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iManage Universal

Search Server
Administration Guide
Version 8.5 SP3
Document Revision 0
18 July 2013

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Copyright 2013 Autonomy Corporation plc and all its affiliates. All rights reserved. Audit Center, Autonomy Consolidated Archive, Autonomy
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18 July 2013


Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Tables ............................................................................................................................................... 9
About This Document ...............................................................................................................11
Documentation Updates...............................................................................................................11
Related Documentation............................................................................................................... 12
Conventions ................................................................................................................................ 13
Notational Conventions ........................................................................................................ 13
Command-line Syntax Conventions ..................................................................................... 14
Notices ................................................................................................................................. 15
HP Autonomy Product References.............................................................................................. 15
HP Autonomy Customer Support ................................................................................................ 15
Contact HP Autonomy................................................................................................................. 16

Chapter 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 17
iManage Universal Search Server............................................................................................... 17
HP Autonomys IDOL Platform .................................................................................................... 19
IUS Architecture .......................................................................................................................... 19
Components ........................................................................................................................ 19
Additional Components ........................................................................................................ 20
Index and Query .................................................................................................................. 20
Security ................................................................................................................................ 20
Text Queries .................................................................................................................. 21
Agent, Profile and Category Queries ............................................................................. 21
Community Queries ....................................................................................................... 21
IUS Features ............................................................................................................................... 21

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 2
Plan an IUS Installation........................................................................................................... 23
Size the Installation ..................................................................................................................... 23
IUS System Requirements ......................................................................................................... 24
Basic Requirements ............................................................................................................. 24
Software Requirements ........................................................................................................ 24
Supported Platforms ............................................................................................................ 25
Hardware Guidelines ............................................................................................................ 25
Other Planning Guidelines .......................................................................................................... 26
Licenses ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Antivirus Processes .................................................................................................................... 28
Overview of IUS Server Databases ............................................................................................. 28

Chapter 3
Install IUS Server....................................................................................................................... 31
Turn Off User Account Control .................................................................................................... 31
Install IUS Server ........................................................................................................................ 32
Install and Configure the Java JRE ...................................................................................... 32
Install the IUS Server ........................................................................................................... 33
Uninstall IUS Server ................................................................................................................... 34

Chapter 4
Configure IUS Server ............................................................................................................... 35
Configure IUS in the Indexer Deploy Tool ................................................................................... 35
Configure IUS Server ........................................................................................................... 36
Deploy IUS Server and WorkSite Indexer ............................................................................ 38
Configure Components ........................................................................................................ 44
Deploy Components and Configuration Files ....................................................................... 46
Move IUS Server or WorkSite Indexer Services ......................................................................... 47
Create ODBC Connections to WorkSite Libraries ....................................................................... 47
Encrypt the Connection String in the Configuration File ....................................................... 48
Create an ODBC System Data Source ................................................................................. 49
Perform Additional Configuration ................................................................................................ 53

Chapter 5
IUS Server Operations ............................................................................................................ 55
Install IUS Services .................................................................................................................... 55
Install All Services ................................................................................................................ 55
Install Individual Services ..................................................................................................... 56
Install Individual Services Manually ...................................................................................... 56

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Start the IUS Services ................................................................................................................ 56

Disable AlertTask ................................................................................................................. 56
Start All Services ................................................................................................................. 57
Start Individual Services ...................................................................................................... 58
Start Individual Services Manually ....................................................................................... 58
Stop IUS Services ...................................................................................................................... 58
Install and Configure WorkSite Indexer Services ........................................................................ 60
Configure WorkSite Server .................................................................................................. 60

Chapter 6
IUS Server Advanced Configuration ................................................................................. 61
WorkSite Taxonomy Tree ........................................................................................................... 61
Identify Best Practice Workspaces ....................................................................................... 62
Re-Index Best Practice Files ................................................................................................ 63
Configure IUS Web .............................................................................................................. 64
E-mail Alerts ............................................................................................................................... 66
User E-mail Addresses ........................................................................................................ 66
Templates ............................................................................................................................ 67
Create a Custom Template ........................................................................................... 67
Configure IUS to use a custom template ....................................................................... 68
Spotlight Documents .................................................................................................................. 69
Find the Documents to Spotlight .......................................................................................... 69
Create the iqlrules. File ........................................................................................................ 70
Highlight Search Terms .............................................................................................................. 72
Statistics Server ......................................................................................................................... 72
Configure IUS Web to Use Statistics Server ........................................................................ 73
Install Statistics Server Service ............................................................................................ 73
Start and Stop Statistics Server ........................................................................................... 73
Statistics Server Operations ................................................................................................ 73
Define Additional Events to Track ........................................................................................ 74
Taxonomy .................................................................................................................................. 74
Enable the Category Component ......................................................................................... 75
Set LanguageDirectory Path ................................................................................................ 76

Chapter 7
IUS Server Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 77
Back Up the Index on a Schedule .............................................................................................. 78
Find the Number of Documents Indexed ....................................................................... 78
Track the Rate of Change ............................................................................................. 79
Example Backup Scenario ............................................................................................ 79

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Backup Schedule Considerations ......................................................................................... 79

Back Up IUS Server Configuration Files on a Schedule ....................................................... 80
Back Up the Content Index on a Schedule ........................................................................... 81
Back Up the Index Manually ....................................................................................................... 83
Back Up IUS Server Configuration Files ............................................................................... 83
Back Up the Index Data ....................................................................................................... 84
Send the DRESYNC Index Action ................................................................................. 84
Send the DREBACKUP Index Action ............................................................................. 84
Verify the Backup ................................................................................................................. 86
Back Up the Index Dynamically .................................................................................................. 87
Back Up the Index Data ....................................................................................................... 87
Send the DREFLUSHANDPAUSE Index Action ............................................................ 87
Restore the Index ....................................................................................................................... 87
Restore the IUS Server Configuration Files .......................................................................... 88
Restore the Index Data ........................................................................................................ 88
Verify the Restore Process ................................................................................................... 89
Restoration Considerations .................................................................................................. 90
Reindex IUS Data ....................................................................................................................... 91
Export Users, Roles, Agents, and Profiles ................................................................................... 93
Import Users, Roles, Agents, and Profiles ................................................................................... 94
Back Up Categories, Taxonomies, and Cluster Jobs................................................................... 95
Restore Categories, Taxonomies, and Cluster Jobs.................................................................... 96
Compact the Index ..................................................................................................................... 96
Important Considerations ..................................................................................................... 97
Compact the Index Data on a Schedule ............................................................................... 98
Manually Compact the Index Data ....................................................................................... 99

Chapter 8
Troubleshoot IUS .................................................................................................................... 101
IUS Server Log Files ................................................................................................................. 101
IUS IDOL Logs ................................................................................................................... 101
IUS Content Logs ............................................................................................................... 102
IUS OGS Logs ................................................................................................................... 102
IUS DiSH Logs ................................................................................................................... 103

Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 105

Index ..............................................................................................................................................111

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14

Edit System Variable dialog box ................................................................................ 33

Deploy Tool................................................................................................................ 36
Add Library Configuration dialog box......................................................................... 39
Indexer Deploy options .............................................................................................. 40
Deploy Tool: Components tab ................................................................................... 44
Deploy Tool: configure component host and path ..................................................... 45
IUS Server deployment progress............................................................................... 46
ODBC Data Source Administrator, System DSN tab................................................. 49
Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog box............................................... 50
Create a New Data Source to SQL Server, logon information .................................. 51
Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration, default database information .................. 51
Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration, language settings ................................... 52
ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup summary........................................................... 53
Taxonomy Information on the Best Practice Tab ...................................................... 62

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 1
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
Table 7

Required databases.................................................................................................... 28
Optional deployed databases ..................................................................................... 29
Deploy Tool options on the General tab ..................................................................... 37
Deploy Tool options on the Indexer tab ...................................................................... 38
IUS IDOL log files ..................................................................................................... 101
IUS Content log files ................................................................................................. 102
OGS log files............................................................................................................. 102
DISH Log Files.......................................................................................................... 103

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide



iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

About This Document

This guide contains information about installing and customizing IUS Server (IUS).
It is intended for the system administrators who install and manage IUS.

Documentation Updates

Related Documentation


HP Autonomy Product References

HP Autonomy Customer Support

Contact HP Autonomy

Documentation Updates
The information in this document is current as of iManage Universal Search
Server version 8.5 SP3. The content was last modified 18 July 2013.
You can retrieve the most current product documentation from HP Autonomys
Knowledge Base on the Customer Support Site.
A document in the Knowledge Base displays a version number in its name, such
as IDOL Server 7.5 Administration Guide. The version number applies to the
product that the document describes. The document may also have a revision
number in its name, such as IDOL Server 7.5 Administration Guide Revision 6.
The revision number applies to the document and indicates that there were
revisions to the document since its original release.
It is recommended that you periodically check the Knowledge Base for revisions
to documents for the products your enterprise is using.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


About This Document

To access HP Autonomy documentation

1. Go to the HP Autonomy Customer Support site at
2. Click Login.
3. Enter the login credentials that were given to you, and then click Submit.
The Knowledge Base Search page opens.
4. In the Search box, type a search term or phrase. To browse the Knowledge
Base using a navigation tree only, leave the Search box empty.
5. Ensure the Documentation check box is selected.
6. Click Search.
Documents that match the query display in a results list.
7. To refine the results list, select one or more of the categories in the Filter By
pane. You can restrict results by
Product Group. Filters the list by product suite or division. For example,

you could retrieve documents related to the iManage, IDOL, Virage or

KeyView product suites.
Product. Filters the list by product. For example, you could retrieve

documents related to IDOL Server, Virage Videologger, or KeyView Filter.

Component. Filters the list by a products components. For example, you

could retrieve documents related to the Content or Category component in

Version. Filters the list by product or component version number.
Type. Filters the list by document format. For example, you could retrieve

documents in PDF or HTML format. Guides are typically provided in both

PDF and HTML format.
8. To open a document, click its title in the results list.
To download a PDF version of a guide, open the PDF version, click the Save
in the PDF reader, and save the PDF to another location.

Related Documentation
For IUS deployments that connect to WorkSite Indexer, refer to the following
guides for more information about configuring and administering WorkSite


WorkSite Indexer Administrators Guide

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


The following conventions are used in this document.

Notational Conventions
This document uses the following conventions.



User-interface elements such as a menu item or button.

For example:
Click Cancel to halt the operation.


Document titles and new terms. For example:

For more information, refer to the IDOL Server
Administration Guide.
An action command is a request, such as a query or
indexing instruction, sent to IDOL Server.

monospace font

File names, paths, and code. For example:

The FileSystemConnector.cfg file is installed in
C:\Program Files\FileSystemConnector\.

monospace bold

monospace italics

Data typed by the user. For example:

Type run at the command prompt.

In the User Name field, type Admin.

Replaceable strings in file paths and code. For

user UserName

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


About This Document

Command-line Syntax Conventions

This document uses the following command-line syntax conventions.


[ optional ]

Brackets describe optional syntax. For example:

[ -create ]

Bars indicate either | or choices. For example:

[ option1 ] | [ option2 ]
In this example, you must choose between option1
and option2.

{ required }

Braces describe required syntax in which you have a

choice and that at least one choice is required. For
{ [ option1 ] [ option2 ] }
In this example, you must choose option1, option2,
or both options.


Absence of braces or brackets indicates required

syntax in which there is no choice; you must type the
required syntax element.


Italics specify items to be replaced by actual values. For



-merge filename1
(In some documents, angle brackets are used to denote
these items.)

Ellipses indicate repetition of the same pattern. For

-merge filename1, filename2 [, filename3
... ]
where the ellipses specify, filename4, and so on.

The use of punctuationsuch as single and double quotes, commas, periods

indicates actual syntax; it is not part of the syntax definition.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

HP Autonomy Product References

This document uses the following notices:
CAUTION A caution indicates an action can result in the loss
of data.

IMPORTANT An important note provides information that is

essential to completing a task.

NOTE A note provides information that emphasizes or

supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies
information that may apply only in special casesfor example,
memory limitations, equipment configurations, or details that
apply to specific versions of the software.

TIP A tip provides additional information that makes a task

easier or more productive.

HP Autonomy Product References

This document references the following Autonomy products:

WorkSite Indexer

Autonomy Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) Server

HP Autonomy Customer Support

HP Autonomy Customer Support provides prompt and accurate support to help
you quickly and effectively resolve any issue you may encounter while using HP
Autonomy products. Support services include access to the Customer Support

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


About This Document

Site (CSS) for online answers, expertise-based service by HP Autonomy support

engineers, and software maintenance to ensure you have the most up-to-date
To access the Customer Support Site, go to
The Customer Support Site includes:

Knowledge Base: The CSS contains an extensive library of end user

documentation, FAQs, and technical articles that is easy to navigate and

Case Center: The Case Center is a central location to create, monitor, and
manage all your cases that are open with technical support.

Download Center: Products and product updates can be downloaded and

requested from the Download Center.

Resource Center: Other helpful resources appropriate for your product.

To contact HP Autonomy Customer Support by e-mail or phone, go to

Contact HP Autonomy
For general information about HP Autonomy, contact one of the following


Europe and Worldwide

North and South America



Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 448 000

Fax: +44 (0) 1223 448 001

Telephone: 1 415 243 9955

Fax: 1 415 243 9984

Autonomy Corporation plc

Cambridge Business Park
Cowley Rd
Cambridge CB4 0WZ
United Kingdom

Autonomy, Inc.
One Market Plaza
Spear Tower, Suite 1900
San Francisco CA 94105

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


This section provides an overview of iManage Universal Search Server (IUS) and
its capabilities.

iManage Universal Search Server

HP Autonomys IDOL Platform

IUS Architecture

IUS Features

iManage Universal Search Server

iManage Universal Search Server (IUS) is a search user interface. IUS enables
end users to quickly sift through massive amounts of unstructured and structured
content in WorkSite and external repositories to find the most relevant results
through the use of natural language queries.
IUS Server is the server component of IUS, which:

collects data from the configured repositories.

indexes the data into IDOL server.

retrieves data in response to user queries.

IUS Server is powered by IDOL Server, providing faster and more efficient
indexing capabilities than previous releases of IUS.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 1 Introduction

NOTE Your license determines which of the following operations your IUS
installation can perform.

IUS provides the following IDOL server capabilities:

Fast Indexing Speed and Search Response time. IUS can quickly index
extremely large repositories, and provide rapid responses to queries against
multiple large repositories.

Concept searching. IUS can recognize concepts, and it can use concepts to
identify and relate similarities between different pieces of information.

