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Chapter 3 Dynamic

3.1 Newton's laws of motion

3.2 Linear momentum and its conservation
3.3 Elastic and inelastic collisions
3.4 Centre of mass
3.5 Frictional forces

Dynamics - A study to explain the motion of an object and the effect that produces motion
In our everyday life a Force is a push and pull. The concept of Force has given us the
quantitative description of interaction between two bodies or a body and its environment.
Type of Forces
We can list the force into two type, one contact forces and two long range forces.
Examples of the force are shown below:
Contact Forces
Long range forces
Applied Force
Gravitational force
From the
experiment its
Electric Force
found that forces
are combined
Restoring Force
Magnetic Force
according to the
vector Addition.
Normal Force
This would mean
that the effect of
any number of
forces applied at
a point on a body
is the same as the
effect of a single force(Resultant Force,R) that is the vector sum of the forces (The net
force,F).This important principle is called superposition of forces. The Resultant
Force also known as Reaction forces.
This is given by:

R F1 F2 F3 ....... F
In component version its written by

R x Fx
R y Fy
3.1 Newton's laws of motion
Learning Outcome:
(a) State Newton's laws of motion;
(b) Use the formula

F m

dt for constant m or constant v only;

> Newton's first law of motion

Newtons First law state that : If no net force act on a body, then the bodys velocity cannot
change; that is the body cannot accelerate.
1. A body remains at rest or move along a straight line with constant speed, unless
acted upon by a External force. Its mean that the net force is what matters in the
Newtons First Law.

F 0

2. This concept derives to inertia where an object resists changes to its state of rest
or motion. The inertia of an object is measured by its mass.
3. Because of Newtons first law being used to define Inertia frame of reference, Its
sometimes called law of inertia.

> Newton's second law of motion

Newtons second law state that : The net force vector is equal to the mass of the body
times the acceleration of the body
1. This statement only meant that if a net force act on a body, the body will accelerates
and the direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the net force(resultant Force).

R F ma
2. Resultant Force, R
-The unit for resultant force is kg m s -2 or Newton (N).
Newton, N is defined as the forces required accelerating a mass of 1 kg at a rate of 1 m s

Newton third law of motion

- Newton's third law states that: when two different body interact, the action force exerts
will have an equal but opposite reaction force.
1. If an object A exerts a force on an object B, then B exerts an equal but opposite force
On A. The action and reaction pair of force act on different bodies and of the same type
of forces.

2. The action force is the force applied to an object by other object. Whenever there is
action force Its will be the reaction force produce.
Action and Reaction pair analyses
1. A hand is pulling the rope and the rope is pulling the block with a constant force.

Figure 3- 1

F1 Force exert by hand on the rope

F2 Force exert by rope on the hand

F3 Force exert by rope on the block

F4 Force exert by block on the rope
2. Explanation :
(F1 and F2) pair of action and reaction
(F2 dan F3) not a pair of action and reaction
(F3 dan F4 ) pair of action and reaction
And so
F1 = -F2 dan F3 = -F4
Put in mind that F2 F3 ,but F2 = F3 when the rope is static of its move with a constant
Let m be the mass of the rope,
F1 F4 = ma, a = acceleration of the rope
If a = 0
F1 F4 = 0
F1 = F 4
Then F1 = F2 and F3 = F4
F2 = F3
F2 and F3 that act in the rope known as Tension.
Tension is the force that always opposes the stretch force.
Using Newtons Law
Newtons three law of motion contain all the basic principles we need to solve a wide
variety of problems in mechanics. Here is strategy to solve problem involving Newtons
Step 1. Define The surface or line that parallel with surface, the Coordinate
system, especially the origin, positive and negative axis.
Step 2. Be consistent with the sign.
Step 3. Always concentrate on specific body, draw a free body diagram showing
all the forces acting, on this body, do not include forces that the body
exert on any other body. The acceleration of body is determined by forces
acting on it.
Step 4. Identify the known and unknown quantities and give each unknown
quantity an algebraic symbol. Keep in mind that the component of this
Step 5. Write Newtons First law or Newtons second law in component form
Application of Newtons law.
A) Newtons First Law : Acceleration is zero (a=0), net force is zero (F net = 0), state of

Example 3- 1

Figure 3- 2

A crane lifts an object using the arrangement of ropes as shown. What is the tension, T in
each of the cords?

