l3 Unit 13 14 Project Proposal Pro Forma

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UAL Awarding Body - Level 3 Extended Diploma

Unit 13/14 - Project Proposal


Rhone Bennett

Project Title
Section 1: Review (Approx 150 words)
In the three academic years that I have been instituted in
Newham sixth form college I have been tasked and challenge with
many different outcomes. This over the years has allowed me to
amass a large plethora of skills, skills that have come in handy in
this last final major project that Im doing. Starting from my first year I
have experimented with mono printing to achieve the gritty look that I was going for in my
work. Year two I learnt to
work on fabric which I also experimented on to achieve a textured
look in my work.
and all throughout my time ive learnt to manipulate digital design
which Is what I wanted
to focus on. Due to my experience and experiments I know now
exactly what I can and
cannot achieve in my work and can adjust accordingly.
Section 2: Project Concept (approx 250 words)

UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Extended Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

Section 3: Evaluation (approx 100 words)

Whilst doing this project I realised that not all my initial ideas could be put
down and that some compromises would have to be made. Such as the outline setup
(wireframe) of the poster where the initial idea to have 10 areas to place work and
information about
organisation would not work out due to lack of space so I decided to then
change my idea
have the information incorporated to the art work. And also another
change made was to
have the initial subjects change from being completely computer created
to hand crafted
and then incorporated into the work.
Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

Project Action Plan and Timetable


Date Week

Activity / What you are intending

to do - including independent

Resources / What you will need to

do it - including access to

UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Extended Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Extended Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

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