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About This Course
Learn how to use Microsoft's Visual Web Developer to create exciting, interactive, and polished
Web sites with ASP.NET.
You'll begin this hands-on course by adding powerful controls to your Web pages, giving visitors
the ability to interact with your Web site.
You'll find out how to connect to a database, read the information stored inside, and display it
exactly the way you want.
You'll find out how style sheets make it easy to give every page of your Web site the same clean,
consistent, and professional look, and you'll learn how to create master pages to ensure that each
page you create uses a common set of controls.
Using ASP.NET's powerful membership features, you'll develop a true community-based Web
site that allows users to register, log in, create and update profiles, and post messages to a forum.
You'll explore the issue of Web security, and you'll discover some simple things you can do to
protect your site and prevent the most common types of attacks.

About The Instructor

Jeffrey A. Kent is a Professor of Computer Science, teaching both traditional and
online classes. He has taught a number of computer programming languages,
including C, C++, Java, and Assembly. He has authored several computer
programming books on different programming languages including Visual Basic,
C++ and C#. He's also an attorney, and has combined both careers by writing
applications for law firms.

Internet access
One of the following browsers:
o Mozilla Firefox
o Microsoft Internet Explorer (9.0 or above)
o Google Chrome
o Safari
Adobe PDF plug-in (a free download obtained at .)

Visual Web Developer 2010 Express Edition and SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition, available
at, which are free (software must be installed and
fully operational before the course begins); Windows XP (with service Pack 3), Windows
Vista (with Service Pack 2), Windows 7, or server editions listed at; 1 GB RAM or more, 5 GB Free Disk Space.

Syllabus ASP.NET
A new session of each course starts monthly. If enrolling in a series of two or more courses,
please be sure to space the start date for each course at least two months apart.

Week 1
Wednesday - Lesson 01
In this first lesson, you'll download and install free software that will help you start creating your
own Web sites using ASP.NET. What exactly is ASP.NET? You'll find that out here, too. You'll
also see just what makes a Web site tick and we'll work together with a Web browser. You'll
discover how the better sites don't just send Web pages to a browser, but rather they create and
customize pages right on the spot to produce an exciting user experience.

Friday - Lesson 02
Today, you'll start creating Web pages that include buttons and text boxes, which visitors can use
to submit information. You'll see how you can write ASP.NET programs that read this
information and use it to create a new Web page in response. The sequence of events that does
this is called a postback, and it's a crucial and exciting element of developing interactive Web

Week 2
Wednesday - Lesson 03
In this lesson, you'll delve further into creating interactive Web sites, picking up a few
programming tricks that will help make your life easier. One such technique is the use of objectoriented programming. Many people have heard of this type of programming, and you'll discover
how easy it really is to master. You'll also add another control to your Web site, a list box. Then
you'll see how you can write code that will run on the Web server in response to the user
interacting with your Web page by pushing buttons.

Friday - Lesson 04
An exciting way to fancy up a Web site is to customize its overall look. You can choose a site's
colors, fonts, borders, and general look using a technology called styles. Today, you'll combine
everything you've learned so far to make some really attractive pages that incorporate various
styles and controls.

Week 3
Wednesday - Lesson 05
While creating Web sites with ASP.NET, you're free to make use of an entire programming
language, and you're free to pick from two exciting ones: VB.NET and C# (pronounced C
Sharp). In this course, we'll focus on VB.NET, and in this lesson, you'll see how you can keep
track of small pieces of information using variables. Then, to try out some of the techniques we'll
go over, you'll create a really cool calendarand see just how incredibly easy it is to do. But
then the excitement really begins as you find out how to store large amounts of data in a
database. Professional Web sites make use of databases to store information on millions of
customers, and with your newfound knowledge of databases, you'll be able to build Web sites
that do this, too.

Friday - Lesson 06
In order to make use of a database, your Web server needs to connect to it. Then the data can
start flowing, whether it consists of only a small amount of data or information on millions of
customers. Today, you'll see how to connect to a database. Then you'll learn two ways to display
this data on a Web page in the browser. You'll find out how to display data in a grid fashion using
a control called a GridView, and how to display it in more of a tabular fashion using a
DetailsView control. These controls are so easy to use that you'll have a fancy data-processing
Web site up in no time.

Week 4
Wednesday - Lesson 07
In this lesson, you'll start getting into the nuts and bolts of databases. You'll see how data is
stored using relationships, whereby a customer in the database might, for example, be related to
several orders that he or she made. You'll see that databases are all about relationships, and as
such are called relational. As you explore relational data techniques, you'll make use of yet
another control for displaying data called the FormView control. This control is incredibly
powerful and can display data exactly the way you want it to.

Friday - Lesson 08
We'll continue exploring relational data today, and you'll discover how to use a simple, special
language called SQL to read data from a database. These days, most database systems use SQL,
and we'll make sure you get the skills you need to work with it. We'll also discuss another control
called a Repeater that lets you display several pieces of data in exactly the format you choose.

