universal consciousness. You can call it awakening, you can call it buddhahood, you can
call it enlightenment, names dont matter.
The only quality the buddha has is witnessing. Witness that you are not the body. Witness
that you are not the mind. Witness that you are not the astral or the subtle bodies.
Witness that you are only the witness and nothing else. This is your purest
consciousness. This is your awakening.
Sambuddha. It means the awakened one. Man is asleep. Even while he is awake, he is
not awake. This waking state is just a kind of subtle sleep dreams Continue. Even
while you are awake there is a substratum of dreams, a continuum. This is not true
awakening. The true awakening is when there is no thought in the mind, no dream in the
mind, no desire in the mind when the mind is utterly empty of all content and there is
only pure consciousness, when the sky is utterly empty of all the clouds. That is true
awakening: consciousness without content. Thats the goal of all meditations, and thats
the search of all the religions: now to come to a metaphysical awakening.
Enlightenment is nothing but awakening. For the enlightened person, all our lives are just
There is no need of any God if you are awake. Your awakening, your enlightenment
makes you laugh, that I was looking for God in the sky and he was hiding within me.
Gautam the Buddha is not the only buddha in the history of the world; there have been
thousands of buddhas around the world, in different parts of the world. They may not be
known as buddhas, because `buddha simply means the awakened one. It is not the
name of Gautam Buddha; his name was Gautam Siddharth. Buddha is his awakening,
his enlightenment, his knowing himself and existence. Anybody who becomes awakened
can be called a buddha, it is nobodys monopoly. The word does not belong to Gautam
Buddha, it is not his name; it is the quality that has happened to him, his awakening.
Anybody awake, anywhere in the world, has the right to be called a buddha.
I use the word `buddha as a symbol of total awakening, of absolute enlightenment.
Whenever there is an awakened person, in the context of his awakening God becomes
real. This is the only possibility for God to be. To be really a man means to become a
space for God to exist in you.
Buddha says: It is a great opportunity, a rare blessing because if you make a little effort
you can become awake. A dog cannot become awake, whatsoever effort he makes. A
tree cannot become awake; howsoever hard it tries, it is not possible. If a tree tries hard,
it will become a dog. If the dog tries hard, the dog may become a man. But awakening
happens only when you are a human being. The way towards God goes only from the

human being. And in the east we think and the thought has much validity in it that
even DEVAS, angels, gods, are not as blessed as a man. Why? Because man stands on
the crossroads. Even if gods have to become liberated, they will have to be born as men.
The world may be attracted by the idea of awakening, but sleep has its own soothing
calmness. So when you are talking with people about awareness, they may listen to it
they may even think that they will give it a try but to remain unconscious is very
consoling. And when you are surrounded by millions of sleeping people, their sleep is
going to affect you, unless you have come to the highest peak of awareness from
where there is no turning back.
I cannot give you better sleep. I would like to give you better awakening, better
To me sannyas is an awakening, not an escape. It is an awareness of the whole
phenomenon of life that it is a game.
Sannyas means putting your total energy into awakening. Just a total effort is needed
passionate, intense. From this moment think of awareness as a question of life and
death. In fact it is a question of life and death. Without awareness you are simply dying
every day; with awareness you start living for the first time and then life goes on growing
bigger and bigger, vaster and vaster.
Buddha is awareness, simple awareness. It is awakening, it is waking up. Buddha is
nothing to do with Gautam Siddhartha; he is only one of the buddhas. Many more have
preceded him, many more have succeeded him. And one day or other you are also going
to become a buddha. You can become right now, because you are it. It is only a question
of recognizing your reality, of remembering.
Sannyas cannot be accidental; it should be intentional. You should be ready to go into
any transformation, any change. And the curious man is not ready for that only a
seeker, only one who is ready to risk his life. That risking of life is the beginning of a new
consciousness within you. It is the awakening of your soul.
Except awakening, nothing is secure here. All is just hallucination, all is just
deceiving yourself, creating newer and newer mirages. The oasis exists not! This world is
a desert. The oasis exists in your awareness only. Create that oasis of awareness. And
whatsoever is needed for it, do. Whatsoever price has to be paid, pay. Whatsoever has to
be risked, risk because all else is going to be taken away from you anyway. Death will
come, and your job and your wife and your children and your name and fame all will
be taken away. Before death comes search for awareness, because those who become
aware in life, for them, death never comes. They become deathless. They know what
immortality is. Because in your awareness you come to know not the body, but the one
who resides in it.
Yes, awareness, awakening, is arduous, but it is worth the difficulty. Compared to what
you get, the difficulty is nothing. Everyone who has ever attained has declared that what
they did was nothing, while what they gained was all. Hence they talk of attainment as
the sacrament, prasad, the gift: it cannot be achieved through effort, it has no relation to
what we do. It is as though we did a dollars worth of work, and received a billion dollars
in return. We have done nothing, and we receive all. There seems to be no cause-andeffect relationship between the work and the reward; hence the word prasad the gift. It
was not attained through our effort; it was offered to us out of grace.
The awakening of the buddha is a very easy and relaxed phenomenon. Now that so
many people have awakened, the path has become clear-cut; it is no longer hard and
arduous. You can playfully enter inside and joyously experience the awakening of
awareness. It is not as far away as it was for Gautam Buddha.
The whole order of sannyas was created as group work. Awakening becomes more
possible if there are ten thousand people working in a group, so even if one is awakened,
he can create a chain of awakenings.

The whole science of religion can be reduced to the single art of awakening. All the
religions basically are nothing but methods of awakening. Methods are different because
people are different, but the goal is the same the goal is awareness. The goal is utter,
absolute, consciousness.
Sannyas is the beginning of getting out of the law of karma. Because sannyas is the
beginning of awakening. Sannyas is your effort to get out of the rut in which you have
lived for many lives. Sannyas is the insight that Enough is enough, and I should get out
of the routine life, I should get out of the mechanicalness of it. I should get out into a
clearness, into clarity. Enough I have roamed in the jungle of unconsciousness, in the
dark night of the soul. I should search for the dawn, for the morning.
The truth is that awakening is the nearest reality to you, just by the side of you. It is not
far away; hence it cannot be made a goal. All goals are dreaming, all achievements are
dreaming. Awakening cannot be a goal because the man who is asleep cannot even think
of what awakening can be. He cannot make, in his sleep, a goal of enlightenment it is
impossible. Or whatever he makes will be totally different from the reality of
enlightenment. Enlightenment is part of your waking consciousness.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on a Buddha or Awakened One or Enlightened Person

The help is possible only through a buddha. The help is possible only through the
awakened one.
Blind people are leading other blind people and they have created all kinds of
superstitions, mythologies, religions. Only a buddha is capable, only one who is
awakened, only one who up to now had belonged to you. You are asleep and he is
awake, that is the only difference; there is no other difference. He can help you to be
awakened because he knows how he has become awake, how difficult it is, what
problems have to be faced. He knows your state.
Who is an awakened man? One who has come to know what is dream, one who has
come to know what is not dream. When you are asleep, dream looks real. In the morning
when you awake, then you know that it was unreal. A Buddha is one who has awakened
awakened out of this so-called life and has come to realize that it is a dream. If you are
also feeling the pain, the frustration, the misery of this dreamlife, this futile life, only then
you start moving towards a source of light; otherwise not. Buddha says those are the few
favoured ones.
Remember, by `buddha is not meant any personal name. `Buddha simply means the
awakened one. Anyone who becomes awakened, enlightened, is the buddha. You are
also the buddha; the only difference is that you are not aware of it. You have never looked
inside yourself and found the buddha there.
Buddha simply means one who is awakened. Gautam Buddha is the most famous
awakened person but that does not mean that he is the only awakened person. There
have been many buddhas before him and there have been many buddhas after him and
as long as every human being can become a buddha, there will go on springing up new
buddhas in the future. Because everybody has the potentiality it is only for a time, the
right time that you are waiting. Some day, tortured by the outside reality, in despair of
having seen everything and found nothing, you are bound to turn inwards.
If on any one single theme all the buddhas of the world agree, this is the theme: that man
as he is is asleep, and man as he should be should be awake. Wakefulness is the goal,
and wakefulness is the taste of all their teachings. Zarathustra, Lao Tzu, Jesus, Buddha,
Bahauddin, Kabir, Nanak all the awakened ones have been teaching one single

theme, in different languages, in different metaphors, but their song is the same. Just as
the sea tastes of salt whether the sea is tasted from the north or from the east or from
the west, the sea always tastes of salt the taste of buddhahood is wakefulness.
Remember only one thing: your basic nature is absolute silence, serenity, peace, almost
a nothingness, an emptiness. And that is your buddha-nature, that is your nature
awakened to its own potential. To be aware of it is the greatest experience of life,
because it brings liberation from life, birth, death. It takes you out of the wheel that goes
on eternally giving you birth and death, and all the agonies and the sufferings. It takes
you out into the world of ecstasy, of eternal blissfulness.
The moment you reach to the center, you are no more. You find for the first time your
original face. I call that original face the buddha, the awakened one.
The East has called the original face the buddha, the awakened one. The buddha has
only one quality witnessing. Witness that you are not the body. Witness that you are
not the mind. Witness that you are not the seven subtle bodies behind the body, layer
upon layer. Witness that you are only a witness, and nothing else a pure
We have called the awakened ones by another name also: paramahansa, the great
swan, who flies alone into the unknown and disappears into the cosmos, becomes one
with the cosmos not a part but the whole.
Just remain watchful, witnessing the body, the mind. You are neither of them. You are
only the witness. This witness is metaphorically referred to as the buddha, the awakened
The nearer you reach to your center a great peace arises within you. And the moment
your arrow of consciousness penetrates into the center, for the first time you encounter
your original face. The other name of your original face is the buddha, the awakened one.
The only quality of the buddha is witnessing.
Just at the very center you are the buddha, the awakened one.
The very word `buddha simply means awareness.
Live like a buddha. The only thing to remember is: just be a witness. The witness is the
master key. Thousands of masters have come to the same conclusion: that to be at the
center, just a witness, is to become a buddha, the awakened one. Then, slowly slowly
persuade the buddha to come to your ordinary life. From the hidden sources, bring him to
your extrovert activities. When the inner and the outer become one, the miracle has
The only hope for you is to be in deep contact with somebody who is awakened. The
awakened one is called the master SATGURU. If you can find a master, dont miss the
opportunity surrender, relax into his being, imbibe his awareness, let his fragrance
surround you. And the day is not far away when you will also be awakened, you will also
be a buddha. Keep on reminding yourself that unless you are a buddha, your life is a
wastage. Only by being a buddha does ones life have grace, beauty, intelligence,
significance, benediction.
When the awakened one knocks on your door, please open the door, because you may
miss the opportunity and you may miss it for many many lives. It is very rare to come
across a Buddha, a Christ, a Krishna, a Mahavira, a Mohammed. If you are fortunate
enough to come across an awakened person, then dont be miserly. Then drop yourself
totally, then be committed totally.
Whenever a buddha passes, those who are on the borderline of sleep feel that something
has happened to this man. He behaves differently, he speaks differently, he lives
differently, he walks differently. Something has happened to this man. Those who are on
the borderline can feel it, but they are asleep. And this borderline is not permanent. Again
they may go in a deep sleep, but even a word can pull them out. So before they fall down
into deeper unconsciousness they can surrender to the awakened one.

One can be helped only by a buddha, by one who is awakened, because only the
awakened can wake those who are fast asleep. If you are asleep and your psychoanalyst
is asleep, who is going to wake you up?
Thats exactly the meaning of the word buddha: one who has become awakened, one
who is enlightened, one who is no longer dreaming. And when you are not dreaming, you
have clarity, you can see. And that very seeing becomes the determining factor of your
life. Only then you do that which should be done and you dont do that which should not
be done. It is not a question of discriminating between right and wrong. It is a question of
coming out of your sleep. Wake up!
The only difference between you and the awakened one is that you go on being
dominated by the frantic mind, which is continuously restless. Buddha has overcome it;
he has put his mind to rest. This is the only difference.
Only a buddha, only one who is awakened, can wake you up. Shakespeare is as fast
asleep as you are, or maybe even deeper asleep than you are, because he is having
such beautiful dreams. His sleep is bound to be deep, because he is not only having
dreams, he is singing his dreams. He is bringing his dreams to expression and still his
sleep is not broken. Buddha is one who is awakened. Only one who is awake can wake
you up.
Christ is not a person, it is an experience. Jesus had it, you can have it. Christ is
synonymous with Buddha. What we call in the East the buddha, the awakened, the West
has called the christ, the crowned one. Jesus Christ cannot come back, but you can
become christ any moment. Christ is already hidden in you as a seed; you are all
bodhisattvas, buddhas in essence, in seed. Just a little effort, a little understanding and
you can bloom, and your fragrance can be released. Jesus bloomed, Buddha bloomed,
so can you. Why wait for Jesus Christs coming? That is avoiding the fundamental quest.
Why not become one? What is the point of waiting for someone else to come and deliver
you, and how can anybody else deliver you? The deliverance that will come from
somebody else will not be much of a deliverance. Freedom has to be earned, it cannot be
given; if it is given, it can be taken away. If it is given it is not yours, it is not your growth.
And anything that is given to you remains only an accumulation on the outside. It never
becomes part of your interiority.
Christ is equivalent to buddha. Buddha has nothing to do with Gautam Siddhartha
anybody can become a buddha. Whosoever becomes awakened is a buddha and
whosoever is awakened, is crowned by the glory of awakening, is christ. Christ means
the crowned one. One who has come home and is crowned with the glory of becoming
one with God is a christ. You can be a christ. There have been many christs before Jesus
Christ and there will be many more. In fact, ultimately, each individual has to reach to the
state of christhood.
If you are rightly following the way of the awakened ones Jesus, Buddha, Mahavira,
Mohammed, it does not make any difference then one sure sign is that you will be
joyful for no reason at all. You will be just joyful, naturally. If that thing is missing,
remember, you have misunderstood. You have gone onto some wrong track, you have
Buddha says: Know thyself. Socrates says: Know thyself. They all say: Know thyself. All
the awakened ones have only one message: Know thyself. We listen and yet we dont
listen. We go on moving on the same rotten tracks, we go on living in the same old
miserable way. And the reason is, the old, miserable way has one thing to give to you
the ego. And if you go in you will have to pay the price. The price is, you will have to lose
your ego.
Perhaps all the awakened ones have emphasized the fact they have to because it is
so real and so significant, it has to be told to the people that the master cannot give
anything to you. If he could, he would have given you everythin. But as far as
enlightenment is concerned it is absolutely your individual, private territory. Nobody can

interfere with it. Then what is the purpose of the master? His purpose is to take away
from you things which you think you are. His purpose is negative he simply takes away
your false conceptions. And once all false conceptions are taken away from you, that
which is real illuminates in all its beauty. He has not given you anything, but he has
removed all the obstructions, all the hindrances which you were clinging to. The moment
you become enlightened, you will know that this experience has been always with you
just your eyes were closed. The master tries in every way, with arbitrary devices, to wake
you up. Once you are awake nothing has to be said, because you are seeing yourself.
And the experience of enlightenment is exactly the same.
A person who is enlightened, who is awakened, feels he is even responsible for the
whole mess that you have created. A buddha feels compassion. A buddha feels guilty for
your crimes, for your sins; he feels involved, he feels responsible. He knows that you do
not know; he is fully aware. For example, the third world war is going to come. The one
who is awakened knows full well that it is coming. It is coming nearer daily. Soon it will be
over us. You are asleep and deep in it. He is not in a sleep, he is not in a dream. He is
fully conscious like radar; he knows the future that is coming. He feels guilty, he must do
something. For example, you are in a plane, flying in the sky. You are asleep, dreamy, but
the pilot is aware. If anything is going to happen, if the engine begins to make a noise, a
very slight noise; if no one knows about it but something has gone wrong, only he will be
responsible. No one else is responsible. He is fully awake, and the only one.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Short Quotes on Meditation

Drop the mind. That is meditation.

Meditation happens beyond mind.
Remain a witness. Remain a watcher.
No-mind is what meditation is all about.
Remember that meditation is witnessing.
Anything done with awareness is meditation.
A buddha does not meditate, he is meditation.
To be a pure witness is the ultimate goal of consciousness.
To be just a witness, and not a doer, is the very essence of meditation.
The watcher is you and the watcher has no opinions, no ideas, it is just a mirror.
Meditation takes you to your purity. Your purity is witnessing, watching, awareness.
Witnessing is present in every kind of meditation as an essential part; it cannot be
Watching whatever is happening. Meditation is, in essence, becoming a watcher on the
When there is no mind there is meditation; when the mind has stopped meditation comes
into being.
A man of meditation needs no psychoanalysis. The deeper his meditation goes, the saner
he becomes.
Thats what meditation is all about: to know the witness, to know the SAKSHIN, to know
the observer.
Meditation is a state of clarity, not a state of mind. Mind is confusion. Mind is never clear.
It cannot be

Witness that you are not the body. Witness that you are not the mind. Witness that you
are only the witness.
The moment you are a witness you are in meditation. Whatever you are doing or not
doing, it is irrelevant.
Except for meditation there is no way to know yourself in your purity, in your utter
innocence, just like a mirror.
Just be a watcher, and the miracle of watching is meditation. As you watch, slowly, slowly
mind becomes empty of thoughts.
Meditation is a mirror. All the mirrors can only show the physical face, but meditation can
show you your spiritual face.
Meditate, watch your thought processes; become just a spectator of your mind. That is
meditation, becoming a witness.
Meditation is the way to go out of discontentment, out of anguish. You have to become
just a watcher, a witness of the mind.
It is a question of deep meditation that leads you beyond thinking, beyond mind, and you
become simply a witness, a pure witness.
Meditation means: alertness, awareness, mindfulness. So whatever you are doing, just
do it consciously, dont do it mechanically.
My meditation is a method of being aware of whatever you are doing, thinking, feeling.
On all three layers you have to become aware.
My teaching is very simple: meditation is the key, becoming totally aware is the result.
Experiencing oneness with the whole is the reward.
Meditate on every state of mind so you can achieve the witness. Meditation is the way of
detaching your witness from moods which go on passing.
When needed, the witness, the man of meditation, the man of awareness, is capable of
putting the mind on or off. He puts it on when there is some need.
Do everything with consciousness, awareness. Anything done in awareness is right;
anything done in unawareness is wrong. That is my whole philosophy.
Meditation is nothing but an effort to cleanse your mind of knowledge. Knowledge is dust
that has gathered on the mirror of your being; it has to be cleaned.
Meditation will be nothing then but a methodology to prepare the ground for you to jump
from unconsciousness into consciousness. And that is the greatest quantum leap.
Meditation is nothing but cleaning the mirror of your mind. Clean it continuously! If you
can clean it every moment of your life, then there is no need to sit separately for
Meditation is not a state of concentration; it is not a state of mind at all. It is a state of total
mindlessness and not a state of sleep either. No mind, no sleep; no mind, but total
Meditation is not mind, and mind cannot create meditation. Meditation is getting out of the
mind, becoming a watcher of the mind, witnessing all the stuff that goes through the
Meditation means going beyond the mind not getting involved in the mind, not being
bothered by the mind, not being interested in its dreams simply transcending it, simply
becoming a watcher.
Witness the objects, the contents, of the mind. Whatsoever passes before you, watch it,
without evaluating, judging or condemning. Dont be for or against, just watch, and
dhyana, meditation, is created.
The mind is constantly talking. If the inner talk can drop even for a single moment you will

be able to have a glimpse of no-mind. Thats what meditation is all about. The state of nomind is the right state. It is your state.
In meditation we dont change the names of God. We dont allow ourselves in meditation
to be identified with the mind. We are the witness, and all games the mind plays are in
front of the witness. The witness is separate from all games.
Meditation simply means that you are silent; that there are not thoughts in the mind; that
there is an immense space with no clouds, thoughts. And in that space, there is only one
thing left, which is the witness, or the consciousness.
Meditation is the state of no-mind. Not of a silent mind, not of a healthy mind, not of a
concentrated mind, no. Meditation is the state of no-mind: no society within you, no
conditioning within you. Just you, with your pure consciousness.
Meditation is like an inner bath. To be alone for a few moments every day is a must;
otherwise you will gather too much dust, and because of that dust your mirror will not
reflect any more, or will not reflect rightly. It may start distorting things.
A meditator is neither a man nor a woman, because meditation has nothing to do with
your body; neither does it have anything to do with your mind. In meditation you are
simply and purely consciousness. And consciousness is neither male nor female.
Meditation means emptying yourself of all that the society has put inside you so that you
can have a clean, clear vision, so that you can have a mirrorlike quality. When a mirror is
without any dust it reflects reality; so is the case with meditation.
Meditation means BEING meditative, silent, peaceful, with no thoughts in the mind, a
consciousness without content. That is the true meaning of meditation: a pure
consciousness, a mirror reflecting nothing. When a mirror is not reflecting anything, it is
The whole secret of meditation, that you become the watcher. Doing continues on its own
level, there is no problem: chopping wood, drawing water from the well. You can do all
small and big things; only one thing is not allowed and that is, your centering should not
be lost. That awareness, that watchfulness, should remain absolutely unclouded,
Meditation starts by being separate from the mind, by being a witness. That is the only
way of separating yourself from anything. If you are looking at the light, naturally one
thing is certain, you are not the light, you are the one who is looking at it. If you are
watching the flowers, one thing is certain, you are not the flower, you are the watcher.
Watching is the key of meditation.
If you want the real, you will have to go through a deep inner search, a profound
understanding of your mind, an awareness of all the cunning ways of the mind so that the
mind can be put aside. Then the mind is no longer between you and existence, and the
doors are open. Meditation is the ultimate experience of blissfulness. It cannot be
produced by drugs, it cannot be produced by machines, it cannot be produced from the
Just witness your mind process, dont do anything at all. Nothing needs to be done, just
be a witness, an observer, a watcher, looking at the traffic of the mind thoughts
passing by, desires, memories, dreams, fantasies. Simply stand aloof, cool watching it,
seeing it, with no judgment, with no condemnation, neither saying, This is good, nor
saying, This is bad. Dont bring your moral concepts in, otherwise you will never be able
to meditate.
A simple strategy is needed; I call it meditation. You can call it anything awareness,
alertness, remembering, watchfulness; the names dont matter. What matters is that you
should be able not to get into the chattering of the mind. Just be a watcher. Dont
participate. Just stand aside and see. Dont even try to stop its chattering, because even
in stopping it you have lost your watchfulness.

