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We received an award from the CCG as the Community Partner for 2015


2015 TO 2016

This report looks at changes that have taken place over the year within our organisation and also the many
successful projects that have improved the health and wellbeing of people in our communities.
2015-2016 has been a very busy for the Company and we have continued to deliver a broad range of
projects/programmes targeting health inequalities in our communities.
This year we were able to utilise more space in the building we rent, giving us 2 large training rooms and
enabling us to extend what we deliver on site. This has saved costs on renting other venues for the
delivery of some of our work.
Our funding through Bradford Council, Public Health has continued - although there have been some cuts,
we have reached many people (see details in report)
This year we have made stronger links with the GP Practices in South Bradford, enhanced by funding we
received to run joint projects with them. (see details in the report)

Sharon Rushworth
Julie Baxter
Gayle Seekins
Dr Angela Moulson
Stake Holders:
Liz Robinson

Step 2 - young people

Glynis Peddar

Sure Start BHT/resident

Tricia Harwood

Sustainability Manager, Lower Fields Primary School

Denise Waring

Education Advisor (freelance)

Liz Hartstone

Community resident

Denise Waring

Freelance workers

Nigel Shaw


1 Organisation development this year

1.1 Marketing and publicity
1.1.1 This year we continued to market our projects through the Telegraph and Argus
community column, posters, visiting community groups and through GP Practices.
1.1.2 Our website platform was updated to make it more 'user friendly'.
1.1.3 Our Facebook page has been developed further and is kept up to date with
photographs and details of up coming events.
1.1.4 We have used our twitter account much more this year through the 'tweet deck'
application. This has enabled us to timetable tweets publicising our activities through the
week, see sample below

1.1.5 In August 2015 we introduced a 'text reminder service'. Where we text people attending
various sessions - a reminder that day. This has proven to be successful in reducing drop out rate
of attendees.

1.1.6 We held our open AGM on the 15th July 2015

This was well attended by the community, staff and volunteers

1.2 Staff, students and volunteers

1.2.1 One of our volunteers organised a '3 peaks' sponsored walk for early 2016 to raise funds for
our work with isolated people. This was developed throughout the year as staff and other
volunteers were signed up for the walk, which took place in May 16.
1.2.2 We have run a successful volunteering programme funded through Public Health, which has
brought local people on board in the delivery of these projects.
We also continue to recruit volunteers for all of our other projects through word of mouth and also
people who have attended programmes and which to contribute something back.
1.2.3 Staff have undertaken various training course through the year to develop their skills and
1.2.4 We had an away 2 days to which all of our staff attended, this was for team building and to
look at the future of Healthy Lifestyle
1.2.4 Leela McDonald and Iram Khan undertook their student work placements with us from their
University Degree Courses - they were with us for a full year. We also have Surita and Olly who
were undertaking their degrees in Physical Activity and they delivered sessions for us.



Krissy Shaw left us to concentrate on a degree course in Counselling and we are delighted
that she has taken this opportunity.
Sharon Townend left us as funding for her project came to an end, she is still available to us
as a freelance worker for other work as required.
We welcomed Joe Robb onto our team as a part-time administrator. He supports James
Blezard who is PA to the Directors and this has helped with his workload.

1.3 Business Plan

1.3.1 We are continually updating our Business Plan, which is a living document.
1.4 Partnership working and community links
1.4.1 Being in the heart of the community, we have become more of an 'Hub' this year, people
call in for a chat, a coffee and we encourage them to take part in activities running at the hub.
1.4.2 One of our partner organisations sadly went into liquidation this year, which was a shock to
everyone in the community. They ran numerous projects which all came to and end abruptly, we
are now working hard to secure funding to increase our community work to try and fill some of the
gaps this has left.

1.4.3 We have supported the local Visually Impaired Group with a funding bid to Awards for All,
which enabled us to deliver a range of activities for them including; jewellery making,
aromatherapy and cooking.
1.4.4 We were very proud to receive an award in recognition of our partnership working with the
Clinical Commissioning Groups in Bradford District and this year we became the Community
Partner for 2015 (see photo on cover page).
1.4.5 We ran a fundraising event on the 23rd September 2015 for Mac Millan Cancer Support

2 Programmes/Projects
Programmes funded through Public Health, Bradford Council -

We have delivered 14 projects to 1557 new users this year.

Below is a sample of some of these activities, which were taking place through the year this was our timetable for January 16

2.1.1 Cook and eat This feature in the Telegraph and Argus from the 25th November 2015 gives an excellent overview
of this project.

