Configuring Cintanotes: Basic Configuration

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Configuring CintaNotes

Basic configuration
CintaNotes lets you configure a wide range of parameters, e.g. the fonts used in the main note list, the note
color theme, or the way the program behaves when its window is closed or minimized.
The File / Notebook... command is used to configure the notebook file location and notebook synchronization
settings. Regarding notebook file selection, this command implements three use cases:

Create a new notebook: specify a non-existent file in the "Notebook File" field and leave
"Relocate current notebook" unchecked.
Switch to an already existing notebook: specify path to the existing notebook in the
"Notebook File" field and leave "Relocate current notebook" unchecked.
Move current notebook to another location: specify target location in the "Notebook File"
field and check the "Relocate current notebook" checkbox. (In case there already exists a
notebook file at the target location, a backup of it will be created before it is overwritten.)

More information about the "Notebook Parameters" dialog can be found in the Synchronizing Notes section.
The Color Theme submenu of the View menu lets you select the most pleasant color for your notes. This can
also be useful to quickly tell apart different instances of CintaNotes.
The Note Appearance command of the View menu opens a dialog box where you can pick fonts for note's
header and text, and adjust now many note lines should be displayed directly in the list.
The Hot Keys command from the Options menu enables you to change the default system-wide key
combinations for clipping text, activating CinatNotes window and adding a new note.
If Options / Clipping / Silent is activated, CintaNotes will not pop up after each clipping, but will display a
balloon tip instead. Clicking on it would open CintaNotes.
The Options / Clipping / Use as Title menu lets you control where the clipped note's title is taken from.
Options / Clipping / After Clipping / Switch View to Untagged specifies whether you want to switch the tag
filter to show only untagged notes after clipping, which is convenient for separating newly taken notes from
the rest, and for tagging them.
Options / Clipping / After Clipping / Open in Editor lets you open a newly clipped note in editor for immediate
tagging and probably further editing. Usually you would prefer tagging multiple notes at once after a working
session, but this possibility to review and edit each note may sometimes come in quite handy .
The notes editor can automatically highlight various links in the notes text. The Options / Editor / Highlight
Links option controls this behavior. In this submenu you can also specify whether you'd like to use single or
double mouse clicks to open these links.
If you want CintaNotes to minimize itself to the system notification area (otherwise known as "system tray"),
turn on the Minimize to System Tray option in the Options menu.
Turn on the Close to System Tray option if you want the program to behave the same way when you close
the window (that is, when you click on the window's Close button or press Alt+F4). When this option is
turned on, closing the window will not exit the program. To exit CintaNotes, you will have to select the
"File/Exit" command, or right-click on the CintaNotes icon in the notification area and select Exit.
If you want CintaNotes window to be always on top of other windows, turn on the Always on Top option.

Check Options / Run at system startup to have CintaNotes start automatically. It will start minimized to the
system tray. Use this option with care if you run CintaNotes from an USB stick, since if the stick is absent
CintaNotes won't be found during system startup.
The options in the File / Backup menu control which of the three backup files should be created and kept upto-date. If you uncheck one of these options, already existing backup file is retained, but is not updated
CintaNotes UI supports languages other than English. You can switch current language with the
"Options/Language" menu. If your language is not yet supported, and you'd like to have CintaNotes in your
language, please edit the "CintaNotes\lang\en.lang" file and send it to

Advanced configuration
Some options of CintaNotes can only be set via editing the cintanotes.settings file. Be sure to edit it using a
Unicode-aware text editor (e.g. Notepad).
Encoded base color of the current color theme. It is basically a hex value like #F05A00 converted
to decimal. It is a dark color used as a hue reference value, all colors of the theme are derived
from it via blending it with white in different proportions.
Width of the tags sidebar, in pixels (92 by default).
Folder CintaNotes writes backup files to ("backup" by default). Both relative (e.g. "..\..\backup")
and absolute (e.g. "f:\backups\cn") paths are supported.
clipping.trimwhitespace (since 1.2)
Specifies whether CN should trim leading and trailing whitespace from the clipped text. Trimming
is enabled by default.
editor.focus.title (since 1.4.1)
Specifies whether the title field of the note editor is focused initially. When this option is 0 (off),
the note text field gets focused. Default value: 0 (off). (since 1.4.1)
Enables or disables display of search matches' counts in the note preview area. Default: 1 (on).
sqlite.pragma.cache_size (since 1.0)
Controls how many database pages can be kept in memory and directly influences how much
memory the program will consume. Each page is 4096 bytes. The larger this value, the faster
CintaNotes will work with large databases, but also the more RAM will be consumed.
sqlite.pragma.synchronous (since 1.0)
Three possible values: FULL, NORMAL and OFF. If you experience frequent DB corruption (might
be relevant for unstable systems and hot-unplugged USB drives), try setting this setting to
NORMAL or FULL. CintaNotes will run slower, waiting after each modification till the data is written
to disk before returning control to the user.
startup.minimized (since 1.4.1)
Always start minimized to tray. Default value: 0 (off).
startup.multipleinstances.allowed (since 1.4.1)
Specifies whether CN will run if another instance is already running. Also if this option is on, this
instance won't be visible to instances running with this option turned off. Default value: 0 (off).
startup.multipleinstances.activationmsg (since 1.4.1)
Specifies whether CN will display a message box telling that an already running instance has been
activated. Default value: 1 (on).
tagsedit.autocomplete.acceptonspace (since 1.4)
If set to 1, enables accepting tag suggestions via pressing spacebar.

Command Line Switches


Start minimized to tray. Is a non-persistent alternative of the "startup.minimized" option in the

settings file.

Run in 'invisible' mode. Other instances of CintaNotes won't find this instance. Is a non-persistent
alternative of the "startup.multipleinstances.allowed" option.
Suppress the message box which appears when you start CN with it already running. Is a nonpersistent alternative of the "startup.multipleinstances.activationmsg" option.

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