Consciousness is exactly like a mirror which reflects. And meditation is allowing your
mirror to reflect, simply to reflect the mind in action, the body in action. It doesnt matter if
the body is a mans or a womans; it does not matter how the mind functions
emotionally or logically. Whatever the case, the consciousness has simply to be alert to it.
That alertness, that awareness, is meditation. So there is no possibility of any difference
in meditation between man and woman.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Dying Consciously

If you had died in silence, peace, consciously, you would have been amazed to know that
it is only the body that is dying, but not you, not the witness. You would have witnessed
your own death. Just as others are witnessing from the outside, you would have
witnessed it from the inside. If a man dies consciously, then he is also born consciously,
because death is one side and birth is another side. Death is the beginning of a new life.
Within seconds, you will be entering a new womb. And if you die peacefully, without any
disturbance, you will enter a new womb with the same silence, with the same awareness.
The nine months in the mothers womb will not be of unawareness. And the birth out of
the mothers womb will be in full silence and joy, because now you know that neither
death matters nor birth; you belong to eternity.
This time, die consciously. But you have to start right now to live consciously; only then
can you die consciously: Even if you can live consciously for a few years, that will be
enough. Even a few months or even a few days and if intensity is great even a few
minutes are enough to live consciously; then one becomes capable of dying consciously.
And to die consciously is to be resurrected into a totally different dimension, the
dimension of the divine. I would like all of my sannyasins to die so deeply that they are
never born again, so that they can disappear into the cosmos, become part of the whole.
Unless you become alert and aware in life, unless you change the quality of your living,
you will not die consciously. And only a conscious death can bring you to a conscious
birth; and then a far more conscious life opens its doors.
Live consciously, learn consciousness, accumulate consciousness. Become a great
flame of consciousness, then, when death comes. you will be able to witness it, you will
be able to see it and you will know The body is dying, the ego is dying, but I am not dying
because I am the witness. That witness is the very core of existence. That witness is
what other religions call God. and what Lieh Tzu. Chuang Tzu call Tao: the knower, the
knowing element, consciousness, awareness, alertness. Start living a conscious life. Do
whatsoever you are doing, but do as if you are a witness to it watch it, silently go on
observing it. Dont get lost into things; remain alert, remain beyond. Start from small
things: walking on the road, eating, taking a bath, holding the hand of a friend, talking,
listening small things. but keep alert. You will forget again and again. Pick it up again,
find it out again. remember it again. This is what Buddha calls mindfulness. what
Gurdjieff calls self-remembering. Go on remembering that you are a witness. In the
beginning it is arduous, hard, because our sleep is long. We have slept for many lives. we
have become accustomed to sleep. we are snoring metaphysically. It is difficult. but if
you try. by and by a ray of alertness will enter in your being. It is possible difficult, but
possible not impossible. And this is the most valuable thing in life.
Gurdjieffs chief disciple, Ouspensky, was dying, but he would not lie down. He continued
walking. He was dying, and he was aware that death was just about to come but he
would not lie down. Physicians insisted, persuaded, but he would not lie down. He said,
No, I am going to die walking. I am going to die consciously. He used even death to
create will, and he died walking. He was the first man in the whole history of humanity
who died walking consciously.
It rarely happens that somebody dies consciously. It happens only to great meditators,

who know well the path death will be coming on because in their meditations they have
traveled on the path again and again it is the same path. As they go deep in their
meditation the body is left far away, mind is left far away, the heart is left far away; only a
beautiful silence fully alert and conscious remains. The same happens when you
die. If you have been meditating, then death is not a new experience. You will be
surprised that in your meditation you have been dying every day, and you have been
coming back to life every day. Such a person dies very consciously, so he knows what
death is and such a person remains conscious in the mothers womb. He is also born
consciously. From his very first moment on the earth, he knows all that has passed before
in the past life, and he remembers it.
consciously. you will certainly be able to die consciously because dying is a
phenomenon of life; it takes place in life. In other words, death is the final happening of
what you understand life to be. It is not an event that occurs outside of life.
If you die consciously, totally silent, joyful, ready to go on the new venture, then death is
tremendously beautiful. It will reveal something that life has not revealed it will reveal
to you god himself because death is a door.
Death is beautiful, as beautiful as life if you just know how to communicate with death.
It is beautiful because it is relaxation. It is beautiful because the person has fallen back
into the source of existence to relax, to rest, to be ready to come back again. A wave
rises in the ocean, then falls back into the ocean, then rises again. It will have another
day, it will be born again in some other form. And then it falls again and disappears.
Death is just disappearing into the source. Death is going to the unmanifested. Death is
falling asleep into God. You will bloom again. You will again see the sun and the moon,
and again and again till you become a Buddha till you are capable of dying
consciously, till you are capable of relaxing consciously, knowingly, into God. Then there
is no coming back. That is utter death, that is ultimate death. The ordinary death is a
temporary death; you will be coming back again. When a Buddha dies, he dies forever.
His death has the quality of eternity. But even the temporary death is beautiful.
Once you know yourself, there is no death. Death was only in your ignorance. In your
meditative consciousness, death disappears just as darkness disappears when there is
light brought in. Meditation brings the light in, and death is found to be the greatest fiction.
It appears only from the outside that somebody is dying. From the inside nobody has
ever died, and that is where your life source is.
Only meditation cannot be taken away by anything not even by death. One can
continue meditating while one is dying. One can not remain rich while one is dying one
can remain a meditator. One cannot have power while one is dying, but one can keep
silent, one can remain silent. And if you can remain meditative even while death is
happening, you have known something which is indestructible; even death cannot
destroy it. Thats what life is really. You have known life.
As you die if you are dying consciously you will forget the body, you will forget the
mind just consciousness, and then suddenly the consciousness merges into the whole.
That merging with the whole is a thousandfold more beautiful than is possible through
any orgasm. But both these things are certainly deeply related. They are one. And
anyone who wants to understand death, has to understand sex or vice versa.
The moment one becomes conscious of himself, he is no longer a mortal; he becomes an
immortal. He has always been an immortal but because of his misunderstanding, he
degraded himself into being a mortal, into someone who is going to die. Although the life
within you and the consciousness within you is eternal and immortal, still you go on being
afraid of death because you see somebody dying every day. And everybodys death
reminds you of your own death.
People become aware only at the time of death of what they have missed, because death
comes like a fisherman, pulling you out of the ocean of life. As you are pulled out of life,
suddenly you realize, My God! I have been alive, and I never became aware of it. I could

have danced, I could have loved, I could have sung but now it is too late. People
become aware only at the time when they are dying, that they have been continuously
surrounded by the eternal energy of life, but they never participated in it. Your daily life is
your temple, and your religion. Act in awareness, act consciously, and naturally many
things will start changing.
Remember, if you are afraid of death you will be afraid of meditation also. It is a logical
corollary. If you are afraid of death you cannot allow yourself to move totally into
meditation because meditation is a kind of death, a sort of death. Consciously, voluntarily,
you are merging yourself into the whole. You are dying as an individual, as an ego, and
becoming one with the egoless existence.
Drop your fake personality. Grow into your authentic individuality. Live the way existence
wanted you to live. Your very life should be so intense and so total that you burn your
lifes torch from both ends. In that very intensity you will know that you have touched
something of eternity. And if you have known it in your life, in your death you will find a
deeper confirmation of the fact. People who live in personality always die unconscious.
They have never lived. They dont know what consciousness is, so before death they
become unconscious. Thats why we dont remember our past lives. You were
unconscious, and death happened in your unconsciousness. But if you live consciously,
as an individual, then you will die consciously, the way Socrates is dying so conscious
to the last breath. And this memory will be with you in the next life too.
The bardo is suggestions to the dying person: Now be silent. Leave this life consciously.
Rather than death taking it away from you, relax your hold; dont be defeated by death,
dont struggle. Just drop all your attachment. This world is finished for you, and this life is
finished for you. There is no point in holding on to it; in holding on to it you will be fighting
with death. You cannot win, and a very significant possibility will be missed. Simply let go
of everything on your own accord. Relax, and accept death without any antagonism as a
culmination of life, as a natural phenomenon. It ends nothing. Remain conscious and
watch what is happening how the body starts becoming more and more distant from
you, how the mind starts falling into pieces as if a mirror has fallen and broken into
pieces, how your emotions, sentiments, moods everything that made your life starts
disappearing. It is the end of a dream. That is the fundamental point in bardo, that you
have lived a dream that you call life, a seventy-year-long dream. It is coming to an end.
You can weep for the spilled milk and miss the opportunity because within seconds you
will be entering into another womb, into another dream.
To be able to die knowingly is a contradiction in terms. No one can ever die knowingly,
consciously, because he remains aware all the time that he is not dying, that something is
dying in him but he is not. He keeps watching this separation and ultimately finds that his
body is lying away from him, at a distance. Then death turns out to be merely a
separation; it amounts to the breaking of a connection. It is as if I were to step out of this
house, and the members of this household, unaware of the world outside these walls,
were to come to the door and bid me a tearful goodbye, feeling that the man they had
come to say goodbye to had died. The separation of the body and the consciousness is
death. Because there is this separation, it is meaningless to call it death it is merely a
loosening, a breaking of a connection. It is nothing more than changing clothes. So, one
who dies with awareness never really dies, hence the question of death never arises for
him. He wont even call death an illusion. He wont even say who dies and who does not
die. He will simply state that what we called life up to yesterday was merely an
association. That association has broken. Now a new life has begun which, in the former
sense, is not an association. Perhaps it is a new connection, a new journey.
So keep in mind, one who dies a conscious death takes a conscious birth in the next life
that becomes the other part of his dying. And the life of one who dies and takes birth
consciously functions on a totally different plane. For the first time, he is able to grab hold
of the entire meaning of life, of the whole purpose of life, of the heights and depths of life,
precisely and consciously. He is able to grasp the whole truth of life.

Only the one who has known his self during his lifetime will remain as Brahma, the
ultimate one, when his body drops. Someone who has known his whole life that he is the
body, he will become unconscious while dying he will go totally unconscious. Very few
people die consciously. Death happens in a kind of sleep, in an unconscious state. You
are not conscious while dying, otherwise you would be able to remember your previous
death. Whatever happens in unconsciousness does not remain in the memory. That is
why people do not know that they have been born many times and they have died many
times, because whenever they died they were unconscious. And whosoever dies
unconscious is born unconscious, because birth and death are two polarities of the same
thing. A person dies here, this is one end of the phenomenon; then the same person
enters a womb somewhere, that is the other end. Death and birth are two sides of the
same coin.

Change the emphasis, turn your attention around. If you become concerned with death,
your life comes to be revealed to you for the first time, because the moment you become
at ease with death you have gained a life that cannot die. The moment you have known
death, you have known that life which is eternal. Death is the door from the superficial
life, the so-called life, the trivial. There is a door. If you pass through the door you reach
another life deeper, eternal, without death, deathless. So from so-called life, which is
really nothing but dying, one has to pass through the door of death; only then does one
achieve a life that is really existential and active without death in it. But one should
pass this door very consciously. We have been dying so many times, but whenever
someone dies he becomes unconscious; you are so afraid of death that the moment
death comes to you, you become unconscious. You pass through the door in an
unconscious state of mind. Then you are born again, and the whole nonsense begins
again, and again you are not concerned with death. One who is concerned with death
rather than with life begins to pass the door consciously. This is what is meant by
meditation: to pass the door of death consciously. To die consciously is meditation. But
you cannot wait for death; you need not, because death is always there: it is a door that
exists inside you. It is not something that is going to happen in the future, it is not
something outside of you that you have to reach, it is inside you, a door.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Suicide

I know you are bored with life. If you are really bored, then meditation is the way, not
suicide because suicide will bring you to the SAME life, maybe an uglier life than you
have right now, because suicide will create its own ugliness in you. To commit suicide is
such an ungrateful act towards God. He gives you life as an opportunity to grow, and you
throw away the opportunity. And unless you grow, unless you grow and become a
Buddha, you will be thrown back into life again and again. Millions of times it has
happened before: it is time now you should become aware. Dont miss this opportunity.
Sannyas is a suicide the real one. It is not destroying the body, because destroying the
body is not going to help; you will be immediately born again somewhere in some other
womb. It will only be renewing the body; it is not real suicide. Sannyas is real suicide,
because it destroys the mind, it takes you beyond the mind. And if you are beyond the
mind you will not be born again. Why be born again and again? Why go on in this vicious
circle? I know you are bored with life. If you are really bored, then meditation is the way,
not suicide because suicide will bring you to the SAME life, maybe an uglier life than
you have right now, because suicide will create its own ugliness in you. To commit suicide
is such an ungrateful act towards God. He gives you life as an opportunity to grow, and
you throw away the opportunity. And unless you grow, unless you grow and become a
Buddha, you will be thrown back into life again and again. Millions of times it has
happened before: it is time now you should become aware. Dont miss this opportunity.
To commit suicide in a single moment wont do because in a single moment you can be

deluded, you can be in an illusion. If you take poison, it can be done in a single moment.
It is my feeling that if people who commit suicide are delayed for even a single moment,
they will never do it; if delayed for even a single moment, they will change their mind.
They commit suicide in a sort of madness. They are so fed up, they do it in a single
moment, and they dont have any chance to go back on their own decision. There is no
time left. They jump. They may suffer in the ocean and they may start crying and weeping
and shouting, Save me! but now it is too late. Their whole being would like to come back
to life. And soon they will be back in a womb. This is no suicide, a temporary suicide is no
suicide. You will be back again in another womb, and, worse than that, the committing of
suicide will hang around you, it will become a karma. It will be like a dark shadow, a
gloominess around your face, around your being. You will move in life shrouded in death.
That will not be good. I can allow you and I can admit you to total suicide: thats what I am
all about, thats what I am doing here preaching total suicide. Total means no coming
back, and that is possible only through deep meditation. A point comes when all desires
really disappear.
I will teach you real suicide, you can go for ever. Thats what it means to become a
Buddha to go for ever. When somebody used to commit this suicide in samadhi,
Buddha had a special name for him, he would call him ANAGAMI one who will not
return. One who has gone to the farthest shore and will not be coming back. I can make
you anagami, a non-returner. Then no womb can be a trap for you again.
By committing suicide, by jumping into a river, or in the ocean, or from a hilltop, you can
destroy the physical part of you. But your physical part is not basic, your mental part is
the base. Your mental part carries the blueprint for the physical. Your mind will jump into
another womb and will start gathering another physical part. It will be born again. Suicide
is useless. I am not against suicide because it is a crime. I am against suicide because it
is futile, it is foolish. It is stupid. If you really want to commit suicide, then become a
sannyasin. Then you will be destroying the mind, the deep blueprint for your future lives.
Thats what Buddha said become a srotapanna, enter the stream. Rather than jumping
from the cliff, rather than jumping into the ocean and dying a physical death, jump into a
Buddha and die a spiritual death. Thats what sannyas is all about dying in me. It is
carrying your own cross. If you are really fed up with your life, then destroy the very
possibility of its being repeated again and again. Become a srotapanna. Then you will
become a skridagamin; once more you will come. Then you will become an anagamin; no
more you will come.
To feel that life is utterly meaningless is to be on a crossroads: either you choose suicide
or you choose sannyas; either you choose madness or you choose meditation. It is a
great turning-point!
Suicide leads nowhere, it simply enters your consciousness into another womb of a lower
kind, because you could not manage to live on a higher level.
Dying in suicide is dying in such anguish, because it is one of the most unnatural things
to do, most abnormal things to do. No animal commits suicide, no tree ever commits
suicide only man. Only man can go that insane. Nature knows nothing of suicide; it is
mans invention. It is the most ugly act. And when you do something ugly to yourself you
cannot hope that you will get a better life. You will die in an ugly state of mind and you will
enter an uglier womb.
Each creative act becomes a rebirth for the creator, and each indifferent act becomes a
suicide, a slow death. Be overflowing. Dont be misers. Dont try to hold share! And let
care be your very center of life. And then there is no need to go to the church, no need to
go to the temple, no need to kneel down before any god and pray. Your butterfly life, your
way of life, is prayer. Whatsoever you touch will become sacred. I say whatsoever,
unconditionally. Love makes everything sacred. Carelessness makes everything ugly.
In the East, sannyas has a totally different flavour. The moment you become a sannyasin
you are no longer a Hindu, you are no longer a Mohammedan, you are no longer a

Christian. The moment you become a sannyasin, you drop out of all collectivities. You
become yourself. You will be surprised to know that in the East people dont commit
suicide as much as in the West. And the difference is big too big to be just accidental.
In the East we have created a creative kind of suicide, that is sannyas. You can still live,
but you can live in your own way. Then the need for suicide disappears, or becomes very
much less. In the West it always has happened that the unique individuals have to
commit suicide. The mediocre go on living, the unique have to commit suicide. A van
Gogh, a Hemingway. a Mayakovski, a Nijinsky these are unique individuals. Either
they have to commit suicide or they have to go mad the society drives them mad. The
society puts so much pressure on them that either they have to yield to the society and
become just anonymous, or they have to go mad, or they have to commit suicide. And all
are destructive alternatives.
Sannyas takes you out of this life in a very creative way it becomes a transcendence.
To me, in my understanding, a person who is ready to commit suicide is the right person
for sannyas, because that means that he is really fed up with the whole nonsense that
the so-called life is. He is fed up with it and sees no meaning in it. But ordinary suicide is
simply very destructive. I teach you a very creative suicide. You die but you not only
die you resurrect. On this side there is crucifixion; on another side there is resurrection.
That is the meaning of jesus crucifixion that he died and yet he didnt die. Sannyas is that
type of death. You die and yet you really become, for the first time, alive. This situation
comes to every sensible man, to every man who has a little awareness, a little
intelligence. He starts thinking, What is the point of it all? It seems so pointless. Only
mediocre minds never think about it. Only stupid people go on in the rut moving in the
rut. But if you have a little intelli-gence, you are bound to feel that this life has no meaning
some other life has to be searched for. So intelligence is a great responsibility, and
intelligence is a great chaos, because intelligence is creativity. I can understand your
turmoil because you are an intelligent person; thats why you are in a turmoil. Stupid
people are never in a turmoil. They are unfortunate. Become a sannyasin!
Why should one want to commit suicide? Death is coming on its own why are you in
such a hurry? Death will come, it always comes. Even if you dont want it to come, it
comes. You need not go to meet it, it comes uninvited. But you must be missing your life
badly. It is out of anger, out of desperation, that you want to commit suicide. I will teach
you the real suicide: Become a sannyasin. And the ordinary suicide will-not help much,
you will be born immediately into some other womb somewhere. Some foolish couple will
be making love somewhere, rememberand you will be trapped again. You cannot
escape so easily there are fools and fools. Before you will be escaping from this body
you will be caught in another net. And again you will have to go to the school and the
college and the university just think of that! Think of all those miserable experiences
that will prevent you from committing suicide.
Being here with me, learn the real art of suicide. The real art consists not in destroying
the bodythe body is beautiful, the body has not done any wrong. It is the ugly mind.
The body is beautiful, the soul is beautiful, but between the body and the soul there is
something which is neither body nor soul. This in-between phenomenon is the mind. It is
mind that goes on dragging you back into the womb. When you die, if you commit suicide
you will be thinking of life. Committing suicide means you are thinking of life. You are
bored, fed up with life; you would like a totally different kind of life, thats why you are
committing suicide not that you are really against life. THIS life you are against. Maybe
you dont want to be the way you are: you would like to be an Alexander, a Napoleon, an
Adolph Hitler; maybe you want to be the richest man in the world, and you are not. This
life has failed, and you would like to be famous, successful destroy it! People commit
suicide not because they are really finished with life but because life is not fulfilling their
demands. But no life ever fulfills anybodys demands. You will always go on missing
something or other: if you have money, you may not be beautiful; if you are beautiful, you
may not be intelligent; if you are intelligent, you may not have money.

Meditation is the method of inner transformation. When suicide and meditation remain the
only two alternatives and nothing else is left either destroy yourself because your
whole life is meaningless, or transform yourself into a new plane of being one has to
choose between suicide and meditation.
Sannyas is a transformation of life. Suicide is an escape from life. In both the ways you
go beyond. In both the ways you get rid of this so-called life. But by suicide it is only a
temporary thing again you will be back, again and again you will be back. With
sannyas, the door opens. You may not come back, or, even if you come, you will come in
a better way, more aware. Even if you come, you will come to learn something, to mature.
Sannyas is creative, suicide is destructive. In suicide, you are simply doing something
desperate. In sannyas, you are doing something very deliberate to transform your ways,
your very style of life. In fact it is not with life that you are fed up it is with your way of life.
It is not really with life that you are fed up because in fact you dont know what life is
but with your pattern of life, the narrowing that you have made your life, the tunnel-like
phenomenon that you have created out of your life, the imprisonment that you created
out of your life.
Sannyas is a suicide a suicide of the personality and a rebirth, a rebirth of
individuality. And the innocence and the freshness and the beauty of it is just beyond
words. It is simply an ecstasy that goes on growing every day bigger and bigger. It knows
no limits.
We can commit a deep suicide not of the body, but of the mind. And that deep suicide
of the mind is SAMADHI. That deep suicide of the mind is meditation.
I need people who are ready to commit suicide because these are the only people who
can become sannyasins. Sannyas is also a suicide but not your suicide. It is the
declaration that the society is dead and we dont want to live in a graveyard; we would
like to create our own society and we would like to create our own life. Dont be in a hurry.
Life is so precious; dont throw it away like that. There is no need. You can see my people
who are in the same situation but rather than committing suicide they have decided to
transform their lives in spite of the ugly society in which they are living. They have ignored
the society. They have accepted the death of the society and the civilization and the
Even suicide is not suicide; because you have manipulated it you will be somewhere. But
you cannot commit suicide, suicide is impossible. You go and you hang yourself you
are doing it, the mind is there. This mind will lead you to a new life, to a new womb. You
cannot commit suicide there is only one suicide known and that is samadhi, but then
the mind is not the manipulator. Thats why Buddha dies and simply dies, and is never
born again. Thats why we say when a man has achieved samadhi, the final
enlightenment, he is born no more. Because the mind is gone, who can lead into a new
desire, who can lead into a new motivation, who can lead into the new body? The mind
has left. There is only one death and that is the death of the mind.
Just as suicide is the decision of life, sannyas is the decision of the ego. But once you
have decided the ego starts disappearing, the ego has committed suicide. In fact,
sannyas and suicide are very similar. Suicide is a false sannyas, sannyas is a real suicide
because in suicide only the body dies and you will be born again. In sannyas the ego
dies, and if you work it out totally, you may not be born again.
Even the people who commit suicide dont want to commit suicide. They commit suicide
because they expected too much from life and they could not get it. The failure was so
great, that to live shamefully became difficult. They committed suicide not against life;
they committed suicide because they could not manage to learn the art of life. They
wanted life to be a great benediction, and it was a drag. It seems to be a fallacy all over
the world that just because you are born you know how to live. This is not right. To be
born is one thing. To know the art of living and of living fully is totally different. Birth is only
an opportunity you can make it or mar it. Birth is not equivalent to life. Almost

everybody thinks that birth is equivalent to life; so it is bound to become a drag just
breathing, eating every day, going to sleep, waking up in the morning, going to the same
office, the same files and the same routine. For idiots it is perfectly okay, but for anybody
who has some intelligence it is bound to become drag. Because he can see what is
the point? Why after all am I living? If tomorrow is again going to be just a repetition of
today, as today has been a repetition of yesterday, then why go on living? What is the
point of unnecessarily repeating the same circle, the same routine, the same
happenings? But the fallacy is in the fact that you have accepted a wrong concept, that
birth is life. Birth is only an opportunity. Either you can learn to live a beautiful life or you
can just drag yourself towards the graveyard. It is up to you. There are people for whom
life is a drag, and there are people for whom even death is a dance. I want to say to you
that if you make your life an art, your death will be the culmination of the art the
highest peak, a beauty in itself.