2.1.2 Weight maintenance people who have been on our weight management can then move onto this programme

We made this vest ,which takes weights inside - people can experience how much weight they
have lost - excess weight they were carrying around.
2.1.3 Weight Management
Programmes running to get people motivated into
managing their weight and so eating healthy.

2.1.4 - Health MOT checks - 4 checks over the year

These were held in community
venues to reach more local people
and one of them was held at
Hallmark Cards, which is one
of the largest employers in the
local area.
Photograph - Hallmark Cards
7th August 2015

2.1.5 Dancersize Very popular exercise classes

for Adults held twice
a week

2.1.6 Active in Ageing - running twice a week for older people and people less able. Seated and
standing exercise to music.
2.1.7 Gardening Club - running twice a week in our own 'Secret Garden'. Starting for a garden
that was over grown, this has been lovingly developed into a superb garden/allotment area. The
produce will provide vegetables and fruit for our cooking programmes. A paid worker and
volunteers run this.

(above - Gardening Club 4th January 2016)

2.1.8 - Young people's Mental Health program - Jigsaw
Working in schools with teenagers looking at their mental health and wellbeing.
This week the group looked at body image and complete these collages - example below.

3 Other funded projects:

2.1.9 B-Healthy 8 week course for parents and children aged 5 to 11 andalso B- Health 8
week course for parents and children aged 12 plus - PROMOTING HEALTHY HABITS
From member of staff Michelle Riach 7/3/16:
Cook n eat today with kids and parents after school - was full on!! Luckily Haley was on hand to
help; they all enjoyed it and ate every bit.

3 Projects through other funding

3.1.1 Awards for All
Visually Impaired Support Group (see 1.4.3 above)

3.1.2 The Wellbeing Cafe - for people with dementia and their carers - which runs once a
month in the afternoon. With entertainment and afternoon tea, this is very popular.

(photos: Wellbeing cafe - 16th NOVEMBER 2016)

3.1.3 The Connect Club

The Connect Club funding came to an end in February 2016. This has been a very successful
project, supporting isolated people to come together and develop friendships.
It was decided that it was essential that this continued beyond the life of the funding. Because of
rental costs for the room we were using, we had to find alternative premises.
The Connect Club is now run in one of our training rooms, it isn't ideal, however it has kept the
Club running and it is well attended. The structure changed - previously we hired a DJ, however
there is not room for dancing in the room we use and also no funding for the DJ.
From 18 month report - Sept 2015
80% are more active in the community and more able to participate in community life through the
referrals we have made with them into other projects and the times they are now able to go out on
their own e.g. shopping or to visit family.
100% of volunteers feel they are making a positive contribution.
Feedback from members: (a couple who were isolated) - We love coming here and love the
quizzes. Mrs xx attends other events that are delivered in the area, the healthy weight programme
and the exercise group.
A female member: Since coming to this club I've really settled
in to the area. I'd just moved when the connect club first ever
started and never missed one. I go out with some members on
a weekend, on lady who came to the club move to the seaside,
we've kept in touch too. I look forward to coming to the connect
Photographs below from the Connect Club Nov 15

They also ran their own trip to Bridlington in August 2015

3.1.4 Working at Eastwood Primary School in Keighley running a 'Big Breakfast' for parents
and children this was funding from Awards for All which the school at achieved without

3.1.5 Take your tablet

This project came to an end this year, it had been successful in teaching people how to use a
computer for shopping, keeping in touch with their children and finding out about local and national
issues. Everyone who came onto the project had not used computers before and it opened up a
whole new world to them,

3.1.6 BBEC - school holiday schemes

We ran holiday schemes in Buttershaw: Easter 2015, Spring Bank 2015, August holidays 2015,
October break 2015,
These were run for a cluster of 7 primary schools in the Buttershaw area. We worked with up to
100 children, who took part in a range of activities including sport, games, dance, crafts and
baking. This funding has now come to an end.

3.1.8 - Intensive Support Programme - a social prescribing programme

In partnership with local GP Practices to work with patients who needed more support with self
care. This was a 3 months funded pilot, which we have completed and the outcomes are being
reviewed and evaluated.
Feedback from a member of staff working on this project:
I went to see a lady yesterday and she chirped away like a little budgie and eventually the tears
came streaming down. She said she only usually cries when she is in her own, as I was leaving
she said " thank you so much for visiting me, I feel so good inside, you