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P27 osoamc FEATURES © LOW CONTACT RESISTANCE @ CLOSED CONTACT ENDS © GOLD-PLATED INNER CONTACTS (© -55°C TO +150°C TEMPERATURE RANGE DESCRIPTION 1” ‘The 0804MC is « high quality socket designed for use \ with Burr-Brown’s &-pin TO-3 type products such as v the OPASAI and OPASIZ, | arepatin Atoagh not required for se with thee products, the |e ee ‘804MC socket makes interchanping parts easy, expe on cially daring design and testing. is rugged inner ‘eontacts provide postive insertion and low contact resistance. Closed contact ends prevent solder and fx ane ‘contamination ofthe internal canto saan Dee “The socket body is molded of gas-filled polyester ion ' and incorporates countersunk mounting holes and! | ‘ex-out retaining feature. It accommodates a varity °f ‘of mounting hardware and mechanical designs. [diac cs contact Pesan: 0.020 Typ 2a neh Ter 100: eh Node Pate Tromso vied men ble ob bs Nowe ‘Binh Gold ver 8s en Neal Pa BROWN assures no respon ke ociases or are See coe eaa caer vere) (Sone BURRSROIN somes negara free oth See Bod, er Fed main anal eaotaxn orton shal wentayate users Opting Tempra Rane: °C a +1506 part Pres nd soectestins ee steate operate Acheter eanen ay tbe es seared en are Sotedr gander tir pary BURR BROWN owe or saness ‘aon any BURR BROW ped ows ne spp Sees ‘dora. ond ep nl Pak + ning dese POBox = Tako, AST = Sat Adee SRS Ton Bled Taso AE 978 ‘neti Tar mescritt cave 6oNConr = Tekan" FAx G29 OWT" tmar Meet OaSbHaE EBB 7 packace prawine High Voltage, High Current OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS (@ WIDE POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE: ‘© PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLY +#70V to x150V (© PIEZO-ELECTRIC TRANSDUCER DRIVER, (@ OUTPUT CURRENT TO 75mA @ HIGH VOLTAGE CURRENT SOURCE (© SLEW RATE: 30Vhis (@ FET INPUT: 1, = 20pA max (@ THERMAL SHUT-DOWN PROTECTION (@ HERMETIC TO-3 PACKAGE, ISOLATED CASE DESCRIPTION ‘The 3583 is high voltage, high speed hybrid opera- tional amplifier designed for a wide variety of programmable power supply and transducer driver spplictions, The 3583 operates over a wide power supply range (2S0V to 2150V) and provides outputs up to 75m. Laser-timmed FET input circuitry provides low offset voltage (mV max) and low input bias current (20pA san), Thema shown iy poesia Ey circuitry from excessive power dissipation Hy - A ‘Commercial and industrial temperature range models axe avaiable, The 3583's bemntic8pin TO-3 pack yh = age is electrically isolated from all internal circuit. spt e Lhe ‘mon print Pat + ang is PO foe 40) + Tas ALAS.» Sit As 0S Ten ed Tae AZ Taegan» rc mUsi2Htt = Cam SORCOR”~ Tres FAIL EID PTE = bm Pct: Ta 196 Burau Caer ross tl nS A Osw, 193 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL aa = Ip Ott Voge 2 s | ow We Terpeaze ‘Specie Tar. Range 2 + | aire {Powe Say » nd Tine 2 : vino Input Bes Cart, Veo “2 A tow Sy 02 : pw pat Ott Care Yea 0 ey + | x ve ferosaire Dosis vey 1 1 Powe Spy az z oa ‘otoge, 01H eke 5 wee tonto take “ Bie caren, OHH ok a : ey INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE Max Ste erent pt wen : Nar Sale Conan ods pe Weiave : ‘Conroe et Range Liner Opeaton Vio : y Sonmre Roc ‘io : o Diet tomy 7 an Conant ‘ot : aU ‘Spennp Veta Gln No Load, 96 1 « (Sen op Vatage Gan ated com, BC o ie @ 'FREQUENCY RESPONSE Uniram Banc sratsign 5 : ae Fulover Baw Reto o : whe Sew Rae = : Vie Satin Tine 01% 2 e is ourrut Votape Ope ven10 : v Curent Ouout ‘vs : os Shar Grose Curent 00 . mA os Capac a -|% pert Votge Rage “0 00 sfdw eso Cre. =o ne TEMPERATURE RANGE CASE) Spector “2 es wo] See ay s vas | ¢ 7 | 3 * Spain sae ae SA, NOTE: (tipsy be donapettyoptstew te oxneting 100Vs pcandeprecadton loa oxxedg 10a miigeptcureato OA ‘win coma sos estore 6) “The fermaion pe mara is beloved to be rea: however, BURR-AROWN sess 0 ean fr nacraoes a malo. BURR ROWN ssa no responuly fr be ee oh oman. dal se sherman sel be ete son ok Pe ae oes re sect 'S charge wana noon No pet sor ose oy oft erate dseed hernia any Wr party, URR-BROWN dee Nk ‘Suborar or waaay BURFLEROWN pra for ee fe spo deve sar son. CONNECTION DIAGRAM PACKAGING INFORMATION Too View ey = eee PACKAGE NOMBER” sana PnTO3 oon za Bemtos on. NOTE (9 Fordoiaiod ring and racine laa ns a ‘eet or oped of Bn own aa Beck ‘ORDERING INFORMATION NOTE: (1) Nona commcton, Opto sot eb AC TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES Toue™ #286 Vic 50V00, nas ctie ee, =f MT tr a” nie” fe E- tt Cc Ht -s vats a o_o mrnines CBA Pr RES ALD oN : a. a° h PSS iS ic 5a 20 ° ue per fo) rego 9 $ & ® a * 8 & 3 3 3583 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES Teut™125C, AV HVDC, nes oriented craviccr canes suri uel Ge ATPL LOAD FEOORMENDEOFOMERORRATING wef pr we eam Z ; | NermitedGpantesp anna bob oS £ | eel sa eon On eome ae eampnaor so srtormvmaie “IEE ZaeZ| | tL t, fone p=} z ism] ob ° Baars” | Seesororeae ar rr eee aon rom ioemecisereesrene o Le ge Peal j ce é co Linea tN z ¥ 1 I a a Seortanaty [SES3 3593 4 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (cont) 25° OVO, es rn etd. commrennene voLTiaE “ TTT « Urs onsen , Seay * ie ed ny = ™ rearayo APPLICATION INFORMATION Figure 1 shows the basic connections required to operate the 3583. Power supply bypass capuctors should be connected close to the device pins. Be sure that these capacitors ave an adequate voltage rating. Input offset voltage and drift ofthe 3583 are lasertrimmed. Many applications require no external offset trimming. Figure | also shows connection of an optional offset trim potentiometer connected to pins 3 and 4 FFET inpat circuitry reduces the input bias current ofthe 3583 to less than 20pA at room temperature, Input bias curent remains nearly constant throughout the full common-mode ‘ange. input bias current approximately doubles foreach 10°C increase in ease temperature shove 25°C. Heat sinking can ‘help minimize this effect by reducing the case temperature Input circuitry ofthe 3583 is protected with series limiting ‘resistors and input clamp diodes. Tho inputs can Withstand the full rated supply voltage of £150V (common-mode or differ ential), ‘THERMAL PROTECTION ‘The 3583 has internal thermal shut-down cireutry that acti= vates ata case temperature of approximatoly 150°C ot higher. ‘As this circuitry is activated, the output curent drive is reduced. AS the case temperature returns to less than the activation temperature, operation willreturnto normal. A beat sinkmay be required depending on loadandsignal candtions, [Note that a 75mA output may not be safe for all output voltages—see typical performance curve “Safe Operating Area”, Applications such ss current sources where output voltage may be low (or the opposite polarity ofthe output current) can overstess the output stage, a8 Pome Su Potente ‘he thermal shutdown circuit will normally protect the amplifier during a shortcut to ground. Iwill not protect ‘qunsshore-cieut oon ofthe power supplies. The typical performance curve “Safe Operating, Area” shows that the large stress occuring during hishih voltage condition may cause damage if it exceeds Sms duration. The thermal protection cieuity will not activate fast enough to protect the device from shor-cieuts to one ofthe power sopples. ‘The package cas ofthe 3583 is letically isolated fom all circuitry. No special insulating hardware is required Although not absolutely required, tis recommended that the case be comectedto ground & -sov'o-s80 FIGURE 1. Basie Circuit Connections. 3583 esj 3584 High Voltage, High Speed OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS (© WIDE POWER SUPPLY VOLTAGE: @ PROGRAMABLE POWER SUPPLY 37OV to #150V (@ PIEZO-ELECTRIC TRANSDUCER DRIVER (© GAIN-BANDWIDTH PRODUCT: SOMHz (@ ELECTROSTATIC TRANSDUCER DRIVER @ SLEW RATE: 150Vyis © CRT DEFLECTION (@ THERMAL SHUT-DOWN PROTECTION (@ HERMETIC TO-3 PACKAGE, ISOLATED CASE DESCRIPTION ‘The 3584 is high voltage, high speed hybrid opera- tional amplifier designed for a wide variety of programmable power supply and transducer driver applications ‘The 3584 operates over a wide power supply range TOV to +150V) and provides outputs up to 1SmA. Laser-trimmed FET input circuitry provides low offset voltage (3mV max) and low input bas current (20pA max). Thermal shut-down circuitry protects internal circuitry from excessive power dissipation, ‘The 3584 provides aguin-bandwid product of 20MHz sin (5OMHz typical) External frequency compensa- tion (Geries R/C) allows the user to optimize the ‘bandwidth and slew rate fora particular application. Specified temperature range is 0°C to +70°C, The 3584"s hermetic 8-pin TO-3 package is electrically isolated from all intemal circuit, emu print Pak = ang As PO fee 48) + Tas ACOSTA. + Sut ns 78S Tason hd + ase AZ A “eta ei = Tr msiasit = Caw: BORcOR” > Tore * FAK ENVIS = mn Pre: 2 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL Tse = 125 Ve = 180 ules ers ed PARAMETER ‘OFFSET VOLTAGE at tet Voge ve Power Sipy ‘Spoated Tenpomtre Rage rns INPUT BAS CURRENT? bhp Bas Core, V2 Power Suey np Ofte Coren ve Power uy Veu=ov Veu=0¥ Jonsies Every 10° pati ey 10 wos ota, oor w one cuore fe Ae Maur Sole trl put Maca Soe Canmore ps ‘Conan de tpt ange Conman sles Reet Linear Operation want sono ‘a Aue ale ‘Open owpVotage Gin ‘ObenLoepVotage Gin No toate ated ond BC 2 oa Capatge Maxim) perry Vata Rage Chae Corot ‘as "TEWPERATURE RANGE Spooteaton Operng Songe ie NOTE (Inparaybe tag’ hpi ones eacedng IOV Inpaacanbe prasad Fels exceeding 100s Inkignpucureio OA, ‘siventrnd seen ie fe 8 08 “Toe ineratan proved ria is beteed Wo be eal; nowever SURR-BROWN assumes no responsi fr rasaraces 0 emions. URRLBROWN ‘Sune ro espentiy bre ue hs rman, anus eration sabe iy ee wars own ek Pos ae petiole ae satet ‘© change ths noon No patent aor oaaas omy oth rs dared rin re ged red Wo any Er ary. BURR-EROVN does ot Snorer ce wat ay BURRSROMN pdt se He pr Gees andr syns. BEF a5 ‘CONNECTION DIAGRAM ‘ORDERING INFORMATION wove._| packaoe RANGE. sum | #70703 ewer PACKAGE INFORMATION PACKAGE DRAWING moos, PACKAGE ‘mower 48 ‘PATO oo NOTE (0) Fer deisied ronig oe dnercon ablaze oe erat ata ‘heat e Aspnts of Bor Sew Csi Beak plan! Sse: Bur Bown Mode 0804MC TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES Ean nee sua Te SUPLY VOTRE AT LLOHD ewe wa a —t i 08 i, BIC ta BSG (Cane) i 2s os nee te marron wecourmaen coresoor FReavency RESPONSE UL OAD “ a 5 (oo rit o e™ T t Cy Bb, iit & ge t a° La i . I = ‘= = a a a aes omperia enc amar 3 3584 ESS] TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (cont) ° te 7 cCrecerT 5 | a ¢-t-44 j [ees Jo ; 4 ‘ o = © ww oes ne om mse) op _INETY ORG tA ne bon) sow ___Noesesoce Renee 20 f ems) 10H tof 108 3 of 4 a ¢ q[—_ mccain B lenoainenn | i bs 5 i i= = 1 ar = = 1 ie 0 ee rr a ona seven einen) o_O TAPE conmonooe reseren i, Et bo iy fe TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (conT) Tee" #256, Vo= #150, les cari red ‘vauu COMMON MODE VOLTAGE Vs FREQUENCY 10 TMT TTT TON corpereton. 2000 ans0014F Common Mode Vou a ul w ‘08 1008 M Froqncy APPLICATION INFORMATION Figure 1 shows th basic connections required to operate the 3584. Bypass capacitors should be connected close to the device pins. Be sure that these capacitors have an adequate voltage rating. Frequency compensation components must be connected to pin 8 for closed-loop gains of 100 or less. Recommended values are shown in Figure 1. Some adjustment in these values may be required depending on exact circuit configu- ‘ation and load conditions. Be sure the compensation capaci- tor has a voltage rating equal to or gretor than the positive power supply voltage, V+, Standard 0.25W resistors can be sed for R. Input offset voltage and deft ofthe 3584 ae laser-trimmed. Many applications require no external offset trimming Figure I shows connection of an optional offset trim poten- tometer which connects to pins 3 and 4. FET input circuitry reduces the input bies current of the 3584 to less than 20pA at room temperature, Input bias ccurent remains nearly constant throughout the full com- ‘mon-mode range. Input bias current approximately doubles for cach 10°C increase in case temporature above 25°C. Heat sinking can help minimize this effect by reducing the case temperature Input cireuitry ofthe 3584 is protected with series limiting resistors and input clamp diodes. The inputs can withstand the full ret supply voltage of +150V (common-mode or differentia), ‘THERMAL PROTECTION ‘The 3584 has intemal thermal shutdown circuitry that activates at a cae temperature of approximately 150°C or higher. As this circuitry is activated, the output current rive {is reduced, As the case temperature retuns to less than the activation temperature, operation wil tur to normal POWER SUPPLY REJECTION ve FREQUENCY Powe 59 Recon 8) eeas The thermal shut-down circuit will nomally protect the smplifir during a short-cut to round. Iwill ot protect fguinst short-circuit t one of the power supplies. The ‘ypical performance curve “Safe Operating Area shows that the large sess occurring during hs high yltage condition say case damage it exceeds Sms duration, The thermal protection ciruity will not activate fast enough to protect the device fom short-circuit to one of the power supplies. “The package cae ofthe 3584s electcaly isolated from all circuitry. No special insulating hardware is required. A though not absolutely roquired, itis recommended that the case be connected to ground. Phe ae oo |e | aa 400 | sor | 2010 000 | come rte vas FIGURE 1. Basic Cieuit Connections. 