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7 The walls of a refrigerator are typically constructed by sandwiching a layer of insulation between sheet metal
panels. Consider a wall made from fiberglass insulation of thermal conductivity ki=0.046 W/mK and thickness Li= 50
mm and steel panels, each of thermal conductivity kp = 60 W/mK and thickness Lp=3 mm. If the wall separates
refrigerated air at Ti=4C from ambient air at To = 25 C, what is the heat gain per unit surface area? Coefficients
associated with natural convection at the inner and outer surfaces may be approximated as hi=ho= 5 W/m2K.
3.18 The composite wall of an oven consists of three materials, two of which are of known thermal conductivity, kA =
20 W/mK and kC =50 W/m K, and known thickness, LA = 0.30 m and LC = 0.15 m. The third material, B, which is
sandwiched between materials A and C, is of known thickness, LB = 0.15 m, but unknown thermal conductivity kB.

3.24 A firefighters protective clothing, referred to as a turnout coat, is typically constructed as an ensemble of three
layers separated by air gaps, as shown schematically.

Representative dimensions and thermal conductivities for the layers are as follows.

The air gaps between the layers are 1 mm thick, and heat is transferred by conduction and radiation exchange through
the stagnant air. The linearized radiation coefficient for a gap may be approximated as,

hhad = (T 1+ T 2 )(T 21 +T 22) 4 T 3avg

where Tavg represents the average temperature of the surfaces

comprising the gap, and the radiation flux across the gap may be expressed as

=hrad (T 1T 2)

(a) Represent the turnout coat by a thermal circuit, labeling all the thermal resistances. Calculate and tabulate the
thermal resistances per unit area (m2K/W) for each of the layers, as well as for the conduction and radiation processes
in the gaps. Assume that a value of Tavg = 470 K may be used to approximate the radiation resistance of both gaps.
Comment on the relative magnitudes of the resistances.
(b) For a pre-flash-ove fire environment in which firefighters often work, the typical radiant heat flux on the fire-side
of the turnout coat is 0.25 W/cm2. What is the outer surface temperature of the turnout coat if the inner surface
temperature is 66C, a condition that would result in burn injury?
3.28 Two stainless steel plates 10 mm thick are subjected to a contact pressure of 1 bar under vacuum conditions for
which there is an overall temperature drop of 100C across the plates. What is the heat flux through the plates? What is
the temperature drop across the contact plane?

3.52 A thin electrical heater is inserted between a long circular rod and a concentric tube with inner and outer radii of
20 and 40 mm. The rod (A) has a thermal conductivity of kA = 0.15 W/m_ K, while the tube (B) has a thermal
conductivity of kB = 1.5 W/m K and its outer surface is subjected to convection with a fluid of temperature T_=15C
and heat transfer coefficient 50 W/m2 K. The thermal contact resistance between the cylinder surfaces and the heater
is negligible.
(a) Determine the electrical power per unit length of the cylinders (W/m) that is required to maintain the outer surface
of cylinder B at 5 C. (b) What is the temperature at the center of cylinder A?
3.57 A composite cylindrical wall is composed of two materials of thermal conductivity kA and kB, which are
separated by a very thin, electric resistance heater for which interfacial contact resistances are negligible

Liquid pumped through the tube is at a temperature T_,I and provides a convection coefficient hi at the inner surface of
the composite. The outer surface is exposed to ambient air, which is at T, o and provides a convection coefficient of ho.
Under steady-state conditions, a uniform heat flux of qh is dissipated by the heater.
(a) Sketch the equivalent thermal circuit of the system and express all resistances in terms of relevant variables.
(b) Obtain an expression that may be used to determine the heater temperature, Th.
(c) Obtain an expression for the ratio of heat flows to the outer and inner fluids, q_o /q_i. How might the variables of
the problem be adjusted to minimize this ratio?
3.61 Steam flowing through a long, thin-walled pipe maintains the pipe wall at a uniform temperature of 500 K.
The pipe is covered with an insulation blanket comprised of two different materials, A and B. The interface between
the two materials may be assumed to have an infinite contact resistance, and the entire outer surface is exposed to air
for which T_ =300 K and h = 25 W/m2K.

3.68 A spherical tank for storing liquid oxygen on the space shuttle is to be made from stainless steel of 0.80-m outer
diameter and 5-mm wall thickness. The boiling point and latent heat of vaporization of liquid oxygen are 90 K and
213 kJ/kg, respectively. The tank is to be installed in a large compartment whose temperature is to be maintained at
240 K. Design a thermal insulation system that will maintain oxygen losses due to boiling below 1 kg/day.

