Prasanja 6 Odd

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1. ?
A main course


4. ?

Cartoon ???
6. ?
7. : water
8. : mall, market, shop
9. : table cloth
10. : poste office
11. ? spoon
12. : field , pitch, playground


13. : e-mail
14. ? Violin, guitar
15. ? April Fool's Day
16. a :
17. : The guitar is a musical instrument /
string musical instrument

18. ? Restaurant
? Computer, laptop, mouse, keyboard, speakers, monitor
20. ? Christmas

21. : We can swim in the sea, pool, lake,

22. ? April Fool's Day
23. ? Football, girls
24. : We can order pancakes in sweetshop
25. : I am calling him on his _________. Mobile
phone / cell phone


26. : His grandparents have a house in Ohrid

27. : ________ is my favorite
musical instrument. guitar
28. : I cant imagine spending a day
without my ______. Computer
29. : My brother always works a lot, he is
very _________. Hardworking
30. : When we eat in a restaurant, my
mother never eats the ____________. Vegetables
31. e ?
32. ? I, you, she, he,
it, we, they
33. ? Can, could, may, might,
must , should, will, would
? cant, couldnt, may not mustnt, shouldnt, wont, wouldnt
35. ?
36. : Do your homework


37. : What are you doing this tomorrow?

: Im doing my homework
38. : Give _____
their money back! Them
39. ? Dont come
40. : ! naredba
41. : Are you coming to my
birthday? Yes I am / no Im not
: She _________ at the pictures.

43. : Were you at the birthday party?

: yes I was/ no I wasnt
: She ________ the computer every day. Uses
: The lion is a wild animal, he ________ in the
jungle. Lives
: Where ______ you last weekend? Were


: What ______ this word mean? Does
: We _____________ for a new car computer
: You ___________ smoke that much. Shouldnt
50. : Where were you
yesterday? I was at school
: The dog ________after the cat all afternoon. was
52. ?
53. :
s ?
54. :
? Im going to go
55. : She was not at the party? She
56. :


57. : ?
: yes I can
58. ? Dont run
59. ? You
shouldnt drink coffee
60. : ? I was
61. ? I can draw ..

62. : ? :
? You should start playing football
64. :
? Im going to a friend
65. : ? Could you help me
66. ? My mother is a doctor
67. ? Be quiet!
Take care!
Listen to me carefully!

68. ? Should
69. : Do you want to, Would you like to, How about


70. :
. Suggestion
71. : Have a nice holiday
72. : ?
73. ? Im sorry
74. a
75. K ? Every day I
watch tv
76. ? Press the
first button
77. ? You should
study more
78. , ? Im sorry but I cant come
79. ? I'd rather not
80. ? You should
go to the dentist
81. ? Would you like
to have lunch together
82. : I am sorry, but I must go to the hospital.
: I cant come I have to go to the hospital



83. :
? Were you at school?
84. ? Big city

85. ? This is my friend

86. ?
87. : I was / you were ( past simple)
88. : to be +
going to
89. ?
: he is tall, and he has got dark hair and blue eyes
91. ? What s your number
92. ? Lets, will we,
shall we
93. ? Have a nice
? Skopje is the capital city of Macedonia / Skopje is very big and
modern city


? Would you like to come with me for a walk ? I was just wondering if you
would like to come

? I would like a sandwich please
98. : What would you like
to order? Yes I would like to order.
99. e
100. :
? Im going to go shopping
? Whats your favorite school subject ?
102. Ka
? You should take an aspirin
103. :
? I was sick
104. : ? Where were you on
your holiday ?
105. : ? When were you in Italy ?


106. ? My school is very big and its

the best school in Skopje
107. ? You
should read more.
108. ? I like studying
109. ? I can play guitar
110. : ? What should I do?
111. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His
friends from school always go to see him when he is having a
concert. He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very
proud of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that
it would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants
to become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best
friend they have. ?
Charlie plays guitar
112. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His
friends from school always go to see him when he is having a
concert. He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very
proud of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that
it would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants
to become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best
friend they have. ?
1. He wants
to become a doctor one day in future.

113. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special

person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steve puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints

of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,

and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the the design.
Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special
person, his mother
114. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special
person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the design.
Steven took out 20 pounds of his bank account

1. He 20

115. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special

person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the design.
He bought a scarf

116. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They
were staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was
preparing his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year
too the Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from
the village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The
whole situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking
that she would come the next year as well. She really was
impressed from the whole show there. People singing and
dancing all day long. And then, the next day, they were burning
the masks. For Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time.
He wasnt enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people
drinking all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to
Vevchani, but in spring or summer, when the weather would be
warm and he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and
visit other places there. ?
Their friend Mirko was the host

1. Their

117. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They
were staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was
preparing his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year
too the Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from
the village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The
whole situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking
that she would come the next year as well. She really was
impressed from the whole show there. People singing and
dancing all day long. And then, the next day, they were burning
the masks. For Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time.
He wasnt enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people
drinking all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to
Vevchani, but in spring or summer, when the weather would be
warm and he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and
visit other places there.
They were in Vevcani
118. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dancer when she grows up. After leaving
school she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten

in London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince

Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got
married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have
got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana
was an iconic figure of the late 20<sup>th</sup> century.
During her life she was the most photographed person, and she
was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many
illnesses. ?
Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961


119. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dancer when she grows up. After leaving
school she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten
in London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got
married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have
got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana
was an iconic figure of the late 20<sup>th</sup> century.
During her life she was the most photographed person, and she
was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many
She was born near the city of Norfolk
120. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dancer when she grows up. After leaving
school she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten
in London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who asked her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got
married to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have
got two sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana
was an iconic figure of the late 20<sup>th</sup> century.
During her life she was the most photographed person, and she

was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many
illnesses. Princess Diana?
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood


121. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His friends

from school always go to see him when he is having a concert.
He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud
of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it
would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants to
become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best
friend they have.
His friends
from school always go to see him when he is having a concert
122. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His friends
from school always go to see him when he is having a concert.
He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud
of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it
would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants to
become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best
friend they have. ?
He plays the guitar for many years
123. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His friends
from school always go to see him when he is having a concert.
He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud
of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it
would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants to
become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best

friend they have.

Becouse he was studying for an exam for the medical


124. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His friends

from school always go to see him when he is having a concert.
He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud
of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it
would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants to
become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best
friend they have. ?
His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true.
125. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His friends
from school always go to see him when he is having a concert.
He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud
of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it
would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants to
become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best
friend they have. ?
he is the best
friend they have


126. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special

person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks

for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints

of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the design.
He wraped the present in Christmas paper
127. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special
person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the design.
Because he loves spiders


128. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special

person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the design.

Under the Christmas tree

129. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special
person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the design.
She screamed


130. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special

person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the design.
5 pounds
131. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They were
staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was preparing
his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year too the
Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from the
village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The whole
situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking that
she would come the next year as well. She really was impressed

from the whole show there. People singing and dancing all day
long. And then, the next day, they were burning the masks. For
Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time. He wasnt
enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people drinking
all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to Vevchani,
but in spring or summer, when the weather would be warm and
he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and visit other
places there. ?
Mirko was preparing
his mask for the Carnival


132. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They
were staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was
preparing his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year
too the Carnival was a big event in the village. The people
from the village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival.
The whole situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was
thinking that she would come the next year as well. She really
was impressed from the whole show there. People singing and
dancing all day long. And then, the next day, they were burning
the masks. For Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time.
He wasnt enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people
drinking all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to
Vevchani, but in spring or summer, when the weather would be
warm and he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and
visit other places there.
The people
from the village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival
133. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They
were staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was
preparing his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year
too the Carnival was a big event in the village. The people
from the village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival.
The whole situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was
thinking that she would come the next year as well. She really
was impressed from the whole show there. People singing and
dancing all day long. And then, the next day, they were burning
the masks. For Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time.

He wasnt enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people

drinking all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to
Vevchani, but in spring or summer, when the weather would be
warm and he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and
visit other places there.
The whole situation was like a contest of masks.


134. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They were
staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was preparing
his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year too the
Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from the
village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The whole
situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking that
she would come the next year as well. She really was impressed
from the whole show there. People singing and dancing all day
long. And then, the next day, they were burning the masks. For
Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time. He wasnt
enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people drinking
all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to Vevchani,
but in spring or summer, when the weather would be warm and
he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and visit other
places there.
135. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They were
staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was preparing
his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year too the
Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from the
village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The whole
situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking that
she would come the next year as well. She really was impressed
from the whole show there. People singing and dancing all day
long. And then, the next day, they were burning the masks. For
Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time. He wasnt
enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people drinking
all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to Vevchani,
but in spring or summer, when the weather would be warm and
he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and visit other
places there. ?
That the carnival is waste of time


136. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They were
staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was preparing
his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year too the
Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from the
village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The whole
situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking that
she would come the next year as well. She really was impressed
from the whole show there. People singing and dancing all day
long. And then, the next day, they were burning the masks. For
Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time. He wasnt
enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people drinking
all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to Vevchani,
but in spring or summer, when the weather would be warm and
he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and visit other
places there. ?
He would like to see the Vevchani springs
137. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dance when she grows up. After leaving school
she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in
London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who ask her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married
to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two
sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an
iconic figure of the late 20th century. During her life she was the
most photographed person, and she was using her celebrity
status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
She wasnt a good student. She was a bad student


138. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She

was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana

wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dance when she grows up. After leaving school
she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in
London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who ask her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married
to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two
sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an
iconic figure of the late 20th century. During her life she was the
most photographed person, and she was using her celebrity
status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
She was hoping she would bea ballet dancer
139. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dance when she grows up. After leaving school
she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in
London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who ask her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married
to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two
sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an
iconic figure of the late 20<sup>th</sup> century. During her
life she was the most photographed person, and she was using
her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.

After leaving school
she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten


140. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she

would be a ballet dance when she grows up. After leaving school
she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in
London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who ask her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married
to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two
sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an
iconic figure of the late 20<sup>th</sup> century. During her
life she was the most photographed person, and she was using
her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
Dianna got married to Prince Charles
141. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dance when she grows up. After leaving school
she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in
London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who ask her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married
to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two
sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an
iconic figure of the late 20<sup>th</sup> century. During her
life she was the most photographed person, and she was using
her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two sons


142. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His friends

from school always go to see him when he is having a concert.
He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud
of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it
would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants to
become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best

friend they have. ?

His parents are very proud of him because he plays guitar very well
143. Charlie is an excellent musician. He plays the guitar. His friends
from school always go to see him when he is having a concert.
He plays the guitar for many years. His parents are very proud
of him. Charlie likes playing the guitar, but he thinks that it
would be better if he starts learning something else. He wants to
become a doctor one day in future. He thinks being a doctor
would mean a good future for him. Thats why he wasnt at the
concert yesterday. He was studying for an exam for the medical
school. His friends hope his dream for becoming a doctor would
come true. They will love him anyway, because he is the best
friend they have. ?
He thinks being a doctor would mean a good future for him


144. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special

person, his mother. Davids father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders.
He expected to see joy on his mothers face
145. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special
person, his mother. Davids father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,

and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders.
She screamed with fright because she sees many spiders


146. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They were
staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was preparing
his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year too the
Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from the
village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The whole
situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking that
she would come the next year as well. She really was impressed
from the whole show there. People singing and dancing all day
long. And then, the next day, they were burning the masks. For
Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time. He wasnt
enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people drinking
all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to Vevchani,
but in spring or summer, when the weather would be warm and
he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and visit other
places there.
Marija and Marko had very different impressions about the Carneval
147. Marija and Marko were in Vevchani the last weekend. They were
staying at their friends Mirko as his guests. Mirko was preparing
his mask for the Carnival. Like every year, this year too the
Carnival was a big event in the village. The people from the
village were wearing mask-costumes for the Carnival. The whole
situation was like a contest of masks. Marija was thinking that
she would come the next year as well. She really was impressed
from the whole show there. People singing and dancing all day
long. And then, the next day, they were burning the masks. For
Marko, the whole Carnival was a waste of time. He wasnt
enjoying at all. He was cold and he was seeing people drinking
all the time. He was thinking he would love to come to Vevchani,
but in spring or summer, when the weather would be warm and
he would be able to see the Vevchani springs, and visit other