3584 ws ‘ek aa 46-11 Seg APPLICATION BULLETIN fs: 910.052,111 = Telx’ O66 6481 FAK (02) 98-1510 Immediate Product nfo (80) 540.8182 FEEDBACK PLOTS DEFINE OP AMP AC PERFORMANCE By Jerald G. Graeme (602) 746-7412 (Originally published in EDN magazine as “Feedback Plots ‘Offer Insight nto Operational Amplifiers” and “Bode Plots Enhance Feedback Analysis of Operational Amplifiers” on 1/19/89 and 22189, respectively) Feedback plots simplify the analysis of an op amp's losed- oop AC performance by showing bandwidth and stability conditions as a funtion of the op amp's goin and phase response, These plots also provide insight into noise pefor- ‘mance and the special feedback requirements of circuits such as integrating converters, photodiode amplifiers, com- posite amplifiers and active feedback circuits, Engineers routinely use Bode plots to determine the ‘bandwidth and frequency stability of voltage-gain op amp circuits. A Bode plot provides a visual representation of an ‘op amp’s transfer response and its potential stability. More- ‘over, such plots define the circuit's pole and zero locations atthe intercepts of the response-curve extensions. ‘The Bode plot of Figur 1, for example, shows the interac- tion ofthe magnitude response ofthe open-loop gain (|Al) and the reciprocal of the feedback factor (1B). The fraction ‘ofthe output that feeds back tothe input is B. The voltage- divider action of Figure 1's feedback network determines the value of B: for moderate resistance values, B= Ry/(R; + Ra). For this noninverting example, the feed: ‘ack equation, Ac, = A/(L + AB), defines the closed-loop voltage gain. AB i te loop gain, and where it is high: ey = UB = (Ry + RVR, AB represents the amplifier gxin available to maintain the {dca closed-loop response. At the point where the loop gain no longer matches the feedback demand, the closed-loop ‘curve deviates from the ideal. The Bode plot graphically defines this limit by plotting the 1/B curve with the gain- ‘magnitude response curve of the op amp. Because the 1B line represents the feedback demand, closed-loop requite- ‘ments will be satisfied as long a this line is below the amplifier gain cure, Where this condition is no longer true, the actual response drops, following the amplifier’s open Joop response downward. The rate of descent forthe roll-off is -204B/decade (fr most op amps) and is characteristic of a single-pole response. In Figure 1, the heavier line on the sgain-magnitude plot depicts the resulting closed-loop curve. INTERCEPT DEFINES BANDWIDTH Fora basic voltage-gain amplifier, the location ofthe f, pole dotermines the closed-loop bandwidth. In this cae, a single- pole roll-off determines the point at which the gain magni- tude goes below 34B (equivalent to 0.707 of its low-fre- moaan Re a + pate et EES SRR FIGURE 1. This feedback analysis provides a summary of Joop conditions in the 1/B curve and defines the underlying poles, zeros, and phase shift. ‘quency level). To find this point relative to the Bode plots, rewrite the closed-loop gain as Acs. = (UBYCVAB + I) ‘The bandwidih-defining gain error is a result of the V/AB, term inthe denominator, Because fis constant for the circuit in Figure 1, the amplifier gain (A) determines the frequency ‘dependence ofthe loop gain. Fora typical op amp, the gain- ‘bandwidth product is constant after the first break frequency occurs and A = j{Jf= JA where fi the amplifiers unity- ‘gain crossover frequency. For this common condition, Act = (BY + UGIAIB) The bandwidth is defined in tems of the absolute value (magnitude) of Acc Ica! = (UB) + APB) Which, atthe -348 point, becomes (cul = 0.707(1/B) = (BN. ‘Comparing the last two expressions, you can see thet the ‘345 bandwidth occurs when [A= /B. This equality is tue ‘when the gain supply deops othe exat level of the Fedback demand, When you plot these two functions on the same ‘raph, they reach equality at the intesoction of the two curves. This intercept pinpoint the closed-loop pole loca- tion and defines the eitult bandwith forthe volage-gain amplifier. STABILITY PREDICTED FROM THE INTERCEPT This critica intercept point also exhibits other characters ties that ean help you define conditions for frequency stl ity. By relating the phase shift to the slopes of the gai ‘magnitude and 1/B curves, you can determine the loop phase shift at this intervept. Again, the importance of the intercept is apparent from the closed-loop-gain expression, ‘Ag = A/(L+ AB). IAB becomes —1, the closed-loop gain willbe infinite and will support an output signal even in the absence of an input signal, which is @ condition for oscilla tion. The magnitude of AB is unity only at the intercept point ‘because it sat this point that A = 1/B; a negative polarity for AB only requires 180° phase shift Virtually every practical analog circuit is @ minimum-phase system, For such systems, which have only lef-ha-plane poles and zeros, you can directly read the phase shift from the guin-magnitude response™. Although many op amps do have @ right-plane zero caused by Miller phase compenss- tion, the effects ofthis zero are suppressed below the uity- ‘min crossover. For the case ofa minimum-phase system, a pole creates a -20dBidecade response roll-off and a -90° phase shift; a zero produces the same effects but with ‘opposite polarities. Adltional poles and zeros simply add to the response slope and phase shift in increments ofthe same magnitude, Relying on the feedback phase shit's correlation with the response slope, you can determine its value at the critical intercept fom the gain-magnitude and V/B curves. For the ‘example of Figure 1, the gain-magnitude curve has a slope ‘of -20dB/decade and the /Bcurve has a zero slope for a net 90° feedback phase shift at the intercept. This situation leaves a phase margin of 90° out of the 180° that would cause oscillation. Because the intercept is well removed from the open-loop-response break frequencies, the analysis of this example is easier to understand. The intercept occurs afte the amplifiers first pole develops the full 90° phase shift, but well before the second pole has any effet. APPROXIMATING PHASE MARGIN In cases where the intercept i Tess than one decade from @ response break, the Bode approximation ofthe phase shift shows a linear slope that has a maximum error of 5.7%. For Figure 1, the phase-shift approximation starts at 0° one decade before the break frequency f,. From there, it in- ‘roases linearly on the log scale to 45° atthe break frequency and then to 90° one decade above it Using this approximation, you can combine the stability cetera for loop-gain magnitude and feedback phase shift 10 ‘obtain the rate-of-closure indicator. Rather than computing ‘Bhase shits from slopes, you can use this indicator to deal ‘withthe slopes directly. Rate-of-closur is simply the differ- cence in slopes ofthe gain-magnitude curve andthe 1/B curve ‘when they interept. This difference reflec the combined ‘hase shift around the feedback loop. For Figure 1, the rate- of-closure is 20dBidecade, which corresponds to a stable ‘90° phase shift In other cases, the slope of the LB curve is not zero, giving 1 40dB/decade rate-of-closure that indicates an oscillatory 180F of phase shift, Rate-of-closure alone is an exact stabil- ity indicator where the intercept is at least one decade away from all other break frequencies. In sill other cases, the Bode phase approximation modifies the rate-of-closure re- sul FEEDBACK FACTOR IS A VOLTAGE DIVIDER RATIO To use feedback relationships to perform circuit anelysi, you should consider the Fnback network soparaely. This Separation parallels the nature of the op amps epen-oop iin, which sa characterise ofthe amplifier inthe absence othe fcdback network. You only nee to retain the loading effets between the amplifier and the feedback network to ‘determine their individual responses. Then, by putting the ‘wo responses on the same plo, you can see how they wil work together. Figure 2 shows a generalized fcback conition defined by 2, and Z, The equations of Figure 2 rely determine the cireit response for high loop grin and moderate imped- ances, Nonetheless, the input impedance ofthe ampliir alter the simplified results ofthese equations by shunting the feedback network. The ncasion of this loading effet on the fenback network completes the 1B analysis in the et cait of Figure 2. Here, th op amp input resistance (R), differential input capacitance (C), and common-mode in- Put capacitance (Cx) all shunt impedance Z,- Except fr onions wher the feedback impedances have low values, you need to includ these amplifier characteristics in your analysis. Where there is impedaee in series with the ampliir’s noninverting input, you must add this too-long with the shunting ffect othe input’ Can capacitance. You can then find the Fedback factor rom tho dvide ction, ¢/¢y For the 1B curve, this result is inverted and, in the logarithmic format of computer simulations, becomes simply ForJA>> 1 andZ, >> 2 ware 2, = Cy Gan Cy 4 | SR Roy Cm % tw 106-18 = Vago) —Ven FIGURE 2. To determine the 1/B curve forthe generalized circuit of (2), you can draw a voltage-divider circuit that represents the feedback network and the shunting effects of the amplifier input (b). Voo(0) ~ VooG). By adding this curve to the plot of the amplfier’s gain-magnitude response, you can display the ‘characteristics ofthe critical intereept for subsequent feed back interpretation. NOISE GAIN AND 1/8, ‘The 1/8 curve also communicates performance information across the entire response range of the op amp. For example, it displays loop gain, which provides an indication of gain accuracy vs frequency and the ultimate bandwidth limit. Furthermore, the 1/B curve demonstrates that the circuit's signal bandwidth can be different from its noise bandwidth [Note thatthe previous feedback-network analysis retums Z; to ground as it would in a noninverting op amp configura- tion, even though the op amp shown isin the inverting mode, Underlying the difference between noise and signal band- ‘width is the concept of noise gain, which is the source of ‘some of the more common op amp application problems. For any given feedback network, the inverting and noninverting configurations develop signal gains that differ jn magnitude as well as in sign; nevertheless the feedback conditions remain the same. In both cases, your feedback analysis is eoncermed withthe gain-error voltage developed between the op amp inputs. This error signal always receives the gain ofthe noninverting connection, as you would see if ‘you performed superposition analysis. Superposition ofthe signal betwoen the amplifier inputs grounds the signal source, ‘producing the noninverting configuration ‘The same condition holds true for the input voltage noise of ‘an op amp, resulting in the noise-gain characteristic for the 11 curve. In practic, the noise gain and the 1/B curve are the same—until they intercept with the gain-magnitude ‘curve, After that, the noise gain rolls off with the amplifier ‘open-loop response but the I/B curve continues om its path For the noninverting voltage amplifier, the noise gain and the closed-loop gain, Acy, are the same. NOISE BANDWIDTH In inverting configurations, this corespandence does not hold rue, giving rise to frequent suprises during temp t nose firing, The simples esse ofthe inverting amplifier, wher its common practice to bypas the Feedback resistor, Serves {0 ilusate the inverting relationship (Figure 3). Bypassing the feedback resistor is intended to Tmt noise bandwidth, and it does indood remove nse presented a an input signal, However, the crit will continue to pass amplifier noise across the entre op amp bandwidth. Cy ‘shunts the signal supplied through R, for the desired lowpass roll-off of the op amp’s ¢,/e; response. To the op amp noise wollag, ey Cy merely presents the unity feedback of & voltage-fllower. Noise gun drops to unity but continues ‘out othe open-loop roll-off ofthe op amp. This leveling oft ‘of Ii als shows why the opamp mst be unity-gain stable, ‘ven though the crit ain has boon rolled off well below the amplifier response, With 1/8 following the unity gain axis, the eral imeoeptoocu atf- ‘While the continued noise gins at lower lve, it covers much of the amplifier bandwidh, which can result in a eumaticinerease in output noise. For example, if you're sng the 2Mz Bur-Brown OPAL shown and choose to obtain a 2kz roll-off, nly 0.1% ofthe amplifier band ‘width will bo enclosed in the intended system response [Although the logarithmic scale of the frequency axis may be visually deceptive, the remaining 99.9% ofthe bandwidth is Bil available tothe amplifier’ voltage ois, For an nial ‘ain of 10, the output noise that this amplifier produces is tore than doubled bythe bandwidth effect. Many active- filter configurations are subject to the same limitation The only way to avoid excessive nose bandwidth is 10 reset the Fequency range of the op amp. By doing $0, the onto ofthe noise response switchs fom the 1/8 curve to the amplifier rolkof™. Where the op amp has provision for extomal phase compensation, this contol sa simple mater and penits you to remove bandwidth from signal and noise alike, However, because most op amps lack an extemal- phhase-compensation facility, passive filtering within the feedback loop offers a broader solution”). Such filtering introduces a capacitive shunt to ground following the ampli- fice but within the feedback loop. ‘You can also demonstrate the extended noise bandwidth of an integrating converter using a feedback plot but, more ‘importantly, the curves illustrat the dynamie-range limit for ‘integrator based instrumentation, In Figure 4, the integrator {VB carve also levels of tthe unity-gsin line for continued ‘noise gui out to where the op amp rolls off. Be aware that this action has far less noise significance forthe integrator ‘because ois increasing gain at lower frequencies. Integra tors designed for operation to IkFlz or even higher are generally unaffected by the added noise bandwidth. Nevertheless, the feedback plot for the integrator demon- states a unique bandwidth linitation involving two ential « -— ou ® & so 4 “ “ih oon . frsow sR, connie NOISE GAN FIGURE 3. Highlighting the difference between closed- Joop gain and noise gain, this inverting op amp configuration demonstrates the greater band- ‘width that is often available to amplifier noise. iterceps. Not only does the 1/B curve intercept the gin- ‘magnitude curve at the high-frequency extreme, but it does so atthe low-frequency end as wel. Each intercept indicates «Tack of amplifier gain for support of the feedback and & ‘departure from the ideal response, At the high end, the 1/8 curve and noise-gain level off, leaving Ac, to continue as Jong as the loop gain lasts. Nex, 1/Bintrceps the gain- ‘magnitude curve at f, where the nose gain rolls of. ‘his intercept iss high-frequency 34B point for the integra- tor response, which then usually rolls up eather than down, Upward response inthis region is due to signal fedthrough caused by the feedback elements in the absence of loop control. At the lower frequencies, the increasing gain de- ‘mand encounters the DC gain limit of the op amp. This interoept marks the second 34B point for the integrator response, which sets the range for accurate performance. ‘Both intercepishave a 20dB/decade rate-of-closur,inieat- ing stable operation. FIGURE 4, Defining the dynamic range for integrating data converters, the