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CAS Reflection Form

Activity Name: Project Utopia
CAS element(s) involved:


Is this activity completed or ongoing?

I have completed this activity concerning CAS, however the activity will continue
throughout the school year (and hopefully beyond).
Activity Reflection: Comment only on those learning outcomes listed below that
are relevant to this activity.
All of the learning outcomes are actually relevant to this activity, however,
Ive decided to only comment on what I think are the most important ones
in my reflection.
This project has reminded me of my strengths, my ability to communicate, my
perseverance and my willingness to put myself out there. However, for me the
most important thing I have become aware of, are my areas for growth. I realised
that despite my good intention, I was unable to show the level of commitment
that I think is necessary for this project. I understand that this is not completely
my fault, however, were I to do this again I would have to consider the massive
responsibility that I undertook more deeply before agreeing to participate. This
also links with the ethical implications of my actions, as I made a promise of a
real connection with the people that I met and I dont believe Ive been able to
fulfil that to the best of my ability. By no means do I want to give up or quit but I
think that I have to be more realistic with my goal setting and the promises that I
make, so that I dont make promises that I will be unable to keep.
The project as a whole is an attribute to being able to plan and initiate activities,
as every activity that we undertake requires innovation and then the necessary
planning. The activity that I personally initiated was the clothing drive during
rainbow week, which, once sorted, has collected roughly 90kg of useable clothes
that are now going to be sent to the op shop and primary schools in the area that
we visited. This activity has in itself engaged with an issue of global importance,
inequality in indigenous groups and the project as a whole has raised awareness
concerning indigenous education and literacy, which I hope will be issues
embraced by the school community.
Working collaboratively has been integral to our project; it hasnt been easy,
particularly considered the dwindling interest in the project as everyone becomes


more committed with schoolwork. However, all of the actions that we have
undertaken have been as a team and the support that I have received from all
members of the group has been incredible. Im hoping that with some revived
interest as we finish the clothing drive project, we will be able to make the lasting
impact that we set out to achieve. The only way to do this will through the
continuity in our project.

Increased awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth

Undertaken new challenges
Planned and initiated activities
Worked collaboratively with others
Shown perseverance and commitment
Engages with issues of global importance
Considered the ethical implications of my actions
Developed new skills

By submitting this form you are declaring that the reflection and evidence in this
CAS activity meet the IB Academic Honesty guidelines.

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