Automatic Hyperlinking. IUS can automatically link concepts in a document

to those in another file, video or voicemail with hyperlinks.

Automatic Query Guidance (AQG). Simple keyword queries of between one

and three words frequently fail because they do not provide enough context.
AQG automatically provides suggestions to help you find the most relevant

Alerts. IUS allows you to monitor specific topics and alerts you to new
information as it appears.

Real Time Predictive Query (RPQ). IUS provides type-ahead suggestions as

you type search keywords in the Search box.

Connector Support. IDOL supports over 1000 file formats and connects to
over 400 content repositories.

The following additional packs are available:


Classification and Categorization. This package allows you to derive

precise categories from concepts found in unstructured text, ensuring that all
data is classified in the correct context with the utmost accuracy. You can
maintain existing taxonomies from other systems, or you can enrich them with
contextual understanding. You can also build new taxonomies.

Community Conceptual and Expertise Networks. This package builds an

understanding of the relationships between experts and the content that they
interact with. It forms a conceptual understanding of user interaction with
information as users consume and create it. It automatically clusters similar
people and resources into related group. The package includes Profiles,
Agents, Location-based Expertise, and Recommendations.

Visualization and Advanced Analytics. Visualization of clusters enables the

unprecedented visibility of the information and knowledge stored in the
enterprise by creating real-time maps of the concepts and their relationships. It
identifies the areas and ideas that attract the most attention as well as areas

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

HP Autonomys IDOL Platform

that do not. This package includes 2D Clustering, Spectrograph,

Communications Tracer, and Communication Link Map.

Rich Media. This package enables you to automatically capture, encode and
index video and audio content, and to generate highly granular metadata. This
process ensures that you can fully search all rich media and link it with other
structured and unstructured information.

Global Language Support. IDOL currently supports 106 languages. HP

Autonomy can also easily add support for additional languages, because the
technology is fundamentally language independent.

HP Autonomys IDOL Platform

At the core of IUS Server is HP Autonomys Intelligent Data Operating Layer
IDOL gathers and processes unstructured, semi-structured, and structured
information in any format from multiple repositories using IDOL connectors and a
global relational index. It can automatically form a contextual understanding of the
information in real time, linking disparate data sources together based on the
concepts contained in them. For example, IDOL can automatically link concepts
contained in an e-mail message to a recorded phone conversation, which can be
associated with a stock trade. This information is then imported into a format that
is easily searchable, adding advanced retrieval, collaboration, and personalization
to an application that integrates the technology.
For more information on IDOL, refer to the IDOL Getting Started Guide.

IUS Architecture
This section describes the architecture of IUS Server.

IUS Server includes the following services:

IUS IDOL. This service acts as a distribution layer for multiple IUS Content
services. IUS IDOL includes the following subservices:
DAH (Distributed Action Handler). DAH distributes ACI (Autonomy

Content Infrastructure) actions to multiple IUS Content services, providing

failover and load balancing.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 1 Introduction

DIH (Distributed Index Handler). DIH distributes the indexing of documents

into multiple IUS Content services, providing failover and load balancing.
Community. Community stores information about users and their roles

and permissions in IDOL, and manages user authentication.

Agentstore. Agentstore manipulates, stores, and retrieves agents and

profiles for users.

IndexTasks. IndexTasks manipulates the index files and IDX files (for

example, it can add additional fields relevant to the content) before it

passes the data to Content for indexing.
View Server. The View server converts documents to HTML format for

viewing in a Web browser.

IUS Content. This service indexes all the content and serves search requests.

IUS OmniGroup Server (OGS). This service collects and aggregates user
and group security information from a variety of repositories.

IUS Web component. An IIS Web application that serves the IUS search

Distributed Service Handler (DiSH). This service controls the licensing of all
IUS functionality.

IDOL Statistics Server. This service is a complete reporting platform that can
record any requested data for any specified time frame.

Additional Components
IUS requires one or more Connector services to collect data from external
repositories (for example, a WorkSite database, a Web site, or a file server).

Index and Query

You can index documents in Autonomy IDX format or in XML format into IUS
Server (directly or using a Connector). IUS Server stores the concepts of the
document. In response to queries, agents, profiles, or content it returns a link to
the result document as well as a percentage weighting, which indicates how
relevant this result document is to the original query. It returns results in XML
(even if the document was not in XML format when it was indexed).

It is often necessary to ensure that users can access or retrieve only data that
they are authorized to view. IUS Server enables you to set permissions for users
or groups of users, to protect information, and ensure only the correct people can
access it.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

IUS Features

Text Queries
IUS Server contains data that has been aggregated from one or more
repositories. In this example each of the repositories has its own group server,
which stores the user names and groups that users belong to. IUS Server
aggregates this security information from the group servers.
When a user logs on to a client, the client sends the authentication details to IUS
Server, which returns the user security details. The client stores these details until
the user logs off or the session times out. Every time the user sends a text query,
the client attaches the security details to the query string that it sends to IUS
IUS Server uses the security information in the query string to check if the user
has permission to access the documents that match the query. It matches the
security string against the document Access Control Lists (ACLs), and returns all
matching documents that the user has permission to see.

Agent, Profile and Category Queries

IUS Server contains data that has been aggregated from one or more
repositories. In this example each of the repositories has its own group server,
which stores the user names and the groups that these users belong to. IUS
Server aggregates this security information from the group servers.
When the client sends an agent, profile, or category query to IUS Server, IUS
Server matches the agent, profile or category against the documents it contains.
IUS Server uses the security information it has received from the group servers, to
check if the user has permission to access the documents that match their agent,
profile, or category. It returns all matching documents that the user has permission
to see.

Community Queries
IUS Server stores the agents and profiles of users, so that you can match them in
community queries (that is, any type of query that requests agents or profiles as
When a client sends a community query to IUS Server, IUS Server matches it
against the agents and profiles it stores. It returns matching agents and profiles to
the client.

IUS Features
For more information about the unique features provided by IUS, refer to the IUS
Web Administration Guide.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 1 Introduction


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Plan an IUS Installation

This section describes considerations and recommendations for IUS Server.

Size the Installation

IUS System Requirements

Hardware Guidelines

Other Planning Guidelines


Antivirus Processes

Overview of IUS Server Databases

Size the Installation

Before deploying IUS, contact the HP Autonomy Sizing Service at or HP Autonomy iManage Technical Support. The Sizing
Service asks you to complete a questionnaire with information about your
environment, such as the number, size, and location of your documents, average
document size, and hardware specifications. The sizing service then provides
recommendations for settings and network architecture for your IUS deployment.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 2 Plan an IUS Installation

IUS System Requirements

This section describes the software and hardware requirements for your IUS
Server installation.

Basic Requirements

IUS must be installed by an administrative user (a user who is a member of

the local Administrators group). The user account must have the privilege to
Act as a part of Operating System and Log on as a service.

Your network must support TCP/IP.

You must install IUS Server on a dedicated Microsoft Windows server. Follow
the specific directions in the Sizing Questionnaire.

You must disable User Account Control (UAC) before installing on Windows
Server 2008 or 2008 R2 to ensure that IUS services deploy correctly. See
Turn Off User Account Control on page 31.

You cannot run IUS with restricted file system permissions (for example disk
quotas, file handle limits or memory limits).

Your file system must permit file locking (for example, you cannot run IUS on
an NFS mount).

Software Requirements
IUS Server has the following software dependencies and requirements:

Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 SP1. The IUS Server installer
automatically checks for this component, and installs it if necessary.
You can also download this package from the Microsoft download center:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update.

This update is required by IUS IDOL, IUS Content, WorkSite IDOL, WorkSite
Content, and the WorkSite Active Content services. The installer automatically
checks for this component and installs it if necessary.
IMPORTANT When installing on a 64-bit system, both the
32-bit and 64-bit versions of the Visual C++ 2005
Redistributable are required.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

IUS System Requirements

You can also download this package from the Microsoft download center:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC

Security Update. This update is required by IUS IDOL, IUS Content, WorkSite
IDOL, WorkSite Content, and the WorkSite Active Content services. The
installer automatically checks for this component and installs it if necessary.
IMPORTANT When installing on a 64-bit system, both the
32-bit and 64-bit versions of the Visual C++ 2005
Redistributable are required.

You can also download this package from the Microsoft download center:

32-bit version of Java Runtime Environment version 6.0. This component is

required by the Deploy Tool, Index Browser, WorkSite Connector, and
WorkSite DiffTool. You can download this file from JRE 6 (32-bit) from:
You must use the 32-bit version on a Windows 64-bit platform.

Supported Platforms
For a list of supported platforms for this release, refer to the IUS Server Release
Notes and IUS Web Release Notes.

Hardware Guidelines
You must consider the following hardware recommendations when planning your
IUS deployment:

Processors. IUS Server is a multi-threaded process, which you can configure

to optimize processor utilization for maximum throughput on indexing. The
basic processor requirements provide high performance for indexing and
searching for most implementations. Increasing the number of processors
allows IUS Server to index more documents per hour, and process more
search requests per second.

Memory. The amount of RAM available to IUS Server has a direct impact on
the speed of searches. IUS Server can retrieve search results more quickly if it
can cache more index data in RAM.

Data Storage Drive. The indexing and searching processes are input/output
(I/O) intensive activities. Low write I/O can limit indexing performance, and low

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 2 Plan an IUS Installation

read I/O can limit search performance. Insufficient disk I/O can result in slow
performance, or index and search failures.
HP Autonomy recommends storing the full-text collection on a local SCSI
array using 15K drives or a SAN with equivalent throughput, using a direct
fiber channel connection to ensure optimal disk I/O.

Data Storage Space. To estimate index space, HP Autonomy recommends

that you plan for 60% of the size of the file store. The final index typically takes
up only 30% of the size of the file store, but the indexing process can use up to
30% additional space for the temporary files used to create and merge the
collection. Most of this space is freed after indexing. HP Autonomy
recommends that you provide an additional 30% of space to allow for the
creation of staging collections for testing.

IUS Server with a single Content Service can index more than 20GB per Hour of
raw index data. It can deliver results at a rate of more than 2000 queries per
second on a single machine with 2 CPUs, with sub-second response times, when
used against over 30 million pieces of content.
The minimum requirements do not account for redundancy or optimal
performance considerations for indexing and search. Hardware requirements
might increase according to several factors, including:

Redundancy and uptime requirements

Frequency of indexing and search load

Additional services hosted on the IUS Server machines

Other Planning Guidelines

Besides the physical hardware, the following factors affect the performance of
your IUS deployment:


Operating System. IUS Server has 32-bit and 64-bit versions. HP Autonomy
recommends that you use the 64-bit version, which offers faster performance
for both indexing and searching.

Virtualization. IUS Server can function on virtualization platforms. However,

IUS Server has high I/O, processor, and memory requirements, so
virtualization can reduce overall system performance. HP Autonomy
recommends that you use physical hardware for all IUS deployments.

Network I/O. File transfers can make up a significant part of the indexing time
if the network link is slow or misconfigured. For example, if you distribute file
servers in remote offices, the lower file transfer speeds over the WAN can
adversely affect the indexing time.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Page file size. The page file is a machine configuration that can have a
significant impact on performance, particularly during activities such as
dictionary building. HP Autonomy recommends that you either:
set the page file to be system-managed.
manually set it to a size appropriate for the machine. When manually

configuring a page file, a standard guideline for the page file size is 1.5x
the size of physical RAM.

The HP Autonomy Distributed Service Handler (DiSH) controls the licensing that
allows you to run IUS Server. You must have a valid license key
(licensekey.dat) to run IUS.
The license file is tied to the IP address and ACI port of your DiSH server, and you
cannot transfer it between machines. You must have a running Autonomy License
Server that resides on a machine with a static known IP address, MAC address or
host name.
To obtain a license
1. Log on to the HP Autonomy Customer Support Site:
2. Request a license file for your specific installation.
3. When you receive the license file from HP Autonomy, save it as
licensekey.dat, and copy it to the IUS DISH directory.
You can revoke licenses at any time, for example, to re-allocate them, or to
change the IP address of a client.

You must not:

change the IP address of the machine on which a licensed module is

running (if you are using an IP address to lock your license).
change the service port of a module without first revoking the license.
replace the network card of a client without first revoking the license.
remove the contents of the license and uid directories.
These actions cause the licensed module to become inoperable.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 2 Plan an IUS Installation

All services produce a license.log and service.log file. If a service fails

to start, examine the contents of these files before you submit a support ticket.

Antivirus Processes
Many systems run background processes or system services that regularly scan
the file systems on a computer system, such as antivirus, anti-spyware, and
anti-malware packages. These packages check new and updated files for known
signatures of viruses and other problematic software.
Index files created by IUS cannot contain viruses or dangerous software. They
can also change relatively frequently, depending on your index refresh mode, or
the frequency with which you manually update your index files. Scanning these
files can slow the performance of your system substantially without providing any
To prevent slow performance, exclude the directories that contain the IUS indexes
from the list of directories to scan. The most common cause of slow document
crawls is not having the proper antivirus exclusions.

Overview of IUS Server Databases

By default, IUS Server includes a number of databases. Most databases store
index data. Other databases store information for specific IUS features.
The following databases are required.
Table 1 Required databases.





Stores information about search results to spotlight. This database is

internal to IUS, and is created automatically. For more information, see
Spotlight Documents on page 69.


Stores information about comments, ratings, and tags for search

results. This database is internal to IUS, and is created automatically.
For more information, refer to the IUS Web Components Administration


Stores user information such as preferences. This database is internal

to IUS, and is created automatically.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Overview of IUS Server Databases

The Deploy Tool creates the following additional databases.

Table 2 Optional deployed databases



Stores data from an audio repository.


Stores indexed data from a listing of all legal clients.


Displays results from the CourtCases database.


Stores documents from a non-WorkSite repository.


Stores indexed data from a case law Web site or other similar


Stores indexed data from a listing of all legal matters.


Stores indexed biographical information of users, which IUS uses

for the expertise locator functionality, together with the information
in the Timebilling database. For more information, refer to the IUS
Web Component Administration Guide.


Stores indexed data from the Practical Law legal resource.


Stores data from a video repository.

For more information about how IUS Web displays these databases, refer to the
IUS Web Administration Guide.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 2 Plan an IUS Installation


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Install IUS Server

This chapter describes how to install IUS Server. Separate installers are provided
for each component, allowing you to deploy them to dedicated servers.
To install IUS Web, please refer to Chapter 3 of the IUS Web Server
Administration Guide.
Review the information in Plan an IUS Installation on page 23 before continuing.

Turn Off User Account Control

Install IUS Server

Uninstall IUS Server

Turn Off User Account Control

On Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2, you must turn off User
Account Control (UAC) before you install IUS Server, to ensure that IUS services
deploy correctly.