3.89 A plane wall of thickness 2L and thermal conductivity k experiences a uniform volumetric generation rate q . .
As shown in the sketch for Case 1, the surface at x=-L is perfectly insulated, while the other surface is maintained at
a uniform, constant temperature To. For Case 2, a very thin dielectric strip is inserted at the midpoint of the wall (x =
0) in order to electrically isolate the two sections, A and B. The thermal resistance of the strip is Rt = 0.0005 m2K/W.
The parameters associated with the wall are k _ 50 W/mK, L = 20mm,

q =5 x 10 W /m

, and To=50 C

(a) Sketch the temperature distribution for Case 1 on T _ x coordinates. Describe the key features of this distribution.
Identify the location of the maximum temperature in the wall and calculate this temperature.
(b) Sketch the temperature distribution for Case 2 on the same T _ x coordinates. Describe the key features of this
(c) What is the temperature difference between the two walls at x _ 0 for Case 2?
(d) What is the location of the maximum temperature in the composite wall of Case 2? Calculate this temperature.
3.96 A cylindrical shell of inner and outer radii, ri and ro, respectively, is filled with a heat-generating material that
provides a uniform volumetric generation rate (W/m3) of q. The inner surface is insulated, while the outer surface of
the shell is exposed to a fluid at T_ and a convection coefficient h.
(a) Obtain an expression for the steady-state temperature distribution T(r) in the shell, expressing your result in terms
of ri, ro, q . , h, T_, and the thermal conductivity k of the shell material.
(b) Determine an expression for the heat rate, q (ro), at the outer radius of the shell in terms of q and shell dimensions.
3.112 A thin flat plate of length L, thickness t, and width W>> L is thermally joined to two large heat sinks that are
maintained at a temperature To. The bottom of the plate is well insulated, while the net heat flux to the top surface of
the plate is known to have a uniform value of qo.

(a) Derive the differential equation that determines the steady-state temperature distribution T(x) in the plate.
(b) Solve the foregoing equation for the temperature distribution, and obtain an expression for the rate of heat transfer
from the plate to the heat sinks.
3.116 A thin metallic wire of thermal conductivity k, diameter D, and length 2L is annealed by passing an electrical
current through the wire to induce a uniform volumetric heat generation q. The ambient air around the wire is at a
temperature T_, while the ends of the wire at x=+-L are also maintained at T_. Heat transfer from the wire to the air
is characterized by the convection coefficient h. Obtain expressions for the following:
(a) The steady-state temperature distribution T(x) along the wire,
(b) The maximum wire temperature.
(c) The average wire temperature.

3.123 metal rod of length 2L, diameter D, and thermal conductivity k is inserted into a perfectly insulating wall,
exposing one-half of its length to an airstream that is of temperature T_ and provides a convection coefficient h at the

surface of the rod. An electromagnetic field induces volumetric energy generation at a uniform rate q within the
embedded portion of the rod.

(a) Derive an expression for the steady-state temperature Tb at the base of the exposed half of the rod.
The exposed region may be approximated as a very long fin.
(b) Derive an expression for the steady-state temperature To at the end of the embedded half of the rod.
(c) Using numerical values provided in the schematic, plot the temperature distribution in the rod and describe key
features of the distribution. Does the rod behave as a very long fin?
3.129 A long, circular aluminum rod is attached at one end to a heated wall and transfers heat by convection to a cold
(a) If the diameter of the rod is tripled, by how much would the rate of heat removal change?
(b) If a copper rod of the same diameter is used in place of the aluminum, by how much would the rate of heat
removal change?

3.142 Finned passages are frequently formed between parallel plates to enhance convection heat transfer in
compact heat exchanger cores. An important application is in electronic equipment cooling, where one or more aircooled stacks are placed between heat-dissipating electrical components. Consider a single stack of rectangular fins
of length L and thickness t, with convection conditions corresponding to h and T_.

(a) Obtain expressions for the fin heat transfer rates, qf,o and qf,L, in terms of the base temperatures, To and TL.
(b) In a specific application, a stack that is 200 mm wide and 100 mm deep contains 50 fins, each of length L=12
mm. The entire stack is made from aluminum, which is everywhere 1.0 mm thick. If temperature limitations
associated with electrical components joined to opposite plates dictate maximum allowable plate temperatures of To
= 400 K and TL =350 K, what are the corresponding maximum power dissipations if h =150 W/m2K and T= 300 K?

3.149 Water is heated by submerging 50-mm-diameter, thin walled copper tubes in a tank and passing hot combustion
gases (Tg =750 K) through the tubes. To enhance heat transfer to the water, four straight fins of uniform cross section,
which form a cross, are inserted in each tube. The fins are 5 mm thick and are also made of copper (k=400 W/m K).

If the tube surface temperature is Ts =350 K and the gas-side convection coefficient is hg =30 W/m2K, what is the
rate of heat transfer to the water per meter of pipe length?

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