integrator 1/B curve displays upper and lower intercepts with the gein-mag- nitude eesponse. TWO BANDWIDTH LIMITS FOR INTEGRATORS. Between the two integator-respons limits is the usable dynamic range for dual-slope A/D and V/F converters. The sin error limits this dynamic range; the plots are a graphic represenation of this ezor. The gain error is inversely related citer to a circuit's loop gain or the difference ‘between the amplifiers open-loop gain and the feedback ddemand of 1/B. On the response plots, the loop gain i the vertial distance between te two curves. For the Figure 4 integrator, this separation decreases following 1/B5.en- counter with the unity-guin axis. From there, the separation finally reduces to 2ro at The gain eror then becomes the distance between the dashed continuation ofthe ideal int- arator response and the actual Ac, response. Graphically, this distanes isthe source ofthe large-signal limitation for integrating converters where higher signals corespond 10 the upper frequencies. Ate olber end of the converter range, lower-level signals demand low-frequency integrator operation that encounters similar limitation. Below the frequency of the op amp’s. Fist pole, the separation between the 1/B and gain-mag- nitude curves again drops, signaling reduced loop gain. Moving furher down in frequency, te 1/B eurve filly roses the op amp's DC- gain level, and the actual response flattens again. For integrating type converters, this action defines a range of performance that is accurate to within 3dB from f, down tothe lower itereept, To extend the dynamic range, you move the lower intercept downward ether with a lower integrator-time-constant or with boosted DC gain, ‘A higher accuracy dynamic range results from the unique Joop-aain conditions of the integrator. The loop gai is constant forthe integrator fom ft is unity-gain crossing, ‘The gain eror in this range is constant as marked by the uniform separation ofthe pin-magnituse and l/Beurves. You ‘can compensate for such an error by making a fixed adjust- ‘ment tothe feedback network, leaving pain-accuracy bounded by the stability of the network. This limit permits you to adjust the more restricted dynamic range 1 0.01% levels, For the OPAL op amp and a 100kFHz integrator crossover frequency, this more precise dynamic range has a span of 100,000:1 INPUT CAPACITANCE ALTERS 1/8. ‘The previous discussion of the inverter and the integrator ‘considered the feedback network independent of the a fier input shunting. Although engineers frequently use this simplification, they often encounter unexpected results. Because ofthe feedback factor, most first-time users of op amps with lage feedback-tesistance values are surprised by the response curve, Transient-response ringing or even 0s- cillation sometimes occurs; the common cure is a capacitive bypass of the feedback resistor, The U/B curve can display the problem and provide some guidance in the selection of the bypass capacitor. Underlying the problem is the op amp input capacitances effect on the feedback factor. By including this capacitance with the volage divide formed by the feedback resistors, youtcan achieve the results ofthe I curve in Figure S. This curve rises at high fequencis, increasing the rate-of- ‘yg — mimeo — SET 52 Pen Hane So ornanee aD FIGURE 1A. High Power Application Using O804MC Socket. 192 Bur own Copa Pied USA Mac 1982 FIGURE 1B. Low Power Application Using Printed Cireuit Board. achieve low thermal resistance, The Belleville washer does ‘not bottom outandtherefore can absorb the thermal expansion of the package or any slight compression of the socket ‘material that may occur over time. An excellent variation of the conical washer is called the Syne Nut™ and is available from EGAG Wakefield. tincludesa spring washer as part of| the aut "The Bellville washer should be stalled onthe board or heat sink side ofthe fastener, not on top of the package flange Install the large face of the Belleville washer toward the ‘mounting surface, When tightening againsta board or 804MC socket, install an additional No.6N (narrow) flat washer against the relatively soft material to insure thatthe Bellville ‘washer functions coretly. Tighten the fasteners slowly, and alternate between them until oth are tighten tothe specifica- ‘Therecommended tightening torque is6inch-lbs..withan acceptable range of 4-7 inch-tbs. (0.45 - 0.79 N-m ). Avoid contaminating the fastener threads with thermal grease ‘since it can change the torque readings. Over-tightening the ‘fasteners can damage the package or intemal substrate, under- tightening can lead to poor thermal performance. Re-torguing ‘ay be required after environmental screening operations such as burnin, For permanent installation, an_allmetal Jocknut is prefered. Don’t use locknuts with plastic inserts. ‘TO-3 HOLE PATTERN ‘A good mounting joint between theTO-3 packageand the beat sink requires a properly machined mounting bole pater, [Never dill outa single (large diameter clearance hole forthe package pins. Drill individual holes for each pin, Follow the ‘TO-3 hole pattem illustrated in Figure 2. For bes thermal performance, we a minimum hole size of 0.073 inch (#49 rill), Smallerholes could interfere withthe glass sel around each pin. wor pest | accerrante | RECOMMENDED Tare Sane) Pate Set Sent |r, Pate Faster esd] Pan Found, | — Sia Ft Woes [WoeSaiaie | Negra wa “SNe Fut, | ti ee sien | Tne. ea Tene evee| Wie Loamae | Spung® | Sar Waser NOTES) RenmendedN @Belavila wsheriaarantle ram ASWCO (Guenbr 460 Soret 312 red Ya tre) (2) Fe gh owe ea rly slate rer ecard (3 Neco Irene igh power tr ong cna ‘TABLE I, 632 Fastener Hardware, ‘To avoid shorting the pins to the heat sink, use #18 Teflon ‘ubingtosleeveal pins. Make surethe sleeve length sslightly Jess than th thickness ofthe heatsink. Most pre-diled heat inks use larger 3/32 (0,094") holes forthe pins, and sleeving not required so long asa socket or PC board pattem is used. ‘You may still want to sleeve at least two opposite pins to help, ‘enter the package. When wiring directly tothe pins, al pins should be sleeved, regardless ofthe hole size used. Awordofeaution concerning anodized hes sinks. Unlessyou know what type of anodizing was used, do not trust the anodizing to provide electrical insulation, Referto the section called “Heat Sink Surface Treatment” for more information MOUNTING SURFACE PREPARATIONS ‘In general, th hea sink mounting area should have a lanes and finish comparable to that of the TO-3 package. When TWuweeR | ROLES@E —] RECOMMENDED Houervee | meauineo | _Wmrmae DRULSDE Mowing 2 ra 2 Pe ‘ oo te a remote Opler | 067870 & FIGURE 2. T0-3 Hole Pattem. using thinner, low power heat sinks it is suficient that the ‘mounting area appears flat against straight odge. When ‘mounting on thicker material, surface flatness i important notonlyforthermal performance, buttoavoid distortingand stressing the package hase when itis tightened down. HEAT SINK SURFACE FLATNESS AND FINISH JEDEC recommends a surface latness of 0,004 inchiinch ‘max. The standard flatness tolerance for most extruded heat sinks is 0.00$inch/inch, maximum, which results in typical values closer to 0,002 inchfinch. Surface Finish s normally specified around 60 micro-inches (rms). Testing has shown that this is acceptable far most high power applications” It ‘is good practice to polish the mounting area with No, 000 steel woo}, followed by an acetone or alcobol rinse, imme diately prior to assembly Forbes thermal performance, the mounting area ofthe heat ink ean be spot faced. This removes oxidation or anodiza~ tion and improves the surfce flatness and finish. When. using thermal pads instead of thermal grease, a surface ‘flatness of 0.001 inch/ineh is recommended. When mount- ‘ng te TO-3 package to panels, brackets, or other stroctral _members ofthe system, spot facing may be requiredtoinsure the proper flatness and finish HEAT SINK SURFACE TREATMENT ‘Thetypical surface treatment foramina eat sinks is black anodized® pee MIL-A-8625, Typ I This surface treatment ‘prevents corrosion and maximizes themal performance. Do ‘otis his surface textmentto provide electrical insulation For electrical insulation, always specify hard anodized, 0.001 inch thick, per MIL-A-8625, Type IIL. This fle hard surface treatment resists scratches and punctures, and is typically ‘ated for 200VDC electrical insulation for 0.001 ich thick treatment. HEAT SINK THRU-HOLES ‘Be wary of heat sinks with punched, rather than drilled, thr ‘holes. [fnotproperly done, tbe area around each punched hole ‘canbe depressed intoa crater with araisedlipormound athe ‘opposite side, Thisiregular surface can significantly degrade ‘thermal performance For high power, extruded heat sinks, the general practice isto drill hehole puter. All holes should bede-burred. The holes. forthe T0-3 pins should not be chamfered too deeply s this ‘will reduce the contact area ofthe mounting joint. Unless special precautions ae taken, threading the TO-3 mounting, holes is not recommended. The threading process can also Jeavea raised mound around each ole, Threading the mount- ing holes also eliminates the possibilty of using Belleville ‘washers and locknutsforproper eontrolof mounting pressure. MOUNTING THERMAL RESISTANCE, Even fall ofthe proper mounting reparations are followed, the thermal resistance at the mounting joint will consist largely of small air gaps. Only @ small percentage of the ‘mounting area will actually have metal-to-metal contact, To ‘minimize the thermal resistance, these gaps must be filled with a stable, thermally conductive material. Table Tl ‘describes the common thermal filers available and the performance that can be expected. Note thatthe tightening torque ofthe mounting fasteners also affects thermal perfor mance, BARE MOUNTING For no-load or low power applications, you can mount the O33 package bare agnnst the heatsink. For high power applications, this is not recommended, even if the extr, thermal resistance is acceptable. This is because the thermal resistance of a bare joint can vary greatly depending on the surface flatness and finish ofthe heat sink. ‘THERMAL GREASE For the lowest, thermal grease shouldbe used in conjunc- tion witha propery machined and finshed mounting surface. This combination will esultina 8 ofaboutO.1°C/W. Using the proper fastener hardware is erticl for maintaining this Jow thermal resistance overtime and temperature “There are many supplies of thermal grease (also known a8 WT saw |] beatsink compound). Thermal grease isa formulation of fine a ATIESS | zncoxide or othe themally conductive, electrically insula Sesenrren _{_Cein_| apmucarion | REGUMEMENTS | jy pariles ina silicone ol or ober synthetic based Md tee sore [05-10 [ow soweromy] Vezaeatre © | Theale formost thermal reasesis indefinite when kept tater anttnan | sealedin‘t container, butove tine, the oil may separate ut TaxraiGwme 01-02 | Wana | terete] Mixing the component beck together before use wll estore css | te theral proper, Tamm Fan Paes | aero | Fema | Thermal grease shouldnt be aplidin exces the objective ocd heap) | is toil the air gaps, not decease the amount of meta-o- Soom veonmerses” | metalcontat Slight rotation ofthe TO-3 package aginst the Some oot | Ma Sok wl promos even seaing, Wi he caret ‘arin Fae | 2-04 | Hah Power | Format ammount applied and the fasteners propery torqued, very oem viene) | atte heal pease should appear around port ‘ooo Tacos] enarea | rote o,,] SeFoftheTO-3 package. Althoughthe grease may dry up over (pcan trauon | option) | time. thisdoesnot depradetethermalresitanceprovidedthe Serre gee) sscrmeriet | mounting ot remains tight. icone | OA | — Eeaew | See Tet ‘coves Ea Na toe) | TOS | — Becca Na orca Ene tesicon | Mena ead tyro wean | oa-04 omen, necereg Ee) EI NOTE (Alaskan DERGOUGT par aonb OF Ba RR 7 Taos aan ton oe bcs serene nas ah roeromient [nein] [Reo ‘talton span partnourTOS8 CREAT xe ope ae ewes scion 1 ‘TABLE M, Thermal Interface Options For TO-3 Packages. oes Understanding the thermal model ofthe system will enable you to make the best mounting compromises. Consider the a Simplified thermal mol in Figur 3. The mounting thermal resistance isrepresentedas .,(caseto-het sink), The over ant allthemal resistance represented by 6, unctiont-ambi- cat), Forlow power applications 0, canbe a high °C/W. In this case, the mounting thermal resistance ot a sini cantportion ofthe overall heal resistance For high power ce applications, 8, can beas low as "CW. Thetis critical © obtain low @,, Forexample, ata power dissipation of SOW, an additional 0.5°C/W mounting thermal resistance will in- ‘crease the junction temperature by 25°C. FIGURE 3. Simplified Thermal Model ‘THERMAL PADS ‘Thermally conductive pads offer a cleaner, simpler method ‘orimproving the thermal interface. The lowest attainable using thermal pad is about0.2°C/W, whichis almost as good as thermal grease. However, one’ should spprosch with ‘caution the mutitude of different materils, designs, and applications for thermal pads. Basically there are two types of thermal pads, electrically insulating and electrically conductive. Electrically insulating pads are designed to be usod with discrete transistor TO-38, ‘which donothavean electrically isolated package. Ingeneral, they do not provide alow enough @,, for igh power use ‘because a dielectric layer must be sandwiched into the pad. Hybrid TO-3swith isolated headers do notrequireelectrcally isolated pads. They can use electrically conductive pads Without the need fora dielectric layer, a very low 6. ean be achieved, almost as good as thermal grease. While they do a good jb of filling smal air gaps all thermal pads suffer the same problem when used against heatsinks with standard flatness tolerances of 0.04 inch/inh. They do not flow to conform with the surfuces as does thermal grease. ‘Therefore itis recommended tht whenever thermal pads are to beused, the mounting area shouldbe spot faced toa typical surface fliness of 0,001 inchfineh, Silicon rubber pads are also sensitive to surface flatness®. Approach these with caution, Most do not improve thermal performance over a ‘are joint. The compressibility ofthese rubber pads can cause the package header to flex and possibly crack the interal substrate. They can also settle over time and temperature, ‘resulting in loose fasteners and low mounting pressure ‘SUGGESTED MOUNTING SCHEMES. ‘The mounting schemes presented here address the more ‘common operating conditions for TO-3 power