One basic thing about suicide is that it arises only in people who are clinging very much
to life. And when they fail in their clinging, the mind moves to the opposite pole. The
function of the mind is of either/or: either it wants the whole, or none of it. The lust for life
cannot be fulfilled totally, because life as such is a temporal thing; it is bound to end at a
point, just as it began one day at a point. You cannot have a line with only the beginning;
somewhere or other there is bound to be an end. So the people who commit suicide are
not against life; it only appears so. They want life in its totality, they want to grab it whole,
and when they fail and they are bound to fail then out of frustration, out of failure,
they start thinking of death. Then suicide is the only alternative. They will not be satisfied
with whatsoever life gives them; they want more and more and more. Life is short, and
the series of the desire for more and more is infinite, so the failure is certain. Somewhere
or other there is bound to come a moment when they will feel they have been cheated by
life. Nobody is cheating them they have cheated themselves. They have been asking
too much, and they have only been asking, they have not been giving anything, not even
gratefulness. In anger, in rage, in revenge the pendulum of the mind moves to the other
end still they do not know with whom they are taking the revenge. They are killing
themselves: it does not destroy life, it does not destroy existence.

Meditation can make you inwardly rich. Then suicide is out of the question; even if you
want to destroy yourself, there is no way. Your being is indestructible. And to know this
immortality is a great freedom from death, from disease, from old age. All those things
will come and go, but you remain untouched, unscratched. Your inner health is beyond
any sickness. And it is there, just to be discovered.

Only meditation can kill the mind, nothing else. Meditation is mind suicide, mind
committing suicide. If you can put the mind aside without any chemicals, without any
physical means then YOU become the master. And when you are the master,
everything is new. It has been always so. From the very beginning to the very end,
everything is new, young, fresh. Death has never occurred in this world. It is life eternal.

You can commit suicide; you can manage your own death. You can have your revolver
ready, contemplate it, put it to your chest or your head, pull the trigger yourself
consciously, see the explosion and see death. This is one possibility. It is a very
destructive possibility. Another possibility is to go more and more into meditation, to attain
to a state of awareness that cannot be drowned by death. Then there is no need to
commit suicide. Then whenever death comes, let it come. You will be dying fully alert,
aware, watchful. So it is suicide or sannyas, suicide or samadhi.

So to me, meditation is not only a salvation for the individual, a transformation for the
individual; it can also provide the groundwork for the transformation of the whole society,
of the human being as such.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Fear

Fear is made of ignorance of ones own self. There is only one fear; it manifests in many
ways, a thousand and one can be the manifestations, but basically fear is one, and that is
that Deep inside, I may not be. And in a way it is true that you are not.
Fear is the shadow of I, and because the I is always alert somewhere deep down that I
will have to disappear in death. The basic fear is of death; all other fears only reflect
the basic one. And the beauty is that death is as nonexistential as ego, and between
these two non-existentials the ego and death the bridge is fear.
Nothing is ever born out of fear. Love gives birth, love is creative; fear is impotent.
Fear is utterly impotent. It has never created anything. It cannot create; it is not. But it can
destroy your whole life, it can surround you like a dark, dark cloud, it can exploit all your
energies. It will not allow you to move into any deep experience of beauty, poetry, love,
joy, celebration, meditation. No, it will keep you just on the surface because it can exist
only on the surface. It is a ripple on the surface.
Certainly, if you are not aware of who you are, you cannot be love. You will be fear. Fear
is just the opposite of love. Remember, hate is not the opposite of love, as people think;
hate is love standing upside down, it is not the opposite of love. The real opposite of love
is fear. In love one expands, in fear one shrinks. In fear one becomes closed, in love one
opens. In fear one doubts, in love one trusts. In fear one is left lonely, in love one
Society reduces small children to slaves; and one can be reduced to a slave only if great
fear is created.
The young child is free of fear; children are born without any fear. If the society can help
and support them to remain without fear, can help them to climb the trees and the
mountains, and swim the oceans and the rivers, if the society can help them in every
possible way to become adventurers, adventurers of the unknown, and if the society can
create a great enquiry instead of giving them dead beliefs, then the children will turn into
great lovers, lovers of life and that is true religion. There is no higher religion than love.
To expose oneself creates great fear. It is natural, because to expose oneself means to

expose all the rubbish that you carry in your mind, the garbage which has been piling up
for centuries, for many, many lives. To expose oneself means to expose all ones
weaknesses, limitations, faults. To expose oneself ultimately means to expose ones
vulnerability. Death. To expose oneself means to expose ones emptiness.
Out of fear is the pretension, out of fear arises all pseudoness. One needs to be fearless
to be authentic.
Fear is natural. Dont condemn it, and dont feel that it is something wrong. It is just part
of this whole social upbringing. We have to accept it and go beyond it; without
condemning it we have to go beyond it.
You cannot conquer fear. Fear has to be understood. The moment you start thinking of
conquering it, you have already accepted its existence, its power over you. And fear is
just like a shadow: you can fight with it, but you cannot win. On the path one has to be
very aware whether one is fighting with something that does not exist but is only his own
projection; otherwise the journey goes on becoming longer and longer.
Fear is a by-product of your unconsciousness, so the only way to get rid of it, to know its
bogus reality, is to become conscious. It is not a question of conquering; fear has nothing
to do with it. Once you know what death is, fear disappears.
Man is living in fear. He is doing everything out of fear. If he does not do it he will lose
respectability; if he does not do it according to the idea of others, he will not be thought to
be somebody special. It is all fear, and out of fear nothing great ever comes. Anything
great is born only out of love, meditation, silence, understanding. If you create out of fear
it is not creation. Your fear will be there, just like a shadow, destroying the beauty of your
In this nothingness, in this emptiness, in this selflessness, in this shunyata, there is
complete security and stability. You will be surprised to know about this complete
security and stability when you are not. All fears disappear because what is the basic
fear? The basic fear is the fear of death. All other fears are just reflections of the basic
fear. All other fears can be reduced to one fear: the fear of death, the fear that, One day I
may have to disappear, one day I may have to die. I am, and the day is coming when I
will not be that frightens, that is the fear.
To avoid that fear we start moving in such a way so that we can live as long as possible.
And we try to secure our lives we start compromising, we start becoming more and
more secure, safe, because of the fear. We become paralyzed, because the more secure
you are, the more safe you are, the less alive you will be.
Once you have known this inner emptiness then there is no fear, because death has
already happened. In that emptiness it has happened. In that emptiness you have
disappeared. How can you be afraid anymore? About what? About whom? And who can
be afraid? In this emptiness all fear disappears because death has already happened.
Now there is no longer any death possible. You feel a kind of deathlessness,
timelessness. Eternity has arrived. Now you dont look for security; there is no need.
If you start living in the moment, fear disappears. Fear comes through desire. So
basically, desire creates fear. Look into it. Whenever there is fear, see from where it is
coming what desire is creating it and then see the futility of it.
When you are nothing, fear disappears, and when fear disappears you function
intelligently. If fear is there you cannot function intelligently. Fear cripples you, paralyzes
Fear is poison to intelligence. How can you be intelligent if there is fear? The fear will go
on pulling you in different ways. It will not allow you to be courageous, it will not allow you
to step into the unknown, it will not allow you to become an adventurer, it will not allow
you to leave the fold, the crowd. It will not allow you to become independent, free; it will
keep you a slave. And we are slaves in so many ways. Our slavery is multidimensional:
politically, spiritually, religiously, in every way we are slaves, and the fear is the root cause

of it.
-- --- - ---- -- ----------------Osho Quotes on Fear

If there is no love, fear of death will be more. If there is love, less fear of death. If total
love, death disappears. These are all connected inside. Even very simple things are
deeply rooted in greater patterns.
A rich man is nervous. What is his nervousness, the fear? Why he is so scared? Because
every desire fulfilled, and still the frustration remains. Now he cannot even dream,
because all dreams he has passed through; they lead nowhere. He cannot dream and he
cannot gather courage to open the eyes also, because there are involvements. He has
promised many things in his sleep.
The first thing: fear is the other side of love. If you are in love, fear disappears. If you are
not in love, fear arises, tremendous fear. Only lovers are fearless. Only in a deep moment
of love there is no fear. In a deep moment of love, existence becomes a home you are
not a stranger, you are not an outsider, you are accepted. Even by a single human being
you are accepted, something in the depth opens a flower-like phenomenon in the
innermost being. You are accepted by someone, you are valued; you are not futile. You
have a significance, a meaning. If in your life there is no love, then you will become
afraid. Then there will be fear everywhere because everywhere there are enemies, no
friends, and the whole existence seems to be alien; you seem to be accidental, not
rooted, not at home. Even a single human being can give you such deep at-homeness in
love, what to think about when a person achieves to prayer?
Fear in fact is the absence of love. And if fear is a problem for you, that shows to me that
you are looking at the wrong side. Love should be the problem, not fear. If fear is the
problem, that means you should seek love. If fear is the problem, the problem in fact is
you should be more loving so somebody can be more loving to you. You should be more
open towards love.
If fear is felt, then love is the problem. Become more loving. Take few steps towards the
other. Because everybody is in fear, not only you. You wait somebody should come to
you and love you. You can wait forever because the other is also afraid. And people who
are afraid they become afraid of one thing absolutely, and that is the fear of being
People sitting, people walking you watch. There are people who simply put off
anybody; anybody who comes closer, they become afraid. And fear is energy just like
love, a negative energy. A man who is feeling love bubbles up with a positive energy.
When you come closer, as if a magnet is attracting you, you would like to be with this
person. If fear is your problem, then think about your personality, watch it. You must have
closed your doors for love, thats all. Open those doors. Of course there is the possibility
of being rejected. But why be afraid? The other can only say no. Fifty percent possibility
of no is there, but just because of fifty percent possibility of no, you choose a hundred
percent life of no love.
Dont be afraid of love. There is only one thing one should be afraid, and that is fear. Be
afraid of fear and never be afraid of anything else, because fear cripples. It is poisonous,
it is suicidal. Move! Jump out of it! Do whatsoever you would like, but dont get settled
with the fear because that is a negative situation.
Please dont get obsessed with fear. Just jump out of it and take a move towards love.
Dont pay much attention to fear, because that is dangerous. If you pay much attention to
fear you are feeding it, and it will grow. Turn your back to the fear and move towards love.
If you go deeper into your love because there are difficulties to go deeper in love,
because the more you go deeper, the more you lose yourself, a fear arises, a trembling
grips you. You start avoiding the depth of love because the depth of love is just like death.

You create barriers between you and your beloved, because the woman seems like an
abyss and can be absorbed into it and she is. You come out of a woman; she can
absorb you: that is the fear. She is the womb, the abyss, and when she can give birth to
you, why not death? In fact, only that which gives you birth can give you death, so the
fear is there.

Life is carrying itself. Why dont you leave your burdens to life? But you cling. And when
you cling to life, the fear of death arises. There is no death and there is no fear of death.
Clinging to life creates the fear of death, and the fear of death creates death. Otherwise,
there is no death and no fear.

Just allow life to take you wheresoever it leads you and dont be afraid. Fear is the only
thing one should be afraid of, nothing else. Move! Be courageous and daring.

From where does this fear of death come? Have you known death before? If you have
not known death before, why are you afraid of it, of something which you dont know? If
you ask the psychologists, they will say, Fear is relevant if you know what death is. If you
have died before, fear seems relevant. But you dont know death. You dont know
whether it is going to be painful or whether it is going to be ecstatic. Then why are you
afraid? No, the fear of death is not really a fear of death, because how can you be afraid
of something which is unknown, which is not known at all? How can you be afraid of
something which is absolutely unknown to you? Fear of death is not really fear of death.
Fear of death is really clinging to life.

Life is there and you know well that you are not living it, it is bypassing you. The river is
bypassing you, you are standing on the bank, and it is going continuously out of your
hands. The fear of death, basically, is the fear that you are incapable of living and life is
going. Soon, there will be no time left, and you have been waiting and you have always
been preparing. You are obsessed with preparations.

It is not fear of a death somewhere in the future coming and destroying you. It is
happening every moment. Life is moving and you are absolutely incapable and closed.
You are already dying. The day you were born you started dying. Every moment of life is
also a moment of death. The fear is not of some unknown death which is waiting in the
future, the fear is right now. Life is flowing out of the hands and you seem to be
incapable, you cannot do anything. Fear of death is basically a fear of life which is flowing
out of your hands.

Be an emperor, be a sovereign. Live life but dont cling to it, dont cling to anything.
Clinging makes you ugly and violent. Clinging makes you a beggar and life is for those
who are emperors, not for those who are beggars. If you beg you will not get anything.
Life gives much to those who never beg. Life be comes a constant blessing for those who
remain unclinging to it. Live it, enjoy it, celebrate it, but dont be miserly, dont cling to it.
This clinging to life gives you the fear of death because the more you cling, the more you
see that the life is not there it is going, it is going, it is going. Then the fear of death

The fear of death is basically fear of life, because only life can die. If you are afraid of
death, you will be afraid of life. If you are afraid of falling down, you will be afraid of rising
up, because only a wave that rises falls back. If you are afraid of being rejected you will
become afraid, afraid to approach any body. If you are afraid of being rejected, you will
become incapable of love. Afraid of death, you become incapable of life. Then you live
just for the names sake, and only miseries, darkness, and night surround you.
-- --- - ---- -- ----------------Osho Quotes on Fear of Death

If you know your real Self you will never be afraid of death-there is no question.
Identifying yourself with the body, you become the body. Then you are a mortal. Then
there is fear of death. Non-identifying with the body, you are just a watcher, you are just a
pure consciousness, a no-mind. And there is no death and there is no disease and there

is no old age. As far as your witnessing is concerned, it is eternal and it is always fresh
and young and the same.
Wherever you are afraid, try to explore, and you will find death hiding somewhere behind.
All fear is of death. Death is the only fear source.
When a person is afraid of death, know well that that person has missed life. If he has not
missed life there cannot be any fear of death. If a person has lived life, he will be ready to
live death also. He will be almost enchanted by the phenomenon of death.
You simply think that you have a soul; you believe that you have a soul because of your
fear of death. But you have not known unless you have loved. Only in love does one
come to feel that one is more than the body, more than the mind.
The fear is of losing yourself. It may be in death, it may be in love, but the fear is the
same: You are afraid of losing yourself.
Death is a quantum jump from one body, from one form into another form. But it is not an
end to you. You were never born and you never die. You are always here. Forms come
and go and the river of life continues. Unless you experience this, the fear of death will
not leave you. You are asking, Will meditation help me overcome my fear of death?
There is no other way. Only meditation and only meditation can help.
Meditation will help you. Meditation is almost a golden key, a master key which opens
many doors. It can open the door of love too. As you become silent, as you become
peaceful, as you become aware of your life force, as you become aware there is no
death, fear disappears. And with the disappearance of the fear from the very roots
now there is no point in keeping your heart closed. You can open your heart to friend and
foe, to those who are familiar and to those who are strangers. And you will receive gifts
which you had not ever imagined.
DONT accumulate anything whatever: power, money, prestige, virtue, knowledge, even
the so-called spiritual experiences. Dont accumulate. If you dont accumulate you are
ready to die any moment, because you have nothing to lose. The fear of death is not
really fear of death; the fear of death comes out of the accumulations of life. Then you
have too much to lose so you cling to it. That is the meaning of Jesus saying: Blessed
are the poor in spirit. I dont mean become a beggar, and I dont mean renounce the
world. I mean be in the world but dont be of the world. Dont accumulate inside, be poor
in spirit. Never possess anything and then you are ready to die. Possessiveness is the
problem, not life itself. The more you possess, the more you are afraid to lose. If you
dont possess anything, if your purity, if your spirit is uncontaminated by anything, if you
are simply there alone, you can disappear any moment; whenever death knocks on the
door it will find you ready. You are not losing anything. By going with death you are not a
loser. You may be moving into a new experience.
A man who has been going deeper into meditation passes the door of death many times.
Whenever he goes, he passes it, whenever he comes back It is simple to understand
that death has nothing to do with life. Death is a door. If you move inside the door, you
move into the universe. If you move outside the door, you move into mortal existence.
And because we go on living on the outside our whole life, the fear of death arises.
Man is a part, a very small, tiny part, and the whole is vast: a drop, a very small drop, and
the whole is the whole ocean. A trembling arises: I may be lost in the whole; my identity
may be lost. That is the fear of death. All fear is the fear of death. And the fear of death is
the fear of annihilation. It is natural that man is afraid, trembling. If you accept it, if you
say that this is how life is, if you accept it totally, trembling stops immediately and fear
the same energy that was becoming fear uncoils and becomes freedom. Then you
know that even if the drop disappears in the ocean, it will be there. In fact, it will become
the whole ocean. Then death becomes nirvana, then you are not afraid to lose yourself.
Then you understand the saying of Jesus: If you save your life you will lose it and if you
lose it you will save it.

Man has been trying, down the ages, somehow to have some kind of immortality. The
fear of death is so much, it haunts you your whole life. The moment you drop the idea of
separation, the fear of death disappears. Hence I call this state of surrender the most
paradoxical. You die of your own accord and then you cannot die at all, because the
whole never dies, only its parts are being replaced. But if you become one with the
whole, you will live forever: you will go beyond birth and death. Thats the search for
nirvana, enlightenment, moksha, the kingdom of God the state of deathlessness. But
the condition that has to be fulfilled is very frightening. The condition is: first you have to
die as a separate entity. Thats what surrender is all about: dying as a separate entity,
dying as an ego. And in fact it is nothing to be worried about, because you are not
separate, it is only a belief. So only the belief dies, not you. It is only a notion, an idea.
Death does not exist, death is unreal. But you create it: you create it by creating
separation. Surrender means dropping the idea of separation: death disappears
automatically, fear is found no more, and your whole flavor of life changes. Then each
moment is such crystal purity, a purity of delight, joy, bliss. Then each moment is eternity.
And to live that way is poetry, to live moment-to-moment without the ego is poetry. To live
without the ego is grace, is music; to live without the ego is to live, to really live. That life I
call poetry: the life of one who is surrendered to existence. And remember, let me repeat
it again: when you surrender to existence you are not surrendering anything real. You are
simply surrendering a false notion, you are simply surrendering an illusion, you are
surrendering maya. You are surrendering something that you never had with you in the
first place. And by surrendering that which you dont have, you attain to that which you
Death is encountered in meditation and death is encountered in sexual orgasm. But if you
can encounter these deaths, you will become capable of encountering the ultimate death:
the death of the ego. And without fear. Once you know that you can lose yourself and yet
can be, once you know that losing is not really losing but gaining, once you know that
merging is not death but life eternal once you have known it, there is no death for you.
Your body will die, everything that you have will die, but you the very being, the very
ground of your existence is eternal.
Socrates said, I am entering death, the great mystery. Life is nothing before it. The
unknown is opening before me, the unlimited, the uncharted. I am on a great voyage. I
am losing myself, but gaining the whole universe, the whole existence. Dont be afraid of
death. The fear of death debars you from all deep experiences: of love, of meditation, of
ecstasy. Once you are afraid of death, you are debarred from all deep experiences. Be
ready to die. Then life, eternal life, will be yours. Jesus says, Whosoever tries to save
himself will lose himself. And whosoever is ready to lose himself will attain himself.
Whenever you are afraid, something has given you an indication of death. If your bank
goes bankrupt and you are filled with fear and trembling, anxiety that too is anxiety
about death, because your bank balance was nothing but a security against death. Now
you are more open, vulnerable. Now who will protect you if death knocks at the door? If
you become ill, if you become old, then who is going to take care of you? The guarantee
was there in the bank, and the bank has gone bankrupt. You cling to prestige, power,
position, because when you have a position you are so significant that you are more
protected by people. When you are not in power, you become so impotent that nobody
bothers in any way who you are. When you are in power you have friends, family,
followers; when you are not in power, everybody leaves. There was a protection,
somebody was there to care; now nobody cares. Whatsoever you are afraid of, if you
search deeply you will always find the shadow of death somewhere.
Whenever fear comes to you, dont suppress it, dont repress it, dont avoid it, dont get
occupied in something so that you can forget about it. No! When fear comes, watch it. Be
face to face with it. Encounter it. Look deep into it. Gaze into the valley of fear. Of course
you will perspire, and you will tremble, and it will be like a death, and you will have to live
it many times. But by and by, the more your eyes become clear, the more your

