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Fictional, Factual and

Bethany Sizer

To give
and educated
the audience.

Something factual is real. It is based in fact, meaning it can be proven,

repeated or observed. In fact, fact is the root of the word factual, from the
Latin word factum, meaning "event, occurrence." The factual part of a story
is the part that really happened the rests gets more outlandish and
make-up every time someone tells it. Evidence makes something factual.
Different adds appeal to their audience in different ways.
Sentence Examples:
We coached her to clearly give the detailed factual information Howie had
developed but answer no questions.
His factual response chilled her.
There's not a lick of factual proof and there's a chance there never will be.
If there was any factual evidence...
Winston had made sure there was no factual proof Byrne was alive.

Realism Shows actuality footage(real footage), techniques that
would be seen would be things like; handheld camera,
interviews with people involved in the topic Statistics to support
the facts. They may also show the setting up of camera's
before the filming. Dramatization mainly creating a drama out
of a real life situation so may include things like cliff hangers,
voice overs, music, graphics(CPI) and this is all done through a
re-enactment of the situation. Narrativisation the narrative side
if things is purely about creating a story based on facts.
A fictional character, thing, or event occurs in a story, play, or
film, and has never actually existed or happened.
I had to put myself into the position of lots of fictional character
. A musical about a fictional composer called Moony Shapiro.
Fictional also means 'relating to fiction and the telling of
James Joyce's final fictional experiment was a novel composed
entirely of mathematical equations.

Promotion is also defined as one of five pieces in the promotional mix or
promotional plan. These are personal selling, advertising, sales
promotion, direct marketing, and publicity. A promotional mix specifies
how much attention to pay to each of the five factors, and how much
money to budget. The act of promoting someone to a higher job, grade,
or rank, or the fact of being so promoted. Support or encouragement of
the progress, growth, or acceptance of something; furtherance: has
joined in the promotion of the theory. Advertising; publicity. An act,
event, or offer that helps to increase interest in or demand for
something. A promotional plan identifies where, when, and how
advertising, personal selling, PR, sales promotion, and direct marketing
tactics will be used to support sales and branding objectives.
Promotional tools are used to increase sales, build brand value and
recognition, strengthen market positioning, and launch new products.
Online banner advertisements, store rebates, contests, events, and
media placement are all examples of communications tactics used in the

ictional example
Cinderella is a very famous novel. Also a movie and play it has the
story line of a maid with 2 ugly sisters and a horrible step mother that
gets invited to the ball. Cinderella goes and meets the prince and
falls in love but there are many twists and turns in it. The age group
that its aimed at would be from 4 to whatever age many adults still
love a old fairy-tale. As its a princess story its mostly aimed at girls
but that doesnt mean boys cant enjoy it too. A lot of shots are close
up and long shots. The movie/book is fictional because its not real
and has been made up for only entertainment purposes. That ages
that watch it can vary between 5 to over 18. Its something that
everyone can enjoy. Cinderella is also used to entertain younger
students. In the original film,
Cinderella is voiced by American singer and actress Ilene Woods. For
the sequels and subsequent film and television appearances, Woods
was replaced by American actresses Jennifer Hale and Tami Tappan,
who provide the character's speaking and singing voices respectively.
In the wake of her father's untimely demise, Cinderella is left in the
unfortunate care of her cruel stepmother and jealous stepsisters, who

Factual example
Loose change 9/11.

This is a documentary about 9/11 and the events that took place.
Loose Change is a series of films released between 2005 and
2009 which argue in favour of certain conspiracy theories relating
to the September 11th attacks. The films were written and
directed by Dylan Avery and produced by Korey Rowe, Jason
Berms and Matthew Brown.
The original 2005 film was edited and re-released as Loose
Change: 2nd Edition (2006), and then subsequently edited a third
time for the 2nd Edition Recut (2007). Loose Change: Final Cut,
deemed. This is factual because it talks about real events and has
been improved over the years. This shows that they have found
new facts and information over the years since the event. It also
includes footage and interviews during the time that may have
been taken a few years after the event that they want to include.
As they are improved it shows that they are trying to improve om
the facts each time and make sure its a reliable and interesting

romotional example
The dogs trust advert is to promote adopting dogs. They use
emotive language and upsetting images to create sympathy and
They also tell stories about some of the dogs which also makes you
feel guilty and wanting to help. They want to raise awareness of
rescue dogs and persuade anyone thinking of getting a dog, to visit
a Dogs Trust centre and change a rescue dogs life forever.
The growing trend in buying new dogs online has, to an extent,
resulted in the rescue dog is being forgotten by all but a very special
type of dog owner we describe as Quiet Heroes - people who would
never consider themselves heroes but to the dogs they rehome
theyre life changers; a special someone. The #specialsomeone
campaign aims to overcome the buying trend by bringing to life just
how important a new owner is to the dogs they rehome.

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