Turn Off UAC on Windows Server 2008 R2

Use the following procedure to turn off UAC on Windows Server 2008 R2.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 3 Install IUS Server

To turn off UAC on Windows Server 2008 R2

1. On the Windows Start menu, click Control Panel.
2. In the Control Panel, click User Accounts.
3. In the User Accounts window, click Change User Account Control settings.
4. If UAC is currently configured in Admin Approval Mode, the User Account
Control message is displayed. Click Continue.
5. Move the slider control to Never Notify, and then click OK.
6. Click Restart Now to apply the change immediately.

Turn Off UAC on Windows Server 2008

Use the following procedure to turn off UAC on Windows Server 2008.
To turn off User Account Control on Windows Server 2008
1. On the Windows Start menu, click Control Panel.
2. In the Control Panel, click User Accounts.
3. In the User Accounts window, click User Accounts.
4. In the User Accounts tasks window, click Turn User Account Control on or
5. If UAC is currently configured in Admin Approval Mode, the User Account
Control message is displayed. Click Continue.
6. Clear the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer
check box, and then click OK.
7. Click Restart Now to apply the change immediately.

Install IUS Server

Use the following procedure to install IUS Server. Before you install IUS Server,
ensure that your system meets the IUS system requirements. See IUS System
Requirements on page 24.

Install and Configure the Java JRE

IUS Server requires the 32-bit version of the JRE.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Install IUS Server

To install and configure the JRE

1. Download and install the 32-bit version of Java JRE 7.0. Do not install the
64-bit version.
2. Add the \jre\bin and jre\bin\client directories to the PATH
environmental variable.
a. On your Windows desktop, right-click My Computer and select
Properties. The Properties dialog box opens.
b. Select the Advanced tab. Click Environment Variables. The
Environment Variables dialog box opens.
c. In the System variables list, find the Path variable, and then click Edit. The
Edit System Variable dialog box opens.
At the end of the existing Variable value, type the following:C:\jre7\

This location assumes that the JRE was installed to C:\jre7\. Modify the
path to use the location in which you installed the JRE.
Figure 1 Edit System Variable dialog box

d. Click OK to close the Edit System Variable dialog box.

3. Add the JAVA_HOME environmental variable.
a. In the Environment Variables dialog box, click New in the System variables
list. The New System Variable dialog box opens.
b. In the Variable name field, type JAVA_HOME.
c. In the Variable value field, type the location where the JRE was installed,
for example:C:\jre7\.
d. Click OK to close the New System Variable dialog box.
4. Continue with Turn Off User Account Control on page 31.

Install the IUS Server

Use the following procedure to install IUS Server.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 3 Install IUS Server

To install IUS Server

1. Run the iManage Universal Search setup.exe file, and follow the
instructions in the installation wizard.
By default, IUS Server is installed in C:\Program Files(x86)\
Autonomy\Install\IUS Server.
NOTE On 64-bit versions of Windows, the installer runs in 32-bit mode.
By default, it installs to C:\Program Files (x86)\Autonomy\
Install\IUS Server. The final installation location for each
component of IUS Server is determined during the deployment process.

2. The WorkSite Indexer Deploy tool opens. Continue with Configure IUS
Server on page 35
3. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

Uninstall IUS Server

Use the following procedure to remove IUS Server when it is no longer required.
To uninstall IUS Server
1. Export any index data that you want to preserve. See Manual Back Up of IUS
Server on page 109.
2. Back up all configuration files.
3. Stop all IUS services. See Stop IUS Services on page 58.
4. To remove all services, run the _uninstall_services.bat script.
To uninstall individual services:
a. Open a command prompt.
b. Run the service executable file with the -uninstall option.
For example, to uninstall the IUS IDOL service, run the following command:
C:\InstallDir\Universal Search\IUS IDOL\"IUS IDOL.exe"

where InstallDir is the directory where the IUS IDOL is installed.

5. On the Windows Start Menu, click Control Panel, and then click Add/
Remove Programs (or Programs and Features if you are using Windows
Server 2008).
6. Remove the IUS Server program.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Configure IUS Server

This chapter describes how to configure, deploy, and start IUS.

Configure IUS in the Indexer Deploy Tool

Move IUS Server or WorkSite Indexer Services

Create ODBC Connections to WorkSite Libraries

Perform Additional Configuration

Configure IUS in the Indexer Deploy Tool

When the IUS installation is complete, the installer automatically starts the
WorkSite Indexer Deploy tool, as shown in Figure 2. This tool automates the
configuration and deployment of IUS and WorkSite Indexer.
To start the WorkSite Indexer Deploy Tool manually, double-click the
deploy-8_5.bat file. This file is located in your main IUS Server installation
directory. For example:
C:\Program Files\Autonomy\Install\IUS Server\deploy-8_5.bat

C:\Program Files(x86)\Autonomy\Install\IUS Server\deploy-8_5.bat

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server

Figure 2 Deploy Tool

Configure IUS Server

Use the following procedure to configure IUS Server in the Deploy Tool.
To configure IUS Server
1. The deploy tool opens on the General tab. On the General tab, type or select
the following information:


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Configure IUS in the Indexer Deploy Tool

Table 3 Deploy Tool options on the General tab




Production mode configures all IUS Server services for normal use in a production
Pilot mode configures IUS Server for a test environment on a small server. In the pilot
mode configuration:
the number of threads are reduced for applicable services.
memory usage is decreased for applicable services.
the synchronization times for services are reduced to update index data more
the log levels for all services are set to FULL.

Root Path

The directory where all components run. If you change this setting, click Apply to add
this new path to the individual component directories on the Components tab. The
individual components run from this location on their respective logical drive.
The default directory is C:\Program Files\Autonomy\

Output Path

The path where configuration and application files are generated when you perform a
Deploy action. The default path is C:\temp\Autonomy\

System Bits

Select whether you are deploying the software on a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system.

Default Host

The host name or IP address where you are deploying the majority of IUS Server
NOTE Type a valid IP address or host name in this field. Do not use localhost or, because these values are invalid in a multi-server deployment.
The deploy tool uses the value you use in this field to populate the default host for each
IUS Server component (listed on the Components tab). If you leave the Default Host
field blank, you must manually enter a host name or IP address for each individual
component on the Components tab.

Language Type

The language type of the majority of your documents.

IUS Server supports automatic language detection. However, when it cannot determine
the language of a document, it processes the document according to the default
language type. By default, this is set to EnglishUTF8, which is a combination of the
English language type, and UTF-8 encoding.

2. Continue with Deploy IUS Server and WorkSite Indexer on page 38.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server

Deploy IUS Server and WorkSite Indexer

The following procedure describes how to use the Deploy Tool to configure and
deploy WorkSite Indexer and IUS Server together.
IMPORTANT If you are deploying only IUS without WorkSite Indexer,
follow the steps below but do not make any changes to the Indexer tab.

To deploy WorkSite Indexer and IUS Server together

1. On the deploy tool, click the Indexer tab.
2. Enter the following information:
Table 1 Deploy Tool options on the Indexer tab


Number of Content

The number of Content services to create. If you completed the sizing questionnaire,
use the information returned to you. See Size the Installation on page 23.

Security Model

The security model to use.

Select Hybrid or Pessimistic if the Security Model registry key on the WorkSite
Server is set to 1. For more information about pessimistic security, refer to the
WorkSite Server Administration Guide.
In pessimistic mode, WorkSite Indexer uses the pessimistic security model, where
the presence of any prohibition against access on a document outweighs any
explicit or default access to a document which the user might have unless that user
is the owner of a document. (Denials outweigh allows.)
By default, an optimistic security model is used, where being granted permission to
access an object outweighs any inherited or explicit prohibitions against accessing
that document.
This option sets the WorksiteSecurityModel parameter in the WorkSite
Content configuration files.

Support IUS

Select this option to enable the Eduction functionality used by IUS.

Index Highest
Version Only

Select this option if you want WorkSite Indexer to ignore all older versions of
WorkSite documents, and index only the highest version.

3. In the WorkSite Libraries section, click Add to define a connection to a

WorkSite library. The Add Library Configuration dialog box opens.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Configure IUS in the Indexer Deploy Tool

Figure 3 Add Library Configuration dialog box

4. Enter the following information:



Library Name

The name of the WorkSite Library.

Database Name

The name of the WorkSite database. For Oracle, type the database
instance name here.


The type of database, either SQLSERVER or ORACLE.

DB Instance
Name (optional)

The name of the SQL Server database instance if the WorkSite

database is set up in a database instance.


The username to authenticate to the database server, for example:


To use Microsoft Integrated Authentication for the connection to the

option is selected, the Database Username and Database
Password fields are ignored.

NOTE With Microsoft Integrated Authentication, you can leave the

Database Username and Database Password fields blank.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server




The password to use for the database server, for example: mhdocs.
The Deploy tool automatically encrypts the password, and stores
the encrypted password in the Indexer configuration files. To view
the encrypted string, click

Database Host

The host name or IP address of the database server that serves the
WorkSite database.

Database Port

The port number used by the database server. The default value is
1433 for SQL Server, and 1521 for Oracle.
NOTE For SQL Server, leave the Port value blank.

Use Local Time

If the WorkSite library is configured to use local time instead of

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), select this option. It sets the
isLocalTime parameter to TRUE in the WorkSite

Best Practices

Select this option to store your Best Practice workspaces in a

dedicated database.

5. Click Test to check the connection to the database. If the test is successful, it
displays Database connection successful.
6. Click OK to save the configuration settings for this library.
7. Add any other WorkSite library connections.
8. Click Advanced to configure additional Indexer settings.
Figure 4 Indexer Deploy options

Select any relevant options from the following options:


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Configure IUS in the Indexer Deploy Tool



Enable Active

Select this option to use the Active Content configuration. This option automatically adds
Active Content, Active DIH, and Worksite SyncTool services, and includes all applicable
configuration changes. This option is enabled by default.
For more information, refer to the Worksite Indexer Administration Guide.


Select this option to use a separate Content component to store document metadata.
This option installs the Metadata Content and Metadata IndexTasks services, and
includes all applicable configuration changes.


Select this option to use a separate Content component to store workspace information.
This option installs the Workspace Content service, and includes all applicable
configuration changes.

Non-Store Mode

Select this option to configure WorkSite Indexer so that it does not store the contents of
all indexed documents. By default, Worksite Indexer extracts, indexes, and stores the
contents of all documents in the DRECONTENT field in the index. Enabling this feature
significantly reduces the overall size of the index data stored.
This feature does not affect or alter search functionality. It is best suited for small to
medium sized deployments.
IMPORTANT HP Autonomy does not recommend non-store mode if you are deploying
WorkSite Indexer with IUS.
Some advanced IDOL features and functions are not available with Non-Store Mode,
such as the option to rebuild the index by exporting and importing the index data. If you
enable this feature, a full re-crawl of all documents is required if you need to rebuild the
index (such as for configuration changes).

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server




Select this option for IUS deployments integrating with Lexis Search Advantage. If you
select this option, click Config. The Config Properties dialog box opens. Enter the
following information:
Lexis Search Advantage Host. The host name or IP address of the server running
Lexis Search Advantage.
Lexis Search Advantage Port. The port number used to communicate with the
server running Lexis Search Advantage. The default port is 8088.
Click Close to close the Config Properties dialog box.
For more information about integrating IUS with Lexis Search Advantage, see Lexis
Search Advantage on page 83

Enable West KM

Select this option for IUS deployments integrating with West KM. If you select this option,
click Config. The Config Properties dialog box opens. Enter the following information:
WestKM Host. The host name or IP address of the server running WestKM.
WestKM Port. The port number used to communicate with the server running
WestKM. The default port is 80.
WestKM Username. The username that IUS Server must use to log on to the
WestKM server.
WestKM Password. The password that IUS Server must use to log on to the
WestKM server.
WorkSite Server Host. The host name or IP address of the server running WorkSite
Click Close to close the Config Properties dialog box.

Click OK to close the Indexer Deploy Options dialog box.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Configure IUS in the Indexer Deploy Tool

9. Click the IUS tab and enter the following information:



Number of Content

The number of separate IUS Content services to create. If you completed the
sizing questionnaire, use the information returned to you. See Size the
Installation on page 23.

IUS User Domain

The domain in which IUS is deployed. This value is the domain that users use
to connect to the IUS Web interface. You can use only one domain.
NOTE Type the NETBIOS value (for example, autonomy), not the full domain
(for example,

IUS Database Names

The database name to create in the IUS Content server to store index data for
each connector. Type the name and then click
For example, if you are indexing information from an HTTP, file system,
Exchange, or other connector, you must define a separate database for each
connector. You must then configure each connector to index data into the
respective database.
By default, IUS Server includes several example databases (Audio, Clients,
Documents, and so on.). If you do not plan to index such data, you can remove
the unused databases by using
If you are deploying WorkSite Indexer together with IUS, IUS Server
automatically recognizes the WorkSite databases that you defined in the
Indexer tab.
For a description of the default IUS databases, see Overview of IUS Server
Databases on page 28.
For more information on how these databases are displayed in IUS Web, refer
to the IUS Web Components Administration Guide.

10. To configure alerts, click Alert Email. This option enables IUS to send e-mail
alerts to users when a new or updated document matches one of their saved
searches. A mail server is required to send the e-mail alerts.


SMTP Server

The IP address or machine name of your SMTP mail server.


The port number of the SMTP server to use to send alert e-mails.
The default port is 25.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server



Senders Email

The e-mail address from which to send alert e-mails to users. When
a user replies to an alert e-mail, it is sent to this address.


The user name for the mail server account that you want to use to
send alert e-mail. This field is required if your mail server requires


The password for the mail server account that you want to use to
send alert e-mail. This field is required if your mail server requires

11. Click OK to close the Alert Email Server dialog box.

12. Continue to Configure Components on page 44.

Configure Components
By default, the Deploy Tool deploys all IUS components to the default host.
According to the sizing recommendations for your system, you might need to
deploy one or more components to another host or disk.
To configure components for IUS Server
1. In the Deploy Tool, click the Components tab. See Figure 5.
Figure 5 Deploy Tool: Components tab


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Configure IUS in the Indexer Deploy Tool

2. To provide an alternate host or path for a component, click Config for that
component. If you leave the Host field blank, the value that you specified in
the Default Host field on the General tab is used.
NOTE This step is required only if you are deploying
one or more services to a different host or a different
logical drive.

