1.holiday and Interesting Place

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Last holiday, my friends and I went on a trip at Ulu Yam Waterfall.We gathered
at the bus station early in the morning. The journey there took an hour and half. It
was our first trip together
Everyone was so excited with this trip. We brought the snacks and drinks from home.
Upon arriving there we we're captivated by the scenic view of hills and forests.
beautiful scenery impressed me. The chirping of birds and the sound of the waterfall
made me feel in at peace. Ulu Ayam Waterfall was famous for its beautiful recreation
park among tourists.
We do many things there. We hiked the hills, swam at the waterfalls and many more.
As we swam at the waterfall, suddenly the rain started pouring. We ran to find a safe
shelter. It was funny and fun to see a few of my friends running and trying to save the
foods that had been wet because of the rain. (..the food was wet because of the
After a few minutes, the rain stopped pouring. We had a small barbecue near the
waterfalls. We rested for a while after eating. Before we went home, we hiked up the
hills. We found many unique flora like a wild orchid. We went home in the evening.
We felt really sad leaving the Ulu Ayam Waterfall. While in the bus, we agreed to come
again there. Although it was tiring, it was a precious and fun trip.

Last Saturday, my friends and I went for a trip to the National Park. The trip was
organized by 3 Abu Bakar. We went there by bus. The journey took about 2 hours. We
chose National Park because we wanted to get away for a few days after a stressful week
of the final examination. The purpose of this trip was to let us appreciate the beauty of
nature and at the same time to learn more about the flora and fauna species found
Upon arriving at the National Park, we checked in at the chalet. The chalet was small
yet beautiful. There was no television and entertainment. Luckily, my friends brought
laptops, games and cards. We unpacked our things and prepared for the next activity.
Our first activity was boat ride. We crossed a river to visit the Orang Asli settlement. It
was a unique experience as we got a chance to learn their culture and how they lived. At
that time, we knew the Orang Asli have varied occupations and ways of life.
The next activity was cave exploring. The cave was very dark but luckily we brought
torchlight to explore what was in there. While we were walking, we saw a population of
bats hanging upside down. The supervisor in charge told us that the bats were sleeping.
They sleep during the day and find food at night. We were all spellbound on how they
slept without falling. After a while, we found a waterfall. We made hay while the sun
shines by taking a dip in the waterfall. It was breathtaking with a beautiful scenery. The
water was cool and crystal clear. There were birds chirping merrily. We all splashed water
at each other and shrieked as the icy water stungbare skin. It was definitely a relief
from the stress from the intense weather and exhausted day. How could we resist such a
great temptation? We saw a lot of fish swimming around full of life.
We caught the fish for having barbeque at night. We decided to wrap our day as the
sun started to disappear.
The next morning, we went for jungle trekking. This activity not only gave the rush of
adrenaline but also built our stamina. All of us were fascinated at seeing the wild
animals, plants and rich biodiversity found in Malaysia. The flora and fauna were very
beautiful and colourful. My friend, Shasnaa, screamed as she saw a huge millipede. We
all burst into tears. We took photographs of this unique experience. It was cool and
refreshing to be in the vegetation. The fresh air that surrounds the area was good for us
to recover from the hustle and bustle of the city of life. It is a pity this
vegetation is facing greater danger of being at lost to development. Many people do not
realize that it is a real gem in the jungle. We returned to the chalet as
the darkness started to roll in. Thank god we had the chance to explore the jungle.
On the last day, we woke up early and packed our things to go home. All of us craved
to go for another trip as soon as possible.
[B - 18]

Good expressions:

flora and fauna species

a population of bats


made hay while the sun shines


crystal clear

resist such a great temptation

rush of adrenaline


rich biodiversity

the vegetation

the hustle and bustle of the city of life

a real gem in the jungle

darkness started to roll in


First and foremost, Zinga Island has a white sandy beach. The sand is so soft like cotton.
Zinga Island attracts many tourists from all around the world. The tourists go there to
sunbathe and swim in the seawater. If my family and I go to Zinga Island, we can see
crabs, shells and lovely starfish on the sand. There are tall coconut trees along the
beach. They swing smoothly in the wind. In the sky, we can see kites soaring high,
aeroplanes and birds flying happily.

