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a broad category of coarse particulate material used in construction, including sand, gravel, crush head
stone, slag, recycled concrete and geo- synthetic aggregates.
Used as a stable foundation or road/rail base with predictable, uniform properties, oras a low-cost
extender that binds with moreexpensive cement or asphalt to formconcrete.
Three Types of Aggregates

Coarse aggregate- Naturally occurring processed or manufactured, inorganic particles in prescribed

gradation or size range, the smallest size of which will be retained on the No. 4 (4.76 mm) sieve.
Fine aggregate- Natural sand which has been washed and sieved to remove particles larger than 5 mm
and coarse aggregate is gravel which has been crushed, washed and sieved so that the particles vary from
5 up to 50 mm in size...
Mineral filler- Any finely ground mineral substance, usually inert, used as filler.

Physical Properties

Specific Gravity

Surface Texture
Particle shape

Primary Uses of Aggregates in Highway Construction


As compacted aggregates in bases, sub- bases and shoulders

As ingredients in hot mix asphalt
As ingredients in Portland cement concrete


composed of compacted aggregate and bitumen
the aggregate transmits the load from the surface to the base and the bitumen (bituminous binder) holds
the aggregate together
for bituminous construction, aggregate is classified according to particle size
The AASHTO standards specifications provide that:
The aggregate shall consist of hard, durable particles of fragments of stone orgravel and sand or other
fine mineralparticles free from vegetable matter andlumps or balls of clay and of such nature itcan be compacted
readily to form a firm, stable layers. It shall conform to thegrading requirements shown in table 3when tested by
AASHTO T-11 and 27.

The following materials are classified under Item 300 of the DPWH standard specifications.


The coarse aggregate material retained on the 2.00 mm (No.10) sieve shall have a mass per cent of wear
by the Los Angeles Abrasion Test (AASHTO T-96) of not more than 45.
When crushed aggregate is specified, not less than 50 mass per cent of the particles retained on the 4.75
mm (No. 4) sieve shall not have at least one fractured face.
The fraction passing the 0.75mm (No. 200) sieve should not begreater than two thirds of thefraction
passing the 0.425 mm (No.40) sieve.
The fraction passing 0.425 mm (No.40) sieve shall have a liquid limitof not greater than 35 and aplasticity
index range of 4 to 9 whentested by AASHTO T-89 and T-90respectively.


Important Properties for Aggregates that are used in Concrete Paving Mixtures:


The size distribution of theaggregate particles affects the relativeproportions, cementing materials
andwater requirements, workability, pumpability, economy, porosity, shrinkage, and durability. The size
distribution ofthe aggregate particles should be acombination of sizes that results in aminimum of void
The absorption and surfacemoisture condition of aggregates mustbe determined so that the net
watercontent of the concrete can becontrolled.

Particle Shape and Surface Texture

Rough textured, angular, or elongated particles require more water to produce workable concrete.
Smooth, rounded, compact aggregates require more cementing materials to maintain the same watercement ratio.

Angular or poorly graded aggregates may result in the production of concrete that is more difficult to
pump and also may be more difficult to finish. The hardened concrete strength will generally increase
with increasing coarse aggregate angularity, and flat or elongated coarse aggregate particles should be

Abrasion Resistance
The abrasion resistance of anaggregate is often used as a general index of its quality. Abrasion resistance
applies only tocoarse aggregates. Aggregates vary intheir resistance to fracturing underimpact (toughness); and
breaking downinto smaller pieces from abrasive action (hardness).
Aggregates must be resistant tobreakdown and disintegration fromweathering (wetting/drying
andfreezing/thawing) or they may breakapart and cause premature pavementdistress. Durability and soundness
areterms typically given to an aggregatesweathering resistance characteristic.
Soundness Test
The soundness testrepeatedly submergesan aggregate sample in a sodiumsulfate or magnesium
sulfatesolution. This process causes saltcrystals to form inthe aggregates water permeablepores. The formation of
thesecrystals creates internal forcesthat apply pressureon aggregate pores and tend tobreak the aggregate.
Deleterious Materials
Aggregates should be free ofpotentially deleterious materials such asclay lumps, shales, or other
friableparticles, excess dust and vegetablematter are not desirable because theygenerally affect performance by
quicklydegrading, which causes a loss ofstructural support and/or prevents binder-aggregate bonding.
Particle Strength
For normal concretepavements, aggregate strength is rarelytested. However, aggregatecharacteristics other
than strength, suchas the size, shape, surfacetexture, grading and mineralogy areknown to affect concrete
strength invarying degrees. Particle strength is animportant factor in high-strengthconcrete mixtures.

