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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 14, 2016

Where there is devotion can there be fear? Bhagawan expounds with a

beautiful story from Bhagavatam.

When we look at the Avatar of Narasimha, we get a feeling of

terror. When Lord Narasimha appeared, it looked as if Prahlada
was standing in a corner full of fear. At that time, Lord Narasimha
looked at Prahlada and asked him if he was afraid of the
fearsome figure which had come to punish his father; but
Prahlada explained that he was not afraid of the Lord as it was
the sweetest form one can comprehend. He said that he was
indeed happy to be able to see the Lord. The Lord then asked
why Prahlada was afraid. To this Prahlada replied that he was
afraid because the divine vision which he was then having was
likely to disappear in a few moments and he would soon be left
alone. The fear which was troubling Prahlada was that God will
leave him in this world and disappear. Prahlada wanted to ask
God not to leave him. Gods divine vision and divine beauty are
such that only his devotees can appreciate.
- Summer Roses On Blue Mountains, 1976, Ch 4.

Why fear when I am here? Place your faith in Me. I shall guide you and guard you forever. Baba

14 jUn,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: kI,ij`Qy BgqI huMdI hY au`Qy,fr ho skdw hY?Bgvwn,Bwgvq qoN,iek
KUbsUrq khwnI rwhIN,swnUM smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: jd AsIN,nrismhw Avqwr bwry socdy hW qW swnUM,AwqMk dw iehsws
huMdw hY[jd Bgvwn nrismhw pRgt hoey qW ies qrHW lgdw sI ik iek kony

iv`c KVw pRhlwd,fr nwl sihimAw hoieAw hY[Bgvwn nrismhw ny pRhlwd nUM
pu`iCAw ik quhwfy ipqw nUM fMf dyx leI,ijhVw iBAwnk rUp mYN Dwrx kIqw
hY,aus qoN quhwnUM,fr qW nhIN lgdw?pRhlwd ny jvwb id`qw ik aus nUM,ies rUp
qoN fr nhIN lgdw ikauN jo ieh qW mYnUM bhuq ipAwrw rUp lgdw hY[aus ny
ikhw ik Bgvwn dy ies rUp nUM vyK ky mYN, bhuq KuS hW[Bgvwn ny pRhlwd nUM
iPr pu`iCAw,ik auh ikauoN firAw hoieAw hY[pRhlwd ny jvwv id`qw ik auh ies
gl qoN firAw hoieAw ik ijhVw rUp auh,ies vyly vyK irhw hY,auh QoVI dyr
bwd Alop ho jwvy gw Aqy auh iPr Akylw rih jwvy gw [pRhlwd,ies gl qoN
firAw hoieAw sI ik Bgvwn,aus nUM ies sMswr iv`c ,ie`klw C`f jwx gy Aqy
Awp Alop ho jwx gy[pRhlwd,Bgvwn nUM kihxw cwhuMdy sn ik auh,aus nUM C`f
ky nw jwx[Bgvwn dI idvXqw Aqy aunHW dI suMdrqw,ies qrHW dI huMdI hY,,ijs
dI srwhnw,kyvl aus dw Bgq hI kr skdw hY[(smr Swvrz Awn blU
mwaUntynz,1976,A`iDAwey cwr)[
jd mYN,quhwfy kol hW qW quhwnUM,iks cIz dw fr hY?myry au`qy,pUrw ivSvwS
r`Ko[mYN quhwfw mwrg drSn vI krW gw Aqy quhwfI r`iKAw vI krW

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