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408 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. vertex in the point Y, then we know (Art. 211, 8) that SYP is a right angle. Conversely, if § be joined to any point Y on a given line, and a straight line be drawn through Y perpendicular to SY, this line, so drawn, always touches, or envelopes, a parabola whose focus is Sand such that the given line is the tangent at its vertex. 431. Envelope. Def. The curve which is touched by each of a series of lines, which are all drawn to satisfy some given condition, is called the Envelope of these lines, As an example, consider the series of straight lines which are drawn so that each of them ents off from a pair of fixed straight lines a triangle of constant area. ‘We know (Art, 330) that any tangent to a hyperbola always cuts off a triangle of constant area from its asymp- totes. Conversely, we conclude that, if a variable straight line cut off a constant area from two given straight lines, it always touches a hyperbola whose asymptotes are the two given straight lines, 7.2, that its envelope is a hyperbola, 432. If the equation to any curve involve a variable parameter, in the first degree only, the curve always passes through a fined point or points. For if be the variable parameter, the equation to the curve can be written in the form $+AS8’=0, and this equation is always satisfied by the points which satisfy S=0 and S’=0, ie. the curve always passes through the point, or points, of intersection of = 0 and S’= 0 [compare ‘Art. 97}. 433, Curve touched by a variable straight line whose equation involves, in the second degree, a variable parameter. ‘As an example, let us find the envelope of the straight lines given by the equation ve (I); ma—my +a=0... where m is a quantity which, by its variation, gives the series of straight lines. ENVELOPES, 409 If (1) pass through the fixed point (1, %), we have meh — mk + @=0 vecseseceenceees (2). This is an equation giving the values of m correspond- ing to the straight lines of the series which pass through the point (%, &). ‘There can therefore be drawn two straight lines from (jt, &) to touch the required envelope. As (h, k) moves nearer and nearer to the required envelope these two tangents approach more and more nearly to coincidence, until, when (h, &) is taken on the envelope, the two tangents coincide. Conversely, if the two tangents given by (2) coincide, the point (h, &) lies on the envelope. Now the roots of (2) are equal if = 4ah, so that the locus of (h, k), i.e. the required envelope, is the parabola y? = daw, Hence, more simply, the envelope of the straight line (1) is the curve whose equation is obtained by writing down the condition that the equation (1), considered as a quad- ratic equation in m, may have equal roots. By writing (1) in the form y=me+! yomar es it is clear that it always touches the parabola y’ = 4az. In the next article we shall apply this method to the general case, 434, To find the envelope of a straight line whose equation involves, in the second degree, a variable parameter. The equation to the straight line is of the form MP +Q+R=0 we () where X is a variable parameter and P, Q, and R are expressions of