products (see Figure 4). These conditions include high power operation, low ower operation, and functional testing under unloaded, qui- «escent conditions. The options are for the O804MC socket, individual cage jacks, and direct PC board soldering. Table II describes the recommended cage jacks. Part] ORL aE mawuracrunen| nowpen |wones (wun | comments ‘conten Jemsreowa] are 48 | _Krcckat tom permis eve nics Goi ceooar sas | ao a7 | Heavy amy, oe ened. we Tee ae PC boo Tectatooy es ‘abe Tasos | ae Conan, ot aearso9 seo al para (Ges apa nana a) TABLE IIL Recommended Cage Jacks, FUNCTIONAL TESTING AND NO-LOAD CHARACTERIZATION Fr functional testing and no-load characterization at room temperature, heat sinking may not be required. These mout- ing schemes aretheloasritical andeasiest to fabricate. When ‘using the 080M socket, the socket can be mounted directly to tbe testbox or PC boand by drilling a single clearance hole forall eight socket contacts. The bole shouldbe (0.63 -0.75) inches in diameter. Be careful not to short the copper cladding ‘ormetal box toany ofthe contacts, The socket body shouldbe ‘mounted using flat bead machine screws. For electrical insu- lation ayion fathead machine screws may be used instead. ‘When using cage jacks, follow the TO-3 hole pattem ills- trated in Figure 3. Use close ended cage jacks whenever possible to avoid solder contamination LOW POWER OPERATION ‘The mounting schemes for ow power applications are an ‘extension of those used for functional testing and no-load characterization. The difference is that a small heat sink is ‘must be attached to the TO-3 package, The overall thermal resistance (Q.) for low power applications can be relatively high, from $"30°CIW. Therefore, 08 not as critical as for high power operation, In most instances, the TO-3 package ‘ean be mounted bare. Low power heatsinks are usually stamped miher than ex- ‘ded, and some even press fit around the TO-3 cover. They ae called “low power” or “standard” beat sinks (versus “high power" or “extruded” heatsinks used for high power opera- tion), The thermal resistance of these types of heat sink range ‘rom 3-20°CIW, depending on their siz, weight, and design Low power mounting schemes are commonly used on PC ‘board applications. Forthese applications, heatsink manufic- turers have developed many custom accessories such as wave soldorable fasteners and thermally conductive pads. These ‘ust be approached with caution, Its important to follow the specific recommendations ofthis bulletin, Thermal pads are Tepetine oy xzeeding PostiveCommon-Mode Limit Ingmera be postve commen ate tm to Beyond the ponte spay. Teg ler put above te postive ‘oneonmode mt whan operonpoportan des Not ‘use a“ptase eve” a he eu eo wl ow ‘Snard wher rt oe might wpe Hower f both iret aw eve soo hn postve commends lt ‘eat wil dow the poste ran eon wile (peraung a oodingp mode ng eter eet above ‘3 peelie common-mode wt 0 ve he pat poate re INPUTS EXCEEDING SUPPLY RAS tether puted above V*, nahiog happens int he ‘rence betwen th net and VF got earth eae ‘own vlage, Waly SOV. Ars pal he FETs ge ‘Sloane tances nd law ae carne ‘in Ling hs ro caret someting ass han'3 mA ‘ips prevent capo, The text protection On won © {sng he rovteurena od mp tom eechnputo VE tmnaans are ager, in a fstrecoery as Uhthasatnetes Ferowieaiege tins soca bw Jinn ota good ranaor Ge, 200900) rocommendod Faure © clamp to votage or mt ho curont doa try no osoy th prs bat ho oat vooge ord Bat Drent wl be germane ore W tert ie puod mere ban afew toi of 2 Vo alow "oven fap ating iy ed are te aubeviavensor hereon Tis wert’ ear ‘hrentcanrt be cooled enema, 2 slowing tum tn can cane mel mgaton and dctcton of out age reat amarante) Ine rowor LFS td Ltt tation, went hs boon cata by thea fs de tom bane 0 amor wih ls ha {ne th tater and hope crt ow. Any et ‘Sent ehodd ot be lmao} mA orn. Momo, he ‘ae pars end mombors of the LFOSE famly ‘SOYORIME pue SidytidIuy 134-16 40} SOWEYOS UORDEIOId Lyy-NV suscep, ole est prot ll he BLFETS tom te Ea! ts rm cne e os Fe# FIQURE 1. camping inputs of Op Amp ‘Shoes ua arto uraon es, aban 0 ‘aap tmod of to nee Shoty dodo, orgs ‘ong te ha ht rogue to tu on the Vans For ‘omer late, a stone rng dds (aoh as Fala F000 vrws) my bo weds rw op wl ‘bo ler a ow carer, bt wl say contre we ‘rent ang, os appeed ota rately lay Say POWER SUPPLY SEQUENCING ‘Ang ha clamp dodo sown Fire rat ot {ees sous rom tansors wont cou coos, bat procs thom es poet bang epod to he Creu Because te paraiic eretr apoeas win es put ‘watag estan te nogetv spy. ep Pos the sul o mpi vonage etre henge supp ‘opt cn caine the probim Pr te ewan ti a Teconmendod ba! nguve ply be radon tat te suploe canbe ued on "is oe: ‘ay mperart or tection ofthe BEFETovechas ‘ea vente gu ago wal proach come ‘Gotes and covert mtg to nats oud athe bowed {oe oenyinelencod er orga ove Rout tg {ete oer a ral or eee pre ts ot ‘Sap, many nous) nga ot of na treed aren por a reese cel vlage and SUPPLY VOLTAGES OUT OF RECOMMENDED RANGE ‘Atanping nae BEFET on 99 votage lsh be ‘ecomrmande total of 10¥ il narow te common mee Trt ond euutrengos, end sow he pat owe Fan Tamiya ue volgen fas ban Van bral Dosing anette of and be rte pat aie waking Win Pe LFS fry spay vooge of es than Vo ‘ot anough to supper fe Pern suent sours Dasha, So evenly theo es tan oA ha LFS toy ‘eas al fe T0V tay operon. Funnng be BIFETS on sippy votopes gsir than the ‘Ae, Mex et gary doe no her ut prec ‘aco tom Vt So be suoeate boss Gown fm Uren) ‘rout pats jinn break dom (Ope) Lim Ing the sup cert to someting naan 48 rA im [res rw chances of bo op amos suv, Thaw boo ‘owe pcaty con a tant SO, bt doves a ory ‘eco upto 0 or 40, epertng on ha dove ‘er, power aespsten musi be crmoes won ha Ba ‘tape ge ‘OPERATING TEMPERATURE OUT OF ABSMAX RANE [BLFETs general) operate wet wen he amb anos {tue cod Tne arcane comes mina the rout ‘robe ofr doeesos, andthe tarda reson. How ‘re bm gov he pay sable Geigy, my ‘scat os Bs phase magn woo eas, Convery, roving the BIE at wnperatres grat: ton 100 wigs a bas caret et he nnoam rae, rd ops the gainbenautn poauct ty 20% ome (compore te 29 porornance Mest opamp ai wrk Ing mtreen 100° ana 260 dv econo lahoge ‘ers ehialhema sto mes, rd [Bets ae no weapon The mest gure Le fon (de) merrier oss 150°, end sre lo ‘ace part ad tow nate DIP phages ae giro ‘tos anim 0s 107 The ype of pectoge usd ates maximum eno ‘impute twos, sce be hncienfomporte must DRIVING CAPACITANCE Bom he LF411 and LFA tas have ot of vost ‘Sng mor than abut 200 pF weit osciatg, Sad Tretique to got sand ths resem ae wl «sal reno oat 60) sven wine estou (oo Pere 2) (tue on bo L396 tml (he 366 et Dag the ‘Ret pont fh poss An explanation of wy the 586 ouput sige vo uni arg i orcad I he cond tere ne FIGURE? lelating a Capecive Load ne wer ott rng i esd, a srs RC damper ‘stent move steve an st ae Be apa. POWER SUPPLY BYPASSING ooter poten aise of ations radoquts power ‘sop besa. neon tote fen prota oti adie troegh ‘hasan topo easony rec, Inductance tha poet sup ass ogres te fe ‘oeae ote op me aemal compeneaton, wh ‘The BLFETS road th sp bypassing mos on the V— ‘rola, a do mary a he Sport ampere. Good essing incinerate (1) ptsg te ype cabec> {Oe ght nes foe ad) ing tA emote Pe td ete of capacor Cormac pos ee fen used be ‘chine of or ema se bn low coat, ut Dect na sind o aout 1 MH Type! ves ued ae Betwoon 0% nF and OA RF Tata copectors ae ohn vod fr Nhtromncy by athg Honover, lead nance can somes 9 ‘Fevts to shuton Petead of eovocng Aadng® sal {001 iF exon dc capaci m peel wn te tim mproves to oral poromance Type! aes nad tortanaium bypace spac ge tom 2.2 prio 10 pr yar copctos ere a0 use boesing tthe oo. {Mic rmes have beter hgh Hoan arene ‘ine th susyvotogs have gerbe epiton ne ‘rte eapacon (yey 10 nF to 47 HF) can roves ‘adtnelhereg [DEALING WITH THE OFFSET VOLTAGE I fet votge ofa BLFET opamp tat maori ‘at cat and hon age het devs ald {healer wchage hoy wl on be Sota. THe IStdo to trons n es pt on thao then the Gove Gehaged ea) hated no wo ea Be ‘aute Iu JFETs eo lage surece Gove, any ‘Som on tem Stnges hr Curciratce roost. ‘Tha hen. cargos he Vog oe rot age Ts pose | Ismor oper! wn hago vos ord pasage, nan mares me sac be seed, Ts te mo {otto woud bo alge quad ne tep DP be a8 ‘ull onge ep ang in srl can (0-9) potage Totmorore he ecu of the BET ep ame fet otage shel be ned here dion wo ta fd hous. The BLFET oft voage hasan unocated fo Benron 2¥7°C aa 10 PC opr on ta vs) Terovry leet room tampa Tho Vo ak schemas wil eect ofa dts equ at a 0 ‘twit rence thor en Sores, bacese to so. (en OFDLFET Vy oe compton. ‘The sana Von cocnting acnigue Is be tin snome ‘rote nth op wns cases The Fatt and Feat ‘equ fOr otrtometr blows hon ps (1 rd ‘tthe wpa oV~ The LF58 Tol rogues 284 0 WHO he wpe to VA ep pot woud eed a ‘ange ut be ot necessary sce th eect oss {tose ut to coract oven th wera coe Vy ‘ua! and quadop amps have nom i ty oe usd ‘nom oan werent fans can eter An wa ‘Ses votape canbe adn teint areal o Vg Ingorara te ossonair he As. Max ratings ae econ- Imendaona are aconbnaion ol coworton an nares) ‘Baud tangs end oconmanaatone does ot 9 ‘wey moan dou a 0 op a, bute relly wd er {manos of te ante are ap a at highs wn De par ined poner and orotcad om nce ‘rola, Pau “An IC Aor Users Gude 0 Decouing { Grocndng orig Things Go ig Econ Prod ttm Deonmber 1977 pp. 10-89 Frdatioen, Tomasi “ve Cp Ape" FR Dan Faley Sore 1504. 4: enluron of LFBGG opt ‘ae: p. 271-272 power ecpy sua. Posom Robert "Bourn, Camping Techesgos ince Creat Peromence" EON, went 10,108 277- Es Protection Schemes for BI-FET Amplifiers and Switches: AN-447 un 6100407 NATIONAL'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FON USE AS CAICAL COMPONENTS IN UFE SUPPORT [DCWCES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL ‘SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. Ar used Pare 1. Ue suppor devons or systems. are devices or 2, A crtcal component any component of «te ‘yaar wc () 10 Iced fr rg! Inlont supa device oye wows feb parton can Ino te toy, cr @) suppor or untamed woos be onsonlyexpoied ta eas hs fare of Ho fart porn whan propery used m ssaanes supper dec of eta, ow aor fe ay oF wor nsceors fot use rovded inte boing, can tacvenea, ernsonably expected terest a Sign wy A rationat Semiconductor TLO82 General Description “hase devs ar ow os Nigh peed, dal FET pop atone! argifars wih an intern teas pt ll ‘etago (BHFET I tecctogy) Thay vogue ow 00 ‘rer yt martan aargo gan bandwith pect naa ‘Sew ala Inaction wo! ated Nig wohageJFET pe ‘cos provi very am pu as aft ert The ‘Lose pn compas wth he stardrd 888 alow desgrots nro upgrade tne oral stores ‘Sttg NYSE ane mat D8 csr ‘Thess smplors maybe ized in sppostons 2: hgh poe grains fant DA conte stp aN {is end mary ear cout rogue a ‘ge bw rut bas carer nigh pt mpaceree, Moh ow ‘aa and we Sonn, The Sovns naa eens on nace {tet vlogs Typical Connection Wide Bandwidth Dual JFET Input Operational Amplifier Features 1 Ita Yrs ost votage: 157 Low routes covert 50 ph 1 Low put nose vtage: 160 4 Low ret roe caren 0 pA 1 vie gan bardweas 4 Mie fHigh sow rate 13 Vis | 1 Low sipty curt 36 mA igh put mpscare. 100. 1 Ly ta amon distortion A, = 10, Rte Yo 20VP~P. BW = 29 Hez0 me 1 Low tt nage comer 80 He 1 Fantseting te 001% 2 Connection Diagram ec 108 T PARAMETER Teer conorrionst a a TE Veg = tan y= = mA ory =p] Vor Veg = MiNi = we maa ma a7 Vat Vee MN, oF ow Tox Ver = WAX "Vo= 2.4 3 so Tox Voc = MAX Vo = 08 =o omy ni Weg = WAC w= BV. 7 Tan mH Weg = MAR Wa TV a ze co Vee = MAK w= 08 =a Saar ae ita Tee = Wa =e F005 100 [a Tee Vee = MAE Too Tas Toots ae ‘switching characteristics over recommended ranges of Ta and VCC {unless otherwise noted) vaeenren Tear ‘aw won conomons [ran rye? wax | wim rye? wor] ONT Tal Recon te fom ere = 30F = 7 = ete] TaiSL Accor te om SHAG a UT] ee Now 3 a | a 1 n tala e oe 7) 1s {For condtions shown ae MIN or MAX, wee appropiate value specified under recommended operating contons. aN typical values ave at Voc = 5 V, Ta = 28°C. ‘Not more than one cutput shouldbe shorted ats me, and duration ofthe short cult should not exceed one second. NOTE'3: Load crete nd vottage waveform own in Section TEXAS. INSTRUMENTS & OST OFFICE Box 2012» DALLAS, TERAS 208 PROMs Ba aay TBP2BSA46 4096 BITS (512 WORDS BY 8 BITS) ‘STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH OPEN-COLLECTOR OUTPUTS logic symbol ‘Ter2esa4s PROM ETAKS so] 0. a acto» a2 ao} 00 oy a 2 a 2 As a8 a 0s a 08 a or &e. oa. Ta OR PARAMETER beer oe ae] oT Veg Sapo vokage ae 85 [are 6 8a8[-V Vi vowel apo ae z z v Vit ——towve rout voage atv Vox ——iarovl output vag stv Tou towvel utp art Te] wa Ta Opertng om Tope re TR = 738 wel a D | ranameren ‘Test CoNDmonst uN 3 oe Weg == =o z Vou = 24 366 3.06. ‘on Voc = MN, oT EE ar or] ™ 7 1S = TIN RL 3H or 7 Vee = Wa, ev Cc 7 Tp ma i Vee = WO We 7 aa Ti Vee = wax vi = 08 Tae ma eee ae oo 136 Too 135 | wm ‘switching cheracteriatics over recommended ranges of TA and VCC (unless otherwise noted) ma cd aw THORN conommons [aint —rvet wae [aan vr wa] NT Tea) Reson te om ware o = 80 9F a_i 3568 | {ais) _Acowes tne fom eip seed arabe ral"] Uy = 2000 a5 2038 |e veut Pesan Gy Spot! | AZ — m0 <2 ae ce lw ‘ar conditions shown as MIN or MAX, uta appropiete vale specified under recommended operating conditions. Ail pial values are at Voc = BV, Ta = 26°C. NOTE'S: Load cicuts and vottage wovatorme ar shown in Section 1. %e TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 418 ‘TBP24S41 4096 BITS (1024 WORDS BY 4 BITS) STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS logic symbol pin assignment [Prom rozexe | — ro oo] eer ety eS ae 3 7 ae 2 2 ate [ix opr fev omperie e z ste] electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air (unless otherwise noted) F Tone AnAMeTE res one Tan TPF | OMT z * seca tw & we aaa at E 2 a a on = etx Tom. Veg = MAX. =o ; aaa oe G eae a = aia ae jos? Veo = MAX =100 | mA, m= ee se switching characteristics over recommended ranges of Ta and otherwise noted) 5 Tar CI wax | NT ee aa SS Se | Ss » ele {For conditions shown av MIN or MAX, use appropriate value speciied under recommended operating conditions. Alt ypieal vane ae at Voc = BV, Ta = 26°C, ‘Not more than one output should be shored a a tine, and duration of the short cout should not exceed one second. NOTE 3: Loed cuts and voltage waveforms ave shown in Section 1 TEXAS. INSTRUMENTS ORT OFFIC WOK 225012 © DALLAS TERAS 208 a9 TBP24SA41 . 