Next, Zinga Island has blue, crystal clear water. We can see many kinds of colourful fish,
corals with vibrant colours and dancing green seaweeds. We can also see old greenish
mossy turtles swimming gracefully beneath the water. The reflection of the bright
sunlight makes the water sparkling like stars at night. The scenery is a breathtaking view
that makes the world so wide and endless.

There are also food stalls by the beach. The stalls are clean. The food is cheap and the
price is reasonable to the tourists. Besides, the sellers sell various types of scrumptious
food such as appetizing frozen food, fresh tempting fruit and soft drinks. The sellers are
very friendly and kind. They wear neat clothes and gloves to make sure that the tourists
are satisfied with their service.
There are a lot of activities that my family and I can do at Zinga Island. We can enjoy
the beautiful island together to strengthen our bonds. We can do many activities
together such as snorkelling and playing beach volleyball. We can also spend time alone
to release our tension. My parents love to walk together by the seashore and my brother
love to surf on the big waves. My sister and I can build a sandcastle and collect seashells
as a collection.
I would recommend this island to my family. I am sure that we are going to have a
whale of a time at Zinga Island. Spending time on this island not only enhances the
bonds between our family but also can make our mind feel at ease. Furthermore, we can
tan our skins on the seashore joyfully. Moreover, we can gain a memorable and priceless
experience from all the activities that we can do at Zinga Island.

A Holiday I Would Never Forget

Holidays, a time everyone gets hyped up over, parents planning activities for the
family to spend quality time with and school children ( as well as teachers) jumping
for joy. Hello, waking up late, celebrating, goin for tuition and best of all, vacations! In
myy case, a holiday I would never forget is a fruitful one I expereinced five years
ago, where my family I spent six days in the land of K-Pop and ' kimchi '- Korea.
Finally, after ages of waiting, our family arrived in beautiful Korea. Stepping out
of the plane, we could feel the chilly weather to our bones. Never experiencing that
kind of weather, my siblings and I were totally excited. Passing through immigration
and baggage claim, we were talking animatedly about our new surroundings. Since
we went with tour group, we knew we were in good hands.
Incident number one. We were supposed to take a bus to check in at the hotel,
as instructed. I guessed I was overeager and without thinking. I ran to a random bus
and knocked on the door. The young bus driver opened the door and looked at me
with a puzzled expression. He started asking me something in Korean, which of
course I did not understand. I tried to reply in English, but before I could make the
attempt, my father quickly apologized to the driver and walked me back to the tour
group who was watching from afar, shaking with laughter. It turned out that the bus I
was running to was not the bus we were supposed to take. I dismissed my burning
cheeks. I was glad I could be the butt of everyone's jokes on my first day in a foreign
It was a bit past lunch time when we were done checking in our hotel. Not
doubt, everybody's stomachs were grumbling. Thank God after checking in, we were
going to have our lunch and do a bit of sightseeing. While waiting for the others
outside the hotel, we walked around nearby. There was a row of vending machines
that sold various snacks and beverages, including Haagen Dazs ice-cream , and
instant noodles. My mother had a craving for Nescafe, so she spent her first Korrean
money on that.
At the restaurant, a delicious meal was already spread out for us. That was the
first time we all tried kimchi, a spicy and sour vegetable side dish.I did not think it
was horrible, buut I preferred the fish kimchi much better. We all ate using