Purpose of mineral fillers in asphalt mixes:

The portion of the mineral filler that is finer than the thickness of the asphalt film and the asphalt cement
binder form a mortar or mastic that contributes to improved stiffening of the mix.
The particles larger than the thickness of the asphalt film behave as mineral aggregate and hence
contribute to the contact points between individual aggregate particles.
The gradation, shape, and texture of the mineral filler significantly influence the performance of hot mix

Important Properties of Mineral Filler used in asphalt concrete application

Gradation mineral fillers should have 100 percent of the particles passing 0.60 mm (No. 30 sieve), 95 to
100 percent passing 0.30 mm (No. 40 sieve), and 70 percent passing 0.075 mm (No. 200 sieve)
Plasticity mineral fillers should be non-plastic so the particles do not bind together
Deleterious Materials the percentage of deleterious materials such as clay and shale in the mineral filler
must be minimized to prevent particle breakdown



Testing Methods:

Penetration graded bitumen

Viscosity graded bitumen
Oxidized bitumen grades

Penetration Graded Bitumen

Bitumen is classified by the depth to which a standard needle will penetrate under specified test conditions.
This pen test classification is used to indicate the hardness of bitumen, lower penetration indicating harder
Viscosity graded bitumen
Bitumen is also graded and specified by their viscosity at a standard temperature (typically 60C).
Specifications for viscosity graded bitumen normally give the nominal viscosity prefixed by a V, e.g. V1500.
Oxidised bitumen grades
The degree of oxidation can range from very small, often referred to as air- rectification, or semi-blowing,
which only slightly modifies the bitumen properties, through to full blowing, whereby the properties of the
bitumen are significantly different to penetration grade bitumen.
Nomenclature and grading for the oxidised bitumen products is based on a combination of thetemperature at
which the bitumenreaches a certain softness whenbeing heated up as expressed bythe ring and ball softening
pointtest, and the penetration value.
Bitumen Preparations:
a) Cut-back bitumen
b) Fluxed bitumen
c) Modified bitumen
Cut-back bitumen
Cut-backs are bitumen preparations in which the viscosity of the binder has been reduced by the addition of a
volatile solvent, normally derived from petroleum. Typically the solvents used are white spirit and kerosene. Cutback products are typically used for spraying and some mixing applications.
Fluxed bitumen
Fluxed bitumen is bitumen preparation where the viscosity of the binder has been reduced by the addition of
relatively non-volatile oils. Typical flux ants include gas oil and vegetable based oils.
Modified bitumen
Modified bitumens are bituminous binders whose performance properties, such as elasticity, adhesive or
cohesive strength, have been modified by the use of one or more chemical agents. These agents may be polymers,
crumb rubber, Sulphur and Polyphosphoric acid, among other materials. Modified bitumens are widely used in the
production of roofing felt and in paving applications.
Bitumen emulsion
Bitumen emulsions are products in which tiny droplets (the dispersed phase) of bitumen or bituminous binder
are dispersed in an aqueous medium (the continuous phase). Bitumen emulsions are used largely in road surfacing
applications, such as surface dressing, cold mixtures and slurry seals.

Asphalt is a mixture of a bituminous binder with mineral aggregate (stone), sand and filler, typically containing
approximately 4-7%m bitumen.


Bituminous concrete

Is a type of construction material used for paving roads, driveways, and parking lots
Made from a blend of stone and other forms of aggregate materials joined together by a binding agent.
This binding agent is called bitumen
Has a thick, sticky texture like tarwhen heated, and then forms a dense solid surface once it dries.
Is also widely known as asphalt in many parts of theworld.

Bituminous concrete isquite different thanstandard concrete and containsno cement. Bituminous concrete
isknown for its distinctive black appearance. Asphalt paving is also fullyrecyclable. Some manufacturers add
recycled tires or glass aggregate to recycled asphalt to increase its strength and resilience.
Bituminous concrete is strong enough to handle years of vehicle traffic, and is relatively easy to repair or
refinish. It also provides a smoother and quieter ride than cement surfaces, which helps to reduce noise pollution
around highways and other busy roads.


composite material used in the construction of roadways and parking lots
mixture of a petroleum byproduct, asphalt bitumen and aggregate materials
Methods of mixing asphalt