Figure 3- 3: a free body diagram

Component Method

Solving Problem

Total Vector Component On:

x-axis :
Fx T2 cos 60 T1 cos 60
y-axis :
Fy T2 sin 60 T1 sin 60 10000 N

Figure 3- 4: converting vector T1 and T2 to its components

The object is in Equilibrium, applying

Newtons First Law.

More detail mean that


x and y 0
Fx T2 cos 60 T1 cos 60 0
T2 T1 T

Fy T2 sin 60 T1 sin 60 10000 N 0
2T1 sin 60 10000 N

Triangle Method

10000 N
5773.5 N
2 sin 60

The magnitude of Tension can be determine

using :
a. Drawing Method

Figure 3- 5
Figure 3- 6

T1 = T2 = 5700N (approximately)

b.Cosine rule

Figure 3- 7

c a b 2ab cos c

(10000) 2 T1 T1 2T1 cos 120

10000 2
2 2 cos120
T1 5773.5 N


The direction of the vectors determine by

connecting the head and tail of every vector.
Table 1

Each string must be supporting half the weight of the 10 000 N object.
So the vertical component of the force due to each string must be 5000 N.
T sin 60 = 5000 N
T = 5773.5 N
Example 3- 2

Figure 3- 8

A small object is held in equilibrium by the strings shown in the diagram. The tension in
the strings is shown in the diagram. If the system is in equilibrium, what is the weight of
the object?

Figure 3- 9 : a free body diagram

The forces on the object must be balanced whether you consider horizontally or vertically
(one of the equilibrium conditions).

Figure 3- 10 : Converting Tension to its component.

Consider vertical component of forces

T sin 30 = W..(1)
Consider horizontal component of forces
T cos 30 = 100(2)

B) Newtons Second Law : Acceleration is not Zero, net force is not zero.
Example 3- 3

Figure 3- 11

A force, F, of 600 N is applied to accelerate two bodies that are in contact with each other
as shown. What force does the 100 kg mass exert on the 200 kg mass? (Ignore friction)

Problem Analysis

Figure 3- 12 : Mass 100kg have the same acceleration with mass 200kg.

m for each body.
The acceleration of the two bodies is exactly the same so
Because one body has twice the mass of the other, it must also have twice the force
acting on it to achieve the same acceleration.
Let P = force between 100 kg and 200 kg.
Using Fnet = ma
For 100 kg;
600-P= 100a ......(1)
For 200 kg;
P = 200a

(1)+(2) 600 = 300a

a =2ms -2
So, P = 200(2)
= 400 N

Example 3- 4

Figure 3- 13

A box 5 kg is placed in a steep floor as shown in the diagram above.

Taking g as 10 ms-2 , calculate:
(a) The forces acted parallel to the floor when the object is stationary.
(b) The force acted parallel to the floor when the object moves downwards with
acceleration 2 ms-2.
(c) A force F is shown in the diagram to enable the object to move with constant velocity
3ms-1 upwards. What is the value for F?

Figure 3- 14 : Resolving F to its component according to the chosen axis.

(a) Force Fy = 50 sin 30 = 25 N

(b) 25 Fx = 5(2)
(c) Since the box moves with constant velocity,
the resultant force = 0
Force acted parallel to the floor = 25 N
F cos 30 = 25
F = 28.9 N

3.2 Linear Momentum and Its Conservation

Learning Outcome:
(a) state the principle of conservation of momentum, and verify the principle using Newton's laws
of motion;
(b) apply the principle of conservation of momentum;


(c) define impulse as

(d) solve problems involving impulse

1. The net force,F in second Newtons law also can be interpret as rate of change of
momentum of a body is directly proportional to the net force and it takes place along the
direction of the net force.
2. Momentum is a vector quantity, that has magnitude (mv) and a direction (the same as
velocity vector) and its unit is kg ms-1.
Momentum,P is the product of the particles mass and velocity
Momentum P = mv ; m is the mass and v is the velocity of the mass.
Example 3- 5

An object of mass 1.5 kg is projected from the ground at a speed of 15 m s -1 and at angle
60 to the ground. Determine the linear momentum of the object when it reaches the
maximum height.
Solution :

Problem Analysis
At the maximum height, the velocity of the object is horizontal.
Its magnitude is equal to the horizontal component of the velocity at the moment the
object is projected upward.