chopsticks, so that was kind or awkward for me and my siblings, as we were not
skilled at using them yet. Being Malaysians, we were used to rice, so it was a good
thing that the Korean meal included rice and a few other side dish, eaten from a
Bento box. It was weird though, the rice was stickier compared to the rice we eat at
home, mainly to make it easier to eat using chopsticks. There was also hot and
scumptious miso soup together with the meal. Since my sister and my brother did
not like it much, I finshed up theirs. I gulped the warm soup down my throat- a nice
connntrast from the shivering weather outside.
One of the highlights of our activities that we did in Korea was skiling.
Everybody from the tour group was looking forward to that, even the 52-year old
couple traveling with us. Since it was'nt fully snownig yet, the hill was coverred with
artificial snow. After grobbing our ski gear, we listen to a briefing by the instructor. He
was very help ful, especially with us kids annd the elderly couple.
Feeling jumpy and hyperactive, me and my sister made our way to the cable
car and successfully skied down a slope. I thought, " We're natural at this," and my
sister could not agree more. When we came to see how our parents and brother
were doing, my brother started to throw a snowball towards me and my sister. It hit
me, and we started having a small snowball fight of our own, just like in the movies! I
guessed we got a bit out of hand and my sister accidentally hit a woman's back.
when she turned around, she had this angry look on her face and started to walk
towards us.I hurried my siblings to continue skiing with our parents,and we ran away
before she cold catch us. Breathless, we giggled innaivety as we recapped the
In a way, skiing is like swimming. Why do I say so? Well, when swimming ,you
do not feel tired , but you would see the effect when you get ravenous and eat more
after a session or when you aintend to tke a nap, but it is extended to long hours.
The same goes to skiing. When we arrived at the hotel after skiing, we were drained
out and starving. Instant noodles saved the day! We all ate curry-flavoured Maggi
together, savouring the memontary pleasure. We also dozed off quite early that night
, right after going for a walk to enjoy the amazing night view of th mountains, and
breathing the cool, fresh winter air.
Shopping in Korea was also different compared to Malaysia. Its malls were
packed with small shops or stalla on every floor. Big boutiques were not seen as
much as the quaint kiosks. Nevertheless, I found shopping at their markets more
enjoyable, especially because you could haggle the price. Their specialities were
crystals, fabrics and outerwear. Apart form that, I also liked their wet markets , mainly
because they were very clean and they did not have that fishy smell. I remembered a
shocking incident when walking through the stalls of the wet market. A large fish
jumped out its aquarium and onto the floor. I stared at it and suddenly, I saw a huge
cutting knife slicing through the fish's neck! It was the owner of the stall's doing.
Then, the owner left the fish flapping around lifelessly without a head.
There was also a treasure trove among the stalls of the wet market- a tiny
shoop which served grilled seafood. My family stepped into the shop and ordered
some grilled fish and cockles.

After saying our prayers, we devoured our mouth-watering find of the day.
Dripped in a type of souce, the seafood was the best I had ever eaten, as you could
taste the freshness. Or maybe I was just hungry after a full day of activities.
If it was up to me, there were so many things to write on my memorabe trip to
Korean. Not onli we got to spend quality time together as a family, but we also learnt
countless new things and even discovered hidden talents. My father always said we
should travel with an open mind and an open heart. This is when you get to see
your capability to adapt to changes. Just enjoy the simple things in life and be
thankful of what you have. So, do just that. Who knows you might discover a part of
yourself you never know existed?
Well, the reason I am writing this letter is to tell you on my experience at Pulau
Langkawi. Recently, the Nature Club of my school organised a 3-day trip to Pulau
Langkawi. There were 15 of us, accompanied by 3 teachers. The aim of this trip
is to instil awareness and love of nature. When my teacher told me that I was
selected for the trip, I jumped at the chance. For me, it was once in a blue moon
opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the peace and
tranquillity of Mother Nature. We hit the road at 8 in the morning. Along the
journey, I saw yellowish paddy field and many children flying kites happily at the
Then, we boarded a ferry at Langkawi Jetty. Even though I felt a little seasick but
the journey was interesting. Upon our arrival, we checked in for our chalets. The
chalet was big and spacious, with 4 rooms, a living room and a kitchen too. We
unpacked our things and rested for a while before our first activity. Our first
destination was Pantai Cenang Underwater World. The entrance fee was only
RM7. We walked through a gigantic tunnel with large fish such as stingrays and
sharks. There were also lots of colourful small fishes. I bought some fridge
magnets and key chains as souvenirs for my friends and family. (Here I enclosed
one for you)
The next morning, after a hearty breakfast of Nasi Lemak and The Tarik, we
went to Pantai Kok. We visited Summer Palace, a film set for the popular movie,
Anna and the King. We found some props from the film and I asked my friend to
take some pictures of me wearing one of the costumes. Later, after lunch, we
took a nap. At 3.00 p.m, we went for a cable car ride. Phew!! The wind was
strong and the cable car was swaying. It was a steep climb to the top. Even
though it was a frightening experience, I was mesmerized to see the spectacular
and picture-postcard view of Pulau Langkawi.
On our last day, we went for a Mangrove Tour. We took a boat ride to visit the fish
farm. We also had a chance to watch the eagle feeding. They just simply swoop
down to catch the fish. Our last destination was Seven Wells Waterfalls. It was so
relaxing to dip in the crystal clear, cool and refreshing water. I really enjoy the
picturesque view of the lush forest. At 5.00 p.m, we checked out and headed
home. All in all, the trip was an eye-opener to all of us. We learn to appreciate
the wonder of nature and I really hope that we can go there together one day.