the first degree in « and y. Equation (1) may be looked upon as an equation giving the two values of \ corresponding to any given point 7’, 410 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. Through this given point two straight lines to touch the required envelope may therefore be drawn. I£ the point 7’ be taken on the required envelope, the two tangents that can be drawn from it coalesce into the one tangent at 7’ to the envelope. Conversely, if the two straight lines given by (1) coincide, the resulting condition will give us the equation to the envelope. But the condition that (1) shall have equal roots is Q=APRoeceees This is therefore the equation to the required envelope. Since P, Q, and Z are all expressions of the first degree, the equation (2) is, in general, an equation of the second degree, and hence, in general, represents a conic section. The envelope of any straight line, whose equation contains an arbitrary parameter and square thereof, is therefore always a conic. 435. The method of the previous article holds even if P, Q, and R be not necessarily linear expressions. It follows that the envelope of any family of curves, whose equation contains a variable parameter A, in the second degree, is found by writing down the condition that the equation, considered as an equation in \, may have equal roots. 436. Ex. 1. Find the envelope of the straight line which cuts off ‘from two given straight lines a triangle of constant area, Let the given straight lines be taken as the axes of coordinates and let them be inclined at an angle w. The equation to a straight line cutting off intereepts f and g from the axes is we). If the area of the triangle cut off be constant, we have 4f-g-sinw=const., te, fg=const.=K?. 2). On substitution for g in (1), the equation to the straight line becomes Sy -FKA + K°x=0. ENVELOPES, EXAMPLES. 411 By the last article, the envelope of this line, for different values of J, is given by the equation (-KYP=4. Key, ie. =i ie. way: ‘The result is therefore a hyperbola whose asymptotos coincide with the axes of coordinates. Bx. 2. Find the envelope of the straight line which is such that the product of the perpendiculars drawn to it from two fived points is constant. Take the middle point of the line joining the two fixed points as the origin, the line joining them as the axis of z, and let the two points be (d, 0) and (—d, 0). Let the variable straight line have as equation y=mzte. The condition then gives md+e —mdte Ji+nd* NIi+ constant= 4, so that O—mid?= A (14m), ‘The equation to the variable straight line is then y-ma=c= J (A+ Ped. Or, on squaring, m? (a? — A — a?) — 2may + (y®- A) =0. By Art, 435, the envelope of this is (2ay)P=4 (x? - A -d) (y?— A), ee ayer ant ‘This is a conic section whose axes are the axes of coordinates and whose foci are the two given points, ie. Ex. 3. Find the envelope of chords of an ellipse the tangents at the end of which intersect at right angles. 2 Let the ellipse be s +Ba1 If the tangents intersect at right angles, their point of intersection P mast lie on the director circle, and henee its coordinates must be of - the form (c cos 4, ¢ sin @), where e=,/a®+ The chord is then the polar of P with respect to the ellipse, and henee its equation is z.ceosd , y.csind ae Be 412 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. Then since 1~ tant cos 0 = 3 20 1+taned the equation to the line is 1-# . at > and sind=7""a, ie. ‘The envelope of this is (Art. 434), 2ey\?