awareness becomes alert, the more your focus is there on the fear, the fear will
disappear Like a mist.
Buddha says: The master does not tremble. All his trembling disappears because he
knows there is no death. Knowing himself he has transcended death. He has no fear of
the future because he lives in the present. He is not possessive; hence nothing can be
taken away from him.
When there is no death there is no fear. All fear is death-oriented, all fear is the shadow
of death. When you dont possess anything you are fearless, when you dont desire
anything you are fearless. Nobody can take anything away from you because you dont
possess anything. Nobody can hinder you because you dont have any desire. Nobody
can obstruct your path, nobody is your enemy. The whole of existence suddenly becomes
Death is not the enemy. To a man who has really lived, death is the friend. It is like sleep.
Nobody wants to remain wakeful twenty-four hours a day.
You think about death; there is fear. But when death actually happens there is no fear.
Fear is always about something in the future. Fear never exists in the present moment.
Much is being missed because of fear. We are too attached to the body and we go on
creating more and more fear because of that attachment. The body is going to die, the
body is part of death, the body is death but you are beyond the body. You are not the
body; you are the bodiless. Remember it. Realize it. Awaken yourself to this truth that
you are beyond the body. You are the witness, the seer. Then death disappears and fear
disappears, and there arises the tremendously glorious life what Jesus calls life
abundant, or the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is within you.
A swordsman, if he is afraid of death, cannot be a real swordsman because the fear will
make him tremble. With just a slight trembling inside, a slight thinking inside, he will not
be able to act out of no-mind.
The whole humanity lives in a paranoia. This humanity could have lived in paradise; it is
living in hell. So help the person to understand that this is nothing to be worried, there is
nothing to be afraid. It is a created fear. Every child is born fearless. He can play with the
snakes with no fear. He has no idea of fear or death or anything. Meditation brings the
person back to his childhood. He is reborn.
All insecurity is a shadow of death. If you look deeply, then every insecure feeling is
rooted in the fear of death. But I am saying to you that there is no death; hence there
cannot be any insecurity. You are immortal beings, amritasya putrah. Thats what the
seers in the ancient East have said: You are the sons of immortality.
If you die consciously you will not enter into another womb, you will not be born again,
because birth is nothing but the beginning of death. You will not be reborn; that means
you will never die again. You have reached to your original being. You have become a
It is because of the fear of death that people avoid meditation but it is only meditation
that can take you beyond the fear of death, that is the irony of the case. You are afraid of
meditation because of death, but you dont know it is only meditation that can make you
fearless of death because to the meditator there is no death, but only life, and life
divine and life eternal.
Help people to know death. Their fear is because of ignorance. They are afraid of death
because death is the greatest unknown. There is no way to know death unless you die.
Help people to know death through meditation, because that is a way of dying and still
remaining alive.
If you have lived totally, death is not the end. Death is only an episode, a small episode in
an eternal life. You have died many times, but because you have never lived totally, you
became unconscious at the moment of death; the fear brought you into a coma. Thats
why you dont remember your past lives, because the coma stands as a barrier for the

past lives and their remembrance. And because you dont know your past lives, you
cannot understand that there is going to be life after death, that life is eternal. Birth and
death are mere episodes; thousands of times you have been into birth, into death. But
when you are not allowed to live totally, when everywhere there is interference from
As death starts coming closer and closer, a great fear arises: so many desires are there
which are unfulfilled. You become afraid: if death comes and takes you away. It is
bound to happen sooner or later, and the possibility is of sooner than later. All those
desires start taking possession of you. Fulfill us, they say. Time is short. Do
something. You start going crazy. You continuously become obsessed.
It is an experience, either in love, which people have learned to avoid so many go on
hankering for love, and go on destroying all possibilities for it because of the fear of
nothingness or, in deep meditation when thought stops. You simply see there is
nothing inside, but that nothing has a presence; it is not simply absence of thought, it is
presence of something unknown, mysterious, something very huge. Or, you can
experience it in death, if you are alert. People ordinarily die in unconsciousness. Because
of the fear of nothingness they become unconscious. If you die consciously. And you
can die consciously only if you accept the phenomenon of death, and for that one has to
learn for the whole life, prepare. One has to love to be ready to die, and one has to
meditate to be ready to die. Only a man who has loved and meditated will be able to die
consciously. And once you die consciously then there is no need for you to come back,
because you have learned the lesson of life. Then you disappear into the whole; that is
Meditation prepares you for the other half; it helps you to know death without dying. And
once you have known death without dying, the fear of death will disappear forever. Even
when death comes, you will be silently watching it, knowing absolutely that it cannot even
make a small scratch on your being. It is going to take away your body, your mind, but not
Meditators come across a point: when the mind really completely ceases, breathing also
ceases. And then great fear arises dont be afraid. Many meditators have reported to
me, We became very much afraid, very much frightened, because suddenly we became
aware that the breathing has stopped. Naturally, one thinks that when breathing stops
death is close by. It is only a question of moments you are dying. Breathing stops in
death; breathing also stops in deep meditation. Hence deep meditation and death have
one thing similar: in both the breathing stops. Therefore, if a man knows meditation he
has also known death. Thats why the meditator becomes free of the fear of death: he
knows breathing can stop and still he is.
When one penetrates deeply into meditation, fear grips you. Sometimes one encounters
death, one feels that now one is going to die. One returns back, hurries back to the
surface. That is bound to happen. Before you are reborn, you will have to pass through a
death. But dont be afraid. If a moment comes in your meditation when you feel that now
this is the last moment and you will not be able to come back again to the world, to the
body, feel thankful, feel a deep gratitude, and welcome the moment. It is a rare moment
that comes only when your meditation has gone very deep. It is a good sign; welcome it.
Dont be afraid of it because if you are afraid you can miss it; and once missed it may
take a very long time to get that rare moment again. Sometimes even lives may pass
before one comes to that rare moment again. Once the fear takes hold of you, you
become deeply, unconsciously afraid, and you never come back to the point where death
is encountered again. Remember this. Many have missed many rare moments. Know
well that death is going to be there. Not the death of you, but the death of the ego. But
because you are identified with the ego you feel that I am going to die. You are not
going to die at all! You are immortal; you are deathless. There is no possibility; death is
the only impossibility. You cannot die, so dont be afraid.
Buddha-nature knows no death, no birth it knows only eternity. No beginning, no end.

No boundary. It becomes oceanic The whole universe becomes its home. For the first
time there is not even a fence between you and the universe. You are the universe. This
is the meaning of finding the buddha.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Confidence

When one starts trusting oneself, one can trust life, God.
A worldly man means a man whose confidence is in his own ego.
People want to be with the crowd because they lack self-confidence.
Faith means faith in oneself. Faith means a confidence, a respect for oneself.
Regain your confidence, your self-respect, the understanding that nothing is wrong with
Awaken your confidence in yourself. It does not matter how dense the forest is or how
dark the night is, all you have to do is kindle the lamp within. It will accompany you to the
end. Up to what point and for how long can outside lamps be trusted?
What do you need self-confidence for? If you are, self-confidence will be like a shadow to
you. It will follow you. You dont carry your shadow, you dont look back again and again
to see whether it is coming or not, you dont get an insurance for it. You dont care. It
follows. Self-confidence is always there when you have become a self. You are not yet a
self, you are just an ego. Remember this difference between the ego and the self. The
self is divine, the ego is human. The ego is manufactured by education, society, ambition,
politics, morality, and all that; the self is not manufactured, it is discovered. The ego is an
invention, the self is a discovery.
Self-confidence is not a quality for the inner journey, it is a barrier. In the outer world selfconfidence is a help, is a must. Without it you cannot go anywhere in the outside world,
because ego is needed, a sort of madness is needed. But when you move to the inner, all
the qualities that are helpful in the outer journey become obstacles. Self is not needed,
self-confidence is not needed. One should completely lose the self, only then is there a
possibility of enlightenment. YOU never become enlightened. When you are not, there IS
I ask you what is the need for self-confidence? Why are you so worried about it? Perhaps
you feel the other person is more successful; perhaps he is more self-confident. Your
contemporary earns more than you, or perhaps he has made headway in business or
politics. You feel you have lagged behind. You feel it is because of the lack of selfconfidence. Hence the urge. To worry about self-confidence means you are comparing
yourself with others. Hence the distress. You are you, the other is the other. Had you
been alone in the world, would you have felt this disparity? Would you have felt this
inferiority complex? No, you would have been an ordinary person. And ordinary means
you would not have even been conscious of your ordinariness. You would have just been.
He who is conscious of his ordinariness has taken a step towards being non-ordinary.
That you are is enough. Self-confidence is not necessary; the self is enough. You are!
Why do you compare yourself with others? All kinds of troubles start once you begin to
see yourself vis-a-vis others.
Everybody keeps on repeating to himself: I am confident. Why? What are you hiding? If
this confidence that you talk about is really there then there is no need to say anything
about it. A really confident man is not even aware of it. This has to be understood
whenever something is false you are aware of it, self-conscious. When something is real,
you simply forget it. Do you remember that you are breathing? If something goes wrong,
yes. If it is hard and there is something wrong with your lungs and you have a cold or
asthma, then you remember that you are breathing. But when everything goes okay, you

are not conscious. WHEN THE SHOE FITS, THE FOOT IS FORGOTTEN. When you are
really confident, confidence is forgotten.
In fact, we only look for witnesses when we have no faith in ourselves. When we have full
confidence in ourselves, there is no need for witnesses or any proof.
A constructive mind cannot remain gloomy and approaches lifes problems with
confidence. Instead of losing courage by the magnitude of his misfortunes he gathers his
wits to meet them squarely. How can such a man, who knows no defeat, spread anything
else around except joy and cheerfulness? Instead of counting our misfortunes let us take
a mental stock of our blessings and we shall be surprised to see how many blessings we
have received without actually deserving them.
One should be self-confident and one should be proud of oneself not against anybody,
not in comparison to anybody but just because one is oneself. You have to be loving
towards yourself and you have to be proud that you are yourself, that God has made you
you. If a person is not proud about himself he will hate himself, he will be self-destructive,
he will have a kind of inferiority complex.
To stand on ones own, free of the crowd, is courage. To help a child to be as he is, is to
give him courage. Courage is confidence in oneself, in ones self. Courage is selfconfidence.
Whenever a person feels the lack of self-confidence, he becomes easily angry. In fact
anger is always an indication that you are not self-confident. A person who is confident
about himself is not easily angry. It is very difficult for him to get into anger. It is our
weakness that leads us into anger. The stronger you are, the less anger will be there. The
strongest person goes beyond anger. Anger is weakness.
If you approach reality out of fear and trembling, you are approaching in a wrong way,
and when you are approaching in a wrong way, whatsoever you come to see and feel will
be wrong. Your eyes are wrong, your heart is wrong. Truth cannot be known out of fear,
truth can only be known out of fearlessness. SHADDHA is needed, a confidence in
oneself is needed, a trust in ones own being is needed.
With self-confidence, confidence is just a shadow; the real thing is the self. There is no
self how can there be self-confidence? A real man, a man who has known, lives
without self, lives without self-confidence. Not that he lives in a kind of no-confidence
with confidence disappearing, unconfidence also disappears. He simply LIVES, not
bothering about confidence or no-confidence. He simply lives. He is unworried, because
the whole has taken care. He has surrendered to the whole, now the whole knows better.
He simply flows with the whole wherever it is going, he is also going. He is in a
When you are really attuned, really rich in the inner world, you are not concerned with
exhibition. When you first go to a temple, your prayer is a little louder than others. It has
to be. You want to show off. The showmanship is part of the ego, what you show is not
the problem. You show, you exhibit. Then the ego is there, the boat is not empty and a
man of Tao is an empty boat. He is gentle, not aware; he is innocent, not knowing; he is
wise, thats why he can move as a fool, not worried. Whatsoever he does makes no
difference, his wisdom is intact, he can afford to be foolish. You cannot. You are always
afraid that somebody may think you a fool. You are afraid that if others think you to be a
fool, you will start suspecting it. If so many people think you a fool your self-confidence
will be lost. And if everybody goes on repeating that you are a fool, sooner or later you
will come to believe it. Only a wise man cannot be deceived, he can appear as a fool.
If a man begins to live by hanging his consciousness on the peg of the navel-centre, all
mental-fatigue vanishes. A unique freshness pervades his mind, a serene calmness flows
within him and he gains a self-confidence which only those who have found their centre
Lose the self too! Lose self-confidence, lose self. Let them go, they are all diseases. You

just relax into non-being. And remember, I am not saying that the man of non-being is unself-confident. He simply lives, like the trees are living. Do you think any tree is selfconfident? or un-self-confident? Do you think any river is self-confident or un-selfconfident? The whole question is irrelevant; you cannot ask that question, it is pointless, it
is meaningless. The trees flow, grow. The rivers flow, grow. Things are happening. There
is nobody taking care of everything. To surrender to this happening is to disappear as an
ego. And great joy arises with that surrender.
My own observation is the stronger the person, the easier is the surrender. Only the
strong man can surrender, because he trusts himself, he is confident of himself, he
knows that he can let go. He is unafraid. He is ready to explore the unknown, he is ready
to go into the uncharted. he is thrilled by the journey of the unknown. He wants to taste it,
whatsoever the cost and whatsoever the risk. He wants to live in danger.
You are unbounded. AS you are in your pure being, no limitation exists you are a god.
But to KNOW that godhood, dont start fighting with the prison, otherwise you will never
be a winner. And more and more you will be defeated, and more and more you will feel
frustrated, and more and more you will lose self-confidence, more and more you will feel
that it seems impossible to get out of it. Start by becoming more aware. Start by
becoming more alert, more attentive. That is the only thing that has to be done.
But the most basic problem arises in the first step. The first step is always the most basic.
The second follows easily, the third even more easily, the fourth without any problem it
comes on its own accord. But the first is the most difficult step . Have you not watched a
small child starting to walk? The first step is the most difficult step. The child hesitates. He
has never walked. The child has no self-confidence. He cannot trust that he will be able
to walk how can you trust the unknown? That which you have never done before I
Again and again the child starts crawling, afraid that he may fall, that he may hurt himself.
The first step is the most difficult step. Once he has taken the first step then it is very
difficult to prevent him from taking the second, from taking the third. It is impossible to
prevent him. Whenever the mother is not looking he will try again. He may fall but now he
has known the adventure, the beauty of it that he can stand on his own.
Man lives in a kind of self-exile; it is self-imposed exile. We have made a small capsule
around ourselves; we have become encapsulated, alienated. And then we suffer, then we
are miserable. Then we cant find any meaning in life, any significance in life. Then we
feel uprooted, ungrounded. Then we feel accidental, as if we are not needed at all, as if
existence would go on running in the same way whether we are or we are not. That gives
us a deep wound. We lose confidence, trust in ourselves. We become something futile,
unneeded, useless; just by accident we have come into existence. And this whole
nonsense arises because we have created the idea of the ego.
Thats what the so-called missionaries of all the religions have been doing down the
ages. They go to help people but they simply make them feel more guilty. They create
misery for others. In the name of service they destroy peoples integrity, their confidence,
their self-respect. In the name of service they create such guilt in them that they lose all
confidence in themselves. They become self-condemnors. They start feeling that they are
sinners and that they are doomed their sins are so much that they are bound to go to
hell. Their lives become burdened. And this is because of the people who wanted to help
them. All the so-called religious people have been harming and poisoning people for the
simple reason that their own misery is the root cause of their so-called service, help,
mission. In my approach only a blissful person can be a helper of mankind, because a
blissful person can share his bliss and a blissful person can accept people with all their
limitations. He understands, he is capable of understanding. And he is so blissful that he
cannot call people sinners, he cannot see any sin anywhere. He sees only gods and
goddesses everywhere. It is impossible for him to believe that there is a hell. If there is a
god there cannot be a hell. If there is hell then there can be no god, because god means
compassion. If god cannot forgive small sins who will be able to forgive if even god is
incapable of forgiving?

It is just that your ego is dying these are just the symptoms. When the ego dies you
feel that you are losing power, because all the power that you have known was of the
ego. When the ego starts dying you feel that you are losing self-confidence because all
the confidence was of the ego. You start feeling that you are no more certain of anything,
because all the certainty was of the ego. But all that is from the ego is just deception.
Power, certainty, self-confidence, will all nonsense. If you can be courageous enough
to pass through this period, soon the ego will disappear with all its power, and the power
trip and the confidence, and the certainties all of which were nothing but facades to
hide doubts, and clever tricks to try to deceive yourself with. When all that has gone the
whole circus, you will feel very clean, purified, serene and silent. Not powerful, not
certain, not self-confident but very serene and very quiet, with no certainty and no
uncertainty, with no power and no impotence, with no self-confidence or with no lack of
self-confidence. In fact with no self.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Desires , Likes and Dislikes
Osho Stop wishing! You have been living in hells because you have been wishing. Stop
desiring! Stop desiring and the doors are open. Desiring is bringing your mind into existence. Try
to understand the nature of desire.
Desiring means projecting your past into the future, and the future is unknown, and whatsoever
you ask will be from the past. All desiring will repeat the past again and again. How can you
desire the unknown? That which is in the future, how
can you desire it? You dont know it. The future is the unknown, the past is the known. If you
desire, it will be from the past.
Mulla Nasruddin was on his deathbed. Somebody asked him, If you were born again, would you
like to make any change or would you like to live the same life again?
Mulla brooded long. Then he opened his eyes; he said, One thing: I always wanted to part my
hair in the middle and that would be the only change. I have been parting my hair on the right
and I always wanted to part it in the middle. Otherwise, everything would be repeated as it is.
It looks stupid but this is how it is. If you think, if another chance is given to you, what will you do?
All the changes that you will want to make will not be more than Mulla is asking: they will be just a
parting of the hair in the middle. You would like to have another woman, but what difference does
it make? You would like another profession. What difference does it make? It will not be more
than parting the hair in the middle.
You cannot ask from the past, and the future is unknown. Because you go on asking from the
past, you move in a vicious circle. That circle is the world, the SANSAR, the coming and going,
being born again and dying again. Again and again you do the same. Not a single basic change!
There cannot be because whatsoever you think, you think out of the known. The
known is your past. Then what to do? Dont desire. Let the future come without you desiring it.
The future WILL come it need not be desired. It is already coming. You need not force your
projections on it. Be passive, dont be active about it. Let it come! Dont ask anything about it
thats what the meaning of desirelessness is. It is not moving from the world, renouncing the
world and going to the Himalayas all those things are immature.
Leaving, renouncing, means not desiring, and waiting without any desire. Just waiting:
Whatsoever happens we will be a witness to it. If you can wait without desiring, everything will
happen to you and then it happens from the totality, from the whole, from God itself. If you ask,

desire, it will happen, but it will happen out of you. And then you move within yourself, never
allowing existence to happen to you enclosed.
Source Osho Book The Hidden Harmony
- - == -------------- - - - -- ------Osho Likes and dislikes simply say that you think yourself separate from existence. A man who
has dropped his ego has no likes and no dislikes. Then whatsoever is the case he rejoices in it. If
he finds himself in poverty he rejoices in poverty, because there are beauties, a few beauties,
which can be found only in poverty. If this man finds himself rich he rejoices in richness, because
there are a few beautiful things which can be found only when you are rich. If this man finds
himself young and healthy he rejoices in it, because a few things are possible only when you are
young. And this man rejoices in old age too, because there are a few things which only old age
can impart to you. One thing is certain: that he has no preferences, he does not hanker that this
should be such and such. He makes no conditions on existence. He lives unconditionally,
rejoicing in whatsoever happens.
To carry likes and dislikes is to carry prejudices, and everybody goes on carrying prejudices.
Thats why nothing ever makes you contented. Even Buddhas father was not happy. He was
unhappy because his son had moved on a wrong path; meditation to him was a wrong thing. He
was desiring that his son become a great emperor; that was his deep ambition. Buddha was his
only son, and one day Buddha escaped. I have every suspicion that the reason for his escape
must have been his father. When you have only one son and then too, he is born when you are
very old. Buddhas father was very old when he was born. That was the last chance; one or two
years more and there would have been no son at all. And his mother died immediately upon
giving birth to Buddha; she was also getting old and this birth must have been too much.
Buddhists have made a beautiful story out of it. They say that whenever a buddha is born his
mother is bound to die. Thats how people create stupid stories. There have been many buddhas.
Mahaviras mother did not die, but if you ask the Buddhists they will say, That simply proves that
Mahavira is not a buddha. Jesus mother did not die, Lao Tzus mother did not die but to the
prejudiced mind that simply proves that these were not buddhas. Whenever there is a buddha the
mother has to die; that has become the definition.
The real reason was: the mother was old, the father was old; this was the last chance. And they
had lived a very miserable life because they had no son. And they had created a big kingdom:
Now to whom is this kingdom going to belong? And when you have a child in your old age you
cling to the child too much. The father must have been too possessive: thats MY feeling of why
Buddha had to escape. The father must have been the cause, he must have been too much of a
bondage. He had made great palaces for Buddha and he wouldnt allow him to leave them. He
had made every arrangement in the palaces, all kinds of pleasures. In fact he made too many
arrangements and Buddha got fed up very quickly; he was only twenty-nine when he left the
People usually become fed up by the end of their lives; it takes time to experience life. Buddhas
father managed to provide him with all possible pleasures. Beautiful women all the beautiful
women in his kingdom were brought to the palaces to serve Buddha. The best wine, the most
beautiful women, marble palaces, musicians, poets, dancers a continuous merry-go-round.
Twenty-four hours a day Buddha was drowned in pleasures. Anybody who has any intelligence
would escape. It became too tiring, it became too boring, it became such an ugly scene. He was
fed up with it, so he escaped.
Buddhas father was angry, very wounded. He wanted him to become a king and he became a
buddha. He was not happy. In his own mind, to be a king was a greater thing than to be a
buddha. To have more money and more fame worldly fame was more important to him than
to be a meditator and attain to samadhi. These words must have looked like nonsense to him; he

must have been a down-to-earth materialist.

