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Harlequin Duck



Aquatic Insects

Small Fish



Insect Larva

Harlequin ducks can dive 3 to 4 meters deep and within 15 to 25 seconds

theyd have their prey in there mouth.

Nesting Facts

Harlequin ducks usually have 3-9 eggs at once

Eggs look pale and creamy

Close to water

These ducks need to have enough forested areas in order to safely have
their ducklings and to allow their ducklings to get to the water safely with
hunters or power plants be in the way, boating activities have also scared
the ducks enough to not go back to places. Human disturbance is also a
problem, if the ducks are bothered by human n a certain area they wont
keep going back there so they could lose prime feeding areas


Mountains streams


Forested areas

Turbulent coastal waters

Rocky regions

Most of these places have more and more buildings and industry's being
built around

Threats to Survival

Oil spills

Human disturbance


Fishing boats

Hydro development

Resource extractions

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