Sample Question 1

Your class went on a four-day trip to Taman Negara, Pahang during the last school holidays.
With the help of the notes you made in your diary, write an account of the trip.

24th May gathered at school compound left at 8.00 a.m checked into hotel.
25th May hiked up Gunung Tahan lush green jungle beautiful scenery
26th May canopy walk 400 metres long exciting to walk 25 metres above the ground
27th May packed things got ready to go home exhausted but happy
When writing your recount:

use all the notes given

elaborate on the notes to make it more interesting
make sure it is not less than 120 words
During the first semester holidays, my class organized a trip to Taman Negara in
Pahang. Our class teacher, En. Nizam, accompanied us on the trip.
On 24 May, all the students gathered in the school with our bags. The bus arrived
promptly. It was a 42-seater air-conditioned bus. Although the journey was five hours, we did
not feel tired. As soon as we arrived at our destination, we checked into a budget hotel.
After a good nights sleep, we were ready for the most exciting event the climb up
Gunung Tahan, the highest peak. Although the hill slopes were steep and jagged and the

hike up was a real challenge, we were excited. We enjoyed the cool, crisp mountain air. The
view of the lush green scenery and the variety of exotic flora and fauna was a real treat. In
fact, the scenery was so beautiful that we stopped to take some photographs.
The next day, we braced ourselves for another challenging activity the canopy
walk. Although some of us were at first reluctant to walk at a height of 25 metres above the
ground, we gave in after much persuasion from our class teacher. It was a real thrilling
experience to view the green jungle canopy. The rustling of the leaves and the sounds
made by the animals sounded like a strange musical piece.
The next day, we packed our things and left for home. We slept during the entire
journey as we were exhausted. Nevertheless, it was a very exciting trip.

Exercise 1

The Nature Club of your school organized a two-day trip to the Kuala Selangor Nature Park
in Selangor.
You made the following notes about the trip.
Aim of trip

: to bring students closer to nature


: 300 hectare mangrove reserve, 168 species of birds, varieties of

reptiles, butterflies, insects


: two-hour drive from Kuala Lumpur


: bird watching
Walk in the mangrove forest
Slide shows, talks
Firefly watching at night


: Firefly Park Resort

When writing your recount:

use all the notes given

elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting

make sure it is not less than 120 words

Exercise 2

During the holidays, you and your friends went camping. Based on the notes below, write a
recount of your adventurous trip.

23 May

- two friends and I went on a camping trip walked reached a waterfall

put up tents gathered firewood made a fire had simple dinner

24 May

- woke up early had breakfast bathed at waterfall went deeper into

jungle got lost spent the night in jungle frightening sounds



25 May

- look for way back not successful came across a hunting party rescued

When writing your recount:

use all the notes given

elaborate on the notes to make it more interesting

make sure it is not less than 120 words


Your family spent a three-day holiday at Fajar Hill Resort. Using the advertisement below as
a guide, write a recount on how you spent your holiday there.