But this is not only so with Buddha; people are never contented with anything. If your son turns
out to be a thief you are angry, if he turns out to be a buddha you are angry. It seems it is not
possible for you to be happy. If your wife is too faithful you are fed up, if your wife is not faithful
you are angry. If your husband is absolutely obedient you are finished with him; if your husband is
continuously quarreling, fighting, you are finished with him, too. It seems mans mind has such
likes and dislikes that it is impossible for him to be in a contented state.
An old woman died and went to heaven. When she arrived there Saint Peter asked her where
she would like to stay. She said, I would like to be near the Virgin Mary.
So Saint Peter put her into the same apartment house as the Virgin Mary. One day she walked
over to the Virgin Mary and said, There is one thing I have always wanted to say to you.
Mary said, Yes, what is it?
The old woman said, It must have been wonderful to have given birth to a man who is
proclaimed a god throughout the world!
Mary said, Well, I would have liked it better if he had been a doctor.
Yes, thats how man is nothing seems to satisfy. Nothing ever seems to give you joy, because
you are already carrying some likes and dislikes and existence has no obligation to fulfill them.
It has never promised to fulfill your likes and dislikes.
If you really want to be blissful you have to drop likes and dislikes. Then you have to learn a
different language to commune with existence. Whatsoever happens, enjoy it. Dont bring your
likes and dislikes. Your life can be a continuous dance, a celebration; otherwise you will live in
Source Osho Book The Dhammapada, The Way of the Buddha, Vol 6
- -- -- - -- --- - ------- --------------Osho Thats very good. It seems that many times we go on carrying many things which are
useless, and we never think why we are carrying them. They can become almost a crushing
weight. Needs are very few and a man who understands what is needful will always be happy
and blissful. Desires are many, needs are few. Needs can be fulfilled; desires, never. A desire is a
need gone crazy. It is impossible to fulfill it. The more you try to fulfill it, the more it goes on
asking, asking, asking.
There is a sufi story that when Alexander died and he reached heaven, he was carrying all his
weight his whole kingdom, gold, diamonds of course not in reality, but in an idea. Ideas have
as much weight; in fact an idea is the real weight. He was burdened too much by being
Alexander. The gatekeeper started laughing and he said Why are you carrying so much of a
Alexander said What burden? because really he was carrying nothing. Everything was in the
head, but the head was very heavy.
The gatekeeper gave him a scale and put an eye on one side of the scale. He told Alexander to
put all his weight, all his greatness, treasures, kingdom, on the other side of the scale. Alexander
put all his kingdom, all his wealth, his victories, and everything there. That one eye still remained
heavier than all his kingdom, so finding no other way, he himself jumped onto the scales, but still
the one eye remained heavier.
He said to the gatekeeper, I cannot understand how such a small eye can be so weighty. What is
it? Are you playing some trick, some magic with me?
The gatekeeper said, This is a human eye. It represents human desire the outgoing desire.
It cannot be fulfilled, howsoever great the kingdom and howsoever great your efforts. Even a
single human eye full of desires cannot be fulfilled.
Then Alexander said Then what is the way to fulfill it?

The gatekeeper threw a little dust into the eye. The eye immediately blinked and lost all its
weight. It was immediately weightless.
The story is beautiful. A little dust of understanding has to be thrown into the eye of desire. The
desire disappears and only needs remain, and they are not weighty. Needs are very few needs
are beautiful. Desires are ugly and they make monsters of men. They create mad people. This
has been a good insight for you. Remember it always, and always choose that which is more
Once you start learning how to choose the peaceful, a small room is enough; a small quantity of
food is enough; a few clothes are enough; one lover, a very ordinary man, can be enough of a
lover. But if you go on asking for more and more, then thousands of men are not enough. Even
the most beautiful man is finished sooner or later. Your desire goes on and on. It knows no end
it stops nowhere.
Source Osho Book Beloved of My Heart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Jealousy

Jealousy is comparison. And we have been taught to compare, we have been

conditioned to compare, always compare. Somebody else has a better house, somebody
else has a more beautiful body, somebody else has more money, somebody else has a
more charismatic personality. Compare, go on comparing yourself with everybody else
you pass by, and great jealousy will be the outcome; it is the by-product of the
conditioning for comparison.
Comparison is a very foolish attitude, because each person is unique and incomparable.
Once this understanding settles in you, jealousy disappears.
Whenever you have a sexual urge in your mind, a sexual happening in your being,
whenever you feel sexually attracted and related to somebody, jealousy enters because
you are not in love. If you are in love, jealousy never enters.
Sex creates jealousy but it is a secondary thing. So it is not a question of how to drop
jealousy; you cannot drop it because you cannot drop sex. The question is how to
transform sex into love, then jealousy disappears.
If jealousy is there, know well there is no love.
If you go on condemning, your condemnation shows that somewhere there is a wound,
and you are feeling jealous because without jealousy there can be no condemnation.
You condemn people because somehow, somewhere, unconsciously you feel they are
enjoying themselves and you have missed.
Heaven and hell are not realities but ways of living. You can live in jealousy thats how
people live. You can live in competition, you can live in conflict, you can live in ambition.
Thats how you have been brought up to live. This is the way to hell!
Awareness is the fire; love is the gold; jealousy, possessiveness, hatred, anger, lust, are
the impurities.
What is envy? It is nothing but passive jealousy. Maybe jealousy is too strong a
phenomenon; envy is a little passive. The difference may be of degrees, but it is not of
quality, it is only of quantity. Envy can become jealousy at any moment; envy is just
jealousy in progress. Mind has to drop all envies and jealousies.
Just think: you cannot find a single misery for which you are not responsible. It may be
jealousy, it may be anger, it may be greed but something in you must be the reason

that is creating the misery.

When jealousy disappears, there is a deep friendliness towards all.

In pure awareness the mind cannot drag you down into the mud, into the gutter. In anger,
in hatred, in jealousy, the mind is absolutely impotent in the face of awareness. And
because the mind is absolutely impotent, your whole being is in a profound silence the
peace that passeth understanding.

You know your inside, and you know the others outside: that creates jealousy. They know
your outside, and they know their inside: that creates jealousy. Nobody else knows your
inside. There you know you are nothing, worthless. And the others on the outside look so
smiling. Their smiles may be phony, but how can you know that they are phony? Maybe
their hearts are also smiling. You know your smile is phony, because your heart is not
smiling at all, it may be crying and weeping. You know your interiority, and only you know
it, nobody else. And you know everybodys exterior, and their exterior people have made
beautiful. Exteriors are showpieces and they are very deceptive.

Because of jealousy you are in constant suffering; you become mean to others. And
because of jealousy you start becoming phony, because you start pretending. You start
pretending things that you dont have, you start pretending things which you CANT have,
which are not natural to you. You become more and more artificial. Imitating others,
competing with others, what else can you do? If somebody has something and you dont
have it, and you dont have a natural possibility of having it, the only way is to have some
cheap substitute for it.

The jealous man lives in hell. Drop comparing and jealousy disappears, meanness
disappears, phoniness disappears. But you can drop it only if you start growing your inner
treasures; there is no other way
- - ----------- - -- -----------------------Osho Quotes on Jealousy

If your love stinks, then try to find out what exactly it is that stinks. It is not love, it is
something else. Love itself has a fragrance; it cant stink, it is a lotus flower. Something
else must be in it jealousy, possessiveness.
If it is jealousy, then I would only suggest one thing: be more watchful of your jealousy.
When it arises next time, rather than becoming mad, close your doors, sit silently, sit in
meditation, watch your jealousy. See exactly what it is. It will surround you like smoke,
dirty smoke. It will suffocate you. You would like to go out and do something. But dont do
anything; just be in a state of non-doing, because anything done in a moment of jealousy
is going to be destructive. Just watch. And I am not saying repress it, because that is
again doing something.
Whenever it possesses you, meditate over it. Slowly slowly, the meditation will create the
distance between you and the jealousy. And the greater the distance, the less jealousy
will arise. And one day, when there is no jealousy, your love releases such a fragrance
that no flower can compete with it. All flowers are poor compared to the flowering of love.
But your love is crippled because of jealousy and possessiveness and anger.
Once man becomes aware of this phenomenon, that love is inexhaustible, that there is
no scarcity, jealousy will disappear. Jealousy is part of the economy of scarcity.
The whole life is celebrating, millions of happinesses happening all over the universe, but
if you have an attitude of jealousy, you will be miserable, you will be in a constant hell.
And you will be in a hell precisely because all over there is heaven. You will create a hell
for you a private hell because whole existence is celebrating.
Zarathustra is immensely in love with life and all that life provides. He is the only mystic
with immense affirmation of life. There is no place for renouncing anything life is a gift
of existence. Learn to enjoy it! Relish in it! Dance with the trees, and dance with the stars.
Love without jealousy. Live without competition. Accept everybody without judgment. And

then there is no need for any God. And there is no need for any paradise.
People come to me and they say they would like to be happy, but they cannot drop their
jealousy. If you cant drop your jealousy, love will never grow the weeds of jealousy will
destroy the rose of love. And when love does not grow, you will not be happy. Because
who can be happy without love growing? Unless that rose blooms in you, unless that
fragrance is released, you cannot be happy.
We bring our children from the very beginning with it jealousy, envy. We make them
fight, struggle. Our whole idea of life is based on survival of the fittest, and the fittest
means the strongest, the most cunning. So whatsoever the means, nobody cares about
the means. You have to achieve some end, you have to prove your mettle. You have to
show to the world that you are not an ordinary person.
Remember the real problem is not anger. The real problem is unawareness. So next time
be more aware. Whether it is anger, hatred, jealousy, possessiveness, a thousand and
one things are there but the real disease is one unawareness. These are all facets
of the same thing. So if you try to change that these problems you will never be
able to cope, because they are millions.
These problems jealousy, possessiveness are not really problems but symptoms,
symptoms that you dont yet know what love is. We take it for granted that we know what
love is, and then the problem of jealousy arises. That is not right. The problem is arising
because love is not yet there; it simply shows that love has not yet arrived, it simply
shows the absence of love. So you cannot solve it.
My approach is: dont be bothered about jealousy, otherwise you will be getting into such
a trap that you will never be able to get out of. Forget about it! It is symptomatic, it is
simply indicative. It is good that it indicates something; it is a signal that love has not yet
happened. It is good! Learn something from it, take note of it and start moving into love.
Enjoy love more and there will be less jealousy. Delight in love more and there will be still
less jealousy. Let your love become a totality, a madness. Let it have an intensity, and in
that intensity jealousy will be burned out. A real lover has never known what jealousy is.
Put more energy into love. Rather than putting energy into analysing jealousy and fighting
with it, put more energy into love. Otherwise you will be distracted: you will start following
jealousy, and that is a desert. You will never come to its end.
Competition and jealousy is the root cause of all misery. There is no good competition
all competition is bad.
When you become aware, you suddenly become aware that love cannot exist with
jealousy it is not possible. When love is there jealousy cannot exist. If jealousy exists
then love cannot exist they never go together. But whatsoever is called love is ninetynine percent jealousy, possessiveness more of an effort to dominate or sometimes
even to be dominated an effort to be dominated but thats not much difference. That
too is a subtle trick of the same game. When love is there, there is no question of
domination. Then it is not politics, and one is not ambitious.
So become very alert. Your alertness will destroy many things in you. All that is
destructive will be destroyed: jealousy, possessiveness, anger they will be destroyed.
And when all these negative qualities are no more there, something blooms in you that
you are not yet alert about a totally new flower.
Remember, jealousy can be dropped. In fact why people dont drop it is a miracle
because they dont get anything out of it except misery! Unless people are masochists
there seems to be no reason why they continue with jealousy.
Drop the jealousy rather than dropping love. The fear comes because of jealousy. The
fear comes because of the ego the other may reject you: then drop the ego! Rather
than throwing the bathwater, you are keeping the bathwater and throwing the baby! Drop
ego, drop jealousy, and take the risk. Life is a risk thats why it is so beautiful, of value,
because it is a risk. It is an adventure. Good!

- - ----------- - -- -----------------------Osho Quotes on Jealousy

Jealousy means ego, jealousy means unconsciousness. Jealousy means that you have
not known even a moment of joy and bliss; you are living in misery. Jealousy is a byproduct of misery, ego, unconsciousness.
In the East a man becomes divine only when he is no longer jealous, a man is thought to
be enlightened only when he is no longer jealous. Jealousy is a by-product of the ego
and when the ego disappears jealousy disappears. You cannot offend a buddha.
Whatsoever you do you cannot offend him.
Drop envy and jealousy, otherwise there is no possibility because love cannot exist
where envy and jealousies exist. Then your search is only for a certain type of power: that
in the name of love you are just trying to fulfill the ego. And it is arduous to drop, because
love exists only when all the negative elements of the mind are dropped. It is very
As far as your ego is concerned and your jealousy is concerned, my whole work here is
to help you become so loving that the energy that becomes jealousy is transformed into
love. And you know perfectly well that jealousy always follows your love. You are not
jealous without love. A man who does not love is not jealous. Jealousy is almost like a
shadow of love. If we can grow our love, it takes over the whole energy of jealousy and
transforms it into love. It is an alchemical change. And I can say it with guarantee,
because it has happened in me, it has happened in my thousands of sannyasins who
have forgotten what jealousy is. Their love is so much.
Love can make a great celebration out of your life but only love, not lust, not ego, not
possessiveness, not jealousy, not dependence.
We are identified with the ego, and with the ego there are many things: anger and hatred
and jealousy and possessiveness and greed the whole train. The ego functions like an
engine and there are many many compartments following it. Once the ego dies the whole
train stops.
The love to which ego is attached is a form of jealousy this is why nobody is as jealous
as lovers are. The love which is attached to the ego is a conspiracy and a trick to possess
the other. It is a conspiracy that is why nobody suffocates so many people as those
who talk of love. This situation is created because of the love which comes from the ego
there can never be any relation between love and the ego.
Love makes you empty empty of jealousy, empty of power trips, empty of anger, empty
of competitiveness, empty of your ego and all its garbage. But love also makes you full of
things which are unknown to you right now; it makes you full of fragrance, full of light, full
of joy.
Remember: ego can create misery, ego can create anguish, ego can create hate, ego
can create jealousy. Ego can never become a vehicle for the divine, it can never become
the passage for the beyond.
Awareness is fire; it burns all that is wrong in you. It burns your ego. It burns your greed,
it burns your possessiveness, it burns your jealousy it burns all that is wrong and
negative, and it enhances all that is beautiful, graceful, divine.
That awareness is my teaching. Never fight with greed, ego, anger, jealousy, hatred all
those enemies that the religions have been telling you, Fight with them, crush them, kill
them. You cannot kill them, you cannot crush them, you cannot fight with them; all that
you can do is just be aware of them. And the moment you are aware, they are gone. In
the light, the darkness simply disappears.
Greed, desire, ambition, jealousy, possessiveness, domination you have to watch
everything. And they are all interconnected, remember. If greed disappears, then anger
will disappear. If anger disappears, jealousy will disappear. If jealousy disappears,

violence will disappear. If violence disappears, possessiveness will disappear. They are
all intertwined. In fact, they are spokes of the same wheel, and the hub that supports
them all is the ego. So watch the ways of the ego. Watching, watching, watching one
day suddenly it is not there. Only the watcher is left. That moment of pure watching is the
moment of transformation.
Drop jealousy and love wells up. Jealousy means that I am the owner. It is an ego trip,
and wherever there is ego there is poison, and the poison kills the very source of love.
One has to become aware of just these few things and discard them and ones life
becomes a lotus of love. And then there is no need to go in any search of god, god will
come in search of you. This is my observation, that god always comes seeking the true
seeker. Whenever the disciple is ready the master appears.
Once you become more and more watchful of your inner workings things become simple.
Then a few things have to be dropped. One has not to be jealous if one wants to be
loving. It becomes so clear that there is no question about it; one can simply see the point
that if you are jealous, love is impossible. Jealousy is bound to create misery. Jealousy is
part of ego, the shadow of the ego, the shadow of a shadow and love needs
egolessness. They cant go together, they cant co-exist.
One has to be very alert to go beyond lust. And one has to be constantly aware of
jealousy, of possessiveness, of domination, because those are the strategies of lust. If
you drop jealousy, possessiveness, ego trips, then slowly slowly lust disappears and love
arises. Love is a pure flame without any smoke. It is prayer, it is divine, and it makes you

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Expectations

People expect too much. People who expect heaven always fall into hell that is the
law. Expect heaven and hell is certain. Dont expect heaven and there will never be any
The life of a sannyasin should be a life of no expectations. And then every moment is
such a bliss, such a benediction, because whatsoever God gives is so much. Then you
always feel grateful. But your desires are so much that whatsoever God gives always
looks so little; and you feel frustrated, and you feel complaints, and you cannot feel
grateful. And without gratitude, there is no possibility of prayer arising in your heart.
Gratitude is prayer.
Everybody is looking with his own world of desires, expectations, passions, lust, greed,
anger. There are a thousand and one things standing between you and your world; thats
why you dont ever see it as it is. Once your eye is completely clean, clean of all the dust,
once it becomes a pure mirror, it reflects that which is. And that is truth and truth
liberates, but it has to be your own. My truth cannot liberate you, Buddhas truth cannot
liberate you. There is only one possibility of liberation, that is your own truth. And all that
you have to do is to create a dispassionate eye.
Expectation is the mother of all frustrations; expectation gone, frustration disappears. And
when there is no frustration in your life, life really becomes a bed of roses. Then God is a
constant blessing; he goes on raining his grace, his beauty on you.
Expectations always lead to frustrations. Expectations are the seeds, and frustration is
the crop that sooner or later you will have to reap. It is your own doing.
Frustration is out of expectation; expectation is our projection. All kinds of love frustrate
unless love is based in meditation.
Any expectation, even the expectation of peace, brings restlessness. The tension has to
go. As soon as this happens a divine peace sets in.

All expectations belong to the mind, all disciplines belong to the mind, all so-called
saintliness and so-called sin belong to the mind. When there is no mind, there is no
sinner and no saint, and the gift simply showers on you.
Remember, frustration is out of expectation, and ego is always expecting. The ego is a
Minds requirements and expectations cannot be fulfilled. Existence has no obligation to
fulfill minds requirements and demands. You have to accept existence as it is.
Each moment brings new surprises to the one who has no expectations, who comes with
an absolutely open mind. Then incredible things start happening. Even if you had wanted
them you could not have expected them; you could not have found yourself worthy
enough to expect them.
Dont expect anything in the future. Dont corrupt it. Because if all your expectations are
fulfilled then too you will be miserable because it is your expectation and it is fulfilled.
You will not be happy about it. Happiness is possible only through surprise; happiness is
possible only when something happens which you had never expected, when something
takes you completely unawares. If your expectations are fulfilled a hundred per cent, you
will be living as if you are in the past, not in the future. You come home and you expected
your wife to say something and she does. And you expected your child to behave in a
certain way and the child does. Just think you will be constantly in boredom. Nothing
will happen. Everything will be just a repetition, as if you are seeing something which you
have seen before, hearing something which you have heard before. Continuously you will
see that it is a repetition of something. and repetition can never be satisfying. The new,
the novel, the original, is needed. So if your expectations are fulfilled. you will remain
completely unfulfilled.
And if your expectations are not fulfilled. then you feel frustrated. Then you feel constantly
as if you propose and God goes on disposing; you feel that God is the enemy; you feel as
if everybody is against you and everybody is working against you. If your expectations
are never fulfilled you will feel frustrated. Just meditate upon your expectations: if they
are fulfilled you will feel bored, if they are not fulfilled you will feel cheated. You will feel as
if a conspiracy is going on against you. as if the whole existence is conspiring against
you. You will feel exploited, you will feel rejected, you will not be able to feel at home. And
the whole problem arises because you expect. Dont go ahead into the future. Drop
expectations. Once you drop expectations you have learned how to live. Then everything
that happens fulfills you, whatsoever it is. For one thing, you never feel frustrated
because in the first place you never expected. So frustration is impossible. Frustration is
a shadow of expectation. With the expectation dropped, frustration drops on its own
The future is just your hope, expectation. And when this life is not fulfilling you start
looking further, beyond death. All these are fictions just for you to survive somehow. But
this survival is not how you are supposed to be. Existence has not given you birth just to
live in hopes. You can be really ecstatic this moment, and there is no other moment.
Meditation is, Zen is living now and here.
A man who lives with intentions is bound to feel frustration. A man who lives with
expectations is bound to feel frustrated because existence has no obligation to you. But if
you live without intentions, without expectations, then miraculously you find that
everything that you ever dreamed of is being fulfilled. The moon is reflected in the lake
the lake never asked it, the moon never intended it. Existence goes on spontaneously.
Dont bring your desire, your ambition and your expectation; they are the disturbing
points. They create a chaos in your mind.
Egolessness is contentment. Egoless, you dont expect anything, and just a small child
smiles at you, but it is so beautiful. What else could you need? Suddenly you see a flower
and the flower sends its perfume to you. What else could you need? What more could
you want? The whole sky goes on filling with stars, the whole life becomes a celebration

because now everything is beautiful. Without expectation everything fulfills just to

breathe is enough, just to breathe is such a bliss.
If mind can fulfill, then all meditators are foolish, then all enlightened persons are fools.
Because mind cannot fulfill when they come to understand the whole mechanism, and
the whole misery of it. This is the mechanism: yesterday mind promised you that
something is going to be delivered to you tomorrow. Now the tomorrow has come, it is
today, and the mind has not delivered you are in misery, your expectations are
frustrated. Now the mind says, Tomorrow I am going to deliver. The mind promises
again. And what type of stupidity is this, that you again listen to the mind? And tomorrow
the same mechanism will be repeated it is a vicious circle. You listen to the mind, you
become miserable otherwise, this today is paradise! And there is no other paradise,
this today is nirvana. If you had not listened to the mind just dont listen to the mind,
then you are not in misery; because misery cannot exist without expectations and without
hopes. And when misery exists you need more hopes for it, to hide it, to live somehow.
Live hopelessly then you are a righteous man, then you are retired.
You listen to the mind, you become miserable otherwise, this today is paradise! And
there is no other paradise, this today is nirvana. If you had not listened to the mind just
dont listen to the mind, then you are not in misery; because misery cannot exist without
expectations and without hopes. And when misery exists you need more hopes for it, to
hide it, to live somehow. Live hopelessly then you are a righteous man, then you are
The mind never allows you to be where you are, it never allows you to see things as they
are. It is always taking you somewhere else, either into the past or into the future; it never
allows you to be in the present. Either it drags you into memories which are nothing
but footprints on the sands of time or it drags you into the future: great projections,
great expectations, desires, goals. And you become so much involved with them as
if they have some reality! And the reality is slipping out of your hands while you are
engaged in all these trips into the past, into the future. The mind never allows you and will
never allow you to see that which is; it always takes you to that which is not.
All hopes are lies, all expectations of the future are lies.
Without desire, you cannot project yourself into the future, without desire you cannot start
expectations, and without desire you will never be disappointed. Without desire, time
really disappears: you move from one moment of eternity to another moment of eternity.
There is no sequence and then you will never ask why nothing special is happening.
For myself, I have not come to know the mystery yet. The very play is the mystery; being
timeless, desireless, is the mystery. And to be ordinary is the `goal, if you allow me to use
the word. To be ordinary is the goal. If you can be ordinary you are liberated, then there is
no SANSAR for you, no world for you. This whole world is a struggle to be extraordinary.
Some try it in politics, some try it in economics, some try it in religion. But the lust remains
the same.
Meditation is your awakening. The moment you awake, sleep disappears and with it all
the dreams, all the projections, all expectations, all desires. Suddenly you are in a state
of desirelessness, non-ambition, unfathomable silence. And only in this silence, blossoms
flower in your being. Only in this silence the lotuses open their petals.
Once the ego is not there, there is no expectation, frustration, no desire, no despair.
Suddenly one finds oneself falling into a deep harmony with the cosmos. And that
harmony is God; that harmony is nirvana; that harmony is tao.
The real thing is that you are suffering from your expectations. When they are not fulfilled
and they are never going to be fulfilled frustration arises, failure arises, and you feel
neglected, as if existence does not care for you. Drop expectations for the future. Remain
open, remain available to whatsoever happens, but dont plan ahead. Dont make any
psychological, fixed ideas about the future that things should be like this and much
more suffering will disappear.