The Configure Component dialog box opens. For example, Figure 6 shows
the Configure WorkSite Connector dialog box.
Figure 6 Deploy Tool: configure component host and path

NOTE The IDOL Common component defines the

location of the langfiles directory. This directory is
used by IUS IDOL, IUS Content, WorkSite IDOL,
WorkSite ContentN and WorkSite Active Content.
In the Host field, type the valid IP address or host name of the server

where you want to deploy this component. Do not type localhost or
In the Path field, type the path where you want to deploy and run this

For example, if you deploy two IUS Content servers to the same host, they
must each reside on a separate physical disk. As a result, you might
deploy Content1 to drive E:\ and Content2 to drive F:\. For example:
E:\Program Files\Autonomy\Universal Search\IUS Content1
F:\Program Files\Autonomy\Universal Search\IUS Content2

3. Click OK to close the Configure Component dialog box. Configure any other
component host or path settings on the Components tab and configuration
dialog boxes.
4. Continue with Deploy Components and Configuration Files on page 46.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server

Deploy Components and Configuration Files

After you have completed all the configuration in the Deploy Tool, use the
following procedure to deploy your components and configuration files to the
destination host.
To deploy IUS Server
1. Save all your configuration settings to a file. From the File menu, click Save.
This option creates the file in the \Install\IUS
Server\Deploy Tool directory (located in the installation directory).
2. (Optional, for advanced users only) To customize the configuration files before
you deploy them, click
(Edit). This option allows you to modify additional
settings in the configuration files.
3. To deploy only the configuration files to the output directory, click
(Regenerate). All configuration files contain the settings that you specify in the
Deploy Tool. You can use this option to regenerate the configuration files for
update indexing after initial indexing is finished.
4. Click
(Deploy) to export all the necessary application files to the output
directory. All configuration files contain the settings that you specify in the
Deploy Tool.
The deployment progress windows opens.
Figure 7 IUS Server deployment progress

5. When the deployment is complete, click Done.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Move IUS Server or WorkSite Indexer Services

Move IUS Server or WorkSite Indexer Services

According to the sizing recommendations for your system, you might need to
move one or more IUS or WorkSite Indexer services to another physical server.
Ensure that the destination servers meet the requirements for IUS before you
move the components.
The Deploy Tool creates a .ZIP file, with the name of each server that you
configure in the Components tab. Use the following procedure to deploy the
To move the components
1. In the Deploy Tool output directory, find the .ZIP files for each server. Copy the
.ZIP files to the corresponding destination server.
2. On the new server, extract the .ZIP file.
3. In the extracted directory, run the _deploy_services.bat file. This script
moves the components to the appropriate place on the new server.
IMPORTANT If you move either the Connector or Ingestion Server
services, you must update the configuration files of both services to include
the full path to a directory to which both services have full access:
In the WorkSite Connector.cfg, set TempDirectory to the name
of the shared path.
In the WorkSite Ingestion Server.cfg, set ExtractDirectory
to the name of the shared path.

Related Topics
Size the Installation on page 23

IUS System Requirements on page 24

Create ODBC Connections to WorkSite Libraries

To enable OmniGroupServer (OGS) to import WorkSite user and group
information, you must create an ODBC System Data Source for each WorkSite
database on the server hosting OGS. This data source is required only for IUS
deployments used in conjunction with WorkSite. For more information, see
Create an ODBC System Data Source on page 49.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server

You populate the data source connection in the ConnectionString parameter

in the IUS OGS configuration file.

Encrypt the Connection String in the Configuration File

You can use the autpassw.exe tool to encrypt the information stored in the
ConnectionString parameter.
To encrypt information
1. Navigate to the directory where the Deploy Tool deployed the IUS
components. The Deploy Tool deploys all IUS components to the Default Host,
unless you use the Components tab to deploy components to another host or
2. Open the IUS OGS.cfg file and find the ConnectionString parameter.
3. Copy the entire parameter, for example: DSN=ws85;UID=sa;PWD=pwd
4. Run the autpassw.exe tool. The Autonomy Password Encryption Utility
dialog box opens.
5. In the Plaintext Password box, paste the connection string from the
configuration file. For example:

6. Click Encrypt.
The tool encrypts the password and prints the encrypted string in the
Ciphertext Password box.
7. Copy the encrypted string and paste it into the OGS configuration file
ConnectionString parameter, replacing the original connection string.
For example:
You must encrypt each ODBC connection separately.
8. Save your changes to the IUS OGS.cfg file.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Create ODBC Connections to WorkSite Libraries

Create an ODBC System Data Source

The server where you install OGS must have data source connections established
with all WorkSite databases.
The following instructions apply to Microsoft SQL Server databases.
To create this data source
1. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrative tool.
From the Windows Start menu, point to Administrative Tools, and then click
Data Sources (ODBC).
IMPORTANT You must use the 32-bit ODBC Source
Administrator tool If you are installing WorkSite Server on a
64-bit version of Windows Server. By default, the 32-bit
version located in:

The ODBC Data Source Administrator tool opens.

2. Click the System DSN tab.
Figure 8 ODBC Data Source Administrator, System DSN tab

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server

3. Click Add. The Create New Data Source dialog box opens.
4. In the list of installed ODBC drivers, select SQL Server, and then click Finish.
The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog box opens. See Figure
Figure 9 Create a New Data Source to SQL Server dialog box

a. In the Name box, type the name of the WorkSite database.

The data source name must have fewer than eight characters. It must
contain only letters and numbers. Letters must be either all uppercase or
all lowercase (do not mix cases).
The data source name is the name of the database as it is displayed to
WorkSite users.
b. In the Server box, type the name of the SQL Server.
c. Click Next.
5. The Create a New Data Source to SQL Server screen opens. This screen
displays options for authenticating to the SQL Server.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Create ODBC Connections to WorkSite Libraries

Figure 10 Create a New Data Source to SQL Server, logon information

a. Select SQL Server authentication.

b. In the Login ID and Password boxes, type the SQL Server Login ID and
Password respectively.
c. Select the Connect to SQL Server to obtain default settings check box.
d. Click Next.
6. The Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration screen opens. See Figure 11.
Figure 11 Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration, default database information

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server

a. In the Change the default database to field, select the database that you
created earlier in this chapter (see Figure 9).
b. Select both the Use ANSI quoted identifiers check box, and the Use
ANSI nulls, paddings and warnings check box. These settings are
required for saved searches when using UUEncode (All language support
with the indexer).
c. Click Next.
7. The Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration language settings screen
opens. See Figure 12
Figure 12 Microsoft SQL Server DSN Configuration, language settings

a. If you need to support multiple languages, deselect the Perform

translation for character data check box, and leave all other settings
unchanged on this screen.
b. Click Finish.
8. The ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog box opens.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Perform Additional Configuration

Figure 13 ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup summary

a. Click Test Data Source.

If all information was correct, it displays TESTS COMPLETED
NOTE The test connection might fail if the Perform
translation for character data check box is not
selected, even if the ODBC connection is successful
and is fully functional.

b. Click OK to close the message dialog box.

9. Click OK to close the setup summary dialog box.
10. Click OK to close the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box.

Perform Additional Configuration

Before you install and start the IUS services, you might want to manually modify
some of the other configuration parameters in the IUS configuration files. For
information about the available parameters, refer to the IDOL Server Reference:
InstallDir\Universal Search\IUS IDOL\help\index.html

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 4 Configure IUS Server


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


IUS Server Operations

This chapter describes how to install and run the IUS services.

Install IUS Services

Start the IUS Services

Stop IUS Services

Install and Configure WorkSite Indexer Services

Install IUS Services

IUS includes several batch files to automate the installation of IUS and WorkSite
Indexer services.

Install All Services

The _install_services.bat script installs all WorkSite Indexer and IUS
services. It prompts you for user account information for the WorkSite Connector
service, because you must run this service as a user that has read access to the
WorkSite file server.
The deploy tool creates this script in the .ZIP file for each server. When you
extract the files on the destination server, the script is in the main directory (by
default, C:\Program Files\Autonomy\)

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 5 IUS Server Operations

Install Individual Services

To install only specific services, navigate to the folder of the service and run the
_install_service.bat file located in the folder. This option quickly installs
individual services.
For example, to install only the WorkSite Active Content service, run the following
InstallDir\Indexer\WorkSite Active Content\_install_service.bat

Install Individual Services Manually

The following steps describe how to install the IUS services manually, instead of
using the automated script. This option is necessary only for advanced
installations, for example when you distribute services across multiple servers.
To install IUS services manually
1. Open the Windows command prompt.
2. On the command prompt, navigate to the installation directory for the service.
3. Type the following command:
ServiceName.exe -install

where ServiceName is the name of the executable file for the service that
you want to install.
For example: "IUS Content1.exe" -install

Start the IUS Services

As soon as you start IUS services, they start to create the index. Ensure that your
IUS configuration is correct before you start the services.

Disable AlertTask
The Alert Task is a configured task that IUS IDOL performs during indexing. It
compares new documents to user saved searches and sends alerts for any new
content. When you create the initial index, this process is unnecessary and might
slow down the index process.
Before you start IUS services for the first time, disable the WorkSite IDOL Alert
Task. After you create the initial index, you can enable the AlertTask again.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Start the IUS Services

To disable the AlertTask process

In WorkSite IDOL.cfg, find the [IndexTasks] section and set
StartTask to Eduction. For example:
StartTask= Eduction

To enable the AlertTask process

In WorkSite IDOL.cfg, find the [IndexTasks] section and set
StartTask to Eduction. For example:

Start All Services

To start all IUS services, run the _start_services.bat script. This script is
located in the output directory you specified in the Indexer Deploy tool.
The script starts the services in the recommended order. If you choose to start the
processes manually in Windows Services management console, you must start
them in the same order:
2. WorkSite ContentN (if you have multiple Content services, start all of them
before starting the WorkSite IDOL service)
3. WorkSite Active Content
4. WorkSite IDOL
5. WorkSite IndexTaskN
6. WorkSite DIH
7. Active DIH
8. WorkSite Ingestion Server
9. WorkSite Connector
10. WorkSite SyncTool
12. Statistics Server
13. IUS ContentN (if you have multiple Content services, start all of them before
starting the IUS IDOL service)

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 5 IUS Server Operations

The script ignores any of the above services that you have not configured in your
IUS deployment.
Review the log files generated by IUS to ensure that all services have started

Start Individual Services

To start individual services, navigate to the folder of the service and run the
_start_service.bat file located in the folder. This allows you to quickly start
individual services.
For example, to start only the WorkSite Active Content service, run the following
InstallDir\Indexer\WorkSite Active Content\_start_service.bat

Start Individual Services Manually

The following procedure describes how to start IUS services manually, instead of
using automated scripts. This method is necessary only for advanced
installations, for example if you distribute services across multiple servers.
To start individual services manually
1. Open the Windows command prompt.
2. In the command prompt, navigate to the installation directory of each service.
3. Type the following command:
ServiceName.exe -start

where ServiceName is the name of the executable file for the service that
you want to start.
For example: "IUS Content1.exe" -start

Stop IUS Services

IMPORTANT Do not restart your system while IUS
services are running. Stop all IUS services and check the
Windows Task Manager to ensure that they have all


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Stop IUS Services

Use the following procedure to shut down IUS services.To safely shut down all
IUS services
1. Stop any connector services by sending a WorkSite Connector.exe
-stop command, or by sending a Stop action to the Service port.
2. Check the connector logs to verify that all Connector activity has completed.
3. From a Web browser, send a GetStatus action to IUS IDOL. For example:

Alternatively, open the Indexer Browser and click GetStatus.

4. Make a note of the number of committed documents in each database.
5. In the Indexer Browser, check that there are no indexing jobs in the queue or
that are pending flush to disk.
In the Action box, send the following action:

If any results return, wait and then perform the same action again. Go to Step
6 only after IUS Server has finished processing actions, and the Indexer
Browser stops returning results.
6. In a Web browser, send the following index action to force IUS IDOL to
immediately flush documents to disk from the index cache:

Make a note of the index ID for this process.

7. In the Indexer Browser, check that the DRESYNC process is complete.
a. Connect to port 10000.
b. Set the Result Size to 250 (on the Action menu, click Set Result Size).
c. Click Indexer Status (IndexerGetStatus action) to check when the
DRESYNC process for that ID finishes (Status=-1, Description = Finished).
For example:
id = 53
origin_ip =
percentage_processed = 100
status = -1
description = Finished
index_command = /DRESYNC?

8. Stop the IUS IDOL service, the IUS Content services, and the IUS DiSH
service by sending a -stop command, or by sending a Stop action to the
Service port.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 5 IUS Server Operations

For information on shutting down the WorkSite Indexer, refer to the WorkSite
Indexer Administration Guide.

Install and Configure WorkSite Indexer Services

If you have deployed WorkSite Indexer in conjunction with your IUS deployment,
you must also install and start the WorkSite Indexer services created by the
Deploy Tool.
For complete instructions, refer to the WorkSite Indexer Administrators Guide.

Configure WorkSite Server

By default, WorkSite Server encrypts the query information it sends to the
WorkSite Indexer. However, when you deploy WorkSite Indexer with IUS, you
must configure the WorkSite Server to send unencrypted queries to WorkSite
To configure WorkSite Server to send unencrypted queries
1. On the WorkSite Server, configure the WorkSite Server to not use ACI
encryption with communications with the WorkSite Indexer.
a. Create or edit the registry key in the following location:

b. Create or edit the following string value

Name: ACI Init Encryption
Value: N
2. In the Service Manager, stop and restart the WorkSite Server service.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


IUS Server Advanced

This chapter describes advanced IUS Server configuration.

WorkSite Taxonomy Tree

E-mail Alerts

Spotlight Documents

Highlight Search Terms

Statistics Server


WorkSite Taxonomy Tree

IUS can display a hierarchical view of specific WorkSite workspaces on the Best
Practices tab. This tab provides users with quick access to commonly used
documents in WorkSite.
When you select a folder in this tree, the documents in the folder are displayed in
the center pane. Selecting a document in the center pane displays the preview of
the document in the right pane, as shown in Figure 14.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6 IUS Server Advanced Configuration

Figure 14 Taxonomy Information on the Best Practice Tab

To configure the Taxonomy Tree functionality, see the following sections:

Identify Best Practice Workspaces

Re-Index Best Practice Files

Configure IUS Web

Identify Best Practice Workspaces

There are two ways to identify Best Practice workspaces:

You can keep Best Practice workspaces in a dedicated database.

You can distribute them across multiple databases which contain both regular
documents and Best Practices documents.