_ on (-B)=4(048 Pyro ae! Po? ) 0-8): te ge re 7 a y? ie, + CrP PLR 7 at ot A - : Since =a?—0%, this equation represents a conic OLR PLR confocal with the given one. Ex. 4. The normals at four points of an ellipse meet ina point ; if the line joining one pair of these points pass through a fixed point, prove that the line joining the other pair envelopes a parabola which touches the axes. Let the equation to the ellipse be le +my = and he+my=1.. By Art, 412, Cor. (1), we then have 1 L = - = and mm=~ 55 If the straight line (3) pass through the fixed point (f, g), we have hf+mg=1, -f_ 4. so that, by (4), “37 jth and therefore ENVELOPES. EXAMPLES. 413 I this value of L be substituted in (2), it becomes miarb’y + m(agy - bfx — a?) - ag =0, the envelope of which is (@gy — b%fa— ab)? = — dag . a*b*y, ie. (a®gy - bfx)? + 2a? (b3fu + a2gy) +a4b'=0. (5). This is a parabola since the terms of the second degree form a perfect square. Also, putting in suecession « and y equal to zero, We get perfect squares, s0 that the parabola touches both axes. 437. To find the envelope of the straight line lan + my +n=0.. where the quantities 1, m, and mn are connected by the relation al? + bm? + on? + 2fmn + 2gnl + Bhilm=0......(2). [Hquation (1) contains two independent parameters 4 and ™, whilst (2) is an equation connecting them. We could therefore solve (2) to give! in terms of = 5 on sub- stituting in (1) we should then have an equation containing one independent parameter and its envelope could then be found. It is easier, however, to proceed as follows.] Eliminating » between (1) and (2), we see that the equation to the straight line may be written in the form al? + br? + ¢ (le + my)? —2 (fin + gl) (e+ my) + 2hlm = 0, : 1: l fe (a—2gue+ 22) () +2 (eny — gy — f+ 1) = + (b-2fy + oy) = 0. The envelope of this is, by Art. 435, (cory —gy — fie + hy? = (a 2agee + e22) (6 —2,fy + cy), 4.¢ on reduction, a (be — f) +" (ca— g*) + 2ary (fy —ch) + 2a (fh — bg) + 2y (gh — af) + ab—12 =0. 414 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. The envelope is therefore a conic section. Cor. The envelope is a parabola if (fg — chy = (bo —f?) (ca — 9"), iif c=, or if abe + 4/gh—af?— by? — ch? =0. 438. Ex. Find the envelope of all chords of the parabola y*=4az which subtend a given angle a at the vertex. Any straight line is l--my +n=0. (1). The lines joining the origin to its intersections with the 2 parabola aro, (by Art. 122), ny? = — 4ac (le-+my), i. ny?-+4a may + 4ala?=0. If a be the angle betwoon these lines, we have ie. 160° — 16a? cot? am? +n?+ Saln (1+ 2cot? a) =0. With this condition the envelope of (1) is, by the last article, a?(—16a?cot? a) +9? [16a? — (4a-+ 8a cot? a)?] +2x, 16a? cot? a (44+ 8a cot? a) ~ 256a* cot? a=0, i.e, the ellipse [x—4a(1+2 cota)? +4 coseo?a.y%= 64 cot? a . cosec? a. EXAMPLES, XLIX. y Find the envelope of the straight line : 1. when 2. at p+ Jere Find the envelope of a straight line which moves so that 4, the sum of the intercepts made by if on two given straight lines is constant. 