June 13 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 13, 2016

In what form is the Divine Principle present in us and what is the easiest way to
recognise it? Bhagawan explains to us in simple and clear terms.

Brahman in the form of love enters minds and creates

attachment between a person and another. If a mother shows
affection to a child, we should interpret it as an aspect of the
Divine and not just a bodily relationship. This aspect
of Brahman present as love in the mother, expresses itself as
affection. When this aspect enters the minds of friends, it takes
the shape of friendship. When this spreads to various objects
we like, it takes the form of desire. If this aspect is directed
towards God, we call it devotion. Because this love is present in
everyone, when we say, Sarvam Brahma Mayam (All this is
Divine) we are stating an irrefutable truth. This is also why we
say, Love is God, Live in Love. We must practice, Start the
day with Love; spend the day with Love; fill the day with Love;
end the day with Love, as this is the way to God.
- Summer Showers in Brindavan 1974, Vol 1, Ch 4.

Wherever there is love, there God is always present. Baba

13 jUn,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swfy iv`c,idvXqw dw is`DWq,iks rUp iv`c,ivdmwn rihMdw hY Aqy aus
nUM pihcwxx dw ikhVw sOKw qrIkw hY? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,swDwrx FMg nwl
Aqy swP-swP, smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: bRwhmn(idvXqw),swfy mnW iv`c,ipAwr dy rUp iv`c,pRvyS krdI hY Aqy
iek mnu`K dw,dUjy mnu`K nwl moh pYdw huMdw hY[jd iek mW,Awpxy b`cy nUM

ipAwr krdI hY qW aus nUM,idvX ipAwr smJxw cwhIdw hY Aqy ies nUM,SwrIrk
irSqw nhIN smJxw cwhIdw[ies qrHW dw bRhm,ijhVw mW dy AMdr ipAwr dy
rUp iv`c ivdmwn hY,auh AslI ipAwr hY[jd ieh ipAwr,dosqW leI jwgdw hY
qW ieh ipAwr ,dosqI dw rUp,Dwrx kr lYNdw hY[jd ieh ipAwr,dUjIAW cIzW
leI jwgdw hY, ijnHW nUM AsIN cwhuMdy hW qW ieh ipAwr,ie`Cw dw rUp Dwrx kr
lYNdw hY[jd ieh ipAwr,Bgvwn dy pRqI aumVdw hY qW ies nUM,BgqI kihMdy
hW[ikauN jo ieh ipAwr,hr iek iv`c ivdmwn hY,ies leI jd AsIN ieh
kihMdy hW ik swrw ku`J idvX hY qW AsIN ies nUM iek, nw Jutlwaux vwlI
scweI kihMdy hW[iesy kwrx AsIN kihMdy hW ik, ipAwr eISvr hY[ipAwr iv`c
hI rho[swnUM,ies dw A`iBAws krnw cwhIdw hY[idn dI SurUAwq,ipAwr nwl
kro,ipAwr iv`c hI idn ibqwau,ipAwr nwl hI ,idn nUM Br dau Aqy idn dw
AMq vI ipAwr nwl kro[iehI iek rsqw hY ijhdy nwl mnu`K,Bgvwn kol
phuMc skdw hY[(smr Swvrz ien ibRMdwvn 1974,AMk iek,A`iDAwey cwr)[
ijs sQwn qy ipAwr huMdw hY au`Qy hmySw,Bgvwn ivdmwn rihMdy hn[(bwbw)[

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