For simplicity and performance reasons, HP Autonomy recommends that you

store all your Best Practices workspaces in a dedicated database. To do this,
either set BPWorkspaceDocnumCSV to ALL in the fetch task configuration for the


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

WorkSite Taxonomy Tree

dedicated database in WorkSite Connector.cfg, or check the Best

Practices Database check box in the WorkSite Libraries configuration.The
Deploy Tool has been updated to support the dedicated database option.
To distribute your Best Practice workspaces across multiple databases
1. Find the IM_DOCNUM values for all your Best Practice workspaces in each
2. Set the value of the BPWorkspaceDocnumCSV parameter to the IM_DOCNUM
values for the workspaces.
For example, if the ACTIVE database contains Best Practice workspaces with
the IM_DOCNUM values of 123, 456, and 7890, set
BPWorkspaceDocnumCSV to 123,456,7890 in the ACTIVE fetch task

Re-Index Best Practice Files

Use the following procedure to re-index your Best Practice files if you are storing
your Best Practice workspaces in a dedicated database.
To re-index your Best Practice files if you are storing your Best Practice
workspaces in a dedicated database
1. Identify the Best Practice database.
2. Open WorkSite Connector.cfg.
3. Add BPWorkspaceDocnumCSV=ALL to the fetch task configuration for the
Best Practice database.
4. Delete the *.db file of the Best Practices database in the root path of
WorkSite Connector.
5. Back up and initialize the database in IDOL. For information on performing
these tasks, refer to the IDOL Server Administration Guide.
6. Restart WorkSite Connector.
Use the following procedure to re-index your Best Practice files if you are storing
your Best Practice workspaces across multiple databases.
To re-index your Best Practice files if you are storing your Best Practice
workspaces across multiple databases
1. Identify the IM_DOCNUM values of the Best Practice workspaces in each
2. Open WorkSite Connector.cfg.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6 IUS Server Advanced Configuration

3. In the fetch task configurations for the relevant databases, set the value of the
BPWorkspaceDocnumCSV parameter to the IM_DOCNUM values for the
4. Delete the *.db files for databases which contain Best Practice workspaces.
5. Back up and initialize the relevant databases in IDOL.
6. Restart WorkSite Connector.

Configure IUS Web

By default, IUS Web displays all WorkSite workspaces on the Best Practices tab.
To limit the workspaces to display
1. Open datasources.xml.

2. Find the bestPracticesTab node, and enter the workspace

DREREFERENCE value in the bestPracticeWorkspaceList command,
and the fieldText parameter in bestPracticesTab.
For example, if the workspace has a DREREFERENCE of Active.31581_1,
<datasource id="bestPracticesTab">
<parameter id="FieldText">IM_PARENT_PATH:

<command id="bestPracticeWorkspaceList"
;FieldText=MATCH{Active.31581_1}:DREREFERENCE AND
<view id="main" mainContent="/json/


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

WorkSite Taxonomy Tree


NOTE There is an asterisk after the DREREFERENCE in the

fieldText parameter.

3. To show multiple workspaces on the Best Practices tab, specify a

comma-separated list of the workspaces in the following line:
<parameter id="FieldText">(MATCH{ROOT}:IM_PARENT_PATH AND
<datasource id="bestPracticesTab">
<parameter id="FieldText">IM_PARENT_PATH:

<command id="bestPracticeWorkspaceList"

This example displays two workspaces, Active.31581_1 and

4. By default, IUS displays a maximum of five workspaces. To alter this setting,
change the maxresults parameter as highlighted in Step 2.
5. By default, IUS displays a maximum of 100 child folders or subfolders for each
node. To alter this setting, change the maxresults parameter as shown:
<command id="folderChildren"

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6 IUS Server Advanced Configuration

<parameter id="queryParams">FieldText</parameter>


Save your changes and close datasources.xml.

E-mail Alerts
To generate e-mail alerts, you must configure an Alert task in the IUS IDOL and
WorkSite IDOL configuration files. The Deploy Tool can automatically configure
this functionality. See Configure IUS Server on page 35.
The following example shows the AlertTask section of the configuration file,
which controls this functionality. The SMTPSendFromUsername and
SMTPSendFromPassword parameters are required only for mail servers that
require authentication.
SMTPSendFromUsername=elizabeth johnson
SMTPSubject=Alert: new document DREREFERENCE

You must also add the Alert field to the AgentIndexFieldCSVs parameter in
the [Agent] section of the configuration file. For example:

User E-mail Addresses

Users can set up alerts for their saved searches only after they provide an e-mail
address in the Preferences dialog box in the IUS user interface.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

E-mail Alerts

You define the layout of alert e-mail messages in templates. The default e-mail
template, alertTemplate.html, is located in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Autonomy\Universal Search\IUS IDOL\templates\

You can also create custom templates.

Create a Custom Template

Use the following procedure to create a custom template.
To create a new template
1. Open the alertTemplate.html template file in a text editor and save it with
a new name. Alternatively, you can create a new file.
2. Type the text that you want to display in the alert e-mail. You can also use
variables, which display document properties in the e-mail that the user
To display the following values in alert e-mails, type the associated field in the
To display...

Type this field


The document


If you type this example in the template and the document
DREREFERENCE field contains the value, the
alert e-mail contains the following text:

The document


New document: DRETITLE

If you type this example in the template and the document
DRETITLE field contains the value Tropical fish, the alert e-mail
contains the following text:
New document: Tropical fish

The document


If you type this example in the template and a document
DRECONTENT field contains the value Brine shrimp: popular with
aquaritics. High in protein and a nice snack for many freshwater
fish, the alert e-mail contains the following text:
Brine shrimp: popular with aquaritics. High in
protein and a nice snack for many freshwater fish

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6 IUS Server Advanced Configuration

To display...

Type this field


The content of
any other
document field


Author: "FIELDauthor"
If you type this example in the template and the document author
field contains the value JR Hartley, the alert e-mail contains the
following text:
Author: JR Hartley

Link terms (terms

in the document
that match terms
in the search



If you type this example in the template, and the stemmed terms
cat, dog and bird in a document match terms in an agent, the alert
e-mail contains the following text:
Link terms: CAT,DOG,BIRD
NOTE IUS IDOL stems the link terms. For information about
stemming, refer to the IDOL Server Administration Guide.

The relevance of
the document to
the search agent


If you type this example in the template, and a result agent has a
conceptual similarity of 78% to the document, the alert e-mail
contains the following text:
Relevance: 78 %

The agent


Training text: AGENTTRAINING

If you type this example in the template, and a document
AGENTTRAINING field contains the value Dry-fly fishing for
Woolhead Sculpins and Leadhead Muddlers, eager browns,
rainbows, and cutts, the alert e-mail contains the following text:
Training text: Dry-fly fishing for Woolhead
Sculpins and Leadhead Muddlers, eager browns,
rainbows, and cutts

Type the fields in the position that you want to display them in the e-mail.
3. Save the template file.

Configure IUS to use a custom template

When you have created a custom template, you must configure IUS IDOL to use
this template.
To configure IUS to use a custom e-mail alert template
1. Open the IUS IDOL.cfg configuration file in a text editor.
2. In the [AlertTask] section, find the Template and
AttachmentTemplate parameters.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Spotlight Documents

Set Template to the path to the template to use for alert e-mails that do

not have an attachment.

Set AttachmentTemplate to the path to the template to use for alert

e-mails that have an attachment.

For example:

3. Save and close the configuration file. Restart IUS IDOL to activate your

Spotlight Documents
IUS can promote or spotlight specific documents or content at the top of the IUS
search results page.
When users search for specific keywords, you can spotlight up to three
documents. If IUS finds more than three spotlight documents, it displays the three
that have the highest relevance, according to the query terms.
The IUS Server must have an IQLRules database. You can create it using the
Deploy tool, or manually. This database stores the data that determines the
documents to spotlight.
You can use HP Autonomy Business Console (ABC) to populate the IQLRules
with information about spotlight documents, or you can configure it manually. The
following sections describe how to manually set up the IQLRules database for

Find the Documents to Spotlight

Use the following procedure to find the documents that you want to spotlight in the
response to queries.
To find the documents to spotlight
1. In the IUS user interface, perform a search to return the documents.
2. In the list of search results, click the document that you want to use.
3. In the address bar of the Web browser, find the MatchReference parameter.
This value is used in the DREFIELD DOCREF entry.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6 IUS Server Advanced Configuration

For example:
For a WorkSite document:
For a File System Connector document:

Create the iqlrules. File

The IQLrules file contains details of the document that you want to spotlight, and
the query that a user must perform to return this spotlight document.
To create the IQLRules file
1. In a text editor, create a file named iqlrules..
2. Paste the following sample:
#DREFIELD KEYWORDS="policy benefits employee health"
#DREFIELD DOCREF0="ws85.1102_1"
#DREFIELD DOCTITLE0="Employee Policy Manual"
#DREFIELD DOCSUMMARY0="The company policies and procedures as
well as information about your responsibilities, rights and
benefits as an employee."
#DREFIELD DOCREF1="ws85.1092_1"
#DREFIELD DOCTITLE1="Health Benefits"
#DREFIELD DOCSUMMARY1="Medical, Dental, Vision, Prescription,
Flexible Spending and Transit Reimbursement"
#DREDATE 1242424025
#DRECONTENT policy benefits employee health
#DREFIELD KEYWORDS="word word word word"


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Spotlight Documents

#DREFIELD DOCREF0="\\\\fileserver\\folder\\subfolder\\
#DREFIELD DOCSUMMARY0="Sample Summary for document.pdf"
#DREDATE 1242424025
#DRECONTENT word word word word

This example contains two spotlighting definitions: IQLRules1 and

IQLRules2. IQLRules1 promotes two separate documents dealing with
employee benefits. IQLRules2 shows a second definition promoting a
sample file.
3. Modify the following fields. Other fields are not used by IUS.



A unique name for the spotlighting definition.


A unique name for the DREREFERENCE. IUS

does not use this title, but other HP
Autonomy products do.


The query terms that must spotlight the

documents listed in DREFIELD DOCREF#.


The number of DOCREF entries that you

define for this DREREFERENCE.


Define a separate DOCREF entry for each

document to spotlight for this definition. Each
entry must increment its number (DOCREF1,
DOCREF2, DOCREF3, and so on). Add the
reference of the document that you want to


A title for each DOCREF. IUS does not use this

title, but other HP Autonomy products do.


A summary for each DOCREF. IUS does not

use this title, but other HP Autonomy
products do.


The same keywords that you entered in



The custom IQL type. For the IUS Web

default configuration, set this field to

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6 IUS Server Advanced Configuration

4. After you have created the necessary definitions, save the file.
5. Send the following DREADD index action to the IUS IDOL index port to send
the iqlrules. to the IQLRules database:

Highlight Search Terms

By default, IUS highlights search terms that occur in the title and the document
summary. You can also define additional document fields that you want to
highlight terms in.
To define additional fields to highlight
Add the title field as a Highlight field in the IUS Content and WorkSite
Content configuration files.
For example:

Restart the Content services to activate your changes.

NOTE Do not include fields that are used to generate
URLs, such as if you have a click action configured for a
header or footer property. To check which fields are used in
building URLs in href or titleHref, look at the list and
zoom view XML files for resultItem and its children. Also
check the actionSet defined for the resultItem
datasource or any child datasources.

Statistics Server
IUS uses the IDOL Statistics Server to record information such as index rates,
peak loads, null-hit queries and overall usage.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Statistics Server

The Statistics Server is an add-on module. You can use the Autonomy Business
Console to view and generate reports on the data that Statistics Server collects.
For more information, refer to the Autonomy Business Console User Guide.

Configure IUS Web to Use Statistics Server

Use the following procedure to configure IUS to send information to the Statistics
To configure IUS Web to send information to the statistics server
1. Open the \Webroot\config\ file.
2. In the and idolServer.stats.port
parameters, type the host and port number of the IDOL Statistics Server
The port must match the value of the Port parameter in the Statistics
Server.cfg file.
3. Save and close the file.
4. Restart the IUS Web application pool.

Install Statistics Server Service

The Deploy Tool installs Statistics Server to the following directory by default:
\Autonomy\Universal Search\Statistics Server\

To install the Statistics Server service, double-click _install_service.bat.

Start and Stop Statistics Server

To start the Statistics Server service, double-click _start_service.bat.
To stop the Statistics Server service, double-click _stop_service.bat.
You can also start and stop the Statistics Server service on the Windows Service
Management Console.

Statistics Server Operations

For each search action, IUS Web sends two XML events to the statistics server:

Query Information. The event definition for general query information is in \

queryStatistics.xml. You can add additional properties inside the
<queryinfo> tag, to collect on the server.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6 IUS Server Advanced Configuration

Promotion Information. The event definition for promotions is in \config\

promotionStatistics.xml. You can add additional properties inside the
<promotion> tag.

Statistics Server saves the data it gathers in the \results directory, in a series of
text files.
You can use the Autonomy Business Console to view and generate reports on the
data collected by the Statistics Server. For more information, refer to the
Autonomy Business Console User Guide.

Define Additional Events to Track

You can define additional events for Statistics Server to record statistics for.
To send additional XML events from different commands to the server
1. Identify the command you want to record. The command must have a
template associated with it.
2. Design the XML event. For information, refer to the Autonomy Business
Console User Guide. You can use the queryStatistics.xml and
promotionStatistics.xml files as examples.
3. Add a call to the updateStatistics command of the statistics
datasource into the template associated with the command. Refer to \
queryResultsData.xml and queryIQL.xml.
4. Pass the path to your XML event file as the file parameter. Also pass all the
properties you want to record in the XML event as <w:put... parameters.
You can use variable expressions in the form ${...} in the XML event, but
not the <w: > tags. You can access these variable expressions in the XML
event file by using ${propertyname}.
<w:invoke operation="updateStatistics" datasource="statistics">
<w:put name="file" value="/json/statistics/
<w:put name=........./>

The IUS Classification Package allows you to generate and display taxonomies of
the data in IDOL. For more information, refer to the IUS Web Components
Administration Guide.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


To enable taxonomies in IUS, see Enable the Category Component on page 75

and Set LanguageDirectory Path on page 76.
For more information about creating taxonomies, refer to the IDOL Server
Administration Guide.
For information about using Autonomy Collaborative Classifier (ACC) to create
and manage taxonomies, refer to the Autonomy Collaborative Classifier User
For information on backing up the taxonomy information, see Back Up
Categories, Taxonomies, and Cluster Jobs on page 116.