5,_ the sum of the squares of the perpendiculars drawn to it from two given points is constant. 6, the difference of these squares is constant. 7, Find the envelope of the straight line whose equation is ax cos é-+by sin @=c?. [Exs. XLIX.] ENVELOPES. EXAMPLES. 415 8, Circles are desoribed touching each of two given straight liness prove that the polars of a given point with respect to these circles all touch a parabola. 9, From any point P on » parabola perpendiculars PM and PN are drawn to the axis and tangent at the vertex; prove that the envelope of JMN is another parabola. 10, Shew that the envelope of the chord which is common to the parabola y?=4aa and its circle of curvature is the parabola y+ 12ae=0. 11, Perpendiculars are drawn to the tangents to the parabola y=dax at the points where they meet the straight line «=b; prove that they envelope another parabola having the same focus. 12, A variable tangent to a given parabola cuts a fixed tangent in the point 4; prove that the envelope of the straight line through 4 perpendicular to the variable tangent is another parabola. 13. Shew that the envelope of chords of » parabola the tangents at the ends of which meet at a constant angle is, in general an ellipse. 14, A given parabola slides betwoen two axoe at right angles; prove that the envelope of its latus rectum is a fixed cirele. 15, Prove that the envelope of chords of an ellipse which subtend a right angle at its centre is a concentric circle. 16. If the lines joining any point P on an ellipse to the foci mect the curve again in Q and R, prove that the envelope of the line QR is the concentric and coaxal ellipse ay? (142)? a G = “) 17, Prove that the envelope of chords of the rectangular hyperbola zy=4°, which subtend a constant angle a at the point (z’, y') on the curve, is the hyperbola 2a’ yy"? 2aray (1+2 cot? a) — da! cosec? a. 18, Chords of a conic are drawn subtending a right angle at a fixed point 0. Prove that their envelope is a conic whose focus is O and whose directrix is the polar of O with respect to the original conic. 19, Shew that the envelope of the polars of a fixed point O with respect to a system of confocal conics, whose centre is C, is a parabola having CO as directrix. 20. A given straight line meots one of a system of confocal conics in P and Q, and RS is the line joining the fect of the other two normals drawn from the point of intersection of the normals at P and Q; prove that the envelope of RS is a parabola touching the axes. 416 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. [Exs. XLIX.] 21, ABCD is a rectangular sheet of paper, and it is folded over so that C lies on the side AB; prove that the envelope of the crease so formed is a parabola, whose focus is the initial position of C. 22, A circle, whose centro is A, is traced on a sheet of paper and any point B is taken on the paper. If the paper be folded so that the circumference of the circle passes through B, prove that the envelope of the crease so formed is a conie whose foci are A and B. 23, In the conic —=1-ecos@ find the envelope of chords which subtend a constant angle 2a at the focus. 24, Circles are described on chords of the parabola y?