4096 BITS (1024 WORDS BY 4 BITS) ‘STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH OPEN-COLLECTOR OUTPUTS logic symbol pin assignment a 22. ns a. rs a7 4. as. &. a. ca Tor Ta WOM AX | wan wom ma] ONT eee ae ee : 7 7 aH com a av © etme =f 3 Le electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) a Mn Tye! MAX a = z ae x ~ os 7 i Tha a ee = at = Tea =a cose bae te te Sat wt wae ‘switching characteristics over recommended ranges of Ta and VCC (unless otherwise noted) —— Ta oa Taw CONDITIONS Man Tve? max | man tve® ma) ONT Ta Pans sa sas ana oe wo eo a Sgt haa a er we RANA] wy = 2000 ee foo Tropnton aly ee owioighid | Rp = 0008 (PUM oxutput trom chip select See Note 3. a eee {For conditions shown a8 MIN or MAX, use appropiate value specified under recommended operating conditions. SA pial values are t Voc = BV, Ta = 28°C. NOTE 3: Load creuits and voltage wavetorms re shown in Section 1. TEXAS. % 420 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE BOK 22012 + OMLLAS, TEXAS 7208 TBP24S81 8192 BITS (2048 WORDS BY 4 BITS) ‘STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS ‘symbol ‘erase [omar] ao—81__}o. ae a. re moet agp as. agi, AvP a co) Bees recommended operating conditions pin assignment co TomW PARAMETER Tan NOM MAX | Wan WoM wa] ONT vec ‘Supply voltage | 45 558 [475 6 525, V Vin Hive np vagy z z v Vit __tow-ivel input woage oe oa Tanta te Totowa aa Sa 6 Tema A ara oe a Ta : wets ama) 4 | electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER * Lt Sone $ TEST CONDITIONS ae ee |] S Vig Veg = i = 18 mA 12 =2fv] 9 We Wee Soy = mat at “| & You Veg = MIN ot = 16 ma 3 wav ‘oz Veg = MAK_Vo-= 24 T 7 o>] Tz. Weg = MAK __—Vo = OV = =e i Veg = WA w= BBV a 1 [ma ia Veg = MAK a7 = oa r Veg = MAK i= 08 =o38 =a35 ma Tu Veg = MA : = 100 [== 100 [ma Tee. Weg = wa Tas 178 Tas 176 [wm switching characteristics over recommended ranges of Ta and VCC {unless otherwise noted) TET ma FIL} PARAMETER, CONDITIONS Tam Tes wa | an Tet wa] ONT Tey feta te Fon eee = 200F —[___ 46 _ 0 o_o TeiSi Resse ive ror cp wol6G Tab aT] See None [208 I a= oor ae Oe ne cae | etl {or conditions shown as WIN or MAK, use eppropres val apecid under recommended operating Sonaons. Yat pel vues oe at Veg = BV. Ta = 28°C. Snot more than one eu skd be shed a 8 Un, and uration of the abort ckeut should not exceed one second NOTE'3: Loed crite and voltage wavetrma ae shown n Section Teas YB 421 INSTRUME! NTS TBP24SA81 8192 BITS (2048 WORDS BY 4 BITS) ‘STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH OPEN-COLLECTOR OUTPUTS logic symbol Ter2asaet [Pron 2008 x4] aa] « “Ba 19 Aq] aT co TOR , atom wa] nwo | ONT ‘Scop vohage 455 55ers 6 ez8| Vv 2 v Ti 7 BE 7 Ts 175 ‘switching cheracteristics over recommended ranges of Ta and VCC (unless otherwise noted) Tear ma TORN PARAMETER conomons rant tve* aor [ ware? aor | Tia] Aecoas tne om addres i. = S0BF a 98 e__70 5) __Accana time from chip eelect Tomaso] Aut = 3000 eo 2040 Propagation dele tine low-toighrevel —) M2 = 6000 TPH cutput fom chip select Sea Now 3 oes a {For conditions shown a8 MIN or MAX, use appropiate value specified under recommended operating conditions. AK plea! values are at Voc = BV, Ta = 28°C. [NOTE'3: Loed create and votage wevalorma are shown in Section 1 422 TEXAS. % INSTRUMENTS: Ost OFFICE 80K 2012» OALLAK TEXAS 206 TBP28S86A 8192 BITS (1024 WORDS BY 8 BITS) ‘STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS pin assignment PROMs a Tat od on eanameres. conomons [aan rvet a [ave ma | ONT “Rese tna rom sro © = 305 500 3865 | ve eis) Aeoous tie fom cip alec Tobie ral |_ Soe Note 3 2s 2020 C= OF ‘ela Dale tine eer 1% 40 1535 | ‘Fer conditions shown oe MIN or MAX, ube appropri value speci under reconenended opeing conditions {atypical voum are a Voc = BV. Ta = 26°C. SNot more than one output should be shorted at a time, and duration of the short circuit should not exceed one second. NOTE'3: Load crate ane vokoge wavtorme ee shown in Section Texas YB 423 Ost oF#ic nox 2012 + DALLAS TERAS 7208 ‘TBP28SA86A 8192 BITS (1024 WORDS BY 8 BITS) ‘STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH OPEN: SSS logic symbol BREREBREE pin assignment a Ba ORT Ta NOM Wax [MN _Wom_Max| ONT Veg Soop vorage 466 66|a7s 5 525|-v Vint Hihievet nou vate z z v Vi tawrevel input woos 3a atv Vou Fittevel output votgs ss ss] v ToL towisel outpace 12 Tama, [ix Spersting rw oper Ta = ws oe vet zs electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) 3 = aw Fi On = zk) ‘Min TyPt Max | Min TyP? hail e Vix Voc = MIN, =18 mA, =12 v = Vou = 2a 308 ton Voc = MIN, ee a ™ Wer, Vee = = tah 3s v 7 Woe = Wak v= BBV T mA im Veo = MAK "Wi = 270 75 ” ™ Veg = aX Y= OSV Ta mA Khe Se Tas 175 ae A ‘switching characteristics over recommended ranges of Ta and VCC (unless otherwise noted) Tat Ta OR A ee CONDITIONS: fan tye? wax | am ree? ma | OT Teta Resa tw an aro Gq = 300F 380 3670] Tals} __Aosee tre rom chip solos Tocabe al] Ry = 2000 280 0 me opeasion dey ne lowtotighavel | RLz = e000 ca TPL cutout tom chip elect | see Note 3 wee a ‘For conditions shown se MIN of MAX, use appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions. SAH type valunn area Veg = BV, Tq = 26°C NOTE’S: Lond route and voltage wavotorme ee shown in Section 1. 424 Teas INSTRUMENTS ost OFFIC 90x 2012 # DALLAS T ‘TBP28S2708A 8192 BITS (1024 WORDS BY 8 BITS) ‘STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS: logic symbol pin assignment BB88za 2 [i fel stg 5 afa}5 S| alsislslab l(a] & [abel Voc Supoiy voteoe 78. Vint Fighevel input votogs z Vi. towievel input vehoge Ton Figrlavel output caren 32 Tol tawlevel ovo current [ra ‘Operating Tree ek temperature range o electrical characteristics over recommended operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise: ‘Test conomons Veo = a7, Voc = 478, Veo = 4.78, jeg = 6.28, icc = 838, Voc = 825, Veo = 826, Voc = 828, Veo = 6: Voo= 62% PROMs a switching characteristics over recommended ranges of Ta and VCC (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER = CONDITIONS. Teta) Access ta from dans = 20 pF ‘seas time fom chip select enable nel See Note 3 C= SF lesb te “se See Note 3 Tau typical vals are at Voc = 6 V, Ta = 26°C. Not mere than one output shouldbe shorted at a tne, sd duration ofthe short circuit should nat exceed one second. NOTE 3: Loed cieita and vottge waveforms are shown in Secon 1. TEXAS, INSTRUMENTS 425 TBP26S166 16,384 BITS (2084 WORDS BY 8 BITS) STANDARD PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS logic symbot ve pin assignment [Permax oa a D a agp 8a» sos AvP et soa av} ter mom] |, e app a a ot aC a= os na soa ‘. Ts ean mare lol = =3.2 mA Tot = 18 mA Vo=24V Vo = 05V =eav We aTv, EL 328, Vee = 626 Veo = 525 aslelslebl-[4 | € [asta 44-[8 c. ‘witching characteristics over recommended ranges of TA and VCC (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TET CONDITIONS ‘Min Tye? " Te a mare Cerra 3 = Ta) Asis i For Sp S0S0 WT ee towe a et ee 1 5 bd “ve See Note 3 Alt ype values we at Voc = 6 V, Ta = 28°C. ‘Not more than one output should be [NOTE 3: Load circuits and voltage wevetorms are shown in Secon 1 ————————— 4.26 fost orice 80x 0 pus TE INSTRUMENTS shortad at 8 tine, and duration of the short crit should not exceed one second, ‘TBP28L22 2048 BITS (256 WORDS BY 8 BITS) LOW-POWER PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS pin assignment segeeees PROMs a ¥% oe = Min = wax zat iat vat — tin ee x Taz Vo = Wak Vo = 24 jog = MAK _Vo= 08 i Veg = Wax Vp = BBV te Vee = Wak v= BTV i (ee = MAK = OS ‘ost Veo = max = = a SL Co 7 witching characteristics over recommended ranges of TA and VCC (unless otherwise Tat co oR PARAMETER conomons ian —Tvet mae | tane_1ve# wax | | [ear Access tw om watane = 300F a7 “870 | [ats) Access tne tom dip snes Terao nal] See Now 3 0 2036 |e = Sor ‘ain Dale tine Rad 1s 35 15 30 | ‘For conditions shown at MIN or MAX, use appropiate value apeciied under recommended operating codons. Ail yp! value ore ot Voc = BV, Ta = 28°C. Sot more than ope output should be shorted at Une, and duration of the short crcult should not xceed one second. [NOTE 3: Loed creute and voltage waveforms are shown in Section 1. & 2 TEXAS, INSTRUMENTS ost OFFI 8 20018 © DALLAR TEXAS 06 TBP28LA22 2048 BITS (256 WORDS BY 8 BITS) LOW-POWER PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH OPEN-COLLECTOR OUTPUTS logic symbol pin assignment ORS ERERRZE geaeerse PARAMETER Veg Sopa vgs Vai Fighievel input woke Vi___tewinvel input voheoe Vor Fighrievel vt voige ToL towievel ovat curent Ta Oporto ows oper TO clectrical characteristics over recommended operating ree-elr paramere | TEST Conomons? 3 Ti Veg = ain = 3 i Vou = 24¥, 2 ‘a Yoo = Mat Vou = 65 z Vor Veg = wig = To a Veo = MAX v= BBV i Vog = MAK ——W= 27, os Vog = WAK v= 08. To =o26 | wa Tee Woo = WAX 75100 75 Too wa switching characteristics over recommended ranges of TA and VCC (unless otherwise noted) Ter ww TORN Tr | PARAMETER cconomons [ian ve? wai [nant rvet waa] ONT [Fae —Resees i om dre = 30 0F 4000 4575 ne [tois) Access tne fom chip solec Toate iral] muy = 2000 2000 72035 [ne rn heoann i inert | Aa 000 1. ae arias {Fer conditions show ae MIN or MAX, ute approrita value apecied under recommended operating condion, SAL ypeal values are t Voc = BV. Ta = 280C. [NOTE 3: Lond circuits and voltage wevetorms ae shown in Section 1. 428 TEXAS, %y INSTRUMENTS OST OFFICE DOK 22512 « OALLAS. TEXAS 28 ‘TBP2BL42 4096 BITS (5612 WORDS BY 8 BITS) LOW-POWER PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS pin assignment eegeeRes PROMs g a Tint —WoM WAX | an Won wae] ONT ae 6 s8]are 825 v z z v v mA ma e noted) wr 7 v v 7m ox = ~ = ma Tama or Tea) Aen tre om sre T= 30pF = 3505 | Tels) Aces tne for chip soe Tabet ]__See Nowe 8 3B 300 | es anor va ‘ine oom 28 2540 | m ‘For condtions shown as MIN or MAX, vse appropiata valve specied under recommended eperaing condiions. EAI typleal vals ae at Voc = 8, Ta = 25°C. Not more then one output should be shorted at «time, and duration of the short crit sould not exceed one second. NOTE 3: Load circuits and votage waveforms are ahown in Section 1. TEXAS, & INSTRUMENTS, OST OFFicd OX Nota + DALLAS. TEXAS 88 , 429 ‘TBP2BL46 4096 BITS (512 WORDS BY 8 BITS) LOW-POWER PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS —_—— logic symbol pin assignment Qegeeeee atv wae | ON Seta) __Accoes tine om aden = 20 pF ‘$5110, es o5 | “eis) Access tie from chip ealact Terabe Urel_| See Note 3 2580, 360 ne C= oF me ‘ie Diablo time eos 25 80 240 {Fe Condlions shown ae MIN or MAX, use appropriate value apecied under recommended operating condons, IA typleal valu ee #t Voc = BV, Ta = 26°C. {Not more than one output should be shorted at tine, and dation of the short clreuk should not exceed ore second, [NOTE 3: Load cuit and vltage wavaforme are shown in Secon 1 . TEXAS, “0 INSTRUMENTS [OST OFFICE BOK 212 © OALLAS TERAS 08 TeP28I 8192 BITS (1024 WORDS BY 8 BITS) LOW-POWER PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS pin assignment: recommended operating conditions aioarTee a i OR RW cS TaN NOM WAX [Nom ma | ONT Veg Sopp vaage 866 [4786 626] V Vitel np aap z v Vip tawrvel rt voige OE v mA [ma ~ =o (unless otherwise noted) a Ta Tr || aha i _j a sep] Tz Voc = MAK Vo = 24. co we “oz. Vee = MAK——Vo = OB = Tam i Veg = MAK vi = BV 7 7 [ome m7 Veg = MAK Wis 2.7 c Ea BT a Veg = MAK WE OSV O38 538 Tk ost Voc = MAX = 10 =100 [= 10 =100 | ma Tec Weg = MAK 5 3 — so [wa ‘switching characteristics over recommended ranges of Ta and VCC (unless otherwise noted) cian cil Ta OR Rw ba CONDITIONS tan rve? wax | nett max | ONT [aay Rosees ie rom arene © = 200 5 200 65 110°] 8 ais) Access tine from chip select Tense ral] See Now 3 136 20 60 [me c a= 89 = ‘a ‘ine ae 28100 2800 ‘For condone shown as MIN or MAX, uae appropiate vue specie under commanded operating condone. AH type wate we at Ue = BV, Ta = 26°C Not more than one output should be shorted st @ time, end duration of the short circuit should not exceed one second. NOTE'3: Load choute and votoge maveorma te shown n Section 1 Teas 431 INSTRUMENTS POST OFFICE 0020012 # OALLAS. TEXAS 7208 TBP28L166 16,384 BITS (2084 WORDS BY 8 BITS) LOW-POWER PROGRAMMABLE READ-« SRUEEEREZE a8 recommended operating conditions y 7 Ver Supp vahage ars 6628 Vii Hohrievel input vag 2 Vi Tow Tot 7; Low ive apt High ievel output eurent Tovrlavel out curent ‘Operning Fever tamparsire Tage o ae = 100 im ‘witching characteristics over recommended ranges of TA and VCC (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER, = co unr {CONDITIONS ave? wae Tiny Recess tn Fam oaerees Gi = 305 80126 | ne Tas) Acceee tne fom chip walact (onae ‘Sea Note 3 [2 [ass F CHO 5 aa S00 Note 3 os {Al typical vues are at Voc = 8 V. Ta = 25°C. ‘Not more than one output should be shortad at «time, dnd duration ofthe short crt should not exceed one second. [NOTE 3: Lod eeu and votage wavaforms are showin in Section 1. Teas YB 432 INSTRUMENTS OST OFFICE BOX 2012» DALLAS TEXAS md ‘SERIES 24 AND 28 PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES SS recommended operating conditions for programming (see Figure 1) aN Siandy sate supply vtage Vee. 625 |v) Vis ary Input voting a « ‘Valiage at al outputs excomt the ane tobe programmed ‘os |v ‘Supply voltage level o program abt Vetion 625 _[ v Select or enable tvel we program abit Vion wv ‘Guiput ove during interval is Voter) ve25 |v Tow a6. ‘Suppl volage during weriteation 388 step 14) ee “ety Tie fom Veg to sole and to vey nawd to program nm 10 | “Ties from Voe= 8 V until chip select enable i at 10 2 10_| = “Tine from chip select enable) high o sar of program mb 3 70 [ys amp time, output program pul we. 20 | ‘Duration of output propram pulse 5 30 | os Time trom ond of program pulse 1o ip alot erable iow cs 50_| “ime from chip solet (enable) Voc =OV 7. caar Tire for cooing between bit e a Te fr cooing between words e = Freer temperature Ta wee ‘step-by-step programming instruction (see Figure 1) 1. Address the word to be programmed, apply § volts to Vcc and active levels to all chip select (S and 8) or chip ‘enable (E and E) inputs. Verity th attus fbi location by checking the output evel. Decrease Voc t0 0 volts. For bit locations that do not require programming, skip stape 5 through 11. tnerease Voc 0 Vecip) with & minimum current capbiltyof 250 mitiamperas. ‘Asp Vsipn 12a the, E or @ inputs. 4 <25 miliamperes. Actve-igh enables maybe lat high. Connect al outputs, except the one tobe programmed, Vi. Only one biti tobe programmed at aime, ‘Apply the output programming pulse for 20 microseconds. Minimum current capability of the programming ‘supply should be 260 milliamperes. ‘9. Aft tarminsting the output pulse, disconnect all outputs from Vi, conditions. 