Enable the Category Component

To use the Category component, your license key that allows the classification
To enable the Category component
1. Open the IUS IDOL.cfg configuration file in a text editor.
2. Find the Classification section.
3. Remove the comment marks (//) from the configuration parameters in this
//---------------------- Classification ----------------------//

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 6 IUS Server Advanced Configuration

Set LanguageDirectory Path

When you enable the Category component, you must ensure that the
LanguageDirectory parameters in the IUS IDOL configuration file specify an
absolute path to the langfiles directory. By default, it specifies a relative path
You must change the LanguageDirectory parameter in the
[DistributionSettings] and the [LanguageTypes] configuration
For example:
LanguageDirectory=C:\Program Files\Autonomy\Universal Search\IUS
LanguageDirectory=C:\Program Files\Autonomy\Universal Search\IUS

Save the changes to IUS IDOL.cfg, and then restart IUS IDOL.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


IUS Server Maintenance

This chapter describes the common maintenance tasks for IUS Server.

Back Up the Index on a Schedule

Back Up the Index Manually

Back Up the Index Dynamically

Restore the Index

Reindex IUS Data

Export Users, Roles, Agents, and Profiles

Import Users, Roles, Agents, and Profiles

Back Up Categories, Taxonomies, and Cluster Jobs

Restore Categories, Taxonomies, and Cluster Jobs

Compact the Index

IMPORTANT This chapter describes the recommended procedures for
common IUS Server maintenance tasks such as index data backup, restore,
and reindexing.
IDOL is a powerful platform that offers an array of actions and features that
allow alternative approaches to these tasks. However, these alternative
approaches often require an advanced knowledge of both the IUS and IDOL
architecture to implement. For more information, refer to the IDOL Server
Reference and product documentation.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

Back Up the Index on a Schedule

HP Autonomy recommends that you configure a schedule to regularly back up
your index data. Additionally, start a backup schedule immediately after the
completion of the initial Index.
To allow you to fully restore the IUS Server, you must back up the following items:
All IUS Server configuration files. These files define the configuration

parameters for all IUS Server components.

All IUS Content index backups. These files contain the actual Index collection.

The following sections describe the backup requirements of each component.

If you have also deployed IUS Server, refer to the IUS Server Administration
Guide for information about backing up the IUS Server.

Determine the Optimum Backup Schedule

In general, you must schedule a backup at least once a month. The following
guidelines allow you to optimize the backup schedule for your deployment.
After you have deployed IUS Server in a production environment, you should
carry out the following steps.

Determine the average indexing throughput (documents per hour) during the
initial creation of the index.

Record the total number of documents and total number of committed

documents after the initial index is complete. You can find these document
counts in the Index Browser.

Record the total number of hours needed to complete the initial index.

This data enables you to determine how often to perform a backup of IUS Server.

Find the Number of Documents Indexed

The Index Browser displays two important document counts:

documents: The number of unique documents indexed.

committed_documents: The number of all files indexed and written to disk


Both numbers increase as new documents are added to IUS, and are indexed by
IUS Server. The committed_documents value also increases when an existing
document is reindexed because it was modified or deleted.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Back Up the Index on a Schedule

After you run a DRECOMPACT index action, the number of committed documents
decreases, because this action removes deleted documents from the index.
HP Autonomy recommends that you run a DRECOMPACT index action if the
committed_documents value is 20% or more higher than the documents value.
Related Topics
Compact the Index on page 96

Track the Rate of Change

You can use document counts to find the rate of change of documents in IUS
Server; that is, how many new, edited, or deleted documents are submitted to IUS
Server every day, week, or month.
The rate of change influences how often you must perform backups.

Example Backup Scenario

Consider the following IUS Server scenario:

your IUS Server has an average rate of change of 100,000 documents per

the rate of indexing during the initial build of the index was approximately
100,000 documents per hour.

you schedule a backup once per month.

In the event of a failure, it takes approximately four hours for IUS Server to
process the difference between the most recent backup and the documents that
were added, modified, or deleted since the backup occurred.
During this four hour period, IUS Server returns search results more slowly,
because of the requirements of the indexing process.
You might want to adjust the backup schedule if:

the performance of your hardware, or the rate of change of documents,

indicates that you must back up the index more or less frequently.

you want to have a smaller difference between the current content in IUS and
the index backup, or conversely if a larger difference is acceptable.

Backup Schedule Considerations

When you set up a backup schedule, consider the following factors:

The time needed to complete the backup job for each Content server varies
according to:

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

the size of the index

the compression level being used
the disk speed of the source and destination locations

By default, the Content server compresses the backup files, so that they take
up approximately 30-40% of the total index data space. If you choose not to
compress the backup files (BackupCompression=false or
BackupCompressionLevel=0), estimate backup space that is at least as
large as the size of the live index.

HP Autonomy does not recommend that you use a third party backup or
snapshot process to back up live index data, because this can interfere with
the indexing process.
HP Autonomy recommends backing up the index data by using the Content
scheduling parameters or the DREBACKUP index action to copy the index data
to another location. You can then back up the resulting data files using your
standard backup process or service.
If your IDOL storage is a SAN with disk-snapshot capabilities, you can use the
DREFLUSHANDPAUSE index action to flush all files to disk and pause indexing,
so that you can take a snapshot of the data.
For information on the DREBACKUP index action, see Back Up the Index
Manually on page 83.
For information on the DREFLUSHANDPAUSE action, see Back Up the Index
Dynamically on page 87

Schedule backup activity for off-peak hours to minimize user impact.

Back Up IUS Server Configuration Files on a Schedule

To back up the IUS Server configuration files, create a script or batch file that you
can schedule to copy the following files:


Contentn\IUS ContentN.cfg

You can use a third-party package to automate the configuration file backup
process. You can also use a simple batch file, using the xcopy command and the
Windows Scheduling Service. For example:
xcopy /s SourceDir\*.cfg DestinationDir


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Back Up the Index on a Schedule

Back Up the Content Index on a Schedule

The Content servers process and store the index data. In a deployment with
multiple Content servers, each server contains a subset of the index data. You
must back up all Content servers to have a complete backup of the index.
To schedule the full index data backup, you must set the schedule parameters in
the configuration file for each IUS Content.
For information about backing up IUS Server content, refer to the IUS Server
Administration Guide.
To configure the backup schedule for each IUS Content server
1. Open the IUS Content configuration file in a text editor.
2. Find the [Schedule] section, or add it if it does not exist.
3. Set the following parameters:

Type true to enable a backup schedule.


Whether to compress the backup files. The default value is



The severity of compression to apply. Specify a value from 0

(no compression, fastest) to 9 (maximum compression,
slowest). These values are equivalent to gzip compression
levels. The default value is 1.


The time to start the first backup. Specify the time in the
24-hour clock and the format hh:mm.
When you start IUS Server, the specified BackupInterval
must elapse (after the specified BackupTime) before the first
backup takes place.


The time between backups. Specify the time in the 24-hour

clock and the format hh:mm.
When you start IUS Server, the specified BackupInterval
must elapse (after the specified BackupTime) before the first
backup takes place. Type 0 to use daily backups.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance


The path to the location in which to create the data index

backup. You must specify one directory for each of the


Type true to maintain the directory structure when the data

index is backed up.


The number of times to back up the data index. You can cycle
the backup procedure by specifying multiple backups. The
number of backups must correspond to the number of
BackupDirN directories. When you run multiple backups:
IUS Server creates the first backup at the first
BackupInterval after the specified BackupTime.
IUS Server creates the next backup after the specified
BackupInterval, and so on. After it has backed up the
data index as many times as you have specified for
NumberOfBackups, it overwrites the first backup at the
next BackupInterval. This process means you always
have a current set of data index backups.

The following parameters in the [Schedule] section apply to backup actions

triggered by a DRECOMPACT index action. See Compact the Index on
page 96.

Back up key files before compacting. Type true to perform a

backup of key files automatically for every DRECOMPACT index
action sent from a Web browser or a schedule. IUS Server takes
this internal backup so that you can restore the data and files if an
error occurs during the compaction.
Type false if you do not want to back up before compacting (a
backup requires significant disk space). The default value is


If you set PreCompactionBackup to true, set

PreCompactionBackupPath to the path to the directory where
you want to back up the files. By default, this is the
internalbackup directory in the IUS Content server data
If IUS Server shuts down without completing a compaction, it uses
the contents of this directory to restore itself.

For example:


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Back Up the Index Manually


4. If you have more than one Content server, configure the [Schedule] section
parameters for each Content sever.

IMPORTANT You must change the destination location for each Content
server backup to avoid overwriting backup data.

5. Save and close the configuration files.

6. Restart each of the IUS Content services for the new settings to take effect.
See Start the IUS Services on page 56.

Back Up the Index Manually

This section describes how to back up IUS Server files manually.
If you have also deployed IUS Server, refer to the IUS Server Administrators
Guide for information about manually backing up the IUS Server.

Back Up IUS Server Configuration Files

When you back up the index, it is important to create backup copies of the
configuration files in addition to the index data. HP Autonomy recommends
backing up the configuration files at the following times:
After the completion of the initial Index crawl.

Before and after you modify the configuration files.

To back up the configuration files, make copies of the following files for each of the
IUS Server components:

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Contentn\IUS Contentn.cfg


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

Back Up the Index Data

The following sections describe how to export and back up the index data.

NOTE This section applies only to non-Active Content

deployments that do not use the SyncTool.

Send the DRESYNC Index Action

Before you perform a backup of the index data, you must commit all index data
that is cached in memory to disk.
To commit cached index data to disk
1. Send the following index action to flush data from the index cache to disk. This
action commits any documents currently held only in the index cache to disk:

Make a note of the index ID for this process.

2. In the Index Browser, check that the DRESYNC process is complete.
a. Connect to port 10000.
b. From the Action menu, select Set Result Size to adjust the Result Size to 250.

c. Click Indexer Status (IndexerGetStatus action) to determine when

the DRESYNC process for that ID is finished (status=-1, description
= Finished). For example:
id = 53
origin_ip =
percentage_processed = 100
status = -1
description = Finished
index_command = /DRESYNC?

Continue with Send the DREBACKUP Index Action on page 84.

Send the DREBACKUP Index Action

To back up the index data stored in each Content server, use the DREBACKUP
index action.
HP Autonomy recommends backing up the index data before compacting the data
using the DRECOMPACT index action.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Back Up the Index Manually

HP Autonomy does not recommend that you use a third party backup or snapshot
process to back up live index data, because this can interfere with the indexing
process. For information on scheduling backups see Back Up the Index on a
For a manual backup, HP Autonomy recommends using the DREBACKUP index
action to copy the index data to another location. You can then back up the
resulting data files using your standard backup process or service.
Because each IUS Content stores a subset of the index, you must send the
DREBACKUP individually to each Content server.
To manually back up the index
For each Content server, send the following index action (case sensitive) from
your Web browser:


is the IP address or host name of the machine where the target

Content server is installed.


is the index port used by the receiving Content server

(specified by the IndexPort parameter in the IUS
ContentN.cfg file [Server] section).


is the location where you want to create the IUS Content

backup. On Microsoft Windows, you can use a UNC path. If you
have more than one Content server, remember to specify a
different path location for each Content backup.

For example, if you have two Content servers, using the default values for the
IndexPort (for example, Content1: 11001, Content2: 12001), the DREBACKUP
index actions are:\backup\content1\backup\content2

In this example, the backup of IUS Content1 is stored in E:\backup\content1

and the backup of IUS Content2 is stored in E:\backup\content2.
You must have a backup copy of all Content servers to restore the complete index

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

Verify the Backup

To verify that the DREBACKUP index action was processed, review the
application.log for each Content server (located in the InstallDir\
Universal Search\IUS ContentN\Logs directory). Each
application.log file contains a message to indicate the start of the backup,
for example:
Backing up database into existing directory ' E:\backup\content1'

After the backup is complete, the application.log also logs a "Backup

Complete" message.
You can also verify that the backup is complete from the Index Browser.
To verify the backup from the Index Browser
1. Start Index Browser.
2. Connect to the ACI port for each Content server (specified by the Port
parameter in the [Server] section of each IUS ContentN.cfg file).
3. Click Indexer Status.
If the DREBACKUP index action is complete, it appears in the result set with
Status = -1 and Description = Finished.
For example:

TIP To see the results, you might need to set the Result Size to 250 in the
Index Browser. From the Action menu, select Set Result Size.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Back Up the Index Dynamically

The time needed to complete the backup for each Content server varies
according to the size of the index, and the disk speed of the source and
destination locations. Because the backup is effectively a copy of the Content, HP
Autonomy recommends that you estimate backup space that is at least equivalent
to the size of the live Index.
Back up data during off-peak hours to minimize user impact.

Back Up the Index Dynamically

This section describes how to back up IUS Server files dynamically.

Back Up the Index Data

The following section describes how to make a hot backup of the index data.

Send the DREFLUSHANDPAUSE Index Action

If your IDOL storage is a SAN with disk-snapshot capabilities, you can use the
DREFLUSHANDPAUSE index action to prepare IDOL Server for a snapshot (hot
backup). IDOL Server flushes all files to disk and pauses indexing, so that you can
take a snapshot of the data.
Because each IUS Content stores a subset of the index, you must send the
DREFLUSHANDPAUSE individually to each Content server.
After sending the index action, poll IDOL Server with the IndexerGetStatus
action until the returned status is -16 (Indexing Paused). You can then perform the
After the hot backup completes, restart the index queue with the
IndexerGetStatus action and with the index ID returned from

Restore the Index

The following components are required for a successful restore:

IUS Server Components. If a hardware or operating system failure requires

reinstallation of IUS Server, reinstall and redeploy IUS Server using the
procedures in Install IUS Server on page 31 and Configure IUS Server on
page 35.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

IUS Server Configuration Files. If recovery of the Index also included a

reinstallation of the software, restore backup copies of the IUS Server
configuration files to the appropriate locations to ensure consistency in
configuration between the new environment and the restored Index.

IUS Index Data Backup Files. The restoration of the index data requires the
data files generated during the Content server backup process. To
successfully restore an index you must have valid backups of all Content
servers from the same backup point.

The following instructions assume that the necessary environment and backup
files are available to complete the restore.
Related Topics
Back Up the Index on a Schedule

Back Up the Index Manually

Restore the IUS Server Configuration Files

When you have to reinstall IUS Server during recovery, restoring backup copies of
the configuration files can save time, and ensure that the restored index contains
all your custom configurations. When you restore configuration files to a system
that is not identical to the original environment, you might need to modify the
configuration to use machine specific parameters and path values.
To restore IUS Server configuration files, replace the configuration file for each of
the IUS Server components with the backup copy to the appropriate location:


Contentn\IUS Contentn.cfg

NOTE The IUS Content services must be running when you send the data
restore action.

