PEKA 2 Form 5

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Title : Mass and inertia

Aim : To investigate the relationship between mass and inertia

Problem : What is the relationship between mass and inertia?

Hypothesis : The larger the mass of an object, the greater the inertia of the object

Variables :
Manipulated variable : Mass
Responding variable : Inertia
Fixed variable : Size of the cans, length of the strings

Apparatus : Two aluminium cans of equal size and string.

Materials : Sand.

Procedure : 1. Two identical cans are suspended on strings of equal length.

2. One of the can is filled with sand and the other is left empty.
3. The cans are given a push. Observation is made to determine which can need
more force to make it swing.
4. The two cans are made to swing at the same speed and height. Observation is
made to determine which can need more force to be stopped.

Results :
Condition Observation
Can that needs more The can filled with sand
force to make it swing
Can that needs more The can filled with sand
force to be stopped
from swinging

Discussion :
1. It was found that the can filled with sand needs a greater force to be moved as
compared to the empty can. This shows that the heavier can tends to remain at
rest and resists a change in motion.
2. The can filled with sand needs more force to be stopped from swinging. This
shows that it tends to remain swinging and resists any attempt to stop it.
3. Hypothesis is accepted.

Conclusion : An object with a larger mass possesses greater inertia.

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