=4az, which are parallel to the straight line lx-+my=0, as diameters; prove that they envelope the parabola (ly + 2ma)?=4a (24m?) («+ a). 25, , Prove that the envelope of the polar of any point on the circle (w+ a)2-+(y+b)2=I2 with respect to the circle 2?+y?=c? is the conie 18 (2 +-y?) = (ant by +). 26. Chords of the conic the origin and on these circles as diameters circles are described. Shew that the envelope of these circles is the two circles i (E+ e000) =126. thr =1-e0os 6 are drawn passing through ANSWERS. I, (Pages 14, 15.) 1 5. 2, 13. 3. 3/7. 4, Jae 5, a+ 20S F— Bab— Bde. 6. 2asin “ZF Ze amy ~m) J (my FP +E. 9, 8£2,/15. 15. G4, 4). 16. (-2, -9). 17. (1, -4)3 (-11, 16). 18. (-5H,, 275)5 (— 208, 344). 19. (-4, 0); (-$, 2). 20. (-#, 2); (Lb 1)3 ( -f- +0? at+42ab-b? a 2ab = 0? a. (Sp ee) (SS Katy +ty-+macy hy, + lyy+ mys a. (Se eee) II, (Pages 18, 19.) 1, 10, Qo. 3. 29, 4, 2a0, 5, 6, 2absin 252 sin P59 sin Pe tn, 7. a2 (mys) (mgm) (my M4). 8B. $e (im — M4) (ms) (my —4). 9. $e (mq — mg) (ong — my) (my — My)-EMyMyINg. 18, 20}. 14, 96. TIT. (Pages 22, 23.) 12, 2/5. 13, V79. 4, Via. 16. 4(8-3,/3). a7. M8. ag, gets 95, ew 06, Oe 27. r=2a0050, 28, reos20=2asind. 99, reosd=2asin®A, ? cos 20. 31 @+y =a, 82. y=me. 33, attytaan. 84, (ety P=daro'y?. 35, (e242)? a2 (at 9"). 36. sy=a. 87. yt, 88, y2+4ar=4a%, 89. A (249) (Pty? tae) ay? 40. 03 ~ Bry? + Baty — y= Shay, L. 27 COORDINATE GEOMETRY. IV. (Page 30.) 2ax+I?=0, 9, (n®=1) (v2 42+ a2) + 2a (n2 +1) =0, 4a? (02 - 4a?) + ety? = 2 (c2— 4a, IL. (64-20) 2=a?- 0%, ~ dy -22+5=0. 18, 4y+20+3=0. 14, v+y=7. yaa. 16. y=3a. 17, 15a? -y?+2aa atpyta3. 19, a2+y2=dy. 8x? + 8y?+ Gx — 86y +27=0. 21. By? a 4 2ay =a, (1) 4a? 8y?+2ay = a2; (2) 0% By?+-Bay=4a%, V. (Pages 41, 42.) vel, 2, 2-y-5=0. 3. wy /8—2/3=0. by - 80 +15=0. 5, 2x+8y=6. 6. 6e—5y+30=0. (1) e+y=11; 2) y-« 8. e+yt1=0; e-y=8. ay! -0'y =2e'y'. 10. 20y- 15, @+y=0. : 7. ‘Ty+10e=11. 19, (a 2b) w— by +024 2ab —a?=0, y (+t) - 2v=2atyt,. 21. thy +e=a (t+). Brea tat pa) =a 008 § ($1 - $4). © og tHe fit cos S15 92 4 ¥ sin 215 #8 —c05 PE bx 608 3 ($4 $4) - ay sin (ys) abo8 (+09. w+8y+7=0; y-Be=1; y+ Teall, Qn — By =4; y—Bu=1; w+ 2y=2, ya’ -a)~2 (= b)=a'd~ ad’; y (a’ - a) +0 (0 2ay ~ 2b'x= ab — a’, 29, y= VI. (Pages 48, 49.) 90°. 2, tan7? 33. 8, tanm!§. 4, 60°. tot nee? 6. ten SoU 7, tan- (2), nd 0" " Bad * . 7 Ay +30=18. 9, Ty-8¢=118, 10. 4y+11e=10. a+dy +16=0. 12, axv+by=a’, 20 (a—a’) + 2y (b-B!) =a2— a2 +2 yo! — ay’ =05 aay! —Dex'y =(a2— 02) a'y! 5 a! ~ yy’ =a! y’ 2ly - 880 3 B8y —24e= 1048. w=8; y=d; 4}. 19, @=0; y+/30=0, (L—m?) (y- k)=2m (e~h). tan) 385 Qu—Ty=1; Te+9y=73. ANSWERS. iii VII. (Pages 53, 54.) lL 43. 2. 2%. 3, Bry. 5, acos§(a~ 8). 8. 9. fos veme, oh. IL 42+y3). VIII, (Pages 61-65.) -l 41 ab ab 1 (Gar? 55): a (fo & 3. {<. a(i+2)h . + Tinga? © Ning * mg) 4, {acosh ($1 +44) 8004 (1 — #3), «sin § (s+ $3) 8004 (6, ~ 3)}- 5. (EP a) 6. 230. s Vee? oN)" * 17.729" 8. y=a; By=4e4+3a, 9. (1, 1); 45° 10. (§,4)5 tan7? 60. lL. (-1, -8); 3,1); (6, eo 12, (2, 1); tant zy. 13, 45°; (—5, 3); w-3y=9; 14, Sand -4. 19, my (42 ~ 4) + my (43 ~ ay) +My (Gy — 20. (-4,-3). 21. Gh, a). 23, 480 —29y= 7. 24. 25, y=3e. 26, ya. 27. b(a-d). 98, Bet+dy=5a, 29, w+y+2=0. 30, 230+23y=11. 