The Rise of Christianity: Why Did People Convert?

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The Rise of Christianity

Why did

Morgan Madonna, 12th c.

(Metropolitan Museum)

French, early 14th c. (St. Louis


Early Followers
1. middle class who lived
in cities
2. Provincials who didnt
feel Roman
3. Wealthy women?
What binds these groups

What was the relationship between pagans

and Christians?
1. Persecutions
- sporadic, in times of crisis
(e.g. 250s)
- idea of treason
- production of martyrs


2. Acceptance
- Constantines Edict of
Milan (313)
- Theodosius made
Christianity official religion
in 391

The Martyrdom of St. Quirico

(12th c. illumination, Barcelona
Museum of Catalan Art)

The Martyrdom of St. Stephen

(Bernardo Daddi, 1324, Santa
Croce, Florence)

Church Structure
- Secular clergy
(priests, bishops,
archbishops, pope)
- Regular clergy
(monks, nuns, abbots,

The Rise of Monasticism

1. Eremitic Monasticism (Desert Fathers)
- Hermits, like St. Anthony (c. 250-356)
2. Cenobitic Monasticism
- Double monasteries
- John Cassian (c. 360-435) transmitted this
lifestyle to West

Monastery of St. Catherine,

Mt. Sinai

Benedictine Monasticism

St. Benedict of Nursia (c.480550) - founded one of the

most important early
monasteries in West, called
Why was his Rule so
influential? (Benedictine Rule)

Plan of St. Gall (in modern Switzerland), c. 820

Monastic Hours:*
Matins (at sunrise)
Prime (during the first hour of daylight)
Terce (at the third hour)
Sext (at the sixth hour)
None (at the ninth hour)
Vespers (at the end of the day)
Compline (upon retiring)
Vigils (sometime during the night)
*(Youre not expected to remember the names of these prayers!!)

What was the impact of

monasticism on society?

Chi-Rho page,
Lindisfarne Gospels, late
7th c.

Missionary Activity
- Desire to convert pagans and Arian
- Persuasion through assimilating other
religious customs
St. Patrick (d. 461)
St. Leoba (d. 782)

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