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Translate the following paragraphs, paying special attention to compounds in italics.

We knew him vaguely. He was usually invited to our embassy parties. She was, somehow, on the
permanent guest list. But he was seldom a guest. I had seen him once, but only long enough to shake
his hand - a damp, slack, small-boned hand. The only other thing that I could remember was that he
had been wearing evening dress of an old-fashioned kind. He looked uncomfortable in this stiff and
slightly ill-fitting suit, and it also looked forty years out of date.
(Paul Theroux: The London Embassy)
Fijians are tall and big-boned, but Tongans - if the Tasis' captain and crew were anything to go by
are big in a different way: big all round, verging on the corpulent. In his way, the captain reminded
me of a very genial Japanese sumo wrestler. We will be very happy to take you, he said,
beaming. Everyone here will be happy to take you! They like to talk. He wore a Hawaiian shirt of
delicate sea-blues and sea-greens, pinks and yellows, over a long blue kilt: a many-splendoured Buddha
with close-cropped white hair and eyes that, when he smiled, were pinched up Mongol-fashion by his
billowing cheeks.
(Gavin Young: Slow Boats Home)
I walked towards Pevensey (Pevensey Bay being the spot where William landed his army in 1066)
and decided that anyone who came ashore at Cooden Beach would find himself face-to-face with
the quintessential England not just coastal, seaside holiday, retirement England, but secretive, rosegrowing, dog-loving, window-washing, church-going, law-abiding, grumpy, library-using, tea-drinking,
fussy and inflexible England.
(Paul Theroux: The Kingdom by the Sea)

I the southeast corner of Botswana, lies the town of Lobatse, the country's main cattle centre. The
pride of Lobatse is its abattoir, the biggest beef factory in Africa. Every day, within its gleaming and
sterile interior, 1800 cattle are slaughtered and processed with conveyor-belt efficiency. The Lobatse
slaughterhouse is the flagship of the government-owned Botswana Meat Corporation (BMC), and the
only abattoir in the country. The cattle business is still the country's main employer and secondbiggest foreign currency earner. Only a fraction of Botswanas beef is used to feed its own people
more than half of whom are receiving food aid from the USA. The rest is exported. European chefs
know all about prime Botswana meat, boasts a full-page advertisement on the cover of Air
Botswanas in-flight magazine.
(The Sunday Times)

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