Week 5
Wednesday - Lesson 09
In this lesson, we'll step away from the world of databases and see how you can make all the
pages in your Web site look similar using Master Pages. With the help of Master Pages, you can
provide a common set of controls to all your pages, much like the navigation links you see across
the top of many Web sites. You'll discover how you can set these controls up once and make
them appear on all the pages of your Web site.

Friday - Lesson 10
Today, you'll get to pull together everything you've learned and start building your own
community Web site, much like the popular ones you often hear about. You'll build a site that
includes login and registration boxes so people can register with your site and then log in. You'll
find out what pages are necessary and what data you need to include. You'll create a Master Page
that contains a navigation bar that will be accessible throughout your site. And you'll set up the
styles to give a common set of colors and fonts throughout your site.

Week 6
Wednesday - Lesson 11
In this lesson, you'll finish building your community Web site. You'll put together pages that let
users create profiles. Your users will be able to type in the text for their profiles and provide
images to go with them. You'll also create a page that lets visitors view the profiles of other
users. You'll find out how to present your users with a list of everybody in the community. And

you'll even create a forum where people can exchange messages. It's hard to believe you could
accomplish all this in just two lessons, but with ASP.NET, it's incredibly easy!

Friday - Lesson 12
To end this course, we'll cover the important topic of Web security. You'll learn how to protect
your Web sites from hackers and prevent some common types of attacks. You'll also see how to
make smooth transitions between the different pages of your sites to provide a nice user
experience. Finally, we'll go through some advanced topics you can explore on your own if you'd
like to learn even more about the world of ASP.NET programming. You'll leave today armed
with the knowledge you need to build some really great, sophisticated, interactive Web sites.

Syllabus C#
A new session of each course starts monthly. If enrolling in a series of two or more courses,
please be sure to space the start date for each course at least two months apart.

Week 1
Wednesday - Lesson 01
C# is a fantastic programming language that combines the best parts of C++, Java, and Visual
Basic all into one language. In our first lesson, you'll get an idea of where we've come from by
taking a look at a brief history of programming languages. We'll then explore the .NET
framework and get a better feeling for what makes C# so special.

Friday - Lesson 02
Armed with some background, you'll now proceed to installing the C# compiler, and then we'll
write, compile, and run our first C# program. Although we'll start with a small program, you'll
see that even small C# programs can be a bit tricky. Today's lesson gives you a great opportunity
to practice working with the compiler, something that you'll be using for the remainder of the

Week 2
Wednesday - Lesson 03
Now that you're comfortable with compiling and running simple programs, we can take a look at
math. Don't worry, we won't be running calculations for launching the Space Shuttle. But you
will be learning about the basic math operators that C# provides. And because we'll need some
place to save the results of our calculations, we'll also talk about variables and their data types.

Friday - Lesson 04
Today's lesson is our first step into modular programming with methods. Methods are a helpful
tool because they allow us to break up big programs into smaller, more manageable parts. We'll
start by looking at a few built-in methods that are available to us to use in our programs. But then
you'll learn how to write your own methods and call them in your program. Hopefully you'll
agree that this way of programming makes it easier to tackle large problems.

Week 3
Wednesday - Lesson 05
In today's lesson, we'll continue building on the concept of methods by discussing methods that
don't return any value. While these methods may not seem as important, they still help in making

your program more modular. We'll also talk about method overloading, which can help improve
the readability of your programs by reusing method names within the same code file.

Friday - Lesson 06
By this point in the course, you'll be comfortable doing the basics of C#: working with variables,
math, and methods. So now we'll turn our attention to the first programming structure: decisions.
In this lesson, you'll learn about the if statement and how you can use it to let the computer
choose which set of statements to execute based on some condition.

Week 4
Wednesday - Lesson 07
We'll continue our investigation of the decision structure in today's lesson by taking a look at
more complex if statements. You'll also learn how to use the switch statement to make decisions
in your programs as well. This ability to have multiple programming structures is sort of like
having another tool in your tool belt. Sometimes a job is far easier to do if you just use the right
tool. You may not always need to use every tool, but it's good to know what tools are there and
how to use them. You'll find the same is true in programming.

Friday - Lesson 08
Keeping with the theme of programming structures, we'll now take a look at the repetition
structure. Just as there were different ways to implement the decision structure, there are a couple
of ways to work with loops. Specifically in this lesson, we'll talk about the while loop, the for
loop, and the do loop. Each structure works the same in that they allow you to repeat statements,
but each one is a little different. Here you'll learn their differences and add to the tools in your
tool belt.

Week 5
Wednesday - Lesson 09
One of the most useful applications of loops is arrays, so it makes sense for us to build on your
knowledge of loops and explore array variables in this lesson. You'll learn how to create and
access array variables. We'll also see how to work with arrays and methods.

Friday - Lesson 10
Object-oriented programming is a big topic, and C# is an object-oriented language. We'll spend
some time in this lesson going over exactly what an object is and how it relates to a class. Then
you'll write a class that will store the data necessary to keep track of the time. Since you're
writing this class, you'll have the ability to take this code and add it to any program that needs to
store information about the time, such as appointment books and scheduling programs.