81, 18x -23y=64, 33, dat By O4n (ale +B'y +0’)=0 where ) is Ba+e Aq’ +By' +O (1) -S, Q) -g @) ~paxre 4 Y ~FerEB yy FO" 87. y=2; e=6. 38, 990+ 77y+T1=0; Te-9y-87=0. 89. 2-2y+1=0; 2x+y=3. 40. 2 (22-8) -+y (W2—1)=4/2~5; 2 (2S24+8)+y (V2+1)=4/245. AL. (y—D) (om--m!) + (ae — a) (1 — mm (y—) (L— mm’) — (w— a) (m-+m’) =0. 42, 880+9y=31; 112e-64y+141=0; Ty-v=18. 43, (B+/17)+y (6+N17)=15+4,/17; 44. 45. 2 (44A/10) +y (2+4/10)=4 /10+12 ; (2/34 -3,/5) +y (n/34- 54/5) =6 0/34-15 5, A(y—h)-B(e-h)=+(de+By +0). At an angle of 15° or 75° to the axis of «. 27-2 10. Mu 16. 17. 23. 24, 26. Sr 5. 10. 11. 12. 20. 27. COORDINATE GEOMETRY, IX. (Pages 72, 73.) () eee (2) 15°. 2, tan-? tans (Be Han o). ne y=0, y=a-a, ©=2a, y=2a, y=e+a, e=—0, y y=a, where a is the length of a side, y (6—A/3) +2 (34/3 — 2) = 22 -9./3, ll. & l0y—1e-+1=0; yf Jill. X. (Pages 78—80.) (-7, 8). 7 5-6 5. (-3h 4); He ~85-T/5 QJ5-65) 35-75 = Sa Spe) eg Gat a he Bnd), (S=y9 2-10 (= lO , ef) 2 eT 6 6 4, 9), (2, 12), (12,2), and (-8, ~3); 4/2, 44/2, 44/2, and 6/2. ( 184, 193). ll. 4 12. Ti. 13, 11a? 6 15. £(b-c)(e-a)(a-b). (ng ~ mg) mg ~ ma) (on ma) 2mm. 2 (my — 1 f(e-«, ? Nemeststmom 18, gfpcee + aaa aS, (4). 10y +320 +-43=0; 25x +29y+5=0; y=bu+23 520+80y=47. (4448, $4+.93)5 (4+4N/3, 8430/8). XI. (Pages 85-87.) 2242cy cota—y®=a% 2, y2+dt=rak (m+1)a=(m-1a> 4, (m+n) (wy?) -2ax(m—n)=c*, ety ac sec??. wty = 2c cosecw. a2 + 2ey cos w+ y*= 40? cosee? w, (22+ y?) cos w-+ay (1+c08* a (m-+c08 w) +y (L-+m cos w) i) w+y-a-b=0; (ii) y=a. 19. A straight lines A circle, centre 0. 25, A straight line, If P be the point (h, k), the equation to the locus of $ is hk ANSWERS. v XII. (Page 94.) 1. (w~8y)(w—4y)=0; tan? ay, 2, (Qe —11y) (Qe —y)=0; tan? 4. 8, (11e-+2y) (8a Ty)=0; tan-133, 3 ta2; o=8, 5. y=ts 6, (y+ 42) (y~ 20) (y - 8x) =05 tan (~#)5 tan (4). 7, 2(1-siné)+yecosé=0; «(1+siné)+ycos0=0; 6. 8. ysind+«cosd= +2 ,/cos 26; tan-1 (cosec @ ./cos 26). Q, 122?-Txy -12y?=0; T1a?+ 94ay -—71y*=0; a we XIII. (Pages 98, 99.) 1, -4P)5 45% 2. (2, 1); tang. 3. (4, —4)3 90% 4, (-1,1); tan73, 6, -15. 1 2% 8, -10 or ~ 174. 9, -12. 10, 6. ll. 6. 12, 14. 13, -3. 14, $or4g 16, (i) e(a+b)=0; Gi) e=0, or ae=bd. 17, 5y+6a=56; 5y-6r=14, XV. (Page 112.) 1, (L) y2=4a’s (2) 2a/?-+y2=6. 2, (1) 2+ y =e’ 5 (2) v2+-y2= ey’, 8. (4-2) (72 +y2) = aD? 4, (1) Qv'y’4a2=0 5 9a! 25y'2= 225; wt py 1, 5, v2 +y2=1; 2? —y2=a? cos 2a, 6. wi? 4y2=0 8, tnt Bs 0+ JFER. XVI. (Page 117.) 1, 20’ —\/6y'+1=0. 2. 22+ /80'y’=1. cy/t=8, 4, y?=4e' cose? a, XVII. (Pages 123—125.) 1, a®+y?+2a-4y=4, 2. a+-y?+ 10a +12y=89. 8. 22+ y?—Qax+2by=2ab, 4, at+y%+2aw + 2by +202=0, 5. 4s Jb (B15 ay 2 (.9)s Ba. 8. -s SPP £ Ping) i 6 18, 15x24 1by?— 940+ 18y +55=0. 14, b (2 +y?— a2) =a (B+ 1? a 15, a%+y?— ae ~by=0. 16, a?-+y?— 220 — dy +25=0. 17. 2+y2-5a-y+4=0, 18, 30?-+3y?- 29a -19y +56 =! 19. 2 (22 +y) = (@ +E) 24+ (4-1) (0240) =0. 21, w+y*-8u-4y=0, vi COORDINATE GEOMETRY, say 2 eyo; OH 22, ot +y' ae ty)=05 ab" 23, at+y?—he-hy=0. 24, wy? toy JAP 25, 22+ y?—10x—10y+25=0. 26, 22+y?— 2a —2ay + 27, a+ y2+2 (5% x12) (w+y) +37410 /12=0. 98, a2-+y?- 604+ 4y+9=0. 29, b(c2+y%) =a (+e). B80, «2+ y?+6,/2y—62+9=0. B81. a2+y?-8u+2=0; Qa? 4 2y?— 5a —/By + 3=05 22+ Dy? — Ta —/8y +6=0. 33, (v+21)?+ (y +138)? = 65%, 84, 8u2+ By? 25x —8y +18=0. 86, att y=@4d?; a%+y2-2(a-+b)e+2(a—d)yt@+P=0. XVIII (Pages 134, 135.) 