10, Reduce the voltage at 3, E, or G inputs to Vi. 11. Decrease Vcc 100 volts. 12, Return to stop 4 until all outputs in the word have been programmed. 13, Repost stops 2 through 11 for each word in memory. 14, Verify programming of every word afterall words have been programmed using Vcc val of 45 and 5.5 vols. PROMs | Texas @ INSTRUMENTS {7087 OFF1CE NOK 2212 © OALLAS, TEXAS 7288 4.33 ‘SERIES 24 AND 28 PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORIES $4 —4——vo. NOTE 4: Ris and full mes should be <1, FIGURE 1. TIMING DIAGRAM AND VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS FOR PROGRAMMING SEQUENCE —————————— ast Teas INSTRUMENTS OST OFFICE OX 25012 + DALLAS TRKAS 708 IMPORTANT NOTICE ‘Texas instruments (T) reserves the right to make changes tits products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers fo obtain the latest version of relevant information {to veriy, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current and complete. ‘TLwarrants performance ofits semiconductor products and related software to the specications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TYs standard warranty. Testing and other qually control techniques are Lllized to the extent TI deems necessary to suppor this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Certain applications using semiconductor products may Involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or ‘severe property or environmental damage (‘Crical Applications’). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED ‘TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT APPLICATIONS, DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. Inclusion of TI products in such applications is understood to be fully atthe risk of the customer. Use of TI ‘Products in such applications requires the written approval of an appropriate Tl officer. Questions conoeming potential risk applications should be directed to T! through a local SC sales office. in order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applicafons, adequate design and operating ‘safeguards should be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards, ‘Tl assumes no liabilty for applications assistance, customer product design, software performance, oF infringement of patents or services described herein. Nor does TI warrant or represent that any license, either ‘express or implied is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property Fight of TI covering or relating io any combination, machine, or process in which Such semiconductor products (oF services might be or are used. Copyright @ 1998, Texas instruments Incorporated DO-15 Package Dimensions FAIRCHILD — SEMGONDUSTOR DO-15 (FS PKG Code P2) oP 414 ‘Scale 1:1 on later se paper hes rns Part Weight par unit (gram): 0.4 Lomin (254) 0.300_(.2) 0290-638) +| o ou_0.6 oro ea 1p 2034 10.86 028-071) gust 1968, Rav A — DO-41 Package Dimensions FAIRGHILD — BEMGONUSTOR x DO-41 (FS PKG Code P1) oP 441 ‘Scale 1:1 on later size paper Inches tines) Part Weight per unit (gram): 0.3 10min @54) 0205 (521 160" (05) Jl ait an be ost en p 004 38 0028-0.) “Ragas 1905, Rew A 1DO-201AD Package Dimensions FAIRCHILD SEMeONOUST OR | DO-201AD (FS PKG Code P3) 4:4 ‘Scale 1:1 on ltr size paper ‘hes rete) Part Weight per unit (gram): 1.4 Lomin @54) 0375 03 0285 (24) Jl ip 220-80 hoses 0052 1.32) PL 2 cose) gust 1009, Raw A DIP Package Dimensions DIP (FS PKG Code R3) — FAIRCHILD SEMSONSUCTOR y 7 41 ‘Scala 1:1 on tte size paper Dimensions shawn baow rr: ‘ees alae) Part Weight per unit (ram): 0.4 |—.— “Tay 1055, Rav A 7 — GBU Package Dimensions FAIRCHILD — SEMGONDUCTOR = GBU (FS PKG Code R2) 44 ‘Seal 1:1 on let size paper ches rater] Part Weight per unit (gram): 4.0 0140036) onsxan 0130830) ODip TT TYP ornass orm) 0740 css) 0720-183) e710 aso) 0690-0173) 0.100 (2.54 o8s2:16) 0.080 (2.03) 0.065165) one 2040.02 an10480) 0076) ae075) cow ay feo] >] fe genes 002056 9210 “Ne me elle comes teres “Ragusk 7055, Rav A iment — GBPC Package Dimensions FAIRCHILD GBPC (FS PKG Code N1 ) 4A ‘Scale 1:1 on ltr size paper irces mata Part Weight per unit (gram): 15.0 29.0) —Tas3- —> HOLE FOR #10 SCREW 9 022559) 0.20508) — 0652076 we 0.124133) 03220133) 209424) 0251635) 0960245) ea ‘Sepiembar 1009, Rew GBPC-W Package Dimensions — FAIRCHILD — SEMGONDUGTOR s GBPC-W (FS PKG Code N2) 44 ‘Seal 1 ener size paper meee tise Part Weight per unit (gram): 15.0 HOLE FOR #10 SCREW 3 0221859) 020(5.08) 4 Tae 0.75209.) ae ‘o.r27.1) 4 | 04900124 04700103) 0424 9038097) 12605) MIN (0.842011.28) ‘vay ‘Soplember 1005, Rav A IPAK Package Dimensions 6.60 2020 IPAK (FS PKG CODE AL) 2.30TYP 12.30:0.20) 30TYP a FAIRCHILD a SEMICONDUCTOR w| 16.10 -030 0.50 20.10 Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1989, Rev B PAK Package Dimensions EE FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR » |?PAK (FS PKG CODE AO) 9.90 20.20 4.50:20.29 { 3 0.80 20.10 2.54 TYP | 254 TYP. oso'3i || 2.40 10.20 10.00 020 Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rev B KBL Package Dimensions KBL (FS PKG Code R6) 077019.6) 0.73(18.5) — EAIRCHILD — BEMGONSUGTOR » 4A ‘Scale 1:1 on eter se paper renee tite], Part Weight per unit (ram): 5.6 0.255(648), an 5(16.38) (0.605(15.37) Le =F ons 0.048(1.22) 0.210(5.33) fo | 1005.4) MIN. | #4279) MIN 0.082.0) 10.06(1-52), uy 1988, Ra KBU Package Dimensions KBU (FS PKG Code R7) ——— FAIRCHILD — SEMOONSUCTOR x. 4:1 Part Weight per unit (gram): 8.0 ‘Scale 1:1 on ltr si paper ‘ees iets) exssa7 e903 HED aso asa) ay ona) ee TH) =| f LW ons f 0.065(1.7) * y m7 aa rt 709993) oass13) me = ~~ + JP osos0.3) 0.165(4.2) ore) 102.8 MN 0.26068) ' 0.180(4.5) came] 10) F 8) vam) uy 1988, Rov A KBPM Package Dimensions — EAIRCHILD KBPM (FS PKG Code R1) | | 441 ‘Scale 11 on eto size paper Part Weight per unit (ram): 1.7 qu2sx450 Gate 0560 (143) 9.460 (4.7 9500_027 0420-107) 0460-7) 0.500 Min 0500 Min 152) 27) ‘Ragust 08, Raw ‘SDIP Package Dimensions SDIP (FS PKG Code R4) 14 ‘Salo 1:1 on ltr siz paper reese) Part Weight por unit (gram): 0.98 ———— FAIRCHILD SEMOONDUSTOR » | ese eee i lex} agust 1088, Rov A ‘SOT-89 Package Dimensions Det FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR SOT-89 (FS PKG CODE AP) 4.50 2020 1.502020 4.65 2010 (0.40) (0.50) | D fo 3] §| { @e L L aL 7 Hoyt TI E t 1 * oso-o| |i | ||| 040-010 040 ‘B89 450 7¥P|1.507¥P| Oo m1 iat Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rev B i — ‘TO-3P/TO-247AD Package Dimensions Semone — SEMICONDUCTOR TO-3P/TO-247AD (FS PKG Code R8) 14 Scale 11 on later se paper ‘Dmensons sawn blow aie Incest Part Weight per unit (gram): 5.6 o.4si164) 0203516) a [~ oascis9) 0.193(4.90) 0245662) <) 032082 02557) lias corsc.95)--| £ Poot 10" 7 aE Ta) . 084213) NST im 082208) {034.4 here 011423) ones Thow6(21) 0076193) ana) 2) || Leto O.16(4.1) 0.117297), 1435) 0481.22) spee 00480.12) lL £2255.) font 0205652) on PIN 10> PIN 2 [© case PIN 30»! “Ragust 1888, Rav A 13.90 4020 Es FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR » TO-3P Package Dimensions TO-3P (FS PKG CODE AF) 18.603020 13.60 2020 8 93.20 2010 9.60z000 3 18.70 2020 2.00 20.20 3.00 10.20 1.00 2020 1.401020 0.607338 Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1998, Rev B TO-3PF Package Dimensions —s FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR w| TO-3PF (FS PKG CODE AG) 5.503020 3.003020 (1.50) 48.50 :020 03.60 1020, s 8 g g é 0.85 4091 3] § 8 gS) 8 a | al 3 2.00.020_|l 1 | 200s020 Hl 2.00 20.20 2.001020 3] 400502 || | 3 | I z | 1 3301020 ors28 I | | r~ i l) t} S45TYP sastye on) 545 :030) 55.45 30:0) _| | 0.903% = | al a g a} 3| a8 g Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rev 8 TO.92L Package Dimensions Es FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR m TO-92L (FS PKG CODE AS) 8,00 3020 | 0.80010 | s.00max. 13.50 040 0.50 10.10, }] _1.27TvP. 11.27 +020) ry [ane ome 3.90 2020 1.45 2020 3.90 +020 Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1998, Rev B 70-928 Package Dimensions a FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR w TO-92S (FS PKG CODE AT) 4.002020 231202 8 |g 9 g : 049-010 || | sz 1arrve i.271020) || 11273026) 036 338 720% | 2teaon 7 Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rev B T0-92 Package Dimensions a FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR w TO-92 (FS PKG CODE AM) 4.583% [| r | +910 4.271YP 1.27TYP, 0:38 3.8 i127 2029) [27 2020) 3,60 10.20 Pe ~ Er) e9 (R229) 8 4.58 10.20, 0.46 20.10 14,47 2040 3.86MAX (0.25) 1.02 20.10 Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rev B TO-92 Package Dimensions TO-92; TO-18 Lead Form STD (J18Z) (FS PKG Code 97, 98) i 44 ‘Scale 1:1 on eter size paper Dimensions shown blow ae i: Incest) Part Weight per unit (gram): 0.2201 PTT gas (ow) T 0.020 now. [0.51] 2 20,060 [61-52] 2.010 [0.254] eee gar [B31 REQUIREMENT eggs [2a] F 222 = 8888 [345 SPST eB [P| “teadtormed te 10-18 configuration pir TTetetete] te bulkenipment. Forintme lace order zietse|p] mone Note: Option avaiable for TO-226AE package; Call factory for details. ‘Gatober 1969, RevB 0-92 Package Dimensions —_ SEmconceTer TO-92; TO-18 Reverse Lead Form (J35Z Option) (FS PKG Code 92, 94, 96, 97*, 98*) i 4:4 ‘See 1:1 on letter Siz paper ‘meron town ow Ieces rime) Part Weight per unit (gram): 0.22 T0-92(02,94,96.97.98) wie REVERSE LEADFORM rm W352) 8388 [238] x | 9888 [183] S Pa L fats [ast 0.020 Now. [0.51] 0.060 [¢1.52) —/ 0.010 (0.254) oa 288 [12%] 2.030 838] 288 (838 DIMENSION A LEAD CLIP REQUIREMENT (0.480 UNCLIPPED LEAD, ~ MKT-ZA03C-1 (352) css Fa age Ur ee aie [343] Sige orgs ies Se = Maras “Al package 97 or 98 transistors are leaformed to this ‘ortiguraton prior to bulk shipment. Order L342 option if Indie leads are preferred on package 97 or 8. ‘Oaiber 1008, A — — ‘TO-92 Package Dimensions FAIRCHILD SEMCONOUCTOR = TO-92; TO-5 Standard Lead Form (J05Z Option) (FS PKG Code 92, 94, 96) 4:1 Seale 1:1 on ltr size paper eesti Part Weight per unit (grarn: 0.22 0-92(92,94,96,97.98) 7S” STANDARD. LEAGFORM (uos2) aa [28] 060 [01.52] 040 | 1, 000.254] zone DEEP Paar uss fas 1-997? [88] gait [288 : Hl 0.475 [44s , ats [$48] 42] sere DIMENSION A__LEAD CLIP REQUIREMENT DIO UNCUPPED LEAD. MKT=ZAO3A-1 (1052) 9120-0480 EAD cue Me za03a2 i242) 9985 [233]- 0:150-0.180 LEAD CLIP — MKT-ZA03A-3 (2575 Nota: Option available for TO-226AE package; Cal factory for deta. ‘Gaiober 1859, Rev A TO-92 Package Dimensions a FAIRCHILD SEcONOCeT or TO-92; TO-5 Reverse Lead Form (J60Z) (FS PKG Code 92, 94, 96) 44 ‘Scale 1:1 ontetrsize paper ‘imenns shown blow asi ‘hen inte) Part Weight per unit (gram): 0.22 10-92(92,94,96,97.38) 5, REVERSE’ LEADFORM ] (3602) poveol ers ee oot Eesth i Fi epee [143 8 uP 888 [8] 8 [13s 8 [1 i + nto (051) feet He Tt 9020 roan gags [2e7]--| EAR 8" [838] | Leauge [a7 er . 3 [$3 2 a 064 a 100 Fase 168 | 3598 8.088 | 2487 DIMENSION A LEAD CLIP REQUIREMENT SE Rests” MUO uean ae SES SSPE — Wir tate Uy ait [249] SHEBSSIRG BG Ge = ARISES ‘October 1909, Rou A — FAIRCHILD TO-92 Package Dimensions SEmecanscer es + TO-92 0.200 In-Line Spacing Lead Form (J61Z Option) (FS PKG Code 92, 94, 96) fh 4:1 ‘Scale 1:1 on letersize paper Part Weight per unit (gram): 0.22 90.060 [01.52] caro (254 Bae [0254] | 8988 [182] i = 888 tat : g [838] ogee [282] | . 89% (882 + 8 ‘Oatobor 1558, Rav A TO-126 Package Dimensions Le ee FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR » TO-126 (FS PKG CODE AN) 8 8.00020 325070 fT PT 3 3 L 4 93.20 20.10 7 | \ (1.00) (050) 0.7500 ||| _}}| Tl 160.010} | ire} g | 3 075010 !| |} 7 t Pe IT s I i | U 4 ‘228TYP 28TYP 0.50 ‘S39 Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rov B 70-220 Package Dimensions Le rerrr nd FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR w TO-220 (FS PKG CODE AE) 4502020 S 1.30339 rs | 4.5210.10 0.50328 (1.70) 130 30.10 2.80 10.10 9.20 2020 (1.46) 13.08 2020 10.00 :0.20 Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rev 8 acest Censors —— FAIRCHILD — SEMCONSUCTOR s, TO-220AB (FS PKG Code P8) 4:1 ‘Seal 1:4 on later iz poper ches rained, Part Weight por unit (gram): 2.24 e188 [488] eat bay . a8 [Bl] i ee sy iC 8 [11] 288 fei] E : moll | mE $a [1821] vo 8788 [123] ae [1378] | 18 [ape oe Sai [27] fh Ezz a ta! | ae aus (5! Leg pa] eat (4) NOTE = UNLESS OMERWSE SPrcinED Sp SMM LD Pru Methonches "5 {Eto Tn ayes of Um TaaCOnPER OR EQUVALENT 3yHMRASn eked O4 SEE, Sanaa 10-120 Sistine a8, SUE 6 OED 3/20/89 To 220 3 1m0 ‘September 1098, Row A TO-220AC Package Dimensions TO-220AC (FS PKG Code P9) ——— EAIRGCHILD SEMIGONOUGTOR » 4A ‘Seal 1:1 on ltr sie paper Incest) Part Weight por uni (gram): 2.24 asees [1293] 98888 [1878] 93388 [888] so ae 0900 [338 TP, 8988 TI NOTE : UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1, STANDARD LEAD Finis 4 + + uss (2e]}) Llane [sr] pete 200° MICRONCHES, /3.08 MICRON wiNiMuM feo" W585 oN OUN'T94 COPPER” OR EQUVALENT 2, DIMENSION BASED ON JEDEC. STANDARD TO-220 ‘aunt A, ISSUE Jy DRIED 3/24/87 Sepieber 1099, Raw A ‘TO-220F Package Dimensions Es FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR» TO-220F (FS PKG CODE AQ) jo1:em _, 931.00 jn 254200 3.30 20.10 6.68 2020 (1.00x45°) 15.80 2020 9.75 1030 0.50 38 2.762020 2.54TYP [2.54 020) Dimensions in Mitimeters ‘August 1989, Rev B TO-220F-2L Package Dimensions 23.18 30.10 (1.50) TO-220F-2L (FS PKG CODE BL) 10.16 2020 .00) a FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR w: 3.303010 15.80 1020 (2-01.00 Dp 0.10) 9.75 30.30 9.40 1020 ) 254.020 H (070) 8 g 3 g Z (1.00%45°) 3 38 2762020 Dimensions in Millimeters “August 1998, Rev B ‘TO-220F-4L Package Dimensions Le ere FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR » TO-220F-4L (FSC PKG CODE AW) 10.00 +0.20 93.20 20.20 j= 4.50020 2 = gi (1.00) 3| bee g| g 4 a] a d a% 3 2| 3g | a (1.00) | 3 } 8 (]) i 344.05MIN _ 3 | 3-1,30MAX 3 § I 4.25MIN 2 § t 4.50MAX 7 | | [i] 0.60 +0.10 tt Yl 2serve 1.00 2029 [|| [2.542025] 050 (1.9) (762) __| | (1.19) — iF Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rev B TO-220F-5L_ Package Dimensions TO-220F-5L (FS PKG CODE AZ) es FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR m 2.54020 2318:010 | 1016-020 (070) a sl 3} 3 {- 3 7 © * g 3 a 291.90 400145") 3 3 Dp 0.10) 2 a] 3/8 i 9| siz ont O.80TYP. I s0Tve | [ 3-1.00MAX 8 | 2-1.30max 5-0.60 20.10 a" vy os0332 276.00 (0.35) = 2.54020 3-150 2020 9403020 poocsa| § Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1999, Rev B T0-264 Package Dimensions SEMICONDUGTOR »,| TO-264 (FS PKG CODE AR) og ai 200 (8.30) 039 | | 4.00) 3| g 3 t t I f | asoxon | HI UIE | F (1.50) |_ (150) (1.50) Hl Hl a {it ios gf gl 2501020 | || | I | I 3.00 :020 3| 1d em a | Tf HL 100-335 Yu Y save | || gusty |2.90:020 {5.45 10:0) | {5.45 1020) —t = (0.15) (2.80) a FAIRCHILD Dimensions in Milimeters ‘August 1998, Rev B ——— — WOB Package Dimensions FAIRCHILD SEMOONSUCTOR s WOB (FS PKG Code R5) a r i 4:1 ‘Scala 1:1 on tetor size paper ‘ees (ims Part Weight per unit (gram): 4.4, 03500.) 