Hill resort
Accommodation apartments
Cool weather
Activities jungle trekking,
swimming or fishing
in highland streams, picnic at

A relaxing place for family

and friends.
Come to Bukit
Permata in Pahang to have a
restful time away from the
stresses of city life.

When writing a recount:

You may use all the notes

Elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
Add any other relevant information
Make sure it is not less than 120 words


During the last school holidays, my family and I spent three days at
Fajar Hill resort. We reached the hill resort at about 12 noon on Friday. We
ate lunch at the restaurant in the resort and then checked into a small but
comfortable apartment.
First, we unpacked. Next, we went for a walk. There was a flower
garden and a vegetable farm nearby that we visited. We returned to the
chalet in the evening. We had our baths and then had a buffet dinner in
the resort restaurant. Finally, we went to bed early for we had planned to
go jungle trekking the next day.
Next morning, we had breakfast at the resort restaurant. Then we
prepared a picnic lunch and went on our trek. I was very excited about the
trek. We had a wonderful time looking out for wild animals and plants. We
saw a lot of orchids and pitcher plants but not many wild animals, except
for some birds and garden lizards. We picnicked by a stream. Father tried
his hand at fishing and caught some fish. That night we ate the fish for
dinner in the apartment.
The next day we left the resort after breakfast. I really enjoyed
myself at Fajar Hill. I hope we will go there again soon.

ANSWER- Sample 2
19, JalanDesaTasik,
Taman TasikPerdana ,
43700 Selayang ,
20 FEBRUARY 2011
Dear Steven,
Hope that you are well with your family. I am well here. The reason I
am writing this letter is to tell you about my experience during an expedition1
that I went to last week.
The expedition was organized by the Geography Club of my school
and we went to GunungLedang.
We boarded the bus at 8.00 in the morning and arrived there at 12.00
noon. When we arrived there, we saw three trainers waiting for us. We
queued up and listened to the briefing2 given by one of the trainers. We were
separated into groups. A short while later we started hiking up the hill.
We hiked across the thick forest in high spirits. We came to river. We
crossed the river using a rope which was tied to trees at either end of the
The activity which we enjoyed the most was bathing at the waterfall. It
was very cooling and the scenery was breathtakingly beautiful.

The last activity was trekking. Each group was given a compass and a
map. We were supposed to use them to locate the place allocated3 to us. It
was a very challenging activity.
I cannot forget the experiences I had during the expedition. I have
taken a lot of photographs. I will show them to you when you come here.
Well, thats all for now. Do reply soon.
Yours sincerely,

1. Expedition organized trip

2. Briefing detailed instruction
3. Allocated assigned to / given

Sample answer 2
No. 10, Taman Timur,
25300 Kuantan,
18 March 2012
Dear brother,
How are you and your family? I hope all of you are as fit as a fiddle. I
am fine with parents here. Brother, we are planning a camping trip for the
coming school holidays. Mum and dad want you and your family to join us for
this annual family gathering. I surfed the Internet and have found a suitable
campsite for all of us to enjoy ourselves.
We will be camping at the Coral Beach in Kuantan. The camping site
is clean so I think we will be more relaxed in a clean place. This camping site
is surrounded by trees and it is shady. We do not have to be scared of being
sun burnt. Moreover, the camping site is peaceful. You can only hear the
sound of waves lapping the shore. You will also feel safe here because there
are guards and police patrolling this campsite. The best attraction of all this
place has a breathtaking scenery of the sunset, you will find this an amazing
place to camp.
This campsite is located near a village. So, if we run out of provisions,
we can go to the village to get things with only a 10 minute trishaw ride. To
make things easier, there is a 7-eleven nearby. We can also purchase our
things there.
Brother, there are also many facilities provided at the campsite. We do
not need to worry about toilets and shower rooms because these facilities are
provided for the convenience of the campers. There are three swimming
pools for the campers if they want to swim. It caters for adults and children.