Restore the Index Data

The index data is stored in the IUS Content servers. Because each IUS Content
stores a subset of the index data, you must restore each individual IUS Content to
successfully restore the full index.
To restore a data index to IUS Server
Send a DREINITIAL index action (case sensitive) from your Web browser:


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Restore the Index



is the IP address or host name of the machine on which the

Content server is installed.


is the index port of the Content server (specified by the

IndexPort parameter in the IUS ContentN.cfg file
[Server] section).


is the path to the IUS Content backup. On Windows, you can

use a UNC path.

When you run the DREINITIAL index action the IUS Content services must be
For example, if you have two Content servers, using the default values for the
IndexPort (for example, Content1: 11001, Content2: 12001), the DREINITIAL
index actions are:\backup\content1\backup\content2

In this example, IUS Content1 is restored from backup files at E:\backup\

content1 to the IUS Content1 server on a server with the IP address
IUS Content2 is restored from backup files on E:\backup\content2 to the IUS
Content2 server on a server with the IP address
IMPORTANT You must restore copies of all Content servers to restore the
complete index.
You cannot restore the backup from one Content server to a different
Content server.

Verify the Restore Process

To verify that the DREINITIAL index action to restore each content was
processed, review the application.log for each Content server (located in
the logs directory). Each application.log contains a message to indicate
the start the restoration, for example:
Recovering from backup...

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

After the restoration process is complete, the application.log for each

Content server contains the following log entry:
Starting database with NNN Documents

You can also use the Index Browser to verify that the backup is restored.
To ensure that the restore is successful
1. Start Index Browser and connect to the service port for each Content server
(specified by the Port parameter in the [Server] section of each
IUSContentN.cfg file).
2. Click Indexer Status.
If the DREINITIAL action has been completed, it is displayed in the result set
with Status = -1 and Description = Finished.
For example:

TIP To see the results you might need to set the Result Size to 250 in the
Index Browser. From the Action menu, select Set Result Size.

Restoration Considerations
The time needed to complete the restoration job for each Content varies
according to the size of the index as well as the disk speed of the source and
destination locations.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Reindex IUS Data

HP Autonomy does not recommend that you use a third party backup or snapshot
process to back up or restore live index data, because this can interfere with the
indexing process. Similarly, restoring the index data using a method other than the
DREINITIAL index action can result in an index that is not valid.

Reindex IUS Data

The following procedure describes how to reindex the data stored in IUS Server.
Follow this process when you make a configuration change to IUS that requires a
rebuild of the index data.
If you are also running IUS Server with IUS, refer to the IUS Web Administration
Guide for instructions for reindexing IUS data.
To reindex IUS Server
1. Stop all IUS Server services. For more information, refer to the IUS Server
Administration Guide.
2. Make a note of the number of documents in each IUS database by sending a

Alternatively, in the Index Browser, click Get Status.

3. In the Index Browser, check that there are no indexing jobs in the queue, or
that are pending being flushed to disk. Send the following actions in the Action
text box:

If any results return, wait and perform the same actions again. Proceed to the
next step only when the action does not return any results.
4. Send the following index action to force an immediate flush to disk from the
index cache:

Make a note of the index ID reported for this process.

5. In the Index Browser, click Indexer Status (IndexerGetStatus action) to
determine when the DRESYNC process for that ID is finished (Status=-1,
Description = Finished).
The output of the IUS Content server Index log also shows when the DRESYNC
process is completed. For example:

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

Index Queue Command: /DRESYNC?

Index Queue Command: DRESYNC?
Sync Mapped Files...
Committing numeric field 45 to disk.
Committing numeric field 46 to disk.
Committing numeric field 47 to disk.
Sync Mapped Files...Completed

6. After the DRESYNC is complete, send a DREEXPORTIDX action to export

indexed data to a compressed data file (.gz) in each IUS Content directory.

Ensure that a .gz file is created in each IUS Content directory. Make a note of
the name of the .gz file.
NOTE If you do not want to export data from all IUS
Server databases, use the DatabaseMatch parameter.
For example, to export data from the newyork and
london databases, use the following index action:
Separate multiple databases with plus symbols (+),
commas (,), or spaces (there must be no space before
or after a plus symbol or comma).

7. Stop the IUS Content services and the IUS IDOL service. The OGS and DiSH
services can remain running.
8. If you are making a configuration change, back up the existing configuration
files, and then modify the appropriate configuration files.
9. Disable E-mail Alerts in IUS (if enabled) to prevent IUS from generating alerts
while it reindexes data.
10. In the IUS IDOL configuration file, find the [IndexTask] section.
a. Set the StartTask to Eduction, instead of AlertTask. For example:

Remember to enable this functionality after reindexing is complete.

11. Start the IUS IDOL service and IUS Content services to activate your
configuration changes.
12. Send a DREINITIAL index action to delete the old indexed data. For


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Export Users, Roles, Agents, and Profiles

13. Send a DREADD index action to the index port of each IUS Content service to
reindex the exported IDX files. You must specify the data archive file in the
index action. The index port must be the value of the IndexPort parameter
in the Content configuration file.
The following example reindexes the .gz file stored in the Content1 directory
to the Content1 service using port 21001:
http://hostname:21001/DREADD?C:\Program Files\Autonomy\
Universal Search\IUS Content1\

If you exported data from specific databases using the DatabaseMatch

parameter, restore that data to those specific databases:
http://hostname:21001/DREADD?C:\Program Files\Autonomy\
Universal Search\IUS Content1\

14. Repeat this step for each IUS Content you have deployed, reindexing the
archived data to the Content index port. The default ports for IUS are:
Content1: 21001, Content2: 22001, Content3: 23001, Content4: 24001, and
so on.
15. Monitor the number of documents in each Indexer database by sending a
GetStatus action or by connecting with Index Browser.
16. Start the IUS Server services using the start_indexer.bat file.

Export Users, Roles, Agents, and Profiles

You can export IUS Server users, roles, agents, and profiles to a specified XML
file, from which you can import them back into IUS Server. You can use this
action, for example, to transfer IUS Server to a different platform.
To export users, roles, agents, and profiles, send the following action to IUS

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance


is the IP address or host name of the machine on which IUS Server is



is the IUS IDOL ACI port (the value of Port in the IUS IDOL
configuration file [Server] section). The default port is 10000.


is the name of the XML file to export IUS Server users, roles, agents,
and profiles to. If you do not specify a path, it generates the XML file in
the /IUS IDOL/community directory.

For example:

This action uses port 10000 to export IUS Server users, roles, agents, and profiles
to the MyFile.xml file.

Import Users, Roles, Agents, and Profiles

You can import IUS Server users, roles, agents, and profiles from a specified XML
file (into which you have previously exported them from an IUS Server using the
Export action). You can use this action, for example, to transfer IUS Server to a
different platform.
To import users, roles, agents, and profiles, send the following action to IUS




is the IP address or host name of the machine on which IUS Server is



is the IUS IDOL ACI port (the value of Port in the IUS IDOL
configuration files [Server] section).The default port is 10000.


is the name of the XML file that contains the users, roles, agents, and
profiles to import. If the XML file is not stored in the /IUS IDOL/
community directory, specify the path to the file as well.


(optional) enables you to restrict the import of user fields by specifying

a wild card list of fields to import. Separate multiple fields with commas
(there must be no space before or after a comma). Only user fields that
match a listed field are imported.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Back Up Categories, Taxonomies, and Cluster Jobs

For example:

This index action uses port 10000 to import IUS Server users, roles, agents, and
profiles from the MyFile.xml file.

Back Up Categories, Taxonomies, and Cluster Jobs

Use this procedure to back up IUS Server categories, taxonomies, and cluster
jobs (snapshots, cluster results, and spectrographs).
To back up categories, taxonomies, and cluster jobs
1. Open the IUS IDOL configuration file in a text editor.
2. In the [Server] section, set the BackupDir parameter to the directory into
which you want to store the backups. For example:

3. Save and close the configuration file.

4. Restart IUS IDOL.
5. Run a Backup action to back up your categories, taxonomies, and cluster jobs
to the specified BackupDir:


is the IP address or host name of the machine on which IUS

Server is installed.


is the IUS IDOL ACI port (the value of the Port parameter in the
Server configuration section).

For example:

A .BAK file is generated in the specified BackupDir.

To restore backed-up data, use the Restore action.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

NOTE While IUS Server is processing a Backup action you cannot add,
change, or remove categories, or run cluster jobs. You can still run actions
that do not affect the data being backed up, for example,
ClusterResults, ClusterSGDataServe, and CategoryQuery.

Restore Categories, Taxonomies, and Cluster Jobs

To restore backups of categories, taxonomies, and cluster jobs that the Backup
action created, run a Restore action. The backup is restored from the specified


is the IP address or host name of the machine on which IUS Server is



is the IUS IDOL ACI port (the value of the Port parameter in the
Server configuration section).

NOTE While IUS Server is processing a Restore action, you cannot run
any category, cluster, or taxonomy actions.

Compact the Index

The DRECOMPACT index action is a maintenance activity that enables you to
remove unnecessary index data overhead that accrues over time due to
document deletions, modifications, and duplications. This action is similar to the
defragmentation process for disk drives, or DBCC jobs for a SQL database. You
must run the DRECOMPACT index action as a regular maintenance task to optimize
performance and disk usage by the IUS Server.
HP Autonomy recommends that you run a DRECOMPACT action:


as a regular maintenance task. You can increase or decrease the frequency of

this task according to the activity of your site.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Compact the Index

In general, refer to the number of documents and committed documents in

each Content server. HP Autonomy recommends that you compact data when
the number of committed documents reaches 120% of the number of

after you delete a large batch of files from the IUS repository.

after you archive a large batch of files from the IUS repository.

after you selectively reindex a large batch of files from the IUS repository.

Important Considerations
IMPORTANT You must ensure that you have a current
backup before running the DRECOMPACT action.

The DRECOMPACT is similar to a DREBACKUP in terms of its impact on IUS Server.

You must consider the following points when you run this index action.

The time needed to complete the compact job for each Content server varies
according to the size of the index, and the speed of the disk hosting the

The amount of disk space needed to complete the compact job for each
Content server varies according to the size of the index and the level of
fragmentation. As a guideline, HP Autonomy recommends that you have free
space up to, and possibly exceeding, the size of the Content server targeted
for compaction.

Users cannot receive search results from the Content Engine when a
DRECOMPACT is running. You must therefore schedule DRECOMPACT activity
for off-peak hours to minimize user impact.

HP Autonomy recommends performing a full backup of the index data before

running the DRECOMPACT.

By default, the DRECOMPACT index action automatically copies the data index
to a directory in the Content server data directory. If there is not enough disk
space on the IUS Content drive, you can change this directory by setting the
PreCompactionBackupPath configuration parameter. For more information
about this configuration parameter, see Back Up the Content Index on a
Schedule on page 81.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance

Compact the Index Data on a Schedule

Use the following procedure to configure a schedule for compacting your index
data. HP Autonomy recommends that you run a backup before you compact your
data. See Back Up the Content Index on a Schedule on page 81.
To set up a schedule for compaction
1. Open the Content server configuration file in a text editor.
2. Find the [Schedule] section. If the configuration file does not contain a
[Schedule] section, add one.
3. Set the following parameters in the [Schedule] section:

Type true to enable a compacting schedule.


The time (hh:mm) when you want the Compact

operation to start.


The number of hours between DRECOMPACT

operations. Specify the time in the 24-hour clock and
the format hh:mm.
When you start IUS Server, the specified
CompactInterval must elapse (after the specified
CompactTime) before the first DRECOMPACT
operation takes place. Type 0 to schedule daily

For example:

This configures a compaction every 168 hours (once a week) at 1:00 a.m.
4. Save and close the configuration file.
5. Restart the Content server for your changes to take effect.
6. Repeat Step 1 to Step 5 for all your Content servers.


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

Compact the Index

Manually Compact the Index Data

To compact the index data immediately, send a DRECOMPACT index action (case
sensitive) from your Web browser:


is the IP address or host name of the machine on which IUS

Server is installed.


is the index port used by each Content server (specified by

the IndexPort parameter in the IUS ContentN.cfg file
[Server] section).

Make a note of the INDEXID number returned to your browser.

For example, if you have two Content servers, using the default values for the
IndexPort (for example, Content1: 11001, Content2: 12001), the DRECOMPACT
index actions are:

In this example, the Content servers located on a machine with the IP address (local host) are compacted.
The compaction is complete when the IndexerGetStatus action reports that
the job (INDEXID number) is finished (status=-1, description =

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 7 IUS Server Maintenance


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Troubleshoot IUS
To troubleshoot IUS, consult the log files that it creates. The entries in these files
provide you with details of possible problems or misconfigurations. You can use
them to identify and correct configuration errors.

IUS Server Log Files

This section describes the log files that different IUS Server components create,
and the information that the logs contain.


The default location of the IUS IDOL log directory is:
C:\Program Files\Autonomy\UniversalSearch\IUS IDOL\logs\

Table 4 IUS IDOL log files

Log file



Logs general application errors, warnings and

information relating to IUS IDOL service.


Logs general application errors, warnings and

information relating to the DAH service.


Logs general application errors, warnings and

information relating to the DAH service.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 8 Troubleshoot IUS

Table 4 IUS IDOL log files

Log file



Logs the status of the connection with the Distributed

Index Handler service.


Logs queries submitted using the Distributed Index

Handler service.


Logs status of all files imported into the IUS Server.


Logs the index actions that IDOL server receives.

IUS Content Logs

The default location of the IUS Content log directory is:
C:\Program Files\Autonomy\UniversalSearch\IUS Content\logs\

Table 5 IUS Content log files

Log file



Logs general application errors, warnings and information

relating to indexes.


Logs the index actions that WorkSite Indexer receives.


Logs all the requests that WorkSite Indexer receives.


The default location of the IUS OGS log directory is:
C:\Program Files\Autonomy\UniversalSearch\IUS OGS\logs\

Table 6 OGS log files


Log file



Logs general application errors, warnings and information

relating to the OGS service.


Logs the user and group information processed by OGS.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

IUS Server Log Files


The default location of the DiSH log directory is:
C:\Program Files\Autonomy\UniversalSearch\IUS DISH\logs\

Table 7 DISH Log Files

Log file



Logs general application errors, warnings and information

relating to the DiSH service.


Logs the status of the loading of the license key, and the
products, functionality, and languages included in your

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Chapter 8 Troubleshoot IUS


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Autonomy Business Console. The ABC application allows you to manage

content in IDOL server, and to modify how it responds to queries. You can set
up promotions to highlight specific content, or use synonyms to allow users
to retrieve conceptually related documents. ABC also manages the results
from the Statistics Server.


Autonomy Collaborative Classifier. The ACC application allows you to set up

taxonomies of your data.