233965) 021755, TI9I50) a 12¢03) ao MIN (0032.81) “oanaca6) OM POS.LEAD = 022086) Oa.) 2706.6, 01806.) ‘Sepiebar 1000, Raw A LM137/LM337 General Description ‘Tee LVISTAMSG7 are agusate rial naga vot. ge routs cast cl suptiegnencas of 1 SA cre ‘ouput votage ergs of-12 “30. Thes olor fe exctonay ety to ene, reguring oy 2 entra Stor sel he oust velage and ext capacto fr ‘fequeney compensation, The rout Gan hasten op zd fr exalt roguaton a low ermal farses Fuster LIT ses fakes tama caret tn. hema shldown an eros conparsatn, mae Dem vital sowout rol agurt ovens The LMT7AMSET sore a wie varty of apps i ‘ing laa orcad ragunton, peperente apt ae regsaton or peoton cert ajuson The UW? Uia87 ae. tee complements othe UMTTAMSIT ‘sto postve rogtn Features 1 Oxtutvotage eased tom ~1.2V 0-37 118A cup eurort guarantors, 88° w +150 * Lin replat fpey OOF 1 Lead ropuston pea 03% Exes tharma eplton 0.002% ‘Typical Applications ‘Adjustable Negev Voltage Regulator gg oo een 14 sr ep Qrationat Semiconductor 3-Terminal Adjustable Negative Regulators 1778 0 raecion 1 Exc ston froma arse | 150 ppovC tempera concert 1 Tampere nsegendert caret int | 1 inal haral ovens precton ‘Standard Sed vrais pocage 1 Outpt stot ret pote LM137 Series Packages and Power Capability id] Beslan oevie | package | Power | toad | | sipation | current Dara [TOs ow [sk 703909 zw__| asa (pasar Fro za0 [sow [150 tiga sorzes 2H 1m wn) ‘Comparison between SOT-223 and D-Pak (TO-252) Packages a Gd =o Seale tt (0 nao Smtr Copan DESO sojeinBey eaneBon ejqeysnipy jeujuuel-¢ ZeeW Zeb Absolute Maximum Ratings ios 1.) sor ocerasc HC itayfheropace sprcfed devices ae rques SE Tapertire sc s80'6 Piste contcttahetoneSericenaurorSles Otic’ Lead Tomgmetr (Sarg 10s) 00 Ditrtre for evatainy and spore. Pts Package (Sng. 9c) aoe ome spon any ints ESD Rating avers Inna Oo Voge Oferta “ Og non eae cw 1506 Electrical Characteristics (hot) Paraneir Condiions aa ins? Ts ta ye [ae aan tye [ae Te Region T= BONEN Vaud a ‘oar | aoe ‘ar | oor | (te 2)1,* 10m Toad Roguabon = 250, 107A oa Saar oa a waft “Thoma Roglcn T= 25.101 Pe Boo2 | a Bas | 008 | Sw “ise Pe ort 6 [10 es | 100 vn “Raisin Pr Curent Chane | TRAZT Tos 273 2s po 80V 5 Ne.~ Vou 4 1.7256 Taran Voge T= 250 fae [res Fra Pras Pia Piso Paar |v 3V.6 m= Vout =40¥, oe 3) +200 F280 [4.300 [1200-1280 [1.00 |v 10mA our han Ps Pane Tie agi BV Na Vek 409, Noe 3m | a8 aa Poor aw oe Rogutor SOTA Sy ls 2) oa ft os [is [© Terperetre Sabah “a 215 Ta 28 05, ¥. imum Loa Comet Wn Vou 407 25 |S 25] io | Wa. Ve 100 s2 {3 15 | 6 | maw Garett Wa Vr = 157 CP aT Pataoe ss | 22 | a5 | 15 | 22] a7] a H Page as | 0 | 18 | os | os | so | « Noe= Your ® 40%, 7,925 MP and Package oz | 04 ars | 04 A H Pea ars | os” xo | ox a HS Opal Ne, WA Voy | 1,= 25, TORTS Tw ‘07 08 * le Redon Rabo Vou * 1.4 12H o @ cs ‘apo Seay T= 50, mo oa [ a ax fats “Trea Resitace,Tundan © [H Peaane 2 [a 2) as [ear ome Kacape aa] s 2a | a [ew Pact « ‘cw “rama Raita undone [H Pectsoe 7 7 ‘cw ‘rie No Heat Sit) Kresge * = om Package % ‘om Ne Pectage i om Sori we topcase be fos sa (iS eau ot on ned rw ree tg tte Rows AEST ang Her REST ag ASK ty ee, TRikw ne Toa8 pcg nd uy "Esk be TOS SOT 2 ws 0 mage ag) poe en i, sage goa pei Way 0 2 as ua) dH POON TES eA ATS. a en mmo npr ge nth ny eC tong a a 9 ‘i inarbe yct te mata naan sare ote aps saa tact TOS SSP ‘Schematic Diagram Thermal Regulation hen powers Sapte 16a tonactre rasent ran ‘anora be hp onan hon 1 creat ‘Sowerrts With an Grog fa rasotcanbo ope {Siysovr sen power Gnopton tre. Thea ep \Shon's he eco ev mere iets on ued ‘otove (preriegn exit charge) pw Wa port ‘ange aspects tv, Toa epuaton oor ne Sener of aoc reguatn pert Scan {oon win sta SO maa con pom do: Speton Thema epuaton Soper ayoutar wa ot ete! des. To ermal rguatin of otage rogue {Sr cetned as prcrtane charge of oun be at ‘iin fet 10 ra aera sop ot pon Spt. The Uta epecteton 02MM, mae In Fg 1,2 ypc LNT ous fs nly 3m (or 5K of Vays = 100) when 10W pu e sopd or ‘Ome. Tha petornanc tus wal seth spactaton ‘atch acataws on= 02% max When tha SOW pues ‘Enea te hema epaton span shows 23 atap at {he L137 ep cots of Nee fat Be ad reguston eer ‘tebou (08%) x adstenal othe tomato ‘crx In Figura when a OW ples apt 100 me, {ho cup te ery sity beyond te di the fat ‘Orn dita hemal on sae wo Wan 0.1% (TOM, Thermal Regulation (czrsnos) Connection Diagrams ‘watt Can Package Lnts7xPoMt and Ut STKPOMLVING 5) ‘Se NS Pactage Number KOZ ‘Grdor Number OSSTR STEEL ‘See NS Package Number KODA rose Mata Can Package e answer heures ‘Orr Number LMT LS7HASS or LasS7H heaPnPoMt and LintsrHPCMLV(e 5) ‘See NS Package Number HEBA Application Hints nen a aun for uy und ung th equation show, ‘heat mist sate a has sal ha ese at ‘rogaine HEATSINKING SOT-223 PACKAGE PARTS ‘Toe 807.229 (MP) pacaages us a soper sone on te Cb andino PCB aa avs hele To opts Pet ‘Song ay of he lane S88 PCB, soe he ab eh Feckage to te pare owes 3 4stow te elrmaon lr he SOT. 223 passage, Fre tamara 3 yn of 7SCW fr cute coop oe STCIW for? cuten taper and 2 esmum nebo povaie 125'0 Application Hints (cones) es wa) a 8h eran ro a (8) FOURE 3.8m Cop nes} ara rhe x ove sano stor Teer (9) FIOURE 4. Maximum Power lepton 8 Taf he Sora Package lao 208 AN1028 fr power ertanconert fecniaues © bose wih te SOT-ZE passge Typical Applications ‘Adjuatale Lab Vohage Repustr tegen 01 cn naw ot Typleal Applications (cartes) 7520 Regustor with Electronic Shutdown High stabity ~10¥ Regultor Typical Performance Characteristics (« sea a + Pacaces) Loud Regulation Cure Lit Adjustnent Curent Minimum Operating Curent Ripple Rejection EN a Physical Dimensions irctes (tinea) ues arowis not “TC i exe) abe a7 S sm sn Metal Can Package (9), (Order Number LMISTH, LATTHVBES or LMS37H "NS Package Number HOSA Physical Dimensions ircnes(ritints) utes cherwse rote (Contrucd) eg, wee igen Be sata can rsa 9 ‘Order Number LMS STEEL, (NS Package Number KO2A, tia aeE ogame re seta me ELL pet = semen 1 _ acer ar me Gown Caras cl sy + [PeewisePORS] | Physical Dimensions reves (itmetr)uest norwise nad (Corte) ¢ at ol a SF] ei PORO) ‘Sed 807.223 Package NS Peckage Number MOA se ehy wt eet tht fetus red be | i LAND PATTERN RECCMMENDATION Physical Dimensions ire (rime) ues case nets (Cotinved) ietec (esa | 4; jetoseae ™ ssa) tnehcnsey F cust peeeasinnt (ee ears meng mses oe ‘yozm Pst r) em 000 ‘rw humbertaaT eben hae Tas FE SUPPORT POLICY INATIONAL'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL ‘COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. Ae ved hero 1. Lie support devices or systems ao dovees or 2A cial component is any component of a Me ‘jst fic, (ore ited for srgel impart. support vio er sytem whose tare to pei Into the body’ or () supporto sustain We, ard can be reasonably expected to caus the fale of whose falre to perfor when propery used in the Me support device or system, or (0 affect HS Secorderce wih instructs lor use proved nthe Sally of elctverans {Ebotng, can be reasonably expats to roaul In signfeant ryt the use ineinGoy onneBon e1qeysnipy leujuuel-¢ LEEW IZELW LM111/LM211/LM311 Voltage Comparator 1.0 General Description ‘Tho Att, N21 ants re votage compart at ave pu cures rear @ Bosard te owe an o- ‘eos tow Uvt08 or {THO Thay a also cs peraeover ewie’range suyvlages: tom ants $20V op ane supaes down te singe Supp ure IC loge Tra ett is cangatbe wah RTL, DT ana TTL {Sel as MOS erat. ura ey can ove amps isch oa: spina eros ob Bah te rts an the cups of ho LIN, 2 or he [At canbe trot fom seam gourd, an Be out fn velba refed to roa sponte spay othe ‘apa spy Ofet tntancng ance capably we Pod and quip can bo nfo OR. Although sowet fan he 106 and L710 (200s sponse tev #0) 3.0 Typical Applications wom » Increasing Input Stage Current te 1) Qvationat Semiconductor ay 1998 {te doce aw sso mich ess prone to spius oxi ‘ora The LMT has tho seme pn corfgaton gs De ‘Th LU21 is neal he LAT, exon tha pester Ine speohod ovr a 25 C1068 Cwnpertre ge Satae of 35°C 28%. The LST haw mpeahe fargo ol 270. 2.0 Features * Operas fom single 5 soty 1 Input cont 180 nA mae ve omportne * Oteat curent 20. mae or trace 1 Diora! pit vata ange: #900 1 Power consumer: 135m at #15 soyeredwod eBeH0A LEW VLLZW VELEN 3.0 Typical Applications qc 3) (Corin) 4.0 Absolute Maximum Ratings for oseting Temperate Range the LM114/LM211 9.0 10 twat ee bt “acest teas Tanprat (Serr 10 40) 20 ‘ote at Sob Pn ven wal ower td soy S269 nemeten inate sy tae) Svinte sae awe ‘rnd to Negev Spy Vang od sv Stra (seconds) Dirt at tape 0 ve Pokus i tag Ea Wortham een) awe (upa shat Gres ooeton TOs sos a “Surtcn Nowra Metts a Tht fect SSeS ay We rns ef sous ‘eas eur core 50 ating 1) seo Electrical Characteristics ose 0 sorb unt we watt Pare Cenaiions i ie ‘ox | — Uni Tapa Oa vane ete __—| TG, Race or 30 [ww int Ot Cor rd aa fo] aa tip is Curt Text o 00a ota Gan Tease = 0 vin Response Ts (le Tr 200 = SatratorVoage Vae8 mV oa 50m 075 eV ‘iaoe ON Carat a Tes 2 [ma ‘uot Lesage Corot Vas mV V7 02 0pm T1253 A Tit Ot Vata Ra [Rese [av Td Ofet Carer (7 20 | aa not Bs Cart is [ma Trot Voge Farge vee vewea? | us| aaa | as] Pubphay Go TosV ‘Saiton vege va. =0 am wv VYys-6 gu MA Saag at Wa. Your a | Pose Spy Curent Taras sr ‘60 na agave Suny Carect Ter25 at 50 [ma Saori cern Speer crs aneane ap ioecenae ‘Settee eingo"Stcrsose Tn aa te ano pn ayy gS rege TO ‘teeta eone te wets be tr) re 00m ee os Ste na aie ne 8 ete 5.0 Absolute Maximum Ratings for oping onowatureRaroe vr the LM114/LM211 qe 1 ‘Storage Toners Range sce oe ad Toperatre (ear, 10s) aoe \otage a tebe Pin vow Dusit Package Saltog (10 scones) aoc ‘Sa une Package ‘Viper Peso (60 secon) ase nae (18 seconds) ze Input vatag Not 13) 5 wed (1 end) mae ower Dasipaon (ete 14) soon Sevens robe manos ot ser ESD tng (Nc 19) ‘200 Saco mou gave (uit Str Crit Darton Ose Electrical Characteristics (iow 15) Parameter Conan co he. Ta Tip Oat Voge (ies Te)_——| T= sts 20 mv et feat Curent 6) Ter25 60 my input ies Cert ase 00) a Votage Gan Ts cy 200 View Resperee Tin Wale T9525 200 co ‘Sstron Vote Vs=10 ae SORA ors w= Tv ‘Sb OR Curent ae 18) 1.9256 ze so aa ‘uit Lesiape Carert Ya 0 mW Vo a5 TqP25° ere ™3 MA 02 so | om Tipit Oat Vago hae 6) | SO a inp fet Cure (le 16 70 | apa Bes Cure aaa np Votage Range a ‘Seton Votaoe Vaan v=o 02 os fv Vag 10 Vl A Poste Spy Curent T35C. a 7 [a Nepatve Spy Curent T2256 a 30 [ ma. ‘er ere a ed ia em a a anon tt foam er wager ce Dost 1 rape laa wap ene i psn mb ce oe ‘Semantic tin cn teenie stoner ore ae ‘tet hegatetupe tuna po me smn arm te ef spy wh Ab Ta ae Rodarte aotbennne ecto St Mececeae is meen emi ovrvor beeen eto er bi Dr ten n 6.0 LM111/LM211 Typical Performance Characteristics Input Blas Curent Input Character Input Ofet Currant Response Tine for Verio Input Overarves Input Bae Curent ie Response Tie for Various Input Overaves 7.0 LM311 Typical Performance Characteristics Input fet Curent 6.0 LM114/LM211 Typical Performance Characteristics (cortraee) ‘ouput Limiting Characters i i 7.0 LM311 Typical Performance Characteristics (cones) np Characters Tt Response Tine for Various Impl Overs ‘Common Mode Limits 1 ates oe a ‘Supty Curent ‘Supty Curent x 8.0 Application Hints 181 CIRCUIT TECHMQUES FoR AVOIING ‘OSCILLATIONS IN COMPARATOR APPLICATIONS ine a Nigh-peod comparator such a the LIT i sad ‘fet rp signs ara ow sur mpacaron, be ot ul eeporoe il nay be fa ar ste, seri al {he power spas have boon typessad (uh 07 UF lc {apectoe), and ta he cubul signs Yuta wal ane rome mut (ors 2 en} an eo ay om pr ard Honeez when te npt sal 8 vtage ao of ow Sewer grt sure pecan hgh 500 cmpurtrmoy tr rocco ra be Croan pT uate be gh gan wie ban wan of Spars nah i To ar cao Itty such #Uegn sever precatore ae ean Imenea shown niga baou. 1 ti re re San 6) act rane uy Duane fare torres apt hy ois be sured ogee Wey re comme 2 trope 0 eames Cr bon are 6 ‘imei the scotty A arg Asmat ‘Spacoriatnod pnb iunos pone cas as inoue 1 2. Gotan occ wi proce a cee compat o await 10 pt OO caper C2 econ ‘cd dey ato pt pe 4 Wen a sgl sure spl ech 8 sire Tore diay avaagnas hoes at {tuamariay be se wu Son fr 06 e . ene" (AC)coradenton Cron tot ar ‘nou fm esos have ar bon ted cnn ern npt cay. naar ewan ena 4 hen conga ocit re gt este. tng vosaky, ha wath pct a pa ‘sb doo ho Sv oro Ina woe tro sou be very i na ago et at {otro botween comparator ana est eo bit up sana. tar spin fo epee, fro ena f Rervo R, flo eb chon \stabeteon he mesa abt san eat Imowonatone hat so very rar a. Tsing ese Iie ty ey ec bel arate Blan reste cnet coneare 7.0 LM311 Typical Performance Characteristics (cores estage Cueats 5. Sion tedback o amos ay pin of a comprar can tera nenlaton, te psasret aye soul bo ‘rgnerad rogrtiy, Pretarasy fae sous be ‘poonepiane unre TT ety rear, iota uber covut care. Ground fa or pow. ‘be supay or rapa ey fl) stad ear be. {oon ha cut adhe py, acta 2 par. The fet connecter orb ts oud be 2 al and amped sr possi, aa thou be sso S- ‘tanded by goon fiona ses, pod opens cx active ozuging om ary Nghe sgl euch Fe cupet pre Sand aerated, ey shoul te ost npr ita ee comacns ogo ha {rovpot foul be eg tot fw eros oy frome LN, nate 0.0 i epactor sa ba Seats capacor caret be used, « shalrg ‘ted creat ot maybe sease baboon in and tye power sony bypass capactors Shas bef ‘and wan a coi nces oti (Some te ‘impart ogee pove’-spy bypass oe ‘Gand immediatly agnor ofa commer) tenlre fecha esis bore S¥0 40. Th cu ot owe cous be ued, ul rate ava. Se the tao praia 7 blon 7. Wen bah np of ho Lt ar connate fo acto ‘ona ort enignimoadanes sgl arving Pe pos. (ie pt ho UA 29 tat poate fecack would becargte he crt of Figure is ea The poste {edhack nt pv (one fe oat austen pe) Westie cause 12 hss ad sharp irene wi rod bang waves om a fw He Fines of tx The pote eesback sal acess ‘he 60 rent sins 20 oko te pots Di. The Sgral scans arangine nora wotage m8 a0 te osboc dee at a 6 Oe Vow fe ampere uch oe Vg can ba tre ‘i uring he 5K pl an 3 i four a sown 8.0 Application Hints (corso) egarpinaie stg eed oroerion ores {wnt excopten tat pot al compar hve Ein {8 Thao apposion rots app special te LY, Pes) Liat LST ane LF amos of compar end eee en CURE improved Pte eedback 8.0 Application Hints (conn URE 2, Pstva Fancack with High Sues Rertance 9.0 Typical Applications (rn rundes rr