FTP Server Configuration

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1 FTP Server Configuration

FTP is the short form of File Transfer Protocol in which it is a standard network
protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a
TCP-based network. FTP was built on a client-server architecture and uses
separate control and data connections between the client and the server. In
general, FTP provides services for both server and client.
FTP server is a service that user install onto the server in order to
download and manage files remotely. On the other hand, an FTP client allows
user to connect to the FTP server which is usually on default port number 21 to
perform download, upload, delete, rename, change permissions of files
remotely. In order to perform file transfer between a server and client, FileZilla
will be installed in Ubuntu Linux using static IP address of
Firstly, user has to update their Ubuntu Linux to ensure that he is using
the latest update. Secondly, user will install FileZilla once he has completed
with updates. Once user has installed FileZilla, it can be used right away. These
are the commands that have to be performed:
1. apt-get update
2. apt-install -y filezilla

Secondly, user has to install vsftpd in oder to create and configure the FTP
services. The command is as the following:
sudo apt-get install -y vsftpd
Once user has installed vsftpd into Ubuntu Linux, user can edit the
configuration file for vsfptd. At first, user has to enter the configuration file then
he can starts making changes in vsftpd. These are the changes that have been
made in the configuration:
vim /etc/vsftpd.conf
Enter vsftpd configuration file
Disallow anonymous, unidentified users to access files via FTP
Allow local uses to login
Enables local user to be able to write to a directory
Local users will be denied to access any other part of the server

service vsftpd restart

Restart the vsftpd service once changes in vsftpd configuration file has been

5.0.2 FTP Test Results

The figure above is the file transfer attempt by user named fadzilfisal with
password pajil123.

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