Live without expectations and there will be no frustration.

You cannot live with expectations because life has no obligation to fulfill your desires. You
can live with an open heart, but you cannot live with expectations. The more expectations
you have, the more frustrated you will be.

If I fulfill YOUR expectations, how am I going to transform you? I have to DESTROY your
expectations. I have to destroy the very mind that creates those expectations. If you
come to me, never come with expectations, otherwise you will be disappointed
because I have no obligation to fulfill your expectations in any way. In fact, if I see that
there are some expectations, I do things DELIBERATELY to destroy those expectations.
That is the price you have to pay to be with me.

It is within your hands to be frustrated in life or not. Just your expectations should
become smaller, smaller, smaller, and in the same proportion the frustration will become
smaller. A day will come when there will be no expectation; then you will never come
across any frustration.

You have to be a witness to your gunas, attributes, modifications of the mind, tricks of the
mind, games, traps of the mind, habits, samskaras, past, changing situations,
expectations: you have to be aware of all these things. You have to remember only one
thing: the seer is not the seen. Whatsoever you can see, you are not that. If you can see
your habit of laziness, you are not that. If you can see your habit of constant occupation,
you are not that. If you can see your past conditionings, you are not those conditionings.
The seer is not the seen. You are awareness and awareness is transcendental to all that
it can see. The observer is beyond the observed.

All expectations are unreasonable, but when one expects something out of meditation it
is ABSOLUTELY unreasonable. Because the very base of meditation, the very foundation
of meditation is to understand that expectation has to be dropped; otherwise meditation
never starts. It is expectation that keeps your mind continuously spinning thoughts. It is
expectation that keeps you tense. It is expectation, when not fulfilled, that makes you feel
frustrated, miserable. Drop expectation and meditation will flower, but it can flower only
when you are not expecting. You can go on expecting for many lives; you will not allow
meditation to flower. That is not the way.

The buddha is uncompromising; that creates trouble. He cannot compromise. Truth

cannot be compromised with any lies, comfortable lies. The buddha seems to be very
unsocial and sometimes antisocial. The buddha never fulfills any expectations of the
multitudes he cannot; he is not here to follow you. There is only one way: you can
follow him if you want to be with him, otherwise get lost! He cannot fulfill your
expectations. Your expectations are foolish, your expectations are your expectations
out of unawareness and blindness. What value can they have? The buddha is always
rebellious, antitraditional, nonconformist. That creates trouble. The buddha does not
belong to the past; in fact, the future belongs to the buddha. He is always before his time,
he is a new birth of God.

Whatsoever you are waiting for, you are waiting in vain. It is not going to happen, and
what is going to happen has nothing to do with your expectations and your desires. You
just let it come in; dont block the way. Remove yourself out of your own way. This time,
with no expectations, no desires, no hopes, just meditate.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Attachment

Attachment is the root cause of all misery. Possessiveness is nourishment for the ego.
Misery is nothing but the shadow of attachment. And hence all stagnancy. The attached
person becomes a stagnant pool sooner or later he will stink. He flows no more.

It is your attachment that creates hell.

Attachment brings misery, unattachment brings blissfulness. So use things, but dont be
used by them. Live life but dont be lived by it. Possess things, but dont be possessed by
them. Have things thats not a problem. I am not for renunciation. Enjoy everything that
life gives, but always remain free.
Attachment means clinging to something, wanting it the way it is forever. That is asking
for the impossible. The young person wants to remain young forever, and that is
impossible, sooner or later he has to become old. But then old age, rather than bringing
joy, brings suffering. Otherwise old age should be the very crescendo of life. It should be
the highest peak, snow-covered but it is a dark hole. It is a dark hole because we
have been clinging to youth. We cling to the body, but the body has to go one day. Live in
it, love it, respect it, take care of it, but dont become attached. Remember it is a
caravanserai, an overnights stay. But in the morning we have to go.
REMEMBER remain alert that you dont get too much attached to the accidental and
all is accidental except your consciousness. Except your awareness, all is accidental.
Pain and pleasure, success and failure, fame and defamation all is accidental. Only
your witnessing consciousness is essential. Stick to it! Get more and more rooted in it.
And dont spread your attachment to worldly things.
A witnessing consciousness lives in life but with tremendous non-attachment, with great
non-possessiveness; it possesses nothing. It lives totally, it lives passionately, but still
knowing that I dont possess anything.
Attachment is not love. Where there is attachment there is exploitation.
Attachment is the shadow of the ego. Attachments are immediately created wherever you
see I am.
As long as the I is there, love cannot be. All that we call love is only desire, longing,
passion and attachment; as long as ego is there, all these bind one.
You can change your attachment from this to that, but you will be in misery. Attachment
creates misery.
To live a life of attachment is very destructive because whomsoever you think you love
you reduce to a thing. And you allow yourself also to be reduced to a thing. It is good to
be a man, it is not good to be a husband. A husband is a thing and an ugly thing at that;
the very word is ugly. It is good to be a woman but not good to be a wife. Being a wife
means you are reduced to a very small relationship. The woman was vast; the wife is
tethered, chained, imprisoned. And thats what love goes on doing. People do it to their
children they possess them. Children are nobodys possession; they come through the
parents but they dont belong to them. But people behave as if they are the owners: my
child, my wife, my husband. The very idea of putting your ego projection on the other is
destructive of love. The word mamta literally means mine literally. Mam means my,
mamta means mine. The moment you say my, mine, you have projected the I, the ego
has come into functioning and the ego is the enemy of love. My sannyasins have to learn
the ways of non-attachment, non-possessiveness, only then does love blossom. And the
blossoming of love is religion, true religion. When your heart is fragrant with love you
know what god is. The taste of love gives you the proof that god exists, there is no other
proof; except for love there is no other proof for god. There has never been and there
never will be; love is the only proof, the only proof. But people are destroying the very
possibility of their knowing god by destroying love.
Remember, if your nonattachment to things is true, has come out of understanding, has
grown out of awareness, you will become more loving. Because the same energy that
was involved in attachment will be released. Where will it go? You will have more energy
at your disposal. Attachment is not love. It is an ego trip to possess, to dominate, to
manipulate. It is violence; it is not love. When this energy is relieved, suddenly you have
much more energy with which to love. A really nonattached person is full of love, and

always and always he has more and more to give, and always he goes on finding new
sources of love. His source is infinite.
When Patanjali says non-attachment, he is not anti-love. Really, he is for love. Nonattachment means be natural, loving, flowing, but dont get obsessed and addicted.
Addiction is the problem. Then it is like a disease. You cannot love anybody except your
child this is addiction. Then you will be in misery. Your child can die; then there is no
possibility for your love to flow. Even if your child is not going to die, he will grow. And the
more he grows, the more he will become independent. And then there will be pain. Every
mother suffers, every father suffers.
You fall in love with a person, you become attached, and immediately misery starts. You
become possessive, you are afraid he may fall in love with somebody else. You start
hindering, obstructing his freedom, you start reducing him to a thing. All respect and love
starts disappearing. It becomes only a continuous fight between two egos. You want to
possess him and he wants to possess you. How can love exist in such a constant war?
Attachment destroys love. It is poison to love. Love deeply, profoundly, but dont bring
possessiveness and jealousy in. They are bound to come in if you become attached. The
greatest art to learn in life is to float unattached. Pass through life but be untouched by
anything. Things will come and go, you remain centered in your being, undistracted,
undisturbed. Thats what sannyas is. And if a person can manage this state all bliss is his.
He can have the whole universe. This is a miracle: the universe belongs to those people
who are non-possessive. Love belongs to those who are non-jealous.
You get frustrated because of your demands. You were thinking that when you will come
back home, your wife will be just standing outside to welcome you. And if she is not
standing there outside to welcome you, you cannot accept it. And this gives you
frustration and misery. You demand, and through demand you create misery. And
demand is possible only if you are attached. You cannot demand with persons who are
strangers to you. Only with attachment demand comes in. That is why all attachments
become hellish. Patanjali says be non-attached. That means be flowing, accepting,
whatsoever life brings. Dont demand and dont force. Life is not going to follow you. You
cannot force life to be according to you. It is better to flow with the river rather than
pushing it. Just flow with it! Much happiness becomes possible. There is already much
happiness all around you, but you cannot see it because of your wrong fixations.
If attachment is the conditioning factor, then non-attachment will become the
unconditioning factor. If expectation leads you in misery, then non-expectation will lead
you into non-misery. If anger creates a hell within you, then compassion will create a
heaven. So whatsoever the process of misery, the reverse will be the process of
happiness. Unconditioning means you have to understand the whole knotted
phenomenon of human consciousness as it is.
Become alert about desire and non-attachment begins to appear. This is not to be made
to happen, it follows naturally from awareness of attachment. Each one of us has to
become aware of his attachments, and keep being so! Nothing should be done
Attachment is the root cause of all misery and our mind is such that it starts clinging to
each and everything. It starts becoming identified, attached, it does not know how to keep
a distance; hence the misery.
Identification with the body, with the mind, with our possessions, with our families, with
our friends any kind of identification takes you outwards. All your possessions will be
outwards: your wife, your husband, your children, your body your body is outside you;
your mind your mind is outside you. The only thing that is not outside you is the
witnessing. Just the watchfulness that is your buddha. Identification means losing
witnessing, falling into the trap of attachment. That is our misery, that is our slavery.
Become detached from your ego, become detached from your possessions. Become
simply detached from every possible source of attachment.

To remain attached to the temporal, to the changing is to remain within the world of
misery because the temporal will be taken away. You have invested so much in it but one
day everything is taken away. Then it is natural to feel miserable. Misery is rooted in
attachment to the body and bliss is rooted in non-attachment to the body; hence all the
great masters have been teaching methods and means of non-attachment, of getting
disidentified with the body, with the mind, with everything surrounds you, and of just
remaining a pure witness. Thats what we are: pure witnessing, pure awareness.
If someone else is saying, This world is futile, this conclusion cannot become your
conclusion. You will have to pass through experience, fully aware. Whenever you feel
desire, move into desire fully aware and when you reach the fulfillment of the desire,
know well what has happened whether any hope has been fulfilled or just frustrated.
Go on moving in desire, alert, and then you will come to understand that all desire is
futile, all attachment is meaningless; it creates misery, it never creates any bliss. Vairagya
means this conclusion reached through awareness, reached through experiencing and
knowing is the fruit of vairagya, of non-attachment.
Misery comes out of attachment. When your attachments are not fulfilled as you wanted
them to be, when your expectations are not fulfilled, frustration arises. Frustration is a byproduct. If you dont expect, nobody can frustrate you. If you dont want to make a home
here, even death cannot frighten you. Nothing can frighten you. If you dont cling to
anything, how can you be made miserable? Your clinging creates misery, because you
want to cling and in the very nature of things, things are changing; you cannot cling. They
are slipping constantly out of your hands. There is no way to cling to them.
Your ego may be just a soap bubble. Maybe for a few seconds it will remain, rising higher
in the air. Perhaps for a few seconds it may have a rainbow, but it is only for a few
seconds. In this infinite and eternal existence your egos go on bursting every moment. It
is better not to have any attachment with soap bubbles.
Everything comes out of nothingness and goes back into nothingness. Hence there is no
need for attachment, because attachment will bring misery. Soon it will be gone. The
flower that has blossomed in the morning, by the evening will be gone. Dont get
attached; otherwise in the evening there will be misery. Then there will be tears, then you
will miss the flower. Enjoy while it is. But remember, it has come out of nothing, and it will
go back to nothing. And the same is true about everything, even about people.
When you are not the doer how can the attachment happen? You do a small thing and
you become attached. You say, I have done this. You would like everybody to know that
you have done this and you have done that. This ego is the barrier for the supreme
understanding. Drop the doer and let things happen. Thats what Tilopa means by being
loose and natural.
The only problem in life is love. Either people are missing love then their life is empty,
then their life has no meaning, no significance, no joy or people are full of love but
their love is contaminated by attachment. Again they become miserable;t again, anguish
arises, because that attachment, that clinging creates possessiveness, jealousy, poisons
love completely. It is like a garden which is full of weeds and you are trying to grow roses
in it. If your mind is full of jealousy, possessiveness, domination, ego trips and all those
numbers, then you cannot grow roses of love. The whole soil is being exploited by the
weeds and weeds are cunning people, very cunning people!
Transcendence means going beyond duality. Attachment means remaining within duality.
If you look to me as a person you will become attached, and attachment brings misery. If
you look to me as love you cannot be attached, and if you look at me as love you can
dissolve with me. You cannot dissolve with a person; you can dissolve only with an
energy, not with a person. Persons collide: that is the misery of all the lovers in the world.
Persons collide, because persons are two egos. When two egos come close, sooner or
later, the clash, the conflict, because each wants to possess the other, and the other
cannot like it. Nobody wants to be possessed. So the natural calamity of love arises

because you have not understood love as energy. Dont think of me as a person,
otherwise you will start possessing me, and then there will be inner conflict. Think of me
as love, as energy, as space; then you can dissolve in me, and you can allow me to
dissolve in you. Then there will be no clash.

Attachment is misery, but from the very beginning the child is taught for attachment. The
mother will say to the child, Love me; I am your mother. The father will say, Love me; I
am your father as if someone is a father or a mother so he becomes automatically

If you get attached, then it becomes an obsession. If the person is not there, you are
unhappy. If you miss the person, you are in misery. And attachment is such a disease that
if the person is not there you are in misery, and if the person is there you are indifferent.
Then it is okay; it is taken for granted. If the person is there it is okay no more than
that. If the person is not there, then you are in misery. This is attachment.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Suffering

You would like to live a life where there is no suffering, but that life is not possible if you
continuously carry the ego with you. You cannot make a life around you so that suffering
disappears. If you carry the ego, again and again you will bump into some reality which
will hurt the unreal. Whenever there is an encounter between reality and unreality, the
unreal causes suffering.
Use every opportunity in life for raising your intelligence, your consciousness. Ordinarily
what we are doing is using every opportunity to create a hell for ourselves. Only you
suffer, and because of your suffering, you make others suffer. And when so many people
are living together, and if they all create suffering for each other, it goes on multiplying.
Thats how the whole world has become a hell. It can be instantly changed. Just the basic
thing has to be understood, that without intelligence there is no heaven.
If you really want to get rid of misery and suffering then you will have to understand
you dont have a self. Then it will be not just a small relief but a tremendous relief. And if
you dont have a self, the need for the other disappears. It was the need of the unreal self
to go on being nourished by the other. You dont need the other. And listen carefully:
when you dont need the other, you can love. And that love will not bring misery. Going
beyond needs, demands, desires, love becomes a very soft sharing, a great
understanding. When you understand yourself, that very day you have understood the
whole of humanity. Then nobody can make you miserable. You know that they are
suffering from an unreal self, and they are throwing their misery on anybody who is close
by. Your love will make you capable of helping the person you love to get rid of the self.
Opposites are complementaries. If you can suffer your suffering in totality, in great
intensity, you will be surprised: Saul becomes Paul. You will not be able to believe it when
it happens for the first time, that your own suffering absorbed willingly, welcomingly,
becomes a great blessing. The same energy that becomes hate becomes love, the same
energy that becomes pain becomes pleasure, the same energy that becomes suffering
becomes bliss.
The moment you become identified with your suffering you want to discard it, you want to
get rid of it, it is so painful. But if you are a witness then suffering loses all thorns, all
stings. Then there is suffering, and you are a witness to it. You are just a mirror; it has
nothing to do with you. Happiness comes and goes, unhappiness comes and goes, it is a
passing show; you are just there, a mirror reflecting it. Life comes and goes, death comes
and goes; the mirror is not affected by either. The mirror reflects but remains unaffected;
the mirror is not imprinted by either.
Remember, one who enjoys more is bound to suffer more because he becomes very

sensitive. But suffering is not bad. If you understand it rightly, suffering is a cleansing. If
you understand it rightly, sadness has a depth to it which no happiness can ever have. A
person who is simply happy is always superficial. A person who has not known sorrow
and has not known sadness, has not known the depths. He has not touched the bottom
of his being; he has remained just on the periphery. One has to move within these two
banks. Within these two banks flows the river.
Each suffering should be started in celebration. Then you change the quality of suffering
itself. Each suffering should be welcomed through celebration; then the suffering is no
more suffering.
Suffering is there. It is part of life and part of growth; nothing is bad in it. Suffering
becomes evil only when it is simply destructive and not creative at all; suffering becomes
bad only when you suffer and nothing is gained out of it. But I am telling you the divine
can be gained through suffering; then it becomes creative. Darkness is beautiful if the
dawn is coming out of it soon; darkness is dangerous if it is endless, leads to no dawn,
simply continues and continues and you go on moving in a rut, in a vicious circle. This is
what is happening to you.Just to escape from one suffering you create another; then to
escape from another, another. And this goes on and on and all those sufferings which you
have not lived are waiting for you. You have escaped but you escape from one suffering
to another, because a mind which was creating a suffering will create another. So you can
escape from this suffering to that, but suffering will be there because your mind is the
creative force.Accept the suffering and pass through it; dont escape. This is a totally
different dimension to work in. Suffering is there: encounter it, go through it. Fear will be
there, accept it. You will tremble, so tremble. Why create a facade that you dont tremble,
that you are not afraid? If you are a coward, accept it.


Instead of your life being in an oceanic love, it is suffering in a gutter of dirty jealousy. But
unless you start looking inwards and finding the roots, you will not be able to transform it.
Everybody can be freed from nightmares, from sufferings, from miseries, but of course
not directly. The problem is that you cannot be freed from your suffering directly because
you are clinging to it. It is not the suffering that is the problem, it is you who are clinging
which is the problem. You dont want to leave it. You brag about it, you talk about it. You
even talk about how to get out of this misery. But one who has eyes can see that you are
clinging to the misery as hard as possible. Just the presence of a master can help you to
see whether the misery is clinging to you, or you are clinging to the misery. That is a very
decisive point. Once you see that you are clinging to the misery, you are freed. Just the
seeing of it, the very understanding, is freedom.
Life cannot grow without challenges; and pains, miseries, sufferings bring challenges.
You cannot become aware without suffering. Suffering evokes awareness in you.
The most important thing in life is to learn that you are not the body. That will give you
such freedom from pain and from suffering. Not that suffering will disappear, not that
there will not be any pain or cancer, they will be there but you will not be identified with
them. You will be just a watcher. And if you can watch your own body as if it is somebody
elses body, you have attained something of tremendous importance. Your life has not
been in vain. You have learned the lesson, the greatest lesson that is possible for any
human being.
You have looked everywhere, you have walked thousands of ways in thousands of lives,
but you have never reached to yourself. This is the basic suffering: not to know yourself.
Not to be aware of your eternity is the only misery all miseries are small expressions of
You will be thankful only when you have been completely renewed: you have been killed,
and you are reborn only then. Before that there is going to be much pain. Growth goes

through pain, much suffering. Growth is not cheap.

It is easy when you are suffering to stand aloof, to be aware. It is easy when you are
miserable to be aware, because who wants to be miserable? Who wants to be in
suffering? The experience of suffering, anguish, misery, itself helps you to get out of it.
When suffering is acute, not just a tantrum, not just an act that you are putting on, not just
a habit but a real suffering, a despair; when you see that life has no meaning, that each
breath seems to be simply unnecessary Why do you go on living, for what? nothing
is going to happen, and there is no exit either. When the pain of it becomes so intense
that it goes beyond the limit of human toleration, suddenly you may come out of a
nightmare. Then this so-called waking state will prove to be only a different kind of sleep,
with open eyes.
This is a very unconscious state. You are SUFFERING from desire, but you think you are
suffering from things. People think they are suffering from their wives, from their
husbands, children, society, people. No. Not at all. You are suffering only from one thing:
It looks very difficult to trust that all that you are suffering is just a dream created by
yourself but it is so. Because all those who have become awakened say so! Not a
single awakened person has said otherwise. And in lucid moments of awareness you will
also feel the same.
To be miserable, to be in suffering, is our own effort, it is our own creation. Suffering has
the signature of man, blessing has the signature of God. Suffering has to be earned
when you are able to see you will be surprised: suffering needs much more work, much
more effort, because to suffer is almost making the impossible possible. It is not your
nature to suffer, and still you create it. It needs arduous effort. Going against nature
needs much work and people are working day in, day out, year in, year out, life in, life
out, people are working hard to create more and more suffering for themselves.
If you are suffering, remember, you must be creating it. There is no other way to suffer.
But if you feel blessed, then it is not your doing: it is a showering from the beyond.
Suffering is man-made, bliss is god-made bliss is your nature, your very nature, your
very ground of being. When this has been seen, you have come home.
I teach you to be selfish, because only out of true selfishness is altruism born. A really
selfish person cannot be against anybody, a really selfish person cannot hurt anybody
because hurting somebody you have to hurt yourself first. You cannot create suffering for
others without creating suffering for yourself. Before you are angry with someone, you
have to be angry within yourself. Before you are violent with somebody, you have to go
through many nightmares.
UNDERSTAND WELL: you are the cause of your suffering, nobody else. To recognize
this is the first step into being a religious person. You dont throw your responsibility onto
others, you simply recognize the fact that I am the cause of my suffering. And with that,
of course, you will feel a little sad, you will look a little stupid. If you are the cause, then
why do you go on creating suffering for yourself?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Ambition

Man is not destroyed by other small things marijuana, LSD, etcetera he is

destroyed by something far deeper. Ambition is the most poisonous thing. We are

unconscious. So, unless we become very aware of our inner poisons we will not be able
to transform our beings from darkness into light. We will remain dark holes and we
have the capacity to become eternal light.
The whole point is to understand that the future is not. The future is created by the
ambitious mind. The future is not part of time. It is part of ambition. Because ambition
needs space to move. You cannot fulfill ambition now. You can fulfill life now, but not
ambition. Ambition is against life, antilife.
What is the root of your misery? The root is your ambition, desiring. One wants to be this
and that, one wants to possess this and that, one wants to be somebody, one wants to be
The moment you have put your mind aside mind means ambition, the ego trip of being
this and that the moment you have put the whole mind aside, a great light explodes in
you and you are enlightened. This is satori. It does not come from the outside: you are
not delivered by somebody else, you are delivered by your own being, by your own
The man of Zen is absolutely conscious no greed, no anger, no jealousy, no ambition.
These are all intoxicants, these are all drugs: they go on keeping you sleepy. It is a
miracle how you manage your life with so many poisons running in your bloodstream, in
your very being. That is the only difference; otherwise, from the outside, you will not
What is the point of becoming ambitious? Ambition means I have to be superior, I have to
prove that I am superior to others. Now for this you have to lose your intelligence, you
have to become stupid. Thats why politicians are utterly stupid people, they cant be
otherwise. They are all bananas, and rotten bananas at that!
Ambition starts in such a way that you never become aware what poison it contains in it.
The bottle of ambition contains pure poison, but the label is not that of poison: the label
says it is pure nectar.
Both meet in you time and eternity. Now it is for you to decide. If you move in ambition,
you will move in time; and death exists in time. If you move in desire, you will move in
time; and death exists in time. If you hanker for the ego, you will move in time. Death,
ego, desire, ambition, they all are part of the horizontal line. If you start digging in the
moment and move vertically, you become a nonego, you become desireless, you
become nonambitious. But suddenly you are aflame with life, you are an intense energy
of life. God has taken possession of you. Move vertically, and all miserliness disappears.
All your educational systems and all your cultural beliefs, force you to be ambitious, to be
somebody. But to be somebody means creating anxieties in a silent pool, ripples and
waves. The greater the ambition, the more tidal is the wave of anxiety. You can become
almost insane desiring. Trying to be somebody, you are trying the impossible, because
basically you are nobody. Zen has an absolutely unique perception into the nothingness
of everyone. It does not teach you any ambition, it does not teach you to be someone
else. It simply wants you to know that in the deepest part of your being you are still
nothing, you are still carrying the original purity which is not even contaminated by an
idea of I.
Why should you want to become somebody else? Why? This competition, this ambition,
brings ego in. This comparison is egoistic. Somebody is wise so I should become wise.
Why? Let somebody be wise, that is his destiny. What is wrong in being the way you are?
Then there is variety and there is richness in life because of the variety.
What is politics? Politics is ambition, politics is ego, politics is aggression, politics is
violence, politics is an ego-trip. How can a religious person be political? He can pretend
that he is religious but he cannot be religious. And how can a political person be
religious? He can pretend that he is religious but he cannot be religious. These two thugs
cannot go together because to be religious one has to drop ambition. And if you drop

ambition politics disappears. To be religious one has to drop the ego, and when you drop
the ego, politics is dropped. A religious person has to be without any ego whatsoever.