Ho8packace) 100 whe Free Running Mulia 9.0 Typical Applications (Pi munber rater Hos package) (Contre) 9.0 Typical Applications (rn nunmers reer H08 setae) (Corrine) a eT ne et ryt Oscar Comparator and Soleeid Dever ve nea fer 9.0 Typical Applications (ein runoor rte H08 pactage) (Contre) Precton Potodtde Comparator 10.0 Schematic Diagram wow 2 s = of | ot 7 11.0 Connection Diagrams Top Vow (Order Number LMS, LMEHMGES\e 21) LAH or LMSTIM See NS Package Number HS Duainine Package ‘uatinLine Package 2) et La (Order Number LATIN 21), << — MET, LMZViM, LBM or LMSTIN To. et AST, UT LEM or IN onder Number LMA 21) oF LMDTIN-14 ‘See MS Package Number 14A or NAA (der Number LMT BE3QNclo 2), ANTI ‘ee NS Package Humber WIOK, WGA 12.0 Physical Dimensions inctes (ritieten) ues charset + Ve Zr u 12.0 Physical Dimensions tte: (ntinetos) usees cbornse rots (Conia) 12.0 Physical Dimensions incrs itioter) unless ctarvee voted (Corie) 29 12.0 Physical Dimensions ere (ramets) unsecure tos (Conic) oem. Order Number Lt Lure suPpORT POLICY NATIONAL'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED F oe iP ok cost ie . sess, Unto 1S Package Number WiOR, WTOA “OR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL ‘COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. Ae used ere 2. crea component is any comgonert of fe Suppor devin or system whoo fale to perform ‘an be reasonably expected to cause tho fale of the Me spot device or sytem, or fo afc e scent uy toe user ‘tlt or eoctvenese. soyeredwiog eBey/0A LEEW VFEZWVLLENT LM78XX Series Voltage Regulators General Description “To LUTENX sss of tee tania regular avatabe Me sever aed ov watages alg tem sel = ‘We range of eppeatens. Ore of eels bea on ca Tepion, eimbatng be Stroton probs ssocted ‘wih elo part requ. The votapes vase ato Those opus 0 be ued ing syns, nsenen ten, Hi nd ober nl ate nacre equpment. A ‘ough dosed amare ted vtaperoqutors howe ‘aves cn bo ed wi eel comport RM [tabs votaper end cori. ‘The 71% sora sealable nan minum TOS pec {ge when wil alow over Onloud cant aoa Pet ‘hey rove. Curent itg ed ate Dat ett cent sae wae Safe roa ptt ‘Rotnipt arate = provid it ere power is baton. rer power axapation becomes oo nigh fe a iting proce, to harlow Cratos ‘re froverng the IC fom overeating Censiaate ood was expan rata ho LNTEXK Se ‘ost rej easy use an naa bs haba of k- {sa componers Ris ht nocessary ype th ub Connection Diagrams ‘otal Can Package 703 00) <5 ‘Bottom View ‘Order Number LMB0SCX, Lret2eK or LM7ONSCR ‘See NB Package Number KZA anna Samcanuc Capt OST Qrationat Semiconductor sy 980 sthoogh ie dows prove taser response nt ty ane aod eye eg aed a fom the {ior capectar to over Su For odo volage har tha 5, 12V and 180 the LITT ove roves 2 ol vgs fargo fom 12V to SV Features ‘rate ine wumeun TO pacage Voltage Range wren wwe av wwe av ‘suoqeinBay eBe3|0n SeV0S XXBLW" ‘Schematic Absolute Maximum Ratings ji» > exmin uneton Tegeraive W mmarynerospace epectfed devas are required, (KPohnon) swe ‘lease contact he Nalona Seiconuctr Sas OMfee!—_(T Pctage) swe Distritors for evaleity and specteatione. ‘Srage Temperate Range -a5c10 1500 ‘rou Votoge aod Tapert (Sarg 1 82) (Mo = 50. 2V ad 150) ssv TOS Pactage swe Iriral Power Dsspaton (ole 1) may Lntag_—-TO220Paoago T aoe ‘Oparatng Temper Rare (1) oet0+70C Electrical Characteristics LM78XXC ist 2 C51) 125°C uns hare rot, Output Vonage w a 5 inp Voge (ules othernian mad) WY, 8 2] Unt |b | Parameter ‘Condens ne a Top Tie | nT [a Vo [Ououvouge [TER Gsmcy sia [as 5 s2[nie 2 was|ua ts te6[ v Pod 15H, SmAzInz1A [ats —sas[ina 128 fas i575] —V Ven $V Va 5s vus20 | (145<%ns | OTSsvus |v 2) », Wo [Ure Rapin [= 800 [FBC aa] 4 me] 88 a Mn 72a 229 | 145<%q<90] (75Svas |v ‘0. weTeRe o ca is] aw Me @va229 | 52%229 | (asses |v ‘=, pea [awe w i i] aw 2M sevy22| (seve | o77svns |v 2) we ay eee = o % Mv esvnsta) | Weevne2 | @osvas2e |v Wa [oad Regiaion = OE [8 mazIg aTBR a a) a 20mAS bos % ° 15 | mv SMASH SIAC STE w co we] av suse ie | Gunso Garant [Ig 1A [TSE 3 3 o| a oossrse as as as | ma Be [Raise Covent [Sma zIQ = a oO Os, a5 [mA ange cares 10 10 +o] ma Man $V = Va (752%q220) | (48VK220 | (79 ing afew decrte conoonars. Ths pewe ep mp Tew [omos 19 ecend fe high power eaghe. Ropocng Eso aomersanantors win an op ano ay oecame Sat ‘Socve meno of raored pevomenen,smpieaten etandnt reuty vast proved Tu pac, ea roa an te rogucton dosnt. Some apolcatons ate ghan hae te kate opamp o- Sin piss hey rato power cee. Uru! fig probes et have coped wn sg fe 2h ‘wo arty of tutors wa srs of fa condone Oe Voetea gw selon teop amp ‘Tho perforance of ho LMY2 is srmard i Table The Input coeonods range snd own 8 vl of De Beste spy ado Sree vo above re ogev spy No puspoty rove!» expeonced woud th pat ‘ego range be ecnoded, eno camoge esa ahold ‘reir be ten tayo be salne ‘The 16s compost for entygan feedback, wih & ‘iatsgnal tundeh 700 str Siow aes ov {droog we a= 36 exp ving The op amo stable ‘wih wut cepectveieadng he mannan bed apes Tare dopnds wpe leep gon Tote ee no spo ot pi tage ouctatona, bra soos RC bute nt fikedn eeu The IC davers #104 ouput curent at ay exp vane yells comply protected apa! ouput otends, ne National Semiconductor ‘Application Note 448 March 1986 | Mineo Yamatako National Semiconductor Corp. Senta Clara, Calfomia Ing shor ote sips Dynami slate rtscton dost peuctemoertse ining wine power Sor ‘ctr ere. Tho tmon caraotsice we conte’ Oy oping he ops opamcrod nt he al pt ‘ge roses 16. The elt = eo oped shou to ‘ie tmpratee iced TSO o 0 be sup ohage Seproacnes te Bvoap ofthe ouput tanto. The IC ‘shstande ovewotnges 0 100%. ‘The U2 le ped na tol TOS pecape we fur ‘og lead pun can A godaucte de atach fo ‘moyen Partace ad toad trea eg re ‘ons pomor cing. Two weap ge wae, [ota spcted er otro mir ora ono ‘enle Some plea! harotaritin of he Latif Mev end'te= 2°. poorer condone nputtetvatage Vou =O putbascurent You = 0 vata ga Ros an cuetotne one = 2154 peokouputeurent Your =0 coun dederbaten Tow 2FC pulse depaton ower uit aan ow rdw At Tow ppt curet lor-8 mA, general nice Power op ampe a sj 9 mary of ho sare protons ‘rporenoad wih gerre-pupoes op rps Excessive hat ‘rudeness can cme a roel vogeon Be ‘upurbecaue of ae curart rps orca combi wh Say eapectanoes fo causa ows. bnrepe soy ‘jpesng ard eae oad, sone of conbaton, (in uo vont rentosona, Mary hate spet racking ‘own incompetent din problems coud have boon ‘Sve by mentong te op ep ovgut wh wear scoscone. Win ow mpedance ads and curentrarsnts above 10k, he ndtnes and rent of we canes ‘an tose rporant ma rambo’ of way Furr an 1 ‘op onp redo pata BOW cont wi ot 305 ‘Roses popety mrtd 1 en edoqu oa sk ‘SyINDIID 4eMOd 50 UBISEg SeIsI]dw}s dy dO DI] MOSEL V ObP-NV ‘Tho manogorsnt an potion cet of te LM can ti afoot opeton. Shou he tis tpt vokage oe ‘ao atng rp blow 1, he op emp stats com ‘ota. Case iperares above 150 a cause com: ois shut down ait eo wore dope le 14S: The "a tate sever! scans, copending en arma fe tom Actvatn ef rami ateace protean casos bo {he man feodbac oo fs cone end a reducon ‘pl rv carer. win pestle esters bee pica: ‘Sore, mi poacton wi cause waver damon supa ypeesing [Ai'op amos sou have ha spy aod parsed wih lewundictance captors havin soe ats ai cod ‘Sou 0 ba pocsape inl avd putes aon ‘roslne Powor of ape oar argo bess ceptors ‘Th tae sabe wh good qu cay bypass co pectrs goto han 20 nF Ober canara may ‘ae ager eapecor. ‘The cunt ne spp leads ea ectod component ot {hotoadcurent edo pes sot prove. Hs ‘Strode can bof boxer rey. Low ‘Storion a high ecueroes rare th rw supon to bypasnd wh 470 pF or mor, ate poche mn. ead ndetance| ‘hip ent (21 nad stares). Trang gee ie ‘Sippy ond grou late mnie ce ‘round lope Wi fast highcuren eu, a sors of polos can ‘hes om mone ground, fy areal, bes can be ‘rend by rourang al gun bene to common ont. Sormtmos bi moacical When Specie! ataon shuld be pl oth gun eur fr ‘he spy typeun, ond an rout aga. Grund panes ‘Seo alp 0 prowse proper nas ‘Mary prions unis to sytem performance can be ‘roca to tho goundng of Inecperaed fost earn ‘aod for aye Suc eon pataoepreuery ‘toa ou when evel oes of tat aumento tod Su canbe msnsed by unng curt probes othe ‘ow elated oecocape reametian. Elmnatg ay tec ground comecton btween fe Sgt peerso nd the cnllacope srcvorizaten ML ewe one Commo rover ‘output camp odes ‘ine pur apo gos ino power it whe de Ingen nave led, Pe energy Soren fw insta can ave te ouput bend te supe. ge 1 shows ‘raven nponce fe Lt 2 ving “96 at 40 root ood in ses wh 24 mH Hs te ol. ‘Tho Chas irl ply does, but ae cams ave a pertc aont Pa Satan ou ha re ‘Samp carn! srs tt stony vooge, Ts dsb: ‘on caet be contd ty te rma pravecon erty {rdw rt ncatasrope are fauna ree {ho so fecal ede to camp he ouput the owe ‘ples stony wsnmmonded reac] erento ‘ Figure 1 Output votage and cure wavetorms with ‘ynamceafearen protection seated ona \nduote los. Sores energy nthe inductor ‘ive the output beyond the suppies. ‘getonce han demontind tat hase shoring 0 ‘he muplnecan nda rndom toe ase ‘ral lamp ode ara used. Thro, pao {© tm elt clamp ods even whan te ad sn ‘innate Fue s prt Worthen oes ‘romlommpodance spp he V" pcan vores, wih {nl ay bown tog fop of hacen tre oe ‘etre, tal odes tere proceeding Heat sig of th clamp dodo usu unimportant 9 {hat hey omy Stare caret arses. Fewer G0 wih resctvelocing ‘ho LM is narmay sabe wn roost, duce oF ‘fom to opi ternal, oe econmerded oor Socata capctve ade ae not aways apace, A ‘The Ltt ean be mao state fe ade wh a age apacot on th ous sown n gure 4. Tis came. ‘Seton gos te lowest pose Csotioop cup mes. ‘hes thigh Reasonows ad to bot lesson re ‘Sferea. ls oppeprate for sh apploatore ee watane Figure 4 Using aarge ovtt capac to eabize for ‘capaci leds. The impedence, Zi the Seramectng ee teow -fadbock capac, tscomecnd dec to he cv Prot ti The ouod! sapact, Cs conti te ‘teat rma wih alabay shot leas Siglo gont (joundng ool ond es ge oops sae ‘The mpatence, 2, ¢ he wre concn top em Ditto teload capt Romi chow ember 18 wo {70 ges god sabity and e-ches (00) begs {Door ladrant respon Tr ment oad co Dnotance fp platen rch cena {Srwih ov oqivalrt sre rest SF) 00.1 = od ‘Boca capeiors werk sb wo wugh capetanes| ‘nay have tb Inesuod 10200 pF to bing ESA Blow Loe sity sro Be ory concom wen op ap ae ‘per wth toocte fads. Wh Ores sal, ‘ower depen can eo lreraso mary, Theis pee. chy wth be comin of eopctive ate end Nprreasoney exten, Inpctcompensaton ‘Th Lt 2's prone lenge oecson tuts com- Ing otf anreton fe hromenay op gan mar ty. Th volugo flower comecien most acpi. ‘Tne gtohng canbe simi oo eres oferta ral tare ng put compensation Int comperst- fon can so be ned combat wih UR ood oon {trove capa od sty nema of vote flower wh iret conosreaton ‘own Fre Sa, The Rls consnton woes he Mk ‘ora wth iy ordi foodbeck at igh request ‘iret alectng esponen blow 1001 Aad ces: ery, improves poss arg a tw uniy-aneoesover taney, Moprepsaton eqs a haat imped ‘reno ore ving th owe’ ba wal ent tb ‘regio wp ow anced cers ‘ending input comparaaton oe aya carnacton Iesnown'n Powe 28 Bom be aloe arts heat ‘thane 1 cape ang weet LR oP fon yiwerter gure. Using input compensation to reduce band: \edinand iereoee stay win capactive Ioade a fora wotge fotower and 0) fr an "mera verter Laas curort oye the casabity af one sone ane {an be eta ni pra operation on sown Figo ‘5. e powar op rps, Ayan hy fe wed 0 lowers td comecied n pera win he oso coupled PveUpY ‘Stinson restr, Py and More oot tr, irdvdsl egateaton ost, may be aad To ost ‘hon hgh rogutents A andar, hghoage oo ‘trots usedto proce vornge gu Over fondbac com. Figure 6. Paratsing the outputs of two op amps. The ‘ower amples Ay and Ay re wed a foe {wars and eomectegn pratewih te oo ‘its coupled trough equszaion rectors. Won paral parton here wb anneae Iriondod ‘ipl caret roatad hm ft voage of Ate Ay ‘Sout bw emutzaon rosso. In some cans, fay be ‘oatable to use ht comperaaton on tho fowers ft ‘reused aby I's mporare at ne source retanse ‘noduced by rou comparsaton nt one at votupe ovrmuch| ‘A metod of peeing op amps that os ot requ & ‘epmnte canta emptor snow i Figure 7. The aut ‘fer, provios nd arent Eveugh Fog! tat ‘tpn by men amp, A, Prouh Ry Aga, more ‘Spat ten can boa, 'lque7. Two power op amps canbe pasted sing {hie mater/eave sangeet, But NON ot ‘ueney performance tlle. ‘The cossanpay caren betwen th opus parla iter cant alloca by gan or sb powar bans ‘Wat mts epprosches betes chet a operating: ‘rentinceee il depend upon eating es N- Ireqancy Serecrstcn In fe soca ori, howe, {he erro put ero of fe apours cone Pa The [ipl caver nseaea can caus te power iin be ‘Schvato es ho sow it sapped Ta wl nt oy ‘toe ne tz heen be evdedinbor cae by Connect ing Ares an inerng ampere Tectng benawath wendy Tha cet nFigue 8 rodeo oxo cunent operon. ‘oe wput vonage, Carel ove fst proored forsee motors baceue tos neta ev ope by redicing pase g caused by mete aarp ‘ene ouirhg non ouput ettaeo, sch a operon owe’ supplsruringin he cron rods met Oe ‘Sodeack ears 0801 prcow bot oir. A ‘Stay, onsale ren, con bo wed fo rng. Obi Ri Rem I opumum vl Wl ge Oe Creag poate of negate ovou wastancon The earent source inte scualyereno can be ven as ahowr oom the totam fig to ct ‘Sppeste ouput sone. Bot nos should be conraced © ‘Stew sore mpozance ke ound oan op arp eu. ‘renee, fw source redetonce Wl Inbuarce tne eed. Shek oxmgg ov eseaoe. Atom Mu can Seatvenbya mon source estan, eetage Sv fas eae made pro i TedbackNwOK. ge te Se gure. Tis votage/ourent converter require ex- alee renotor matching or taming To get Tigh ouput enctanon andi canbe o> (ed by the inductance of ‘The toquancy charatrtes of be cet sus can be pened in tooo ofan eet cuptiad cape. ‘arcs oven y| Goa BetaFiR Ww hr a th etapa uty gain bandh of the 09 [i (eb coe abet 2 be LAFI2, Tho econ SSoupvlstorz, > hy ‘Th ougu capoctance can rtorta win ctv loads {ch es motor cag some pain Ince eds can ‘aclu trou bw foods batwor be mowarend "0 he suet nape out oats Indsctnos of cient een elo, Rican mac op ‘ten Wi € 0.10 Fest, 3 pH soteeratance wl ‘naion te masenon bint tanduidn to 8 tre Propet {ipa brea ard comeing Pe recy fo te OADAt Pinot hop sp we por wit cou tage aupoy operation ‘Atiough op ame we usualy sped to dl suo, Stages operates prcieal The bigjed ampiar Fine 9 supple Skdvotona cura dv to & save mo {or whte opering for 8 age poste spay. 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This amp can die =-90V at 10, more than twice the output swing of the {Utz The IC provides current and power iting torte dcrele ener

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