1, bx 12y=152. 2, We+10y+151=00 8. e+ Qy= 42/5. 4, wry +g +a tJb VG +tf—e e 8. (-S5. 6, c=a3 (0,0). 7. Yes. 8, k=40 or ~10, 9. ccosta+dsintat Jere sinta, 10, Aa+Bb+C= 20/2 +B. LL. (1) yameta Ji¢m ; Q) my+a=2a Ji em; (8) aety JP @B=ab; (4) e+y=ay2 3 12. 2 Sep 1B, eye Y2av=0; at +y%/2ay=0. 14, e=b-am; c=b—ame Can) (ETH). 15, @+y?~ Ge -By +28h= 16, 2? +y?-2cx—2Qey +c2=0, where Pe=atb+ Ja+R, 17, 5a®+5y?— 100+ 30y+49=0, 18, a®+y2—2or-Qey +c%=0. 19. (e-7P+(y-hP=r. 20, 2?-+y? -2ax — 28y 3, #=0. 6. (5, 10). 9. (2, -4) 10, (-2a, - 2). IL, @, -39). 12, 8y-20=18; (YF, AH). 18. (2-1). 14, w+ y= 20% 18. 4V46. 19. 9%. 20. /2a? + Bab+0° 21, (8, 2)5 2 23, (1) 28x2+ 88xy — 28y*— 715a — 195y + 4225=0; (2) 12822 ~ 6dicy + By? — 664er + 226y +763 =0. 17. 24. 33. 36. Bees ANSWERS. vii XX. (Pages 147, 148.) (Q ay BR, to). 1 27a cosee a. cos (0—a)-+a%cot?a=0, r=2asin d. 12~r[a.cos (6 ~ a) +b cos (0 ~ 8) ] + ab cos (a~ 8) =0. Be? + 2ac=1, XXI. (Page 149.) rao, (MR%, Eee), By8 Umea. 80°; (8-6/3, 12-44/3); /47 BE (2 08 gees NPP sito’ sine )! sino at a/2ey ty? @ (448 a2) —2y (B-+4/2) +8(2/2—1)=0. pay +y?+ le + dy +13=0. (e= 2") (@- 2") 4 (yy!) Y-y") +008 of le #')(y-y") +(e-2") (y-y')]=0- XXII. (Pages 156—159.) A circle. 5. Acitcle, 6. Acirele, 2 yy aby? — Qry cos w= @ a , the given radii being the axes. A circle. a. Acirele. (1) Acivele; (2) Acircle; (3) The polar of 0. The curve r=a+acos 0, the fixed point 0 being the origin and the centre of the circle on the initial line, ‘The same circle in each case, 2ab+ JA+P. 35. oJ i; (i) e=0, 8¢-44y=10, y=4, and By=4e. (i) y=ma+ ec JT+m, where &(b+e) 5 68r-+16y +100a=0. m= XXIII. (Pages 164, 165.) BaP By? sete 0. 4, 16e-1y=144, 6, 6x—Ty+12=0. 7 (-4,~9)- UL, (444) (+92) +20 (e+ 29) 25. 28, COORDINATE GEOMETRY. XXIV. (Pages 172, 173.) a y2 4 2may =e, 12, (+ y8)+ (ac) y -ch=0, 4-9" — x — by +@=0. 14. o®+y?-16x-18y-4=0. XXV. (Pages 178, 179.) (Tee + Gy)? - 5702 +750y +2100=0. (ax — by) — Qabx — Wy + a + a2 + Dd=0. (-1, 2)3 y=25 45. (0, 2). 4, (4,93 w=43 25 (4,4). a, §)5 w=a; 2a; (a, 0). 6. (1,2); y=2; 4; (0,2). (i) gs G4 (2,6). LL, y= 205 y-12=m(w- 24), BO Bi Ad re 7 B)s “84 * XXVI. (Pages 185—187.) 15, 9y?=4ax. p12; dap 3y=34 2. dat y=108. y-e=8; yta=9; ety4+8=0; w-y= yaa; wt+y=4a; y+a=0; e~y=da, 4y =0-+28 5 (28, 14), yr2ct1=0; ($, -2)3 2y=w+8; (8, 8). (8a, 24/32) ; ~?a8 4). 9. 4yH9n+4; dy 0436. (SA6 a /®Y8F2) 5 (Ba, 23a). By +aiet abbi=o. 15, «=0. XXVII.. (Pages 197, 198.) der + 8y+1=0, 5, 56y=25. XXVIIL (Pages 203—205.) Take the general equation to the circle and introduce the condition that the point (at2, 2at) lies on it; the sum of the roots of the resulting equation in t is then found to be zero. ‘It can be shewn that the normals at the points “t,” and “t,” meet on the parabola when t,.=2; then use the previous example, XXIX. (Pages 209—211.) 2, coxa 3. ysad. (~ a) tan 2a. 5, -da2=2aa a= 2[(e-a)? +y"). 19, y2=2a(v-«). 20. 22. 24, Norpr ANSWERS. ix ~ ky =2a (ah). 21, yly?-2ax+4a) + 8at=0. (8a?-+y? — 2az)? tan’ a=1602(4ax — y%). y'-+4ay® (a-2) - 16a%x +a =0 ‘The parabola y?=2a (a +2a). XXX. (Pages 214—216.) sa(e-a), 2, P=daz, 8, 2Tay?= A parabola. 5, A straight line, 27ay? ~ 4 (@ — 2a)>=constant, A straight line, itself a normal. XXXII. (Pages 234, 235.) (a) 822+ 5y?