We can organize many activities at the campsite. Moreover, it had

been a very long time since we went out together during the school holidays.
We can also swim in the sea as the water is crystal-clear, cool and
refreshing. There is also another enjoyable activity, which you love, that is
jungle-trekking. We can see many fauna and flora in the nature park not far
from the campsite. As a wildlife lover, I am sure you can recognize the flora
and fauna there.
As for my little nieces and nephews, there is a skating ring for them to
have fun and enjoy. They can also rent the skating shoes for a very
reasonable price. Besides, the campsite also provides various board games
such as scrabble, carom, chess, snakes and ladders and monopoly. I am
sure both adults and children would enjoy the games.


24, Jalan Bunga Melor,

Taman Bunga Melor,
88000 Kota Kinabalu,
2 October 2012
Dear Rita,
Hello! How are you? I hope you are well.
Last week, my friends and I went to the zoo as one of our weekly outings. We left for
the place at 9.00 a.m. The zoo was in Lok Kawi, Putatan. Five of us went there by bus. We
arrived at 10a.m. First, we bought tickets. The tickets cost RM2 each.
Then, we took pictures with the tigers, monkeys and birds. The animals were very
excited to see us. We liked the monkeys very much because they were very funny.
After that, we continued to walk around the zoo. We completed a quiz and gave our
answers to the zoo keeper. He gave us a little present each.
Finally, we went for an elephant ride. It was fun. The elephant sprayed water on us.
We were all wet. At 1p.m. we went home. We were all tired but happy.

Yours truly,

Dear diary,
I had a fantastic time during the school holidays. After receiving his bonus, Dad took us
to Layang-Layang Atoll, a beautiful coral island, situated north of Sabah.
We checked into the holiday resort late that evening. Then, we immediately rushed out
to witness the breathtaking sunset. After dinner, we went early to bed, looking forward to the
activities we were going to do the next morning.
Rising early, we went snorkeling in the cool, clear waters off the island. The scene
before us was colourful and amazing. The live corals floated along with the movements of
the current and we saw a wonderful variety of fish. Among them were puffer fish, clown fish
and angel fish.
The next day, we had another wonderful experience. We went scuba-diving under
the supervision of an expert. I was glad to be close to nature. I thanked God for giving me
this wonderful opportunity.
On our last night, we stayed awake till the wee hours of the morning. It was
because we were enjoying a fine barbecue by the seaside with fish that we had caught from
the sea.
It was certainly a memorable holiday.


There are four suggested writing activities based on these pictures. Read the instructions of
each activity and answer the question accordingly. The step-by-step approach will help you
to enhance your writing.

hotel - luggage beach swimming

school - trip Pulau Langkawi bus jetty
- ferry


snorkelling exotic fishes corals - souvenirs

Number the paragraphs in the correct sequence according to the pictures to form an
interesting story about a trip to an island.

It took about two hours to reach the Kuala Kedah jetty. They bought the tickets at the
counter and got into the ferry. During the ferry ride, all of them enjoyed the cool sea
breeze and the beautiful scenery around them.
The next day, after breakfast, they gathered at the lobby. The tour guide told them
that there was a speed boat waiting to take them for island- hopping. They would be
snorkeling in the sea. It was fun when they saw exotic fishes under the sea with
beautiful and colourful corals. It was a thrilling and enjoyable experience for them.
On the third day, it was time to go home. With a heavy heart, they packed
their belongings. They managed to buy some key-chains at the nearby gift shops as
souvenirs for their friends . It was a memorable holiday for them.
During the school holidays, Andys school organised a trip to Pulau Langkawi. Andy
and his friends were so eager to be in the legendary island. It was a three-day and
two-night trip. About forty pupils and four teachers went for the trip. All the pupils
waited patiently for the bus at the school compound early in the morning. They
brought along their swimming suits and waterproof cameras. Soon the bus arrived.

They boarded the bus excitedly.