Thats what always happens to ambition. When you are nearing to the end, suddenly you
recognize that one thing is very basically missing somebody is still ahead of you. And
ambition is very violent. Even if it is your Master, you can kill him. Ambition is violence. An
ambitious man can never ke non-violent. An ambitious man can never love. Not even his
own Master is safe! An ambitious man is a dangerous man. Ambition is poison. It poisons

Let it be remembered always: you cannot become non-violent if there is still ambition
any kind of ambition will never allow you compassion. How can you be compassionate if
there is ambition? You have still to fight, still to make your way.

Zen has a different approach. It says: Be in the life life is not wrong. If something is
wrong it is wrong in your vision. Your eyes are clouded, your mirror of consciousness is
dusty. Clean it! Create more clarity. If competitiveness disappears, you are in the world
and yet you are not in the world. If ambition disappears, then there is no world left. But
how the ambition and the competition can disappear? We go on creating new ways.
Somebody is trying to have more money than you and somebody else is trying to be
more virtuous than you. What is the difference? Somebody is trying to be more
knowledgeable than you, somebody else is trying to have more character than you. It is
the same desire, the same dreaming, the same sleepiness. And people go on and on in
their dreaming. Their dreams change, but they never wake up.
- -- ----- ------- ----- -- - - - - -----------Osho Quotes on Ambition

If you are ambitious, then your mind is bound to remain restless. If you want peace, then
the first requirement is to drop all ambition. Unless you drop ambition you cannot be at
ease, at peace, you cannot be relaxed.
Just watch people who have succeeded in the world and you will drop the idea of
success. Nothing fails like success. Although you have been told that nothing succeeds
like success, I say to you that nothing fails like success. Happiness has nothing to do with
success, happiness has nothing to do with ambition, happiness has nothing to do with
money, power, prestige. It is a totally different dimension.
To live without meditation is to be foolish, because whatsoever you do then is going to be
wrong. You cannot do right without meditation because right only grows in the soil of
meditation. In the soil of the mind ambitions, desires arise. And when there is ambition
there is competition, and when there is competition you are not a friend to others. You are
an enemy and others are your enemies. The competitive mind lives in an inimical way,
lives in hatred, lives in jealousy; its whole function is out of jealousy. And because of this
kind of life man suffers, he remains in misery.
Become still not a forced stillness, not a practiced and cultivated stillness become
still naturally. Understanding the futility of desire, seeing the absolute absurdity of
ambition, become still through understanding, not through practice.
How to find joy? Let your ambition disappear; ambition is the barrier. Ambition means an
ego trip: I want to be this, I want to be that more money, more power, more prestige.
forget about winning and losing. Life is a play, a game. Play it beautifully, forget all about
losing and winning. The real sportsmans spirit is not that of winning or losing, it is not his
real question. He enjoys playing; that is the real player. If you are playing to win, you will
play with tension, anxiety. You are not concerned with the play itself, its joy and its
mystery; you are more concerned with the outcome. This is not the right way to live in the

The more meditative you become, the less ambitious you will be. There is no question of
fulfilling ambitions; ambition will start disappearing from your consciousness.
This moment is all. Buddha insists very much: Live in the moment. And desire does not
allow you to live in the moment. And you go on repeating the same things, you move in
circles. Just watch your life, look back. You have been moving in circles: the same anger,
the same sex, the same greed, the same ambition, the same postponement and the
same desiring mind. When are you going to wake up?
What is enlightenment? the insight that desire is futile, that ambition is illness. Then
suddenly you are thrown back to the present moment. To be in the present is to be
enlightened. To be now and to be here is to be enlightened.
Mind is politics, because mind is ambitious and ambition is the root of politics. If you are
ambitious you are political. Your ambition may take the form of religion, but the politics is
there. Then you are competing with other saints.
Man cannot live without politics, because of the mind. You are brought up, you are trained
to be political. Every child is poisoned from the very beginning, poisoned by ambition. We
teach children to be ambitious: be somebody in the world, be somebody special,
somebody superior, defeat others! We give the idea to every child that life is a struggle
and only the fittest survive. Whether you survive by right or wrong means, that is not
This is the case with you in so many lives. You have lived the same kind of life again and
again the same desire, the same greed, the same ambition and each time you were
frustrated, but again you are ready to become a victim. It is exactly like dreams.
Buddha introduced the idea that young people should become sannyasins. Then it is
something significant. When a young person goes beyond sex, when a young person
goes beyond desires, when a young person goes beyond greed, ambition, the longing to
be powerful, the ambition to be famous, then it is something tremendously meaningful,
significant. Remember one thing: when you are young you have energies. Those
energies can take you to hell and those same energies can take you to heaven. Energies
are neutral; it depends on you how you use them.
We are very much afraid, and the fear arises because we have believed, we have been
told again and again, hypnotized to believe in the ego. This whole social structure up to
now, hitherto, has been propounding an egoistic life attitude. Then fear, then greed, then
ambition, are natural. And ego is being taught to every child; his ego is strengthened so
that you can make him ambitious. Out of ambition arises politics. Ego is created so that
you can make him afraid. Out of fear arises religion the so-called religion.
Each child is poisoned by the society through teaching him ambition. Ambition is a poison
far more dangerous than any alcohol can ever be, far more dangerous than marijuana or
LSD, because ambition destroys your whole life. It keeps you moving in a false direction.
It keeps you imagining, desiring, dreaming, it keeps you wasting your life. Ambition
means a subtle creation of the ego, and once the ego is created you are in the grip of
darkness. And the whole social structure depends on ambition. Be the first! Wherever you
are, whatsoever you are doing: be the first! as if being the first has something divine
about it. By what means you become the first is irrelevant. By right means or wrong
means, succeed! As if success in itself has become equivalent to life, synonymous with
life. Life has nothing to do with success. Success keeps you rushing towards the future
and that becomes your intoxicant. Hoping, hoping for the tomorrow, wasting that which
you have or that which you dont have and will never have.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Quotes on Sadness

The real man one day becomes enlightened. The unreal man never becomes
enlightened. When the real man becomes enlightened, then there is no joy and no
sadness. Then his being is just a witness. Joy comes: he watches it. Sadness comes: he
watches it.
You are sad be aware. Let sadness become your meditation. You are angry be
aware. You are in love be aware. Use all possibilities, all opportunities to be more and
more aware. Slowly slowly, the momentum gathers, and one day something explodes in
you. That explosion is known in the East as the flowering of the one-thousand-petalled
You go on living in a fantasy world. Your life is nothing but your thinking, a pseudo thing;
and so is your death. Your illness, your health, your happiness, your sadness are all so
bogus that how can you die a real death? A real death has to be earned. One has to
become worthy of real death. And one becomes worthy only by living truly.
Our mind is a chooser; thats why the problem arises. Remain choiceless. And
whatsoever happens and wherever you are, right or left, in the middle or not in the
middle, enjoy the moment in its totality. While happy, dance, sing, play music be
happy! And when sadness comes, which is bound to come, which is coming, which has
to come, which is inevitable, you cannot avoid it if you try to avoid it you will have to
destroy the very possibility of happiness. The day cannot be without the night, and the
summer cannot be without the winter, and life cannot be without death.
Remember, one who enjoys more is bound to suffer more because he becomes very
sensitive. But suffering is not bad. If you understand it rightly, suffering is a cleansing. If
you understand it rightly, sadness has a depth to it which no happiness can ever have. A
person who is simply happy is always superficial. A person who has not known sorrow
and has not known sadness, has not known the depths. He has not touched the bottom
of his being; he has remained just on the periphery. One has to move within these two
banks. Within these two banks flows the river.
Sadness has come. It has happened to you; it is not you. The moment you remember
this, suddenly you will see a distance arising between you and the sadness. It does not
affect you anymore. When you lose awareness, it affects you; when you gain awareness,
there is a distance. The more awareness rises to a higher peak, the more the distance
becomes greater and greater. A moment comes when you are so far away from your
sadness that it is as if it is no longer there.
Life consists of sadness too. And sadness is also beautiful; it has its own depth, its own
delicacy, its own deliciousness, its own taste. A man is poorer if he has not known
sadness; he is impoverished, very much impoverished. His laughter will be shallow, his
laughter will not have depth, because depth comes only through sadness. A man who
knows sadness, if he laughs, his laughter will have depth. His laughter will have
something of his sadness too, his laughter will be more colorful.
You are sad. Go into your sadness rather than escaping into some activity, into some
occupation, rather than going to see a friend or to a movie or turning on the radio or the
tv. Rather than escaping from it, turning your back towards it, drop all activity. Close your
eyes, go into it, see what it is, why it is and see without condemning it, because if you
condemn you will not be able to see the totality of it. See without judging. If you judge,
you will not be able to see the whole of it. Without judgment, without condemnation,
without evaluation, just watch it, what it is. Look as if it is a flower, sad; a cloud, dark; but
look at it with no judgment so that you can see all the facets of it.
Thats how it should be. If you can like your sadness also, then the sadness is no longer
sad. The sadness is sad because you dislike it. The sadness is sad because you would
not like to be in it. The sadness is sad because you reject it. Even sadness becomes a
flowering of tremendous beauty, of silence, of depth, if you like it. Nothing is wrong; thats
what I want you to be: to like everything that happens, even sadness. Even death has to
be loved; only then will you transcend death. If you can accept death, love and welcome

it, now death cannot kill you; you have transcended it.
When sadness comes, accept it. Listen to its song. It has something to give to you. It has
a gift which no happiness can give to you, only sadness can give it.

Happiness is always shallow; sadness, always deep. Happiness is like a wave, sadness
is like the innermost depth of an ocean. In sadness you remain with yourself, left alone. In
happiness you start moving with people, you start sharing In sadness you close your
eyes; you delve deep within yourself. Sadness has a song a very deep phenomenon is
sadness. Accept it. Enjoy it. Taste it without any rejection, and you will see that it brings
many gifts to you which no happiness can ever bring.

If you can accept sadness, it is no more sadness. You have brought a new quality to it.
You will grow through it. Now it will not be a stone, a rock on the path blocking the way; it
will become a step. And remember always: a person who has not known deep sadness is
a poor person. He will never have an inner richness. A person who has lived always
happy, smiling, shallow, has not entered into the innermost temple of his being. He has
missed the innermost shrine.

Remain capable of moving with all the polarities. When sadness comes, be REALLY sad.
Dont try to escape from it allow it, cooperate with it. Let it dissolve in you and you be
dissolved in it. Become one with it. Be really sad: no resistance, no conflict, no struggle.
When happiness comes, be happy: dance, be ecstatic. When happiness comes, dont try
to cling to it. Dont say that it should remain always and always; that is the way to miss it.
When sadness comes, dont say,Dont come to me, or,If you have come, please go
soon. That is the way to miss it.

Dont reject sadness and dont cling to happiness. and soon you will understand that
happiness and sadness are two aspects of the same coin. Then you will see that
happiness also has a sadness in it, and sadness also has a happiness in it. Then your
inner being is enriched. Then you can enjoy everything: the morning and the evening
also, the sunlight and the dark night also, the day and the night, the summer and the
winter, life and death you can enjoy all.
- ---- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - ----------------Osho Quotes on Sadness

If sadness and sorrow overtake you in life, you must have taken some wrong step; when
you suffer, know that you have gone astray. The suffering is only a pointer, dont make it
your life style; dont become masochist, for masochism is a disease from which many
people suffer.
Any moment of great happiness will also be a great moment of sadness.
This is what is the attitude of a meditator to look at everything but not to jump into it.
Whatsoever passes is good. Sometimes happiness comes, sometimes sadness, anger,
jealousy you need not make them your problems. You have the attitude as if you are
waiting at the railway station in the waiting room. So many people coming and going
good and bad, saint and sinner it is none of your concern; you simply sit in your chair
unconcerned. You are waiting for your train, and these people are not coming for you
you dont even know who they are. You are not in a judging mood of who is good and
who is bad, because you judge only when you think this is your home.
Hypocrisy means you pretend to be something which you are not. You know it, it hurts,
hence it creates sadness. The whole world is full of sadness because the whole world
has been directed to create character, morality. My effort here is just the opposite. I am
not interested in character at all, in morality st all. I sm not telling people to be immoral, I
am telling people to be conscious, to create consciousness.
My sannyasins are not to be sad people. Enough of sadness! Throughout the whole past
of humanity we have created sad saints and sages. It has been a nightmare. Now we
need cheerful sages, saints who are capable of love and laughter. God is fed up with your

old saints. He is continuously informing me not to send any more of the old type of saints.
He needs a few dancers in heaven, the singers, lovers the old saints have made
heaven look like hell. So I am preparing my people.
If you say you will not move into sadness, that you want only happiness, then you cannot
flow. Flow is only possible if you accept everything as it is, unconditionally.
Silence has something in it that is very much like sadness. It is not sadness, but it is very
much like it. So when you start becoming silent, you may also feel a certain type of
sadness. Dont be afraid of that, or you will start trying to get out of it. It is not sadness,
but just the feeling of silence, the depth, gives you a certain sadness. It is beautiful, mm?
People who go into silence have to encounter this problem, and have to understand that
there are different types of sadness. There is a sadness that comes out of frustration; a
sadness that comes out of being empty, and inner poverty. And there is a sadness that
comes out of silence, out of total fullness, but it is also alive.
Silence will give you sadness, and aloneness. You will need a little time to become
familiar with those different shades and different flavours.
Change only one thing, change from misery to bliss. from sadness to celebration. And it
can be done very easily because misery is an unnatural thing.
My path is the path of bliss. It is not of sadness, it is not of seriousness. Sadness and
seriousness are pathological. The so-called saints who appear very serious, are really ill
people. They are not whole. They have become incapable of laughter, they have become
incapable of cheerfulness and to be incapable of cheerfulness and laughter is really to
commit suicide. They have committed suicide. But we have worshipped these people for
centuries because we are worshippers of death, not of life. And we worship a person who
becomes dead even while he is alive, who starts living a kind of post-humous existence.
He becomes a mahatma, a sage, a saint.
My sannyasins have to live a life of bliss that is their meditation. They have to drop all
seriousness, they have to become more playful. They have to look at life not as a
problem but as a mystery. If you look at it as a problem you become serious because
then a great temptation arises to solve it and it is insoluble. It will lead you into more
and more seriousness and into frustration and into sadness.
The only thing really beautiful is blissfulness. And the only thing ugly is sadness, misery.
But because the majority of human beings live in misery, they worship misery. They are
afraid of bliss, they are afraid of blissful people. They cannot believe that somebody is
really blissful.
We become identified with anything that comes in front of us. When the cloud of anger is
there we think we are anger; when the cloud of love is there we think we are love. When
compassion is there we think we are compassion; when sadness is there we think we are
sadness. We are none of these: we are the watcher. Anger will come and go and the
watcher abides. Sadness comes and passes by and the witness remains. To remember
that witness more and more will make you integrated, because that is the only centre
which is everlasting, eternal; and only on the eternal rock of witnessing can a real life be
built. Otherwise we are making our houses on sand, quicksilver. We cannot even
complete it it always falls in the middle.
Let this become your key next time when anger comes, just watch it. Dont say I am
angry; say rather Anger is there; I am watching it. And see the difference! The difference
is vast. Suddenly you are out of the grip of anger if you can say I am just a watcher; I am
not anger. When sadness comes, just sit by the side and look at it and say I am the
watcher; I am not sadness and see the difference. Immediately you have cut the very
root of sadness. It is no more nourished; it will die of starvation, because we feed these
emotions by being identified with them.
Be aware of the body and its action. Walking, walk with alertness; dont walk like a robot,
like a machine. When thinking, watch; what thoughts are moving, Just go on seeing; what

desires are spinning and weaving their nets around you. Just go on watching. Go on
watching how subtle dreams are moving like an undercurrent deep down in your
unconscious. Watch your feelings, moods, how they suddenly arise as if from nowhere;
just a moment before you were so full of joy and now you are so sad. Just watch how it
happens, see the bridge how joy becomes sadness, how sadness becomes joy.
Slowly slowly your moods start disappearing. You are no more very joyous and no more
very sad. The difference between joy and sadness starts becoming less. Soon a moment
of equilibrium is reached when you are neither sad nor joyous. And that is the moment
when bliss is felt. That tranquillity, that silence, that balance, is bliss.
One who is surrendered to god need not say anything, the very surrender will transform
his life. All that is needed on the part of the seeker is to drop the ego because ego is the
only cause of all our misery and sadness.
Blissfulness has totally disappeared, and the strangest thing is that it has disappeared
because of the so-called religious people in the world. The religious people have created
a kind of seriousness. They have destroyed cheerfulness, they have condemned cheerful
as something mundane, profane, sacrilegious. They have raised sadness, seriousness,
to the heights of saintliness.
One has to become more and more alive, full of zest, gusto, intensity. One should not
withhold. When you are full of life love starts happening on its own accord, because what
you will do with life, what you will do with that overflowing energy? You will have to share
it thats what love is: sharing of your life energy. And the moment you share your life
energy all sadness disappears, then life is just a heartfelt laughter.
Now this indivisible atom of consciousness can exist in two ways: it can exist in sadness
then it is in the world it can exist in bliss; then it is in god. These are just two styles
possible, and the same energy is needed for both. The same energy not allowed to move
becomes stagnant, stale, creates sadness. The same energy allowed, expressed,
flowering, overflowing, becomes bliss.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Osho Short Quotes on Sex

Sex is physical; love is spiritual.

Love gives. Sex only wants to get.
The moment sex comes in, love goes out.
In sex, bodies were meeting; in love, souls are meeting.
If you move into sex with awareness, it can turn into tantra.
Sex can reach love only when meditation is there, otherwise not.
Sex plus awareness and something tremendous starts changing.
Sex is the lowest form of love, compassion the highest form of love.
Transform your sex into love, and transform your love into prayer.
Sex is like darkness in your being. It can exist only if you are unaware.
The question is how to transform sex into love, then jealousy disappears.
Dig into sex and you will find love. Go deep into love and you will come to prayer.
Only love and sex in their totality, accepted, blissfully enjoyed, can bring orgasm.
Sex creates jealousy; find, discover love. Dont make sex the basic thing it is not.
When sex arises, create love they are the same energy and walk from sex to love.

Sex is unconscious, earthly, the lowest form of love. Love is conscious, higher than sex.
Love comes only when sex has gone. Before that, love is just a lure, a foreplay, and
nothing else.
Buddha wants you to transform sex energy, not to repress it, because it is the only energy
you have got.
Observe sex; dont discard it. Be aware of it. Move into it with full awareness and go on
trying to find out what the innermost core of it is.
If jealousy is there, know well there is no love. You are playing a game, you are hiding
sex behind love. Love is just a painted word, the reality is sex.
Sex has to be transformed neither repressed nor madly indulged. And the only
possible way to transform sex is to be sexual with deep meditative awareness.
Love is the basis of sex. If you deprive people of love completely, sex becomes
perverted. Meditation is the basis of mind. If you deny meditation, the mind goes mad.
A woman is not much interested in sex. She is much more interested in warmth, in
cuddling, in friendliness, in love. Man is much more interested in sex.
As sex disappears you will find authentic love growing in you. Sex is not love; it is just a
fallacy, a blindness. You are tricked by biology into believing that this is love.
Make your love a really festive affair, dont make it a hit and run affair. Dance, sing, play
music and dont let sex be cerebral. Cerebral sex is not authentic; sex should be
I am not saying renounce sex, I am saying transform it. It need not remain just biological:
bring some spirituality to it. While making love, meditate too. While making love, be
prayerful. Love should not be just a physical act; pour your soul into it.
You condemn sex, then you become unable to transform its energy. And it is simply
energy. It can move in any direction, downwards, upwards. If you accept it, in the very
acceptance it starts moving upwards, because you are befriending it. The moment you
reject it, you are creating an enmity, a division in yourself.

