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The U.S.T.

Peace and security

What we can do?

The United Surveying Task Force is a security team that
surveys areas for suspicious activity. If illegal activities
are found it will be reported to the authorities so that
they can take appropriate action.
By doing this we hope to reduce:
Drug trafficking

Where and Why?

The United in our name means that we are an
international organization. That being said the majority of
our services will be focused on Colombia this is because
of the overwhelming amount of crime in Colombia listed
57.63% of Colombians have some kind of crime
committed to them
57.42% of Colombians use or deal drugs
57.32% of Colombians are violently robbed
67.51% of people in power are part of corruption or

What is being done?

Because of how public this information is obviously the

Colombian government and police force know about
these issues but because there is so much crime and so
much corruption within the government and police force
itself there is nothing they can do. Thats why the U.S.T.F
will be a privately owned Ngo so that we can be separate
from all the corruption.

Why isnt it getting better?

Because this is all the children know when they grow up
they will be just like their parents and will teach their kids
to be just like them. And this cycle will continue until
someone stops it Nothing happens until something
moves. Albert Einstein.

Why you should invest?

The funding will be spent on different security measures
to ensure that the people we survey will feel safe to tell
us whatever they wish. The reports we submit will outline
all the different levels of corruption and the different
areas in which the police forces should stationed. This will
effectively reduce crime with minimal funding.

To Conclude
The U.S.T.F is a need step towards the future of not only
Colombia but the whole world. The U.S.T.F will change

Colombia and other countries like Colombia into a safe

and free place with minimal funding on your behalf.

ABColombia. Poverty, Inequality and Drugs. 25 Aug
2015. Document. 1 June 2016.
Goodreads. Quotes About Inertia. 2 April 2016.
Document. 1 June 2016.
Numbeo. Crime in Colombia. 24 April 2016.
Document. 1 June 2016.
US Department of State. Colombia Travel Warning.
5 April 2016. Document. 1 June 2016.
Wikapedia. Security issues in Colombia. 22
November 2014. Document. 1 June 2016.

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