=82 ; () 8x24 7y2=115. 200 Boy 5, 3. 224+2y2=100, 4, Ba?+ 9y2= 1152. () Bs 46s (=9y6 0); @) 5 N55 Os ited 8)s (3) 4%; $3 (0, 5) and (0, 1). ne 7. Tat +2ay +Ty?+10e-10y+7=0. 8, Without. a+ 4a/By= 24/3; Ue —4 /8y =24,/3; 7 and 13, (1) tom? 25 (2) ton? Ji (3) 45°. ey ly etary XXXII (Pages 245—248.) x48y=5; 9x~8y-5=0. 37; 6x—25y +20=0. 16; £4eey/T=4A/7. 3 (Ege 65, Fy 195). ‘Use Arts. 145 and 260. XXXIV. (Pages 262—264.) 2. 2e-Ty+8=0; (-4, -4) 9a? 2day — Ay) [+80 4 0y - 55=0. y+ ¥'2=0; ay-V2=0; @y+b'e=0; ay+be=0, XXXV. (Pages 268—270.) x? ~ ay cot 2a - y2=a? = 2 2. cx? — Qny =ca®, @ (a2 a2 P= 4 (b40? +a2y? — a4), D(a? a2)? 2 (ay?-+ D2? + aby? — a2). 14. 15. 29, 9. 16. 19. COORDINATE GEOMETRY. (0? + y? — a? = 13)? = 4 cot? a (Pa? + aty?— a®b2), ay =be tan a. 7. Da%+a%y?=4a%?, Bla? 4 aby? = 020? (a2 +09). 9, Bek 4 a%y?= Baby. (Bia? + a2y2)P =e? (bta? + aby?) (2+ 6%) (ba? + ay")? = 02D? (ta? + aly). Bn (w—h)+ary (y—R) ab? (D222 + aby?) + (8222-4 ay? —1) (b4e? aly’) =0. (Ua? + aly? aPl4 (22-442), ab! (02+ y?) = (a2 +0) (B22 + ay?) If the chords be PK and PK’, let the equation to KK’ be y=mz+c; transform the origin to P and, by means of Art. 122, find the condition that the angle KPK’ is'a right angle; substi- tute for ¢ in the equation to KK’, and find the point of inter- section of K’ and the normal at P. Seo also Art, 404, XXXVI. (Pages 282—284.) 16a? — . 2, 252 144y?=900, 65a? — 36y?= 441, 4, a®—y?=32, 6, 4, (#4/18, 0), 23. 6, 8x? y2=3a%, Ty2+ day — 2dae - bay +15a?=0; (- Gaps 12x —9y +294=0, 8 (5, — 3). 2dy — 300 = + / 161, yacrJ@—B; (+04 Oy =B2e. 16, 125x-48y 2 (1) Vt aly’=@b(W—a)s— Q) w=a.% ei (8) 2? (a?-+-20%) — XXXVII. (Pages 295, 298.) At the points (a, £0,/2). (Qe-+y+2)(e+2y41)=0, — (2e-+y +2) (w-+2y4+1)=const. Be? 4 10ay + 8y?+ 14+ 28y +7 = Ba%4-L0xy + 8y2+ de + 22y +23=0. XXXVIII. (Pages 302—305.) (#860, +bV6a)s (£4/6a, -ba/6a). XXXIX. (Pages 319—321.) Transform the equation of the previous example to Cartesian Coordinates. — 2aiecr +a? (a? U4) =0. i. 16, 18. 21. 22, 24, 26. 7. 10, 11. 12, 28, 31. 82. 33. 34. ANSWERS, xi XL. (Pages 331, 332.) A-hyperbola; (2,1); ¢’=-26. An ellipse; (~}, -})} ¢=-4. 3, A parabola. A hyperbola; (-34, - 4); /=—46. Two straight lines; (~4, 19); ¢'=0. Abyperbola; (~44, a); = ~aMie- (20+ By —1) (40 —y+1 7 82? + 102y — 8y?~ 20 + 4y =0. (y+2-2) (y - 20-3) ry — 20? - By-+a+18=0. (Lx 2y +4) (5x —10y +4) = oy 55a? — 1202y + 20y? + 64a - 48y + 32=0. 192? + 24ey +4? — 220 ~ by +4 190? + Qdary + y? - 220 ~ 6y +8=0. ee Ps dal. 13. (aw —by)?=(«2- 1) (ay — be). (e-y)?-2(e+y) +4=0. 15, (wy +ab)tan(a—p)=bx - ay. S48 ~ 2H cos (a ~ 8) =sin® (uA). 17, A point. Two siraight lines. 19, A straight line and a parabola. A straight line and a rectangular hyperbola. A circle and a rectangular hyperbola. A straight line and a circle. ‘Two imaginary straight lines. A circle and a straight line. 25, A parabola, A circle. 27, A hyperbola. 98, An ellipse. XLIL (Pages 346—348,) 9, ‘Two coincident straight lines. % tan =, r=0/3, and ry=4, , m=N2, and y=2. tan 6,=7+5,/2; tan, 5/2, need nnn BOT 1 2. 29, ds/3- . §V=3. (=F J Ji0+1, 42% 224 Tio =) 3 pees Ge oN, Bae svt) a5. ~de3/6, ££4V/6)3 23. (Lave, 126); 2

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