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Date of Exam:

Branch: CE I
Year: 1st

Time of Exam:
Haldia Institute of Technology
Second Class Test- April 2015
Subject: B. Tech
Batch 9
Semester: 2nd

Date of Exam:

Branch: CE
Year: 1st

Time of Exam:

Haldia Institute of Technology

Second Class Test- April 2015
Subject: B. Tech
Batch 9
Semester: 2 nd

Paper Name : Basic Computation & Principles of Computer

Programming Paper code: CS201
Full Marks: 30
Time: 1 Hr. & 30 Mins.

Paper Name : Basic Computation & Principles of Computer

Paper code: CS201
Full Marks : 30
Time: 1 Hr. & 30 Mins.

Attempt any 5 questions:-

Attempt any 5 questions:-

1. Answer the following:a. Write difference between Function and Macro

b. Describe the storage classes in C
c. Structure vs Union
2. Write functions in C for the following tasks(without using library function)
a. Copy two strings
b. Find the string length c. Reverse a string
3. a. Convert i)decimal 225.225 to binary
ii) hexadecimal 2AC5.D to binary
b. Subtract 10111 from 110011 using 2s complement method.
a . Write a C program to transpose a user inputted matrix
b. What is the advantage of array.
5. a. What is recursion? b. Write a recursive solution for finding GCD of
two integers.
6. a. Write a C program to find out the number of vowels ,no of words in a
b. Write a C Program to find the greatest among 3 integers using macro.

1. Answer the following:a.Write difference between Function and Macro

b. Describe the storage classes in C
c. Structure vs Union
2. Write functions in C for the following tasks(without using library function)
a. Copy two strings
b. Find the string length c. .Reverse
a string
a .Convert i)decimal 225.225 to binary
ii) hexadecimal 2AC5.D to binary
b. Subtract 10111 from 110011 using 2s complement method.
a . Write a C program to transpose a user inputted matrix
What is the advantage of array.
5. . What is recursion? b. Write a recursive solution for finding
GCD of two integers.
6. a . Write a C program to find out the number of vowels ,no of words in a
b. .Write a C Program to find the greatest among 3 integers using macro.

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