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- The Royal

By Dhruv Panday

This book narrates the tale of
Scarlett, a poor girl, brought up
by a baker, Scheftan, and how
she finds out that she is a
princess, while wandering in
the market. But how?
Read It,
And Find Out Yourself!

Hurry! Scarlett! said Nora. If you dont need icing

bags, go ahead. Let me buy some for your Birthday
Cake, Scarlett replied, rather happily. Nora said, But I
dont like Butterscotch!. Scarlett replied Why would
Mrs. Scotch like Butterscotch! Ha!Ha!Ha! and both
burst out laughing. Nora told Scarlett that in evening,
she had to go and therefore went away, leaving Scarlett
in the market. Then an old lady sitting in a corner called
her, which she did not notice. So the lady pulled
Scarlett aside, and shouted in her ears, Wait for an
eagle at your door! And then pushed her back. She did
so, when an eagle swooped down at her, and left a letter
in her bag.Then, she entered her home. In the evening,
in his fathers presence, she opened the letter, reading
Please come behind the third Golden Hill!. So at night,
with two torches, Scarlett and her father, baker
Scheftan, went behind the hill. There, they met a man,
who asked Scheftan to go back. So he left a torch for
Scarlett, and went back.

The old man said, Take this. Then he took out a

parchment and mixed two chemicals in a flask, which
formed an ink-blue liquid. Then he spilt it on the
parchment, which shaped into a map! Then he gave it to
Scarlett, saying, This is a map of the pine forest. That
red mark is your destination. Go there.

Chapter I

She followed the map which led to a picturesque lake,

with a cottage beside a tree with a twisted trunk, all
surrounded by lush green pine trees. She entered the
cottage, and called out, Is anyone in? and a reply
came from somewhere, in a shilly voice, yes! and
then appeared a lady, who might be in her thirties. She
said, I, with my witchcraft, was tracing your life, dear
princess, Juliana! She replied, rather confused, I think
youve mistaken me. I am Scarlett, a bakers daughter,
and not any princesses! the lady said, I am not
mistaken young girl, but instead you are! See this.
Then she waved her hands and a crystal ball appeared
from out of the blues! Then the lady spoke, Oh dear
crystal, tell her tale, and in telling the truth, you shant
fail! Then the ball glowed and in it appeared a scene, a
moving one! Scarlett was astonished! The scene was as
(The carriage was riding down the cart-track. The royal
nurse was asleep, and the princesss basket fell in a

When the carriage reached the place, the nurse was

dumbstruck not to find her. When this was reported to
the king and queen, the kind said, I knew that my
dream would turn true! First, that evil Jamyras
conquest on half of our kingdom, and now, even Juliana
is lost! and the nurse said, The fault is mine! I was
careless and was not able to protect Princess. Punish
me, Lord, punish me! and she started weeping. The
queen comforted her, and said, You are not the
credible! All was our misfortune. But we shall be happy
as the stream does not flow towards Jamyras land, it
will end in our kingdom only, we can only hope that
someone finds her before she is set afloat in the sea!
And it turned out to be so. In a village in their kingdom,
called Aresone, a bakers wife found the baby in the
stream, when she was filling water in her pots, and took
her to her husband, Scheftan, who was very happy, as
they were childless. They named her Scarlett, and the
lady also bore another baby girl named Sara.) This is
my tale! I am the Princess! You were correct. How can I
find my parents, the king and queen? asked Scarlett.
The lady replied, You have to help Jamyras people to
lead themselves out of his rule, and towards their real
king, your father. Jamyra would become powerless if

this Gemstone ring is broken. The people would tell you

the way to the capital. Good luck! and the lady
disappeared in thin air! Then, Scarlett went for crossing
the Arica desert, she found an oasis, and rested there.
But then she heard a mysterious voice from behind a
palm tree.

Chapter II
Then, a ragged man sprang out in front of her. He said,
Kind girl, do you have some food? I am very hungry
and all my food is spoilt because of sandstroms. She
offered him some food, and then asked, Do you know
the way to the city? I need to go there. Yes, I surely
do. Follow me.
It took them two days to reach the capital gate. When
they reached there, they saw a strong soldier in front of
the gate, and two other soldiers on its side. The gate was
beautifully carved in crystal and ebony. Then, the
soldier asked, You are not the citizens of the Capital,
are you? No! We are not!, they replied in a chorus.
Then, he said, I would let you enter only if you
answer these:
(In 15 days do I come,
In 15 days do I go.
I am very beautifully fair,
With a milky white glow.)

Moon!, she replied.

(Send me with a letter,

The correct place will it reach.
Just the way is what I do not know,
And you will have to teach.)

Then they started thinking. After some time, the man

came up with an answer. A messenger pigeon?, he
asked doubtfully. The answer was correct. Then, the
soldier asked the last riddle. He said:

(Come to the sea shore,

And you will at least find me.
And sometimes in my inside
A pearl there will be.)

Scarlett said, I think it is a sea shell. Correct!,

exclaimed the soldier. Then he gestured to the soldiers
near the gate. They opened it, and the hinges cranked
and the gate flung away. Scarlett and the man were

stunned to see that there was a big pavilion with a

staircase leading downwards and then there was a huge
lake with swans and lotuses, and on the opposite side,
the whole city was founded. So they went inside, and
then, Scarlett told the man her aim.