When they reached the island, there was a bus waiting for them at the jetty. They got
onto the bus which took them to Sandy Beach Resort at Pantai Chenang. They were
welcomed by the hotel staff and tour guides. They were also given welcoming drinks
and snacks.
After that, they went into their rooms to put their luggage. Then, they went sightseeing before reaching the Chenang Beach. The beach was beautiful and the water
was crystal clear. Andy shouted excitedly and jumped into the sea with his friends.
They swam joyfully and went kayaking together too. They had a whale of time at the

During the ______________holidays, Andys school organised a trip to Pulau

Langkawi. Andy and his friends were _________________ in the legendary island. It was a
three-day and two-night trip. About forty pupils and four teachers went for the trip. All the
pupils _________________ for the bus at the school compound early in the morning. They
_______________ the swimming suits and waterproof cameras. Soon the bus arrived, They
boarded the bus excitedly.

It took about two hours to _____________ the Kuala Kedah jetty. They bought the tickets at
the counter and got into the__________. During the ferry- ride, all of them ____________
the cool sea breeze and the beautiful _______________ around them.
When they reached the____________, there was a bus waiting for them at the jetty.
They got onto the bus _________ took them to Sandy Beach Resort at Pantai Chenang.
They were welcomed by the hotel staff ________ tour guides. They ___________also given
welcoming drinks and snacks.

After that, they went into their _________to put their luggage. Then, they went
______________ before reaching the Chenang Beach. The beach was beautiful and the
water was _____________. Andy shouted _____________ and jumped into the sea with his
friends. They swam joyfully and went kayaking together too. They had a whale of time at the

The next day, after ___________, they gathered at the lobby. The tour guide told them
that there was a speed boat waiting to take them for _________________. They would be
snorkeling in the __________. It was fun when they __________ exotic fishes under the sea
with beautiful and colourful corals. It was a thrilling and enjoyable experience for them.

On the third day, it was time to go ______________. With a heavy heart, they
packed their ________________. They managed to ____________ some key-chains at the
nearby gift shops as souvenirs for their friends . It was a ________________ holiday for

There are four suggested writing activities based on these pictures.
Read the instructions of each activity and answer the questions accordingly.
The step-by-step approach will help you and enhance your writing.

Raju siblings fishing

river - house

fishing rods baits caught

home - proud

mother cooked dinner enjoyed

- meal

Number the paragraphs in the correct sequence according to the pictures to form an
interesting story.
Both of them looked for a perfect place to sit where they could fish
peacefully. They put the worms on the hook and threw the line into the water.
Then, they waited patiently for their catch. All of a sudden, Rama felt a tug at his
fishing rod. He, as quick as lightning, reeled the fishing line in. Raju burst out

laughing as it was merely a small fish.

A fortnight ago, Raju and Rama decided to go fishing at the nearby river
which was just a 15-minute walk from their house. They left home early hoping to
be back by dinner time. They brought along a pail, two fishing rods and some
worms as baits. They were extremely excited.

Raju and Rama are siblings who live in Taman Bestari. They have a
loving and caring family. Their mother love them very much. They are very
adventurous so they enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing and jungle trekking.

When they reached home, they gave their catch to their mother to cook.
Their mother, Mrs. Rita, cooked their favourite fish curry for dinner . The whole
family enjoyed themselves as they had the scrumptuous meal together.

Several minutes later, something began to tug at Ramas line. He was

sure that it was a big fish. Raju got up to reel the fish in but unfortunately, Ramas
big catch was a garbage bag full of rubbish. Ramas face turned red with
embarrassment. However, Raju tried to console his brother. After an hour , they
managed to catch some fish. Finally, it was worth waiting when they also caught
a big fish. They decided to call it a day as it was getting late.

Read the text and fill in the blanks correctly.

Raju and Rama are siblings who _____ in Taman Bestari. They have a loving and
caring ______. Their mother love them very much. They are very adventurous ______ they
enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing and jungle trekking.