places there.
The Carnival was a big event in the village


148. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dance when she grows up. After leaving school
she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in
London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who ask her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married
to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two
sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an
iconic figure of the late 20<sup>th</sup> century. During her
life she was the most photographed person, and she was using
her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
Princess Diana was an iconic figure of the late 20 century. She had a status
of a celebrity
149. Princess Diana was born on July 1, 1961, at Park House near the
city of Norfolk. Her full name was Diana Frances Spencer. She
was born into an aristocratic family with Royal blood. Diana
wasnt a good student, she was having poor grades in many
subjects, but she was excellent in ballet and she was hoping she
would be a ballet dance when she grows up. After leaving school
she was working as an assistant teacher at a kindergarten in
London. While she was working as an assistant she met Prince
Charles who ask her to marry him. In 1981, Dianna got married
to Prince Charles. Princes Diana and Prince Charles have got two
sons: Prince William and Prince Harry. Princess Diana was an
iconic figure of the late 20<sup>th</sup> century. During her
life she was the most photographed person, and she was using
her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses.
she was using her celebrity status for raising awareness for many illnesses


150. Steven wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special
person, his mother. Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week
pocket money and Steven puts 2 pounds a week into his bank
account. After three months, Steven takes 20 pounds out of his
bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks and looks
for a perfect gift. Suddenly he sees a beautiful scarf with prints
of his favorite pet. He says to himself, My mother loves scarves,
and this one costs only 15 pounds. He buys the scarf and takes
it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it
under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to
the morning to see the joy on his mothers face. But when his
mother opens the present she screams with fright because she
sees many spiders on the design.
Stevens father gives him 5 pounds a week pocket money
151. ? Sea, river, lake, ocean,
: desert
153. : mountain
154. : duvet/ blanket
155. ? Groceries / food
156. : He is playing football at the
_________. Court/ playground
157. : __________ is my favorite activity
at home. Cleaning


158. : My parents take me to the

____________ every weekend for a family lunch restaurant
159. ?
160. : He ________ in the pool now. Is
161. : She _________ her cousin next
week. Is going to visit
162. : Maria _________ lot of talking on
her mobile phone.
163. : I_____ sleeping when the phone
rang. Was sleeping
164. : Where were you last
weekend? I was in London

? Can you play violin
166. ? She was at school
167. : ;
: My favorite dish is soup
? Vardar is the longest river in Macedonia


169. ? You should go

170. ? Do you want to come
? You should eat mote healthy food
173. ? She is very pretty
174. ? Be quiet
175. : ? Where were you on holiday ?
176. :
? What is your favorite holiday destination
177. ?
178. K ? The concert was very good
? Sounds great but I am busy



180. My parents bought me a lap-top for my birthday. I was so happy

when they told me that. But the present came with a condition
that I should share it with my sister as well. I agreed on that,
and me and my sister shared the hours for working on the laptop.
I was using it for my homework and for playing on-line
games, and my sister was using it for reading on-line books and
for chatting with her friends from University. One day, I clicked
on a commercial for cheap shoes and the lap-top shut down. Me
and my sister brought it to a service and they said it had a virus.
We are still waiting for the lap-top to be repaired and we really
miss it.
They bought him a laptop

181. My parents bought me a lap-top for my birthday. I was so happy

when they told me that. But the present came with a condition
that I should share it with my sister as well. I agreed on that,
and me and my sister shared the hours for working on the laptop.
I was using it for my homework and for playing on-line
games, and my sister was using it for reading on-line books and
for chatting with her friends from University. One day, I clicked
on a commercial for cheap shoes and the lap-top shut down. Me
and my sister brought it to a service and they said it had a virus.
We are still waiting for the lap-top to be repaired and we really
miss it.
That he share the laptop with his sister


