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The 100 Years War:

In the year 1337, one of the biggest wars in history (up to that point) began between England and
France. In that year, King Edward III of England invaded France. Edward claimed that the throne of
France legitimately belonged to him and not Philip VI who had no relation to the former French king
Charles IV.
This war would span several generations and more than a dozen monarchs. It would see the rise
and fall of one of the greatest leaders in history as Joan of Arch, a young teenage girl, would lead the
French forces and inspire them to eventual victory against their neighbors. Although the war lasted from
1337 to 1453, and cost the lives of millions, it helped to develop a new feeling of Nationalism throughout
Europe. No longer were people just subject to their local lord, they were French or English.
Your Assignment:
Step 1: Read the article about the 100 Years War.
Do the Following:
1. Explain what the causes were of the 100 Years War. Which side do you feel had the most legitimate
claim? Why?
2. Why did the many truces that were signed between the French and English fail to create a Lasting
Peace between the two sides?
3. Many historians view the 100 Years War as a futile enterprise. Do you agree with this statement?
Step 2: Read the article about Joan of Arc.
Do the Following:
1. Explain why Joan of Arc was such a polarizing person not only in her time, but also throughout the rest
of history.
Step 3: Read the Letter from Joan of Arc to the King of England in 1429.
Do the Following:
1. Explain how Joans letter to the King of England expresses the concept of Nationalism.

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