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WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.1

Date Issued: June 1,2016

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Purchasing and installing the machines

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: It includes purchase of all machinery equipment
Acceptance Criteria : A document containing list of all the machinery equipment along with price should be
Deliverables : Machinery equipment and their installation
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 600 hours
Cost : $ 3,500,000
Due Date : Aug 1, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB
Assembly line

Task # 1.5.2

Date Issued: Aug 1,2016

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Purchasing Raw materials for casting

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: It includes purchase of all raw materials required
Acceptance Criteria : A document containing list of all the raw materials along with price should be submitted
Deliverables : Raw materials
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 300 hours
Cost : $ 1,000,000
Due Date : Sep 1, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.3

Date Issued: Sep 1,2016

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Setting up machines and designing flow line

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: Machine line is setup for manufacturing ETB
Acceptance Criteria : Machine line should be setup and be working properly
Deliverables : Machine line
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 300 hours
Cost : $ 500,000
Due Date : Oct 1, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Task # 1.5.4

Date Issued: Oct 1,2016

Person Assigned:

Assembly line

Purchase and Industrial

Engineer Team

Task Description : Making Die for casting

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: Making die required for casting
Acceptance Criteria : Dies should be ready for casting
Deliverables : Dies for casting
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 100 hours
Cost : $ 30,000
Due Date : Oct 15, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.5

Date Issued: Oct 15,2016

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Milling

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: Should make holes in the work piece
Acceptance Criteria : Holes should be properly made into the work piece
Deliverables : perfectly holed work piece
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 100 hours
Cost : $ 100,000
Due Date : Oct 30, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.6

Date Issued: Oct 31,2016

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Grinding

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: Used for proper finishing of the work piece
Acceptance Criteria : Work piece should be properly finished
Deliverables : properly finished work piece
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 100 hours
Cost : $ 100,000
Due Date : Nov 8, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.7

Date Issued: Nov 8, 2016

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Threading

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: Used for making threads for the screws
Acceptance Criteria : Work piece should have proper threads for fitting the screws
Deliverables : properly threaded work piece
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 100 hours
Cost : $ 100,000
Due Date : Nov 18, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.8

Date Issued: Nov 18,


Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Stamping

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: for stamping the batch number on the work piece
Acceptance Criteria : Work piece should have batch number stamped
Deliverables : Batch number stamped on the work piece
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 100 hours
Cost : $ 100,000
Due Date : Nov 28, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.9

Date Issued: Dec 8, 2016

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Brazing

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: For brazing the work piece
Acceptance Criteria : Work piece properly brazed
Deliverables : Brazed work piece
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 100 hours
Cost : $ 100,000
Due Date : Dec 18, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.9

Date Issued: Dec 18,


Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Brazing

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: For brazing the work piece
Acceptance Criteria : Work piece properly brazed
Deliverables : Brazed work piece
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 100 hours
Cost : $ 100,000
Due Date : Dec 28, 2016
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Task # 1.5.10

Date Issued: Dec 28,

Person Assigned:

Assembly line


Purchase and Industrial

Engineer Team

Task Description : Polymer cap extrusion

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: Polymer cap extrusion
Acceptance Criteria : Extrusion of polymer cap
Deliverables : Brazed work piece
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 200 hours
Cost : $ 300,000
Due Date : Jan 8th , 2017
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.11

Date Issued: Jan 8, 2017

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Machining of polymer gear

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description: fitting gear in to the ETB
Acceptance Criteria : Perfectly attached polymer gears
Deliverables : Machined polymer gear
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 200 hours
Cost : $ 300,000
Due Date : Jan 18, 2017
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

WBS Dictionary (Task Description) : Manufacturing & Machining

Business Case: ETB

Assembly line

Task # 1.5.12

Date Issued: Jan 18, 2017

Person Assigned:
Purchase and Industrial
Engineer Team

Task Description : Purchasing of polymer powder

Quantified Objectives: To effectively manufacture an ETB
Product Description:
Acceptance Criteria : Effective polymer powders
Deliverables : Polymer powder
Assumption : No assumptions
Person Assigned: Purchase and Industrial Engineer Team
Duration : 200 hours
Cost : $ 300,000
Due Date : Jan 28, 2017
Interdependencies: Before this task______ After this task_All other tasks are dependent on this
Approved by: Project Manager____________________ Date ________

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