P mv (1.5kg )(15Cos 60) 11 .3kgms 1

Impulse, J is defined as the product of force and its duration of action.
1. Impulse, J is Ft ; F the action force and t is the duration of the action force (time during
collision,refer figure 3-12) .
J = P = Ft = mv mu [Momentum-Impulse Theorem]
Example 3- 6

Figure 3- 15

The forces of an object with 5 kg are shown at the graph above. Calculate the momentum
of the object in 10.0 s.
Problem analysis
- Impulse, J is the area under the graph is the change of momentum (mv-mu)
- Duration of the average acting Force is 10s
- Initial velocity is zero, because when t = 0 , F = 0
Impulse, J (20N )(10s ) 100Ns
mv mu 100Ns
5kg(v ) 5kg(0) 100Ns
v 20ms 1
1. In everyday language, a collision occurs when object crash into each. In physic collision
range from the microscopic scale of subatomic particles to astronomic scale.
Collision is an isolated event in which two or more bodies (the colliding bodies) exert
relatively strong forces on each other for relatively short time
2. We must distinguish times that are before, during and after the collision


Figure 3- 16

During collision, m1 exerts a force F1, on m2, and m2 exerts a force F2 on m1

3. The principle of conservation of linear momentum for a system of colliding bodies can
be deduced using Newton's laws of motion.
According to Newton's third law of motion:
Action = -Reaction
F1 = -F2
Using Newton's second law of motion,
Hence, F1 = -F2

mv mu

m 2v 2 m 2u 2
m v m 1u 1
1 1
m 1u 1 m 2 u 2 m1v 1 m 2 v 2

Principle of conservation of linear momentum

Principle Of Conservation of linear momentum states that the total linear momentum of a
system of bodies is constant if no external forces act on the system.(closed system)
3. A collision has the following characteristics:
What happens after collision differs from what was happening before the
Large force acts on the object during the collision.
At least one of the colliding objects experiences a change in velocity.
It occurs in a short interval.
Total Momentum and total energy of the system are conserved.
3.3 Collision Elastic and Inelastic
Candidates Should be able to:
(a) distinguish between elastic collisions and inelastic collisions (knowledge of coefficient of
restitution is not required);
(b) solve problems involving collisions between particles in one dimension;

1 2
1. A collision between two objects is elastic if the total kinetic energy ( 2
) of the
objects is conserved.

2. Perfectly elastic collision

For perfectly elastic collision, the relative speed of approach is equal to the relative speed
of separation.
U2 - U1 = v1 -v2
Newton's law of restitution when two objects collide,
1. Relative velocity after collision = -e (relative velocity before collision)
2. Where e = coefficient of restitution and 0 e 1
For a perfectly elastic collision, e = 1
For a perfectly inelastic collision, e = 0
Example 3- 7

The collision about to occur between A and B is perfectly elastic. What is the final velocity
of object B if the final velocity of A is 2 ms -1 to the right?

Figure 3- 17


m A 1kg , m B 2kg, u A 10ms 1 , uB 0, v A 2ms 1 , v B ?

m Au A m B u B m Av A m B v B


(m A u A m B u B ) m A v A {1kg(10ms 1 ) 2kg (0)} {1kg (2ms 1 )}


4ms 1

1. A collision between two objects is inelastic if the total kinetic energy of the objects is not
Example 3- 8

Figure 3- 18

From the diagram above, what would be the final velocity of the bodies if the collision was
perfectly inelastic?
mA = 1kg, mB = 2kg , uA=1m s-1 ,uB= 0 and (mA + mB) = 3kg , vAB = ?

m A u A m B u B (m A m B )v AB
v AB

m Au A m B u B
m A mB

1kg (1ms 1 ) 2kg (0)