Chapter III

Scarlett said, I have come here to end Jamyras rule

and find my father and mother, the king and queen. Can
you help me in any way?
What? You arent the princess, are you?, aksed the
man. She replied,You have to believe me, a lady
wizard told me this! The man said,Could you just
show me your necklace hidden inside your dress?
Scarlett said, It never opened. It is in my neck from my
childhook. It is not stuck. It is purposely locked so it
is not lost. It is not an ordinary necklace, it is the Royal
Ruby, the insignia of royalty. I am James, a skilled
warrior. It was taught by Alexander, the best soldier in
the kingdom. I would help you in every way I can. Now
come, follow me. They went to the lake and rode in
boat. While riding, Scarlett said, people look very
contented here, why do they want to free themselves?
They do not belong to his kingdom, they are our
kingdoms people, said the man. To whose house are
we going? asked Scarlett. The man said, We are going
to my paternal uncles house. They would surely help
you. Scarlett asked, Where are your parents/ to
which James replied, I am 15, just an year older than
you. Last year, my father and mother died in riot, but

somehow, I was safe. Then my uncles, who were

separated from us when Jamyra and conquered our
kingdom, invited me to live with them. So I started the
journey a week before Christmas, and when I was in the
Arica desert, I met you. Scarlett said, I am sorry.
Then, the boat reached the island. There was a beautiful
courtyard, with green grass, and on the edges were
flowering bushes. There was a big table, with 10 chairs
around, and a path leading to the door. When they
entered, a girl, around Scarletts age, greeted them,
Oh! Welcome brogher James, and greetings princess
Juliana! How do you know me?, asked a shocked
Scarlett. The girl said, By magic! By the way, I am
Jessica, James cousin. Please come in. when they
entered, two children, both around 10, came rushing
towards them. They hugged James and then went to
Scarlett. The liggle boy asked, Are you really the
princess? Have you come to win us back from
Jamyra?. Then the little girl said, Yes, she certainly is
the princess! Look, she has Royal Ruby in her neck..
And I would certainly take you back to our land,
continued Scarlett. The children hugged her. Then a boy
entered, And said, Greetings, Princess. I am Lawrence,
Jessicas brother, and these are our cousins, Sabrina and
Roger. Then they all dined and went to sleep after
some time. The next day, Jessica took Scarlett to a

forest. In the middle of the forest was a little tree, with a

beautiful carving. Then Jessica said: Fairies! Fairies!
Come out of the tree, After telling the Spell, you will be
free. Then the carving opened like a gate, and three
little fairies came out. The first wore a dress made of
rose petals, the second wore dress of lavender and the
third wore a dress made from bluebells. They said, We
are Yaru, Akaru and Zikaru. What do you want to
know? Jessica said, Tell me the spell of Guidance and
the Spell of Invisibility. As soon as she said this, the
fairies carried out a book as thick as a Dictionary and
then kept it on a low branch and started turning pages.
Akaru said, I found the spell of Guidance, it is Parthia
Aura Lambda Laflora Columba. After some time, Yaru
said, The spell of Invisibility is Omega Ia Theta
Upsilon la Insigias. The Zikaru said, The Spell you
ask for make it certain that you are going to do a
hideous task. If you need my help, just remember me
and let me know. Then Jessica told Scarlett her plan to
meet the prince. She said, Jamyras son, prince Arthur,
would certainly help you, as he does not like that his
father is ruling with force. Guidance spell will tell us
the way and Invisibility spell will allow us to go there
and come back without being noticed. They went to
the princes chamber and convinced him to help. Then
they used the Spell of Invisibility again and started their

journey out. There, in between, the spells effect ended,

and a guard saw them. He threw a spear on them.
Suddenly, Jessica said, Freeze! and the spear froze in
the air! Then she said, Sleep! and the soldier fell
down and slept! Then they continued till they were out.
Then they went to the Carved Tree and asked Zikaru to
make the soldier forget everything. Prince Arthur then
convinced the common people to help in the fight,
while James Wrote a letter to Vizier Alexander to lend a
hand in the war. Then after a week, the war was
declared. The fight continued for two days and ended
when an invisible Scarlett broke his Gemstone ring.
Jamyra realized this when he commanded the ring to
revive their energy, but the as no change. Then he
accepted his defeat and returned to his old capital with
his weary army. Then the people rejoiced and sent a
messenger to the king and queen and some people
guided Scarlett to the capital thought the Pine forest,
Arica desert and the Miracle river. The king and queen
had a feast in the capital to celebrate princess Julianas

Chapter IV
The princess married princes Arthur. She went to her
village to meet her friend Nora and her family. Her
father told her, I was so much worried for you when
you did not return for two weeks! She then told Nora, I
am sorry for not being with you on your birthday, to
which Nora replied, Aw! You can still make me a tasty
strawberry cake! Ha! Ha! Ha! And both burst out
laughing. Then a familiar voice said, I knew that you
would be able to find your destiny! and then came in
sight the old lady whom Scarlett, or the princess had
met in the market.

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