Hot mix asphalt concrete, HMAC

produced by heating the asphalt binder to decrease its viscosity, and drying the aggregate to remove
moisture from it prior to mixing
** Mixing is generally performed with the aggregate at about 300 F (roughly 150 C) for virgin asphalt
and 330 F (166 C) for polymer modified asphalt, and the asphalt cement at 200 F (95 C)


Warm mix asphalt concrete, WMA

produced by adding either zeolites, waxes, asphalt emulsions, or sometimes even water to the
asphalt binder prior to mixing
**This allows significantly lower mixing and laying temperatures and results in lower consumption of
fossil fuels, thus releasing less carbon dioxide, aerosols and vapors




Cold mix asphalt concrete

produced by emulsifying the asphalt in water with (essentially) soap prior to mixing with the
commonly used as a patch for road surfaces
Cut-back asphalt concrete
same process as in cold mix, but instead of soap and water, kerosene or light petroleum products are
employed to emulsify the asphalt binder
Mastic asphalt concrete
produced by heating hard grade blown bitumen (oxidation) in a green cooker (mixer) until it has
become a viscous liquid after which the aggregate mix is then added, and then to be cooked again for
another 6 to 8 hrs.


Used for footpaths, roofing, flooring and other light-use paving projects

Natural asphalt concrete

occurs as the result of upwelling bitumen
exist below the Earths surface, but can seep its way up through porous sedimentary rocks and stones


Caused by excessive loads.
Heavy loads create deflection on the road surface, with insufficient underlying strength.
Repetitious underlying of the excessive load with roughens and crack the road pavement will ultimately
result to complete failure of the roadway.


Bleeding or Flushing
This distress is caused by excess asphalt in the surface layer
Major bleeding can be corrected by cutting off excess asphalt with a motor grader or removing it with a
heater planer.
Corrugations and Shoving

To repair corrugations in an aggregate base overlain with a thin surface treatment, scarify the pavement, add
aggregate as needed, mix well, re-compact, prime, and then resurface. Where the surface has 2 inches or more of
asphalt plant mix, corrugations can be removed with a heater planer. After removal of corrugations, cover with a
new surface treatment or new asphalt overlay. To repair shoved areas, remove surface and base as necessary and
replace with a more stable material to prevent a recurrence. For out-of-season inclement weather repairs, smooth
shoved areas with patching if the surface unevenness is hazardous to traffic.

Cracking, Alligator
Interconnected cracks forming a series of small polygons resembling an alligators skin are called alligator
Types of Alligator Cracks


Alligator Cracking without Surface Distortion

Alligator Cracking with Distortion of Intact Surfaces
Alligator Cracking with Broken Surfaces
Alligator Cracking with Surface Distortion and Pumping

Cracking Edge
Cracking without surface distortion is usually caused by lack of shoulder (lateral) support.
Types of Cracking Edge


Edge Cracks without Surface Distortion

Edge Cracks with Distortion of Intact Surfaces
Edge Cracks with Broken Surfaces
Edge Cracks with Surface Distortion and Pumping

Cracking Joint
Joint cracks occur where the shoulder or paved wedge separates from the mainline pavement or along
weak seams of adjoining pavement spreads in the surface layers.

Types of Cracking Joint

Joint Crack at Pavement Edge
Joint Crack at Lane Joints

Random Cracking
The causes of random cracking are numerous and, in its early stages, difficult to determine. Consequences
range from severe, such as deep foundation settlement, to slight, such as a construction error or mishap.
Types of Random Cracking
Narrow Cracks
Wide Cracks
Reflection Cracking

Shrinkage Cracking
Slippage Cracking
Transverse Cracking


Polished Aggregate
Although uncrushed gravels often have surfaces that are initially smooth and potentially hazardous,
crushed rock initially has a rough, skid-resistant texture. Under the action of traffic, however, some
aggregates - including many limestones - become polished and slick, especially when wet. The likelihood
of aggregate become polished increases with the volume of traffic. Because polished aggregate results in
a loss of skid resistance, itis potentially hazardous. The most economical repair is to apply a skid-resistant
surface treatment.


Potholes are caused by water penetrating the surface and causing the base and/or subgrade to become
wet and unstable. They also may be caused by a surface that is too thin or that lacks sufficient asphalt
content, lacks sufficient base, or has too many or too few fines.

Potholes in Surface Treatments over Aggregate Base

To repair potholes in surface treatments, take the following actions:

Clean out hole.

Remove any wet base.
Shape hole so that it has vertical sides.
Prime hole.
Fill hole with Asphalt Concrete.