3.4 Centre of Mass

Learning Outcome:
(a) Define centre of mass for a system of particles in a plane;
(b) Predict the path of the centre of mass of a two particle system
1. Physicists love to look at something complicated and find in it something simple and familiar.
Here is an example. If you flip a half meter ruler into the air, its motion as it turns is clearly more
complicated than that of, say, a nonspinning tossed tennis ball, which moves like a particle. Every
part of the meter ruler moves in a different way from every other part, so you cannot represent the
meter ruler as a tossed particle; instead, it is a system of particles.
2. However, if you look closely, you will find that one special point of the bat moves in a simple
parabolic path, just as a particle would if tossed into the air. In fact, that special point moves as
though (1) the rulers total mass were concentrated there and (2) the gravitational force on the
ruler acted only there. That special point is said to be the Center Of Mass (COM) of the meter
The centre of mass of a system of particle is the point where the mass of the body is assumed to
be concentrated.
If a force is applied through the Centre of mass
- The motion is a linear motion with no rotational motion.
- The body accelerates in the direction of the force.
3. The position of the centre of mass
The center of mass of a meter ruler lies along the ruler central axis. You can locate it by balancing
the meter ruler horizontally on an outstretched finger: The center of mass is on the ruler's axis just
above your finger. Generally the center of mass can be determined easily if the object has a point,
a line or a plane of symmetry.
System of Particle

The position of Center Of Mass

Arbitrarily choose M as the origin :



M m

The origin is outside of the system:


Mx1 mx2
M m

Where x is the distance from the origin to the particle.


For the n particle(more than two particle) system:



m1 x1 m2 x 2 m3 x3 ....... mn x n
m1 m2 m3 ......... mn

i 1

mi x i

Example 3- 9

Particles with mass 0.30 kg and 0.60 kg are at 30.0 cm and 40.0 cm mark respectively on a
uniform metre rule of mass 0.2 kg. Find the position of the centre of mass of the system.
Problem Analysis:
Origin chosen is at the 0cm
Weight of the ruler acted at 50cm and its magnitude is 0.2kg
x1= 30 cm

x2 = 40 cm

50 cm

0 cm

100 cm

0.6 kg

Figure 3- 19


m1x 1 m 2 x 2 m 3 x 3
m1 m 2 m 3

0.3kg (0.3m ) 0.6kg (0.4m ) 0.2kg(0.5m )

0.3kg 0.6kg 0.2kg

3.5 Frictional Forces

Candidates should be able to:
(a) explain the variation of frictional force with sliding force;
(b) define and use coefficient of static function and coefficient of kinetic friction


1. When we discuss about frictional force, its useless to proceed without including the Normal
Reaction Force, N. Reaction force, R occur when two surface contacted each other.
Microscopically the surface of the object is not fully smooth.

Figure 3- 20

Normal Reaction Force, N is the total Reaction Force that is perpendicular to the surface

Figure 3- 21

2. Friction acts whenever two surfaces move or try to move relative to one another. Friction force
is the component of the reaction force. Friction force occurred when the object is start to move
(static friction) and during the movement (kinetic friction). When the mass is moving the
reaction force exerted because of the action force acted to the mass.
a. Static friction
(i) It is a force at the contact surfaces which prevents the surfaces from sliding over each


Figure 3- 22

(ii) The frictional force always acts in the opposite direction to the pulling force P. It is
always self-adjusting, constantly equalising itself to P, maintaining static equilibrium as
long as the limiting friction is not exceeded.
(iii) If the pulling force is greater than the limiting friction, the block moves and another
frictional force known as kinetic friction comes into effect.
(iv) Limiting friction:
(a) Depands on the nature of the surfaces.
(b) Is independent of the area of contact.
(c) Is proportional to the normal reaction,N.
Thus limiting friction has a value F = N
b.Kinetic friction
1. It is a force between two moving surfaces which opposes the sliding motion.

Figure 3- 23

2. When the pulling force P exceeds the limiting friction, the resultant force accelerates the block.
3. Once in motion, the frictional force decreases. The frictional force involved now is the kinetic
4. To maintain constant velocity, the pulling force P has to be decreased to the same magnitude as
the frictional force (kinetic friction).
5. The kinetic friction is independent of the relative velocity of the surfaces.


Figure 3- 24
Example 3- 10

A car of mass 1000 kg moves up a slope with an angle of 30 to the horizontal. It moves
at a constant speed and therefore has a constant friction force of 500 N. Taking g as 10
ms-2, what force must the engine provide to keep the car moving?,
Problem Analysis
Need to work out the total force acting down the slope.
This will be the force that the engine has to provide to maintain a constant velocity
(balanced forces).
The two forces acting down the slope are friction and a component of the weight.
The friction force, 500 N, all acts down the slope because it opposes the motion of the car.
Note that the weight of the car is 1000 kg x 10 ms -2 = 10 000N
The component of the weight that acts down the slope is 10 000 sin 30 = 5000 N
So the total force acting down the slope = 5000 N + 500 N = 5500 N.


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