A fortnight ago, Raju ______ Rama decided to go ________ at the nearby river
which was just a 15-minute walk from their ______. They left ______ early hoping to be back
by dinner time. They _______ along a pail, two fishing rods and some worms as baits. They
were extremely______.

Both of them looked for a perfect place to sit where they could _________
peacefully. They put the worms on the hook and threw the line ______ the water. Then, they
waited ______ for their catch. All ______ a sudden, Rama felt a tug at his __________. He,
as quick as lightning, reeled the fishing line in. Raju burst out laughing as it was merely a
small fish.

Several ______ later, something began ____ tug at Ramas line. He _____ sure
that it was a big fish. Raju got up to reel the fish in but unfortunately, Ramas big catch was a
garbage bag full of _______. Ramas ______ turned red with embarrassment.. However,
Raju tried to console his ______. After ______ hour , they managed to _______ some fish.
Finally, it was worth waiting when they also ________ a big fish. They decided to call it a day
as it was getting late.

When they reached home, they gave their catch to their mother to cook. Their
mother, Mrs. Rita, ______ their favourite fish curry for dinner . The whole family enjoyed
themselves as they had the scrumptuous meal together.

It was school holidays, Peter, Rahmad and I decided to go on a camping trip. We left
early in the morning and reached our campsite in Hutan Lipur, Pahang around noon. When
we arrived, we followed a narrow trail leading into the jungle. We wanted to look for a good
spot to set up camp. Finally, we pitched our tent near a waterfall.
After cooking our first meal, Peter suggested that we explored the jungle. So we
armed ourselves with several bottles of mineral water, a small penknife and a torchlight. We
were amazed at the various flora and fauna found. However, after a few hours, we realized
that we had lost our way. We had also finished the last few drops of our mineral water. We
were now feeling exhausted. Fortunately, we came upon a cave. We decided to put up a night
there as it was getting dark.
The next morning, we were eager to find our way back. So we set out to determine the
direction of the rising sun and went westward. After walking for about two hours, we came to

a river. We trudged along the river bank, following the direction of the river. By then, we
were overcome with exhaustion.
Suddenly, we saw a native catching fish. We shouted and waved frantically at him to
get his attention. The native saw us and signaled to his friends. They came to help us and led
the way to their village. We were given some food and drinks, and after that we rested.
The following morning, the village headman took us to the police station to make a
report. We could not wait to head home. We were tired but relieved our ordeal in the jungle
was over.
A Trip To Tail Island
During the last holidays, the Nature Club of SMK Parit Besar went on a trip. We
decided to spend a few days on Tail Island. Our aim was to rest and relax after so much of
hard work and studying for the PMR examination. We were very excited.
On the first day, we took a ferry and reached the southern tip of the island early in the
morning. The boatman was kind enough to direct us to Bandar Tail. When we reached Bandar
Tail, we had a good breakfast of teh tarik and nasi lemak. The people there were helpful.
They told us about the interesting places to visit.
After breakfast, we travelled along the eastern side of the island and came to a lovely
stretch of white sandy beach. We swam in the crystal clear water. We saw beautiful corals and
fish in the deep blue sea. At 2.00 p.m. we continued our journey. We had to cross a river by
boat. Pak Abu, the boatman who ferried us here in the morning, took us across the river. By
the time we reached Kampung Utara, it was already dark. We decided to camp out for the
night. That night, we slept like logs for we were extremely tired after such a long day.
The next morning, we headed for a bay where we could watch turtles coming to shore
to lay eggs. We had to pass a river to get there. When we reached there, a wildlife officer told
us that turtles only come to shore to lay eggs during the night. So we stayed up that night. It
seemed like a very long wait but our patience was rewarded. Watching turtles laying eggs
was indeed an interesting experience!
The next day, we explored some caves in the hills. The stalactites and stalagmites
were very unusual formations. Again, we camped out under the clear, star-filled sky.
The following day, before dawn, we packed and trudged along to Bandar Tail where
Pak Abu rowed us back to the mainland. It had certainly been an adventurous holiday.

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