Week 6
Wednesday - Lesson 11
Obviously, computer programs are big time savers and really help us to automate things. But in
order for a program to be really useful, it needs to be able to save data for use later. That's why
we'll go over data files in this lesson. Today, you'll learn how to read from and write to external
data files so you can store your user data forever.

Friday - Lesson 12
For our final lesson, we'll look at programs with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). While C# has
an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that gives you the ability to easily create GUI
applications, the code that's generated is buried deep in the file structure. So to show you that
there's no magic going on, today I'll show you how to build your own GUI without an IDE. By
doing this, you'll be far better prepared for working with IDEs in the future because you'll know
exactly what's going on behind the scenes.

Welcome to ASP.NET!
ASP.NET is a Microsofts technology for building dynamic, interactive, data driven
web pages.
One of the tools thats free and can be used to develop ASP.NET applications is
Visual Web Developer.

You are familiar to the World Wide Web and can connect to internet.
You have created a web page using FrontPage or Dreamweaver and know basic
HTML markup syntax.
You are aware of basic programming constructs

USP of this material

Task oriented, hands on, no topic wise add-ons but instead aptly weaved into many
Uses C# as the base language for programming which is the premier .NET language
out of the 40+ available.
Interesting inputs about astonishing facts from the real world of programmers, just
for motivation

Main modules of this material

Acquire knowledge of ASP.NET and VWD
Data intensive programming
UI and UX specific
Users, access and security for the application
Debugging and Error management

Part 1
Microsofts web technologies
Gone are the days of content-oriented, text-only clunky browsers and pages, where
academics and scientists posted dissertation and dusty data for reading. Now the
web is consumer oriented. Content has become colorful. Web evolved as rich,
interactive, functional and personalized as a medium enough.
One step ahead, its the era of next generation web, Web 2.0. In Web 2.0, even the
functional pages are not enough. UX is hot and sites are cool. Lets look at
Microsofts technologies for creating and delivering engaging web content.

Microsofts content creation tools

There are multiple web authoring facilities under the Microsofts umbrella, basically
classified on skill levels. Some are more suited to design while others are more
programmers friendly.
1. Microsoft Office all products with web support now, for creating data based
brochures and reports, especially for IE viewers.
2. Expression Web next gen version of Microsoft Frontpage, having many
important tools for web designers
3. Expression Blend Heavily loaded with features for artistic types who prefer
Macs to create vector-based, animated, 3D graphics, much like Photoshop.
Generates XML files that work in WPF and Silverlight apps for the web.
4. VWD - Premier tool for programming websites on the Microsofts platform.
Just as Word is part of bigger MS Office suite, VWD is part of bigger VS IDE
that comes with numerous tools and types of target users. As an IDE VWD
helps you assemble and build key elements of a web application including
web pages, images, controls, databases, style sheets and the programming
5. VWD Express VWDE is the stripped down free version of VWD for beginners
and hobbyists. It does not support add-ons, source-control, extensibility or
micros some of the facilities professional developers expect in a tool.

Technologies behind web applications

Here is an overview of technological parts that plug into each other to support web
1. Microsoft .NET Framework base of the stack

2. ASP.NET is a technology to deliver interactive, data driven web applications

over the internet. It includes a large number of pre-built controls and
components that can be assembled, configured and manipulated with code to
create HTML pages for popular browsers. Combined with the programming
logic, ASP.NET sends HTML code thats specific to each users circumstances,
preferences and requests. This on-the-fly content creation is the hallmark of
server side web applications and this flexibility is the real bonus.
3. ASP.NET Futures Non official features and functionalities in the form of
components that the ASP.NET team would like to demonstrate and get a
feedback on, without making a commitment to release as product. However,
some components, like dynamic data controls, get their start in ASP.NETs
Futures farm team and end up as professional offerings in an ASP.NET release
or extensions update.
4. ASP.NET Extensions the ASP.NET team continues adding controls between
official releases, packaged as extensions that you can download and install.
Silverlight and Media player controls used for presenting rich media on
ASP.NET pages were ASP.NET 3.5 extensions. Other extensions include
Dynamic Data controls and MVC architectural framework.
Microsoft has various names for unfinished software such as alpha, beta,
preview, community technical preview, and release candidate. An extension
makes it to the Release to Web (RTW) OR Release to Manufacturing (RTM)
stage for official production.
5. Web Services let you deliver data to networked devices without restricting
your client base to those running Windows. SOAP is the most popular
communication and data exchange format (protocol) that lets different
platforms talk to each other by using XML. Microsoft laid a big emphasis on
Web services using ASP.NET. The follow-up push has been on web services
using Windows Communication Foundation. WCF services are more robust
and easy to secure, especially for enterprise wide web applications having
multiple tiers/vendors and secrecy of data is utmost important.
6. JavaScript and Client side code JavaScript is browsers internal programming
language. When the browser encounters a JavaScript code inside an HTML
page, it runs the program instructions independently, without needing the
server. Client side scripts use the processing power of the computer on which
the browser is running. This is a boon as it takes pressure off the web server.

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