Access Control List. In document security, ACLs contain information about

what users or groups of users can access a particular document.

access control list

See ACL.


A process that searches for information about a specific topic.

Agentstore component

The Agentstore component stores agents, and processes requests that

match agents to incoming documents.


Users can set up alerts to send them an e-mail when there is new content
that matches one of their saved searches.

automatic query guidance

Automatic query guidance provides a list of terms that relate to a search, so

that users can make their search more specific. In IUS, this function is also
called Related Concepts.

Autonomy Business

See ABC.

Autonomy Collaborative

See ACC.

auto suggest

Auto suggest provides type-ahead suggestions for users, while they are
typing a search. It provides common searches that match the search they are

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide





A caption is a text title or description for a part of the IUS user interface. You
define captions in a configuration file, which allows you to describe captions
in multiple languages for localization.


A category is a concept or set of concepts that you can use to group

documents. You define a category with text, query expressions, or
documents that describe the concepts for the category. IDOL server can
automatically match documents to your categories.


IDOL server can analyze incoming documents and match the concepts to
your categories. This process is called categorization.

Category component

The Category component analyzes the data in IDOL server and can
automatically tag documents with matching categories from a pre-defined
list. It can also analyze the concepts in documents and group related
documents in clusters, which you can use to analyze data or to create


Classification is the process of matching documents to categories or clusters.

The Category component performs classification on documents.


A cluster is a group of conceptually related documents. The IDOL server

Category component can automatically divide a set of documents into
clusters of related documents. You can use the clusters to analyze concepts
in documents, or to create categories.

Community component

The Community component stores information about IDOL server users. It

also manages the agents and profiles that are stored in the Agentstore


Autonomy Connectors retrieve data from a repository (for example, your file
system, a Web site, or a database) and converts it to IDX or XML format,
which you can index into IDOL server. HP Autonomy has a large selection of
connectors to get documents from different repositories.

Content component

The Content component is the store for content in IDOL server, and it also
processes search requests.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


Distributed Action Handler. The DAH server distributes actions (such as

search requests) between multiple IDOL servers, or Content components. In
IUS, content is generally distributed over multiple Content components. DAH
gets results from all the Content components, and combines them into a
single results list.


IDOL Server stores data in databases. You can configure IDOL server to
store different sets of data in different databases. You can search for results
in one database, or across all databases.

deploy tool

The IUS Server deploy tool is an application that allows you to configure and
install your IUS deployment. You can use it to customize your deployment,
and then it creates the configuration files for your options, and installs the
necessary components.

Distributed Action Handler

See DAH.

Distributed Index Handler

See DIH.


Distributed Index Handler. The DIH server distributed index actions between
multiple IDOL servers or Content components. In IUS, it generally distributes
content to multiple Content components, so that each processes only a small
quantity of the whole dataset.


Distributed Service Handler. The DiSH server controls licensing for HP

Autonomy products. It has access to a license key, which contains
information about all the licenses that you have available. When a product
requests a license, DiSH returns information about what components and
functionality are licensed.

Distributed Service
Handler (DiSH)

See DiSH.


DRECONTENT is a field in index documents that contains the main content of

the document.


The Eduction process extracts entities from document text, and adds them
into a document field. The IUS interface allows you to view a list of extracted
entities in a document and search for other documents that contain those

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide




An entity is a word, phrase, or block of information, defined by a pattern. The

pattern can be a list of words, such as people or place names, or it can be an
expression that describes what an entity looks like without listing it explicitly
(for example, to match a telephone number or address).


IDOL server stores data in fields. Different fields can contain different type of
data, for example document content or metadata. IDOL server can process
different fields in different ways to optimize data retrieval.

IDOL Server

The HP Autonomy Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) server, which

integrates unstructured, semi-structured and structured information from
multiple repositories through an understanding of the content, delivering a
real time environment in which operations across applications and content
are automated, removing all the manual processes involved in getting the
right information to the right people at the right time.


A structured file format that can be indexed into IDOL server. Connectors
import files into this format for indexing.

iManage Universal Search

See IUS.


The content stored in IDOL server is the data index.


The process of storing content in IDOL server.


iManage Universal Search Server. IUS is a search user interface. IUS

enables end users to quickly sift through massive amounts of unstructured
and structured content in WorkSite and external repositories to find the most
relevant results through the use of natural language queries.

IUS Server

iManage Universal Search Server. IUS Server includes IDOL server and all
the IDOL components that collect and index data for IUS.

For more information, refer to the IUS Server Administration Guide.



iManage Universal Search Web Components. The Web application and user
interface that users can access to search for content in IUS.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


OmniGroup Server. OGS manages document security for IUS and IDOL
server. When a user tries to access a document, OGS compares the ACL of
the document with the permissions for the user, and ensures that users can
only retrieve documents that they have permission to see.


See OGS.

parametric fields

Parametric fields are fields that contain values that can be used as search
filters. These fields often contain a restricted set of values, for a property that
users often want to restrict, for example a document source or type.


Information about a user, which is based on the concepts in documents hat

the user reads. Every time a user opens a document, IDOL server updates
their profile. This process allows the administrator to bring new documents to
users attention that match the interests in their profiles.


Query Manipulation Server. QMS manipulates queries that you send to IDOL
server. It can return a promotion, modify the query (for example to add
synonyms), or manipulate the results (for example to return a specific result
higher up the results list).

query filters

Query filters allow users to restrict a search by pre-defined categories. IUS

displays the list of query filters, and users can select one or more filter to
restrict search results to documents that match the filter criteria.

query manipulation server

See QMS.

real time predictive query

When a user types a search in IUS, IUS can automatically return a list of
searches that match what the user is typing. The user can then select one of
these searches to perform. This process is real time predictive querying.


Spotlighting promotes a specific item in IUS. You can configure spotlights

such that when users search for specific keywords, a promotion item is
displayed at the top of the results list.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide



Statistics Server

Statistics server is an IDOL component that can monitor events and return
statistics about those events.


An automatically created hierarchical structure of clusters of other

information. A taxonomy provides you with an overview of the information
landscape and an insight into specific areas of the information.



WorkSite is a document management system, which stores and tracks all

content, and allows authorized users to access content from any location.

WorkSite Indexer

WorkSite Indexer is a server that includes all the IDOL components required
to collect, index, and store data from WorkSite.

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


create taxonomies 75
ACIPort configuration parameter 94
Backup 95
Export 93
Import 94
Restore 96
agent database
overview 28
agent query 21
export 93
import 94
configure 66
create template 67
e-mail address 66
e-mail template 67
disable 56
enable 57
recommendations 28
AQG 18
audio database
overview 29
automatic query guidance. See AQG
Autonomy Collaborative Classifier. See ACC.
encrypt passwords 48

back up 87
categories, taxonomies, and cluster jobs 95, 96
configuration file 80, 83
considerations 79, 90
content index 81
data index 84, 87
dynamically 87
example 79
index 78
index data 84, 87
manually 83
optimum schedule 78
restore configuration file 88
restore index data 88
taxonomies 95
validate restore 89
verify 86
Backup action 95
Backup configuration parameter 81
BackupCompression configuration parameter 81
BackupCompressionLevel configuration parameter

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide


BackupDirN configuration parameter 82

BackupInterval configuration parameter 81
BackupMaintainDirStructure configuration parameter

BackupTime configuration parameter 81

best practices
identify workspaces 62
taxonomy tree 61

categories 96



back up 95, 96
categorization package 18
enable 75
category query 21
taxonomies 74
classification package 18
clients database
overview 29
cluster jobs
back up 95, 96
restore 96
committed documents 78
community 18
community query 21
considerations 97
data index 96
manually 99
schedule 98
category 75
connectors 20
IUS 19
configuration file
back up 80
restore 88
configuration parameters
ACIPort 94
Backup 81
BackupCompression 81
BackupCompressionLevel 81
BackupDirN 82
BackupInterval 81
BackupMaintainDirStructure 82
BackupTime 81
NumberOfBackups 82
Port 95, 96
PreCompactionBackup 82
PreCompactionBackupPath 82


advanced configuration 61
Category component 75
deploy tool 35
e-mail alerts 66
IUS Web to use statistics server 73
languages 76
promotions 69
search term highlighting 72
spotlighting 69
spotlighting documents 69
statistics server 72
WorkSite Indexer services 60
WorkSite server 60
connectors 20
IUS Content 20
logs 102
back up 81
courtcases database 29
statistics 74
XML events 74

compact index 96
compact schedule 98
manually compact 99
agent 28
audio 29
clients 29
courtcases 29
documents 29
federalcases 29
IQLRules 28
KMCache 28
matters 29

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

overview 28
people 29
PLC 29
video 29
limit workspaces to display 64
best practice workspace 62
XML events 74
IUS Server 36, 38
WorkSite Indexer 38
deploy tool
deploy IUS server 36
overview 35
hardware 25
size 23
alerttask 56
user account control 31
Windows Server 2008 32
Windows Server 2008 R2 32
licenses 27
logs 103
limit displayed workspaces 64
Distributed Action Handler. See DAH.
Distributed Index Handler. See DIH.
Distributed Service Handler. See DiSH.
document counts 78
in index 78
rate of change 79
re-index 63
spotlight 69
documents database
overview 29

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

run 84
DRECOMPACT 79, 82, 96, 99
considerations 97
run 87
DREINITIAL 89, 90, 92
DRESYNC 84, 91

e-mail alerts
address 66
configure 66
create template 67
template 67
enable alerttask 57
passwords with autpassw.exe 48
statistics server 74
experts 18
agents 93
profiles 93
roles 93
users 93
Export action 93

federalcases database
overview 29
re-index 63




guidelines 25
search terms 72

best practice workspace 62
configuration 53
Content 20
DAH 19
licenses 27
logs 101
OmniGroupServer 20
re-index 63
Statistics server 20
statistics server 72
IDOL server
back up 95, 96
create taxonomies 75
enable Category 75
iManage Universal Search. See IUS.
agents 94
profiles 94
roles 94
users 94
users, roles, agents, and profiles from IDOL
server 94
Import action 94
back up configuration file 83
back up content 81
back up data 84, 87
compact 84, 87, 96
dynamic back up 87
manual back up 83
number of documents 78


overview 20
rate of change 79
restore from back up 87
schedule back up 78
index actions
DREBACKUP 80, 84, 97
DRECOMPACT 79, 82, 96, 99
DREINITIAL 89, 90, 92
DRESYNC 84, 91
Index Browser 78
index data
manually compact 99
restore 88
schedule compact 98
deploy tool 35
all services 55
deploy tool 35
individual services 56
IUS Server 32
IUS services 55
services manually 56
statistics server 73
WorkSite Indexer services 60
antivirus guidelines 28
data storage 25
hardware 25
memory 25
network 26
operating system 26
page file 26
plan 23
prerequisites 24
processors 25
size 23
virtualization 26

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

IQLRules database
create iqlrules file 70
overview 28
spotlighting 69
architecture 19
components 19
configure language directory 76
configure statistics server 73
Content logs 102
deploy IUS Server 38
deploy WorkSite Indexer 38
DiSH 20
DiSH logs 103
enable Category 75
features 21
IDOL logs 101
install IUS server 32
install services 55
IUS Content 20
IUS Web component 20
log files 101
OGS logs 102
OmniGroupServer 20
overview 17
plan installation 23
prerequisites 24
reindex data 91
security 20
server databases 28
start all services 57
start individual servers 58
start services 56
Statistics server 20
statistics server 72
statistics server operations 73
supported platforms 25
troubleshoot 101
IUS Server
advanced configuration 61
architecture 19

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

configuration 53
databases 28
deploy tool 35
install 32
log files 101
move services 47
operations 55
overview 17
start services manually 58
uninstall 34
IUS server
deploy 36
stop services 58

KMCache database
overview 28

configure 76
ODBC connections 47
overview 27
log files
IUS Server 101
DiSH 103
IUS 101
IUS Content 102

tasks 77
matters database
overview 29
guidelines 25



IUS Server services 47
WorkSite Indexer services 47

guidelines 26
NumberOfBackups configuration parameter 82

connections to WorkSite libraries 47
create data source 49
ODBC System DSN 49
logs 102
OGS. See OmniGroupServer.
IUS OmniGroupServer 20
operating system
guidelines 26
IUS Server 55

page file
guidelines 27
people database
overview 29
IUS installation 23
size of installation 23
support 25
PLC database
overview 29
Port configuration parameter 95, 96
PreCompactionBackup configuration parameter 82
PreCompactionBackupPath configuration parameter



e-mail address 66
antivirus 28
hardware 25
IUS 24
disable alerttask 56
enable alerttask 57
processors 25
guidelines 25
profile query 21
export 93
import 94
statistics 74
document spotlighting 69

agent 21
category 21
community 21
overview 20
profile 21
security 21
statistics 73
text 21

Real Time Predictive Query. See RPQ
statistics 74
documents 63
IUS data 91
IUS server services 47
WorkSite Indexer services 47

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

requirements 25
antivirus 28
data storage 25
hardware 25
memory 25
network 26
operating system 26
page file 26
virtualization 26
restore 96
categories 96
cluster jobs 96
configuration file 88
considerations 90
data 87
index 87
index data 88
taxonomies 96
verify 89
Restore action 96
export 93
import 94
RPQ 18
DREBACKUP action 84

back ups 78
compact 98
highlight terms 72
agent query 21
category query 21
community query 21
IUS 20
profile query 21
text query 21

iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

install all services 55

install individual services 56
install manually 56
move 47
start 56
start all services 57
start individual services 58
start manually 58
stop 58
shut down
IUS services 59
size installation
overview 23
configure 69
documents 69
IQLRules 69
all services 57
individual services 58
services manually 58
statistics server 73
promotion 74
query 73
Statistics server
IUS Statistics server 20
statistics server
configure 72
configure in IUS Web 73
define events 74
install 73
operations 73
start 73
IUS services 58
guidelines 25
platforms 25



back up 95
IDOL server 75
restore 96
back up 95, 96
classification 74
taxonomy tree
configure 61
e-mail alerts 67
highlight 72
IUS 101

Web component
IUS Web 20
configure Indexer services 60
configure server 60
create ODBC connections 47
deploy Indexer 38
install Indexer services 60
limit workspaces 64
move Indexer services 47
re-index files 63
taxonomy tree 61
best practice 62
limit display 64

UAC. See user account control

IUS Server 34
e-mail address 66
user account control
disable 31
export 93
import 94

XML events
define 74
statistics server 73

restore 89
back up 86
restore 89
video database
overview 29
guidelines 26


iManage Universal Search Server Administration Guide

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