Potholes in Asphalt Concrete

To repair potholes in Asphalt Concrete, take the following actions:
Clean out hole.
Remove any wet base.
Square up pothole so that it has neat lines both perpendicular and parallel to the center line and have
vertical sides.
Prime the pothole.
Fill the pothole with Asphalt Concrete.

Raveling is caused by a dry brittle surface; dirty, dusty, or soft aggregate; patching beyond base material;
lack of compaction of surface during construction; too little asphalt in mix; or excessive heating during

Note: If the raveling is not a part of the paved surface, no action should be taken. In other words, dont patch
beyond the edge of the pavement.
10. Channels or Rutting
Channels are caused by heavy loads and high tire pressures, subgrade settlement caused by saturation,
poor construction methods, or asphalt mixtures of inadequate strength.
11. Intact Surface
Where the depression is 1 inch or less and the surface is cracked but still largely intact, skin patch the
area. Where the depression is more than 1 inch and the surface is cracked but still largely intact, repair
with asphalt concrete.
12. Disintegrated Surface
Where the surface is badly cracked and loose (regardless of amount of depression), remove the old
surface. If the area shows signs of mud being pumped to the surface, remove all wet material, replace
base material, compact, prime, and build up with Asphalt Concrete.
13. Upheaval or Frost Boil
Upheaval is caused by expansion of freezing moisture in the lower courses of the pavement or subgrade
or by the swelling effect of moisture in expansive soils. When this distress occurs, repair by installing
combination drains as necessary and replacing base and surface.


Macadam Asphalt
Pioneered by Scottish engineer John Loudon McAdam in around 1820
** he discovered that massive foundations of rock upon rock were unnecessary, and asserted that native soil
alone would support the road and traffic upon it, as long as it was covered by a road crust that would protect
the soil underneath from water and wear

The lower 200-millimetre (7.9 in) road thickness was restricted to stones no larger than 75 millimeters
(3.0 in).
The upper 50-millimetre (2.0 in) layer of stones was limited to 20 millimeters (0.79 in) size and stones
were checked by supervisors who carried scales

Tar-bound macadam or tarmac


The area of low air pressure created under fast-moving vehicles sucks dust from the road surface, creating
dust clouds and a gradual unravelling of the road material. This problem was approached by spraying tar
on the surface to create tar-bound macadam.

A surface treatment is an application of asphalt materials to any type of road surface with or without
cover of mineral aggregate.
This application produces an increase in thickness usually less than 1 inch.
Have a variety of uses


Waterproof the surface

Provide a wearing surface.


Make the surface nonskid.

Prevent hydroplaning.
Rejuvenate an old road or runway.
Make permanent improvements

Surface treatments may be applied to the base course of a new road or to the surface of an old road as a
method of repair. Surface treatments are grouped into these categories:

Sprayed Asphalt Surface Treatment

Aggregate Surface Treatment

Sprayed Asphalt Surface Treatment

Sprayed asphalt treatments contain no aggregates. They are simply applications of different types of asphaltic
materials to prepared surface.Three types of sprayed asphalt surface treatment:



A fog seal is a light application of diluted slow-setting asphalt emulsion, used to renew old asphalt
surfaces and seal small cracks and surface voids. Fog seals are especially useful for pavements carrying a
low volume of traffic.
Other uses:
To seal surface voids in new asphalt plant mixes
To prevent dust on sprayed asphalt with cover aggregate surface treatments
To increase aggregate retention
To provide a uniform dark color

The asphalt emulsion is diluted with an equal amount of water, and the diluted material is sprayed at the ROA
of 0.1 to 0.2 gallon per square yard, depending on the texture and dryness of the old pavement. In normal
conditions, the separation and evaporation of the water is rapid, permitting traffic within 1 or 2hours.

Consists of spraying an untreated surface with low-viscosity liquid asphalt, such as SC-70, MC-30, MC-70,
or a diluted slow setting asphalt emulsion. The asphalt and dilutant penetrate and coat the fine particles
and temporarily relieve the nuisance of dust. The material is sprayed at a ROA of 0.1 to0.5 gallon per
square yard.
When emulsion is used, it should be diluted with 5 or more parts of water by volume. Diluted emulsion
dust-laying treatments usually require several applications. The dust stirred by traffic between
applications eventually conglomerates and no longer rises.
This is an effective treatment in a very dusty environment where one application of asphalt is insufficient.


Differs from dust laying in that it is usually accomplished as part of a planned build up of low-cost road
surfaces over several years. Each application may be mechanically mixed with the material being treated,
or it may be allowed to penetrate. The light oils in the road oil penetrate into the subgrade and tend to
repel moisture absorption.

The objective in all roads oiling work is to form a dustless wearing surface, combined with a strong waterrepelling subgrade. Because soils vary widely, procedures for oiling area matter for local trial and error,
rather than scientific analysis.
The amount of road oil, required in the first year of work will vary from0.75 to 1.0 gallon per square yard.
The first application is applied at theROA of about one half of the total; succeeding applications are made
in equal amounts. Road oiling treatments are placed several weeks apart, depending upon the character
of the asphalt soil mat.

Aggregate Surface Treatment

The sprayed asphalt with aggregate cover surface treatments are applications of liquid asphalt, followed by an
application of aggregate. This can be done in one or more layers of construction.
Two types of sprayed asphalt with covered aggregate surface treatments:


Single-surface treatments are thin, bituminous-aggregate toppings, applied to existing bases or surfaces, such
as concrete or asphalt. Construction involves applying a bituminous prime or tack coat to the base or surface. This
coating is followed by an application of bitumen and small-sized aggregate. Single-surface treatments are
sometimes called seal coats, because they seal the surface of the road or runway.
Sequence of Operations

Applying prime coat

Binder application
Aggregate application

Applying Prime Coat

The first steps, such as sweeping, priming or tacking, and curing

The binder (bituminous material) is applied over the prime coat with an asphalt distributor

Binder Application
When you are applying the binder, it should be hot enough to spray properly and cover the surface uniformly.
After the binder cools and cures, it should bind the aggregate tightly to prevent dislodgement by traffic. Individual
aggregate stones should be pressed into the binder but must not be covered by the binder. Approximately one half
of the individual aggregate stones should be exposed to traffic. The ROA for the binder material should be
between 0.25and 0.30 gallon of asphalt per square yard. For a single-surface treatment, the bitumen must be
heated and applied to the surface while hot. The aggregate must be spread and rolled before the bitumen cools.
Under no circumstances is traffic permitted to travel upon uncovered fresh bitumen. The distributor should NOT
apply bitumen until the aggregate is on hand and ready for application. When the distributor moves forward to
spray the asphalt, the aggregate spreader should start right behind it. The bitumen should be covered within 1
minute if possible; otherwise, the increase in asphalt viscosity may prevent good binding of aggregate.
Aggregate Application
The size and amount of aggregate, used for surface treatments, are important. You must use a size that
matches the bitumen application rate. For a single-surface treatment, one-half inch to sieve number 4 is needed.
The amount of aggregate should be 25-30 pounds per square yard. When aggregate is distributed properly, very

little hand work is required. At longitudinal joints, the aggregate cover is stopped 8 inches from the edge of the
bitumen to ensure ample overlap of the bitumen coat. All bare spots should be covered by hand spreading, and
any irregularities of the distribution should be corrected with hand brooms. Excess aggregate in limited areas
should be removed immediately with square-pointed shovels. When the aggregate spreader is properly set and
operated, handwork is reduced to a minimum.
The aggregate is usually rolled by pneumatic-tired rollers. Steel-wheeled rollers are not recommended by
themselves. If used, they should make only one pass (one trip in each direction). The rolling operation should then
be completed with the pneumatic-tired rolls. Steel-wheeled rollers produce maximum compaction but must be
used with care to prevent excessive crushing of the aggregate particles. Also, these rollers will bridge over smaller
size particles and small depressions in the surface and will fail to press the aggregate in these places in the asphalt.
Procedures for Rolling

Rolling should be parallel to the center line of the roadway to reduce the number of times the roller must
change direction.
Succeeding passes should overlap one half of the wheel width of the roller. This action ensures that the
aggregate becomes well embedded in the bitumen.
Rolling should be completed before the bitumen hardens. This will ensure that the aggregate becomes
well embedded in the bitumen.
Succeeding passes should be made from the low side to the high side of the surface. This operation
maintains the surface crown and prevents feathering at the edges.
Rolling should be done at a slow speed.
Rollers should be only wet enough to prevent bitumen from sticking to the wheels.
The power wheel of the roller should pass over the unrolled surface before the steering wheel(s) of the
rollers. After rolling and curing, the surface is ready for traffic.

A multiple-surface treatment is essentially the same as the single-surface treatment. However, the multiplesurface treatment consists of two or more successive layers of binder and aggregate. This type of treatment is
done in stages. Each stage is accomplished in the same manner as a single-surface treatment. The only difference
is that each additional layer of aggregate should be about one-half of the size of the previous layer. This allows the
smaller aggregate to interlock with the larger aggregate when rolled.

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