- - - --- ----- - - --- ---Osho Quotes on Love and Sexuality

A conditional love is nothing but an infatuation, sexuality. Unconditional is the only way
love can be. Wherever a condition comes in, love disappears. It cannot live in bondage,
and a condition gives it an imprisonment. Love can only live like the vast sky. Love knows
no boundaries.
Sexuality is possible without any understanding, without any meditation. Love is possible
only with understanding. Compassion is possible only with understanding and meditation,
understanding and awareness.
The meditative person can transform his sexuality without any antagonism. without any
conflict. He is in deep friendship with all his energies, sexual or others; he is not in any
fight. Why fight with your own energies? Love them, rejoice in them, and help them to
transcend the lower forms, the animal forms. Let them move from the body towards the
turiya, the fourth.
If you want to change from sex towards love, try to understand your sexuality. Watch it,
watch the mechanicalness of it. See the futility, see the whole absurdity of it it is not
leading you anywhere. Become a little more refined, become a little more subtle. Look
not for the body, but somebodys being. Watch, explore. Sooner or later you will find
somebody who fits with you.
Ordinarily we think sex makes people loving sex can never make people loving. In
fact, it is sexuality that prevents love from growing because it is the same energy that

has to become love. It is being destroyed in sex. To become love, the same energy has to
move to the heart centre.
One has to love unconditionally the trees and the rocks and the sun and the moon and
the people.
A boyfriend or a girlfriend may be fun, but cannot become a door to the deepest that is
hidden in each and everyone. With a girlfriend you can be sexually related, but love
cannot grow. Love needs deep roots. Sexuality is possible on the surface, but sexuality is
just animal, biological. It can be beautiful if it is part of a deeper love, but if it is not part of
a deeper love it is the most ugly thing possible; the ugliest, because then there is no
communion you simply touch each other and separate. Only bodies meet, but not you
not I, not thou. This has happened in all relationships.
Love is born in sexuality but sexuality is not love. The lotus is born in the mud, but the
lotus is not just mud. And if mud remains mud of course there are bound to be tears on
the cheeks.
Love can exist only after meditation, not before it. That is a simple existential law. Before
meditation only lust, only sexuality. Before meditation you are an animal and not really
a human being. With meditation a transformation comes: you become human, and out of
your humanness, love flows.
Beware of lust, unconscious sexuality. When sex becomes conscious it has a totally
different flavor. It becomes tantra, it is no longer sex. When sex becomes conscious it is
love, it is no longer lust. Love brings freedom, and lust simply creates prisons for you.
Unless your sexuality rises and reaches to love it is mundane, it has nothing sacred
about it. When your sex becomes love, then it is entering into a totally different dimension
the dimension of the mysterious and the miraculous. Now it is becoming religious,
sacred, it is no longer profane.
Sex can be transcended and should be transcended, but transcendence has to be not
against nature but with nature, Through nature. Accept your sexuality it is part of you!
and a tremendously important part. You are born out of sex. Each cell of your body is a
sex cell. Sex energy is your life energy! respect it, it is a gift from God. Understand it.
Be more and more meditative about it. But drop all prejudices, drop all condemnations.
because when you carry a condemnation you cannot understand a thing. Drop all
judgements. Sex is sex it is a pure natural energy. With great acceptance, love,
respect, meditate over it. Go deeper and deeper into it to see what exactly it is. And in
that very seeing you will be going beyond it.
The person who is free of sexuality, whose sexuality has become a transformed
phenomenon, is also free of money, is also free of ambition, is also free of the desire to
be famous. Immediately all these things disappear from his life. The moment sex energy
starts rising upwards, the moment sex energy starts becoming love, prayer, meditation,
then all lower manifestations disappear.
Love is creative. Sex is destructive. And there is a lot of difference between the two.
Sometimes you start thinking that your sexuality is your love. Then you are deceived.
Sexuality can play the game of love, but it is a counterfeit game. I am not against sex, but
I am certainly against sexuality. And the difference is that sex is a natural thing and
sexuality is a mind thing. To love a woman is natural, to love a man is natural. To
reproduce children is natural, nothing wrong in it. But to think about women, to carry
pornographic pictures, to fall asleep every night thinking about women women and
women and women that is sexuality.
When you are in sexuality you dont bother much to whom you are making love any
body will do. You just need a woman or a man, any body will do. You just need the others
body. In love, any body wont do, anybodys body wont do. You need a person who is in
deep love with you, who has a certain affinity and harmony with you, in whose presence
your heart starts singing, a deep bell starts ringing in whose presence you feel a

blessing. Then only is it possible for you to make love to the other person. To make love
is possible only if the meeting the inner meeting has happened. Otherwise it is
simply impossible to think, even to imagine that you are making love to a person you
dont love.

If you have really experienced the inner light, sex will disappear. Love will happen to you,
but sex will disappear; sexuality will disappear. Love, a very loving personality, will take its
place. There will be no desire for sex. If the desire for sex remains, you have not
experienced the inner light. Then the inner light is just a projection of the mind.

A split personality can never become non-greedy. It can try, but it can never become. A
split personality can never go beyond anger. It can try, but it can never go beyond. A split
personality can never go beyond sex. It can fight. So many monks in the monasteries are
doing it. They dont go beyond sex; at the most their sexuality becomes perverted, their
love becomes poisoned.

Remember, you can make love to a woman without any love in your heart then it is
pure sexuality, animality; it is prostitution. You can make love to a woman with no idea of
sex, then love is just a pure communication of two energies, a sharing, a dance, a
celebration. No idea of sex in the mind and you can make love to a woman, and the
woman can make love to you not thinking of sex at all. The whole point is where your
mind is. If you are thinking of sex, if your mind is obsessed with sex, you simply want to
use the woman, the woman simply wants to use you, it is ugly. It has no aesthetics in it,
no poetry in it. There is nothing of the beyond in it it is very muddy.
- - - --- ----- - - --- ---Osho Quotes on Sex

What happens with your sex energy depends on how you use it. What it can become
does not depend on it alone, but on your understanding and on how you live your life.
Have you not observed that it becomes brahmacharya, the state of celibacy when it is
transformed? bramhacharya is not hostile to passion; brahmacharya is the purification,
the transcendence, the sublimation of passion. In the same way, the energy that
manifests itself in violence becomes peace, serenity and tranquility. It is only a question
of transformation.
Love is not sexual passion. Those who mistake sex for love remain empty of love. Sex is
only a passing manifestation of love. It is part of natures mechanism, a method of
procreation. Love exists on a higher plane, and as love grows, sex dissipates. The energy
that has been manifested in sex is transformed into love.
Love is the creative refinement of sex energy. And so, when love reaches perfection, the
absence of sex automatically follows. A life of love, an abstinence from physical
pleasures is called brahmacharya, and anyone who wishes to be free from sex must
develop his capacity to love. Freedom from sex cannot be achieved through
supersession. Liberation from sex is only possible through love.
The first thing: be a witness of sex too. Dont be the controller of it. Dont try to forcibly
bring it under control, remain a witness of it too. Just as you are a witness of everything
else, remain a witness of sex too. It is difficult, because you have been taught for
centuries that sex is sin. That concept of sin has been fixed in your mind.
Both are easy: it is perfectly easy to go unconscious in sex, to completely forget what is
going on, to get intoxicated is easy. To control sex, to force it to stop, to prevent yourself
is also easy. But in both you miss. The one who indulges misses, the celibate misses too.
The real brahmacharya happens when you stand in the middle between these two, then
you are only watching. Then you will find that sex arises in the body and reverberates in
the body; in the mind a shadow briefly falls and departs. You remain standing far away.
How can sexual desire be in you? How can any desire be in you? You are nothing but the
See life from a positive viewpoint. If you start being happy then the things that you

grabbed onto because of your misery will drop by themselves. If meditation comes then
wine will drop. If meditation comes, then meat-eating will drop. If meditation comes then
slowly slowly sex energy begins to be transformed into brahmacharya. Just let meditation
Just by condemning nothing is destroyed. If you say sex is bad, you condemn it, but you
cannot destroy it. Just by condemning it, it is not destroyed. Rather, it may become a
more dangerous force, because when repressed, it may struggle to be expressed. And if
you go on struggling with it, not allowing it, it will become perverted. Repression will make
you more sexual, and the sex energy will struggle and will try to come out in any way, in
any form.
All the perversions, all over the world homosexuality or sado-masochist perversions are
basically byproducts of so-called religions, particularly christianity: because the more they
repress, the more the energy has to find paths of its own. Natural sex is beautiful;
perverted sex is just ugliness. Natural sex can be made hallowed and holy, but perverted
sex cannot be made holy because it is twice removed from the original source.
Sex is there: do not condemn it. Accept it. Do not create a division in your being, between
parts of your being. Anger is there: accept it. Greed is there, or whatsoever: accept it. I do
not mean be greedy. Rather on the contrary, the moment you accept you go beyond,
because acceptance creates a unity, and when you are united within you have the energy
to go beyond.
You are born of sex. Your every body cell is a sex cell, all your energy is sex energy. So if
religions teach that sex is bad, sex is sin, they have condemned you completely. And not
only have they condemned you, now you will condemn yourself. Now you cannot go
beyond it and you cannot leave it, and now it is a sin. You are divided; you start fighting
with yourself. And the more this guilt can be created in you over the concept that sex is
something unholy the more neurotic you will become.
I take sex as the basic problem. And if your sex problem is solved, you are a different
man or a different woman, because then all the perversions simply are no more. You
have resolved the base. And when sex is solved and it is not a problem for you, not a
fight, when you have deeply accepted it and said a deep yes to it, then you can transform
it because that is the energy which is alive in you. When you are dead, that energy will
go on and on, more and more. You are just a wave in a sex ocean: the ocean continues,
and the waves go on, die and disappear. The ocean continues. Sex is the BRAHMAN. If
you go deep into sex, then it is the very life. If you forget it, then you remain on the
surface. Then it is ugly. If you do not fight with it or sink into it, but drop into it, dissolve
into it, melt into it, when you allow sex to become life, then suddenly it is transformed into
love. That is how the mechanism automatically works. If you fight it, sex becomes hate.
So those who are filled with hatred are those who are fighting with their sex.
If you do not fight it, if you accept it and melt into it, it becomes love. So love and hate are
two faces of sex. If it is perverted, it becomes hate. If accepted deeply, it will become
love. And you can create love out of your sex energies. If those energies transform into
love, then you are at ease in the world, at home with the earth. That at-homeness is
This is the beauty: if you accept sex, you will not reject anything else. That is why there is
so much emphasis on it. If you reject sex, you will have to reject many things. Sex is the
root rejection. If you reject sex, you will reject many things. Food will be rejected, then
clothes will be rejected, then everything will be rejected. It is a long sequence, and in that
sequence you will have to reject and reject, because the whole life is sexual. If you reject
sex you will go on and on rejecting, and ultimately you will reject life. Then suicide is the
only thing worth doing because even to take a breath is sexual. It goes to your sex cells
and gives them life. To be alive is to be sexual. If you are against sex, then you will be
against everything. And a person who is against everything is bound to be neurotic, mad,
and you cannot help him.

When you are with a woman, if you are of the opposite sex, you begin to feel more alive
than with a man. With a man you feel less alive because nothing is pulling you out. You
are enclosed, the opposite energy pulls you out; the flame flickers, you can be more
alive. And whenever you begin to feel more alive, you begin to feel happy.
The mechanism of sex is so much a momentary phenomenon that it only functions
momentarily; if you do not cooperate at the right moment, it stops. At the right moment
your cooperation is needed, otherwise it cannot work. It is only a momentary mechanism,
and if you do not cooperate with it, it will stop by itself.
First the energy will try its best to be released sexually, because that is its usual outlet, its
usual center. So one must first be aware of ones downward doors. Only awareness will
close them; only noncooperation will close them. Sex is not so forceful as we feel it to be.
It is forceful only momentarily: it is not a twenty-four-hour affair, it is a momentary
One more point, thinking about sex is harmful than sex itself. Sex can be easy and
natural but thinking about it too often is unnatural, is a perversion. After examining the
experience of thousands of people, the psychoanalysts tell us that man is taking too
much interest in mental sex and he does not derive any pleasure from the actual sex
activity. The sex that is going on in the mind seems more interesting and colourful. If sex
is thus perverted in the mind, confusion will be created within us. To think about sex is not
the function of the mind. The intelligence of the person who uses his mind to do the work
of sex centre becomes depraved is spoilt. Gurdjieff used to say so. The intelligence is
bound to get spoilt, because the functions of these two are different. It is like this: If a
person tries to take food with his ear, his ear will certainly be spoilt, and food will not
reach the stomach. Both will be harassed.

- - - --- ----- - - --- ---Osho Quotes on Sex

My whole effort is that all the pleasures of life should be made available to man. My own
calculation is that after each seven years, life goes through a completion of a circle, and a
change. The first seven years are of childhood, innocence, playfulness, trust. Life is
certainly golden memories of those days haunt people to the very end, because never
again in their lives are they able to manage to find something better. The next seven
years are the maturing of sex energy. At the age of fourteen, one is sexually mature
mind starts functioning in a totally different way; the body starts functioning in a totally
different way. Fourteen is the biological age for man: he is now able to produce children.
As far as biology is concerned, man has come of age.
If somebodys sex is not fulfilled, he may start eating too much. It is now a wellestablished fact that after marriage women start becoming fat. Not before marriage
strange. It is just that once they get married there is no problem; they have got a lifelong
servant. Now they can eat and rest, and they start becoming fat. And the more fat they
are, the more their husbands start looking at other women. The more the husbands look
at other women, the more they eat because eating becomes a substitute; they are
very much associated. Life begins with sex, but life remains because of food, so sex and
food are both associated with keeping life in existence.
And it is strange why dont you feel attracted to a fat woman, why are you not attracted
to a fat man? There must be some basic reason, and the reason is that the fat man is
showing clearly by his fatness that he has replaced sex with food. He is no longer
interested in sex, he is interested in food. The fat woman is saying she is not interested in
sex; her fatness is a signboard: Keep off! she is going towards the fridge.
I am not against sex, but I am against sexuality. And let me make a distinction: when you
feeling very sexual and being possessed by the person, this is not the moment to do
anything. Close your doors, meditate on your sexuality. Let it arise, let it come out of the

dark night within you. Out of the jungle, let it spread you watch, you simply watch, you
become an unmoving flame of awareness. Soon you will see it has settled again, and
your consciousness is burning brighter than ever. You have absorbed it, it has become
I am not against sex; when you are feeling very prayerful, very loving, go into sex
nothing is wrong but never be trapped by passion. And see the difference: when you
are feeling loving, it is a totally different quality. When you are feeling happy, celebrating,
and you would like to share your energy with somebody you love, go make love. But this
is not a moment of passion, this is a moment of tremendous warmth. A moment of love,
Natural sex is more meditative. There is less fever more warmth but less fever.
Passion is a fever, a state of madness, insanity. Warmth is a state of love. If you can
make love, fully alert, your love precesses will help you towards becoming more and
more aware, more and more centered.
You will be surprised to know: greedy; people have no sexual problem. Thats why
Marwadis have to adopt children. Greedy people dont have sex-energy: their whole
energy moves into greed. Money becomes their love object: they dont care a bit about
My views on sexual ethics are against all the views that have been held up to now. They
were all repressive of sex; they were condemnatory and created a split in the human
mind. The whole schizophrenia and all the perversions of man are rooted in those wrong
sexual ethics. I conceive of sex as a natural phenomenon. There is nothing profane in it
and there is nothing sacred in it. It is purely natural life energy of tremendous importance.
If you cannot sublimate it, it can destroy you; and it has destroyed humanity. It is the
energy man is born out of; everything is born out of it. Naturally there is no higher energy
than sexual energy, but biological reproduction is not its only function. The same energy
can have different creative dimensions. The same energy, joined with meditative
practices, can be sublimated to the highest peak of consciousness what I call
enlightenment. My sexual ethics is not a law, it is love.
To me, if sex is the creative force in the world, it must be nearest to the creative center of
the world whatever name you give to it. Creative energy must be closest to creation, to
the creative source of it all. People should be taught the art of converting sexual energy
into spiritual enlightenment.
Those who can understand me see clearly that I am the most anti-sex person in
existence, because my whole work is to transform sexual energy into spiritual
consciousness. The pope can be the sex guru, the shankaracharya in India can be the
sex guru, because these are the people who are repressing and teaching that sex should
be repressed. Whatever is repressed remains in you, and it takes perverted forms. It may
become homosexuality, it may become sodomy; it may take the form of any perversion.
The more you repress it, the more it will have to find some way out. Homosexuality was
born in monasteries it is a religious phenomenon because religions segregated
their monks and nuns, and they were so adamant that men and women should not touch
each other, should not talk to each other, should not even see each other. Where will their
sex energy go? Nobody has bothered about their sex energy; they have simply been told,
You take the vow of celibacy. But the vow will not help because the vow is not heard by
your biology.
Remember that sex is not in the genitals, it is in your head. There is a center in your head
which controls your genitals; so if sex is repressed, it is not a question of the genitals.
There have been Christian sects who even cut off their genitals just so that their celibacy
was absolute. But that will not make them sex-free, because the real center is in the
head, from where sex is just an extension. Thats why you can just fantasize about sex
and your genitals will be immediately affected; they are extensions of your mind. And
once the mind becomes full of sexuality, then a new thing appears that your religions

have created and are responsible for pornography.

Those who call me the sex guru are simply stupid. They dont understand a simple
thing. I repeat again: I am the most anti-sex person in the whole world. If I am listened to
there will be no pornography, there will be no homosexuals, there will be no lesbians
there will be no perversions of any kind. And you call me the sex guru!
- - - --- ----- - - --- ---Osho Quotes on Sex

You are obsessed with sex because you dont know any other sort of celebration. So the
problem is not sex really; the problem is that you dont know any other celebration.
Nature allows you only one joy, and that is of sex. Nature allows you only one enjoyment,
that is of sex. Nature allows you only one thrill, and that is of sex.
In the sexual act you have a certain thrill, a moment of forgetfulness, a moment of
oblivion. You feel good for a few seconds, only for a few seconds, you drop out of this
routine world. Sex gives you a door to escape into some other world which is nontense; there is no worry; you are simply relaxed and melting. But have you observed?
After each sexual act you feel frustrated.
Sex creates neurosis, it is neurotic, because it can never satisfy you. Now, go to the
madhouses of the world and just watch the mad people, and you will always find that
somewhere or other there is a sexual problem. Thats what Freud says, that ALL
pathology is somehow connected with sex. Too much sex obsession becomes neurotic. If
you live in the body, you are bound to become neurotic. You have to go a little deeper and
higher than the body.
Whenever a person starts condemning sex, somewhere he must be carrying a jealousy.
Buddha is not condemning. He is simply factual. He simply says whatsoever is the case.
And he wants you to come out of it because your destiny is bigger, higher is the
Animals have sex but no sexuality. Man has sex plus sexuality. Sex is physical, sexuality
is mental and when you talk, your talk can be sexual. Animals have sex; thats a
physiological act. They dont talk, they dont have any language; but man has language,
and language is one of the most powerful instruments in the hands of man. You
communicate through it, you relate through it. You seduce through words, you insult
through words; you show your love through words, you show your hate through words.
You repel or attract through your words.
In sex there may be relaxation. In sex there may be physiological health and hygiene. But
there is no growth. You remain animal. With love you become human. With love you
become upright. With love you stand erect on earth. With sex you are again animal, you
are horizontal on the earth, just moving like other animals, crawling. With love you are
erect, vertical.
Real awareness always leads you beyond sex, and celibacy happens on its own accord.
Because to be in sex you have either to be identified with the male or identified with the
female. A real celibate is one who has gone beyond, who is neither.
Repression can never bring freedom. Repression makes you a slave. Repress anything,
and that will become your master. So the so-called celibates in the monasteries the
BRAHMACHARIS they are continuously obsessed with sex. Their whole obsession is
sex, their mind is completely sexual it has to be so. Or, if you are mad, and you are
REALLY against the body and you start destroying the body, the only thing that you can
succeed in will be that you will become a eunuch.
Love goes beyond polarity, sex remains below polarity. Sex needs the opposite, love
does not need the opposite. Hence, in sex there is always a subtle conflict, because with
the opposite the harmony can never be total. For moments maybe again the conflict
comes in.

Love is unconditional, sex is conditional. In sex there is a give and take. In love, you
simply pour. You dont ask, there is no demand. Not that you dont get you get a
thousandfold but that is not asked for. That simply comes on its own accord: the whole
existence showers back, echoes back.
Now, one thing to be remembered always: if you are not very alert you may go on
believing that you are moving into tantra, and you may be simply rationalizing your
sexuality it may be nothing but sex, rationalized in the terminology of tantra. If you
move into sex with awareness, it can turn into tantra. If you move into tantra with
unawareness, it can fall and become ordinary sex. It has happened in India because
only India has tried it.
Sex energy is just at the source of the spine. If a child is taught from the very beginning to
be against sex. Sex is sin, and sex has to be destroyed, or at least controlled never
allowed to go too far, never allowed to be spontaneous; has to be put under many
controls, laws, regulations. These laws, regulations, suppressions, they become the
buffer: the kundabuffer is created. Then sex energy remains repressed at the source of
the spine and does not rise in the spine. Thats what they say in the East: Once the sex
energy rises in the spine, you start becoming very very happy. When the sex energy
reaches to the seventh SAHASRAR you flower into a lotus bloom. Your life then is a
deep ecstasy.
Awareness is the true path. Neither indulge nor renounce, but be aware. Do whatsoever
you are doing do it with full awareness. If you move into passion, move with
awareness; and passion becomes prayer, and passion has a totally different quality to it.
In the East we have called that quality tantra. The same sex is no longer sex it is no
longer sexual at all. Once you move into your passion with awareness, you have
changed the very quality of it. It is no longer just physical, it is no longer just a physical
release; it is a very deep experience of life. It is a tremendous experience of no-mind. It is
a door towards the greatest space possible.
In deep orgasm, if you are aware, you will know for the first time what ecstasy is.
Otherwise you have only heard the word; you have not known its meaning. Only in deep
orgasm, if you are aware, if your flame of awareness is burning bright, will you be able to
know that sex is not just sex. Sex is the outermost layer; deep inside is love; and even
deeper is prayer; and deepest is God himself. Sex can become a cosmic experience;
then it is tantra. Sex plus awareness and something tremendous starts changing.
When sex becomes an obsession, it takes perverted forms




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