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Primary School
Head Teacher: Mr Christopher Shields
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Jeff Sherwin

Severn Drive
T: 01772 335065
F: 01772 626707

15th June, 2016,

Dear Parents/carers,

Your child has shown interest in joining the Invasion Games club in the KS2 hall. The club is open to all
children in Years 4 and 5 with a limited number of places (20). It will run every Thursday after school until
4:00pm, beginning next Thursday, 23rd June. The club will run for 5 sessions this half term, with the last
session being Thursday, 21st July.
The club will be a fun, active session, which will allow the children to learn the basics of invasion games skills,
which include teamwork, discipline, throwing and catching and much more. Children will participate in
games such as Dodgeball, Indoor bench football and Indoor bench hockey.
Places are limited to twenty children so please fill in the attached slip if your child is interested and return to
school by this Friday (17th June). If more than 20 children would like a place, I will draw names from a hat to
ensure the selection process is fair. A text will be sent out to confirm places.
Many thanks
Mr Moat

Childs name.Class.
My child would like to take part in the invasion games club which will run each Thursday starting 23rd June,
I will arrange to collect my child from KS2 hall at 4:00pm

Working together, the best is yet to come

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