182. Brian and I were at the cinema yesterday. We were watching a

movie about Sherlock Holmes. The movie was based on a novel
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on
221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny.
He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesnt have
many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does
have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the
opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I still dont
understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the
movie a lot, however I still dont understand why Sherlock used:
Elementary, my dear Watson! all the time.
They were at the cinema
183. My parents bought me a lap-top for my birthday. I was so
happy when they told me that. But the present came with a
condition that I should share it with my sister as well. I agreed
on that, and me and my sister shared the hours for working on
the lap-top. I was using it for my homework and for playing online
games, and my sister was using it for reading on-line books
and for chatting with her friends from University. One day, I
clicked on a commercial for cheap shoes and the lap-top shut
down. Me and my sister brought it to a service and they said it
had a virus. We are still waiting for the lap-top to be repaired
and we really miss it. -
He was using it for his homework and for playing online games


184. My parents bought me a lap-top for my birthday. I was so

happy when they told me that. But the present came with a
condition that I should share it with my sister as well. I agreed
on that, and me and my sister shared the hours for working on
the lap-top. I was using it for my homework and for playing online
games, and my sister was using it for reading on-line books
and for chatting with her friends from University. One day, I
clicked on a commercial for cheap shoes and the lap-top shut
down. Me and my sister brought it to a service and they said it
had a virus. We are still waiting for the lap-top to be repaired
and we really miss it. -
She was using it for reading on-line books
185. Brian and I were at the cinema yesterday. We were watching a
movie about Sherlock Holmes. The movie was based on a novel
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on
221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny.
He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesnt have
many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does
have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the
opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I still dont
understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the
movie a lot, however I still dont understand why Sherlock used:
Elementary, my dear Watson! all the time.
They were watching a movie about Sherlock Holmes


186. Brian and I were at the cinema yesterday. We were watching a

movie about Sherlock Holmes. The movie was based on a novel
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on
221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny.
He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesnt have
many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does
have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the

opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I still dont

understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the
movie a lot, however I still dont understand why Sherlock used:
Elementary, my dear Watson! all the time.
He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass
187. Brian and I were at the cinema yesterday. We were watching a
movie about Sherlock Holmes. The movie was based on a novel
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on
221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny.
He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesnt have
many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does
have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the
opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I still dont
understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the
movie a lot, however I still dont understand why Sherlock used:
Elementary, my dear Watson! all the time.
, ?
Doctor John Watson, is the
opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind
188. My parents bought me a lap-top for my birthday. I was so happy
when they told me that. But the present came with a condition
that I should share it with my sister as well. I agreed on that,
and me and my sister shared the hours for working on the laptop.
I was using it for my homework and for playing on-line
games, and my sister was using it for reading on-line books and
for chatting with her friends from University. One day, I clicked
on a commercial for cheap shoes and the lap-top shut down. Me
and my sister brought it to a service and they said it had a virus.
We are still waiting for the lap-top to be repaired and we really
miss it. -?
The laptop shut down


189. My parents bought me a lap-top for my birthday. I was so happy

when they told me that. But the present came with a condition
that I should share it with my sister as well. I agreed on that,

and me and my sister shared the hours for working on the laptop.
I was using it for my homework and for playing on-line
games, and my sister was using it for reading on-line books and
for chatting with her friends from University. One day, I clicked
on a commercial for cheap shoes and the lap-top shut down. Me
and my sister brought it to a service and they said it had a virus.
We are still waiting for the lap-top to be repaired and we really
miss it. - ?
They brought it to a service
190. Brian and I were at the cinema yesterday. We were watching a
movie about Sherlock Holmes. The movie was based on a novel
by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock is a detective, he lives on
221B Baker Street in London. He is incredibly smart and funny.
He always wears a hat and a magnifying glass. He doesnt have
many friends because he is usually mean to people. But he does
have one friend, his name is Doctor John Watson, and he is the
opposite of Sherlock. He is polite and kind. I still dont
understand how these two can be friends. Brian and I liked the
movie a lot, however I still dont understand why Sherlock used:
Elementary, my dear Watson! all the time.
Elementary, my dear Watson!
191. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
. She gives them some food when she is there.


192. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
: kind?
Type ( vid)

193. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there. :
a lot of big buildings, cinemas, theatres and shops
194. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kinds of animals in the
zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there. ?
Sonja lives in Skopje
195. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there. :
Her favorite animals
196. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
1. The zoo is the place where she goes very often.

197. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.

She lives in Skopje
198. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kinds of animals in the
zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
A lot of/ many/
199. : ?
Im going to go to school
:Give your pencil! me
201. : What are you doing this afternoon?
: Im having friends over
202. a :
? I dont know/ I will give her earings
203. o ?
204. ? Dont go
205. e ?


206. : should
207. ?
Have a nice day
208. ?
? What would you like to order
210. ?
212. e
213. , ? thank you
214. ? I am having a

birthday party next Friday. Do you want to come?

215. ?
Musical instruments
216. a : .........
217. : sea, lake, swimming pool
218. : sidewalk / street


219. ?
220. : The guitar is a musical instrument
221. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs.
His favorite musical instrument is the
222. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
The zoo is her favorite place
223. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
1. i The zoo is the place where she goes very often

224. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there. ,
There are many cinemas
225. ? should
226. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kinds of animals in the
zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
The name of the city is Skopje.
227. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kinds of animals in the
zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
. Favorite
228. :
Im going to
229. e ?
230. : What would you like to
order? I would like to order pizza


231. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there. o

There are a different kind of animals
232. She was not at the library? She
233. , ? Im sorry but I cant come
? You should stay in bed and take a rest
235. ?
236. : happy holidays
237. : .
238. :
? Its 20 meters tall
239. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
: monkeys


240. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there. :
a lot of big buildings many cinemas,
theatres and shops
241. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs.
maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,

242. : Are you coming to my
house?yes I am/ no Im not
243. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs. ?
He likes singing and playing instruments
? Would you like to come shopping with me?
246. ? Have a nice


247. ? Why dont we/

shall we
248. ? Long
? Capital/ big/ busy
250. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs.
He goes to the park with his school friends.
251. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She

gives them some food when she is there.

She gives them some food when she is there.
252. : ?
Were you at the party?
253. Kao
? You should study harder.
254. : I`m sorry, but I must visit my grandparents
: I cant come I Have to visit my grandparents


255. : m
256. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs.
Its his own
257. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kind of animals in the zoo.
Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
She gives them some food
258. ? You shouldnt drink Coke
Whats your favorite school subject?

260. ? Dont speak

261. : ? : very well
262. ? Dont be late


I would like to order
264. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs.
Robert goes to school every day.
265. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs.
After the classes he goes to the park
266. Sonja lives in a big city. The name of the city is Skopje. There
are a lot of big buildings in Skopje. There are many cinemas,
theatres and shops in the city. The zoo is the place where she
goes very often. There are a different kinds of animals in the
zoo. Her favorite animals are monkeys. They are very funny. She
gives them some food when she is there.
267. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects

like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,

music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs. :
He has got his own guitar


268. ?
Would you like to come for a walck with me?
269. ?
You should go to the dentist
270. :
? Im going to go in London
271. ? I would
like to order
272. :
273. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs.
popular songs
274. Robert goes to school every day. He has many school subjects
like maths, English, history, geography, IT, biology, sports,
music etc. His favorite subject is music. He likes singing and
playing instruments. His favorite musical instrument is the
guitar. He has got his own guitar. After the classes he goes to
the park with his school friends. He is playing on the guitar and
his friends are singing popular songs.

His favorite subject is music

275. ? Easter
276. ? Must, will, can, could,


277. ? I you he she it

we you they
278. : We can swim in the sea pool lake
279. a : .........
280. : Drums aremusical instruments
281. ? Knife
? spoon
283. : table-cloth
284. ?
? Computer, laptop, keyboard, mouse
286. ? Christmas
287. :bakery
288. : !
289. ? Dont be late


290. : snow/ water

291. : water
292. : What are you doing this evening?
: Im watching tv
293. ? Cinema
294. oj
: Give your book! me
295. : We can order main course in
296. ?
297. no ?
298. : Were you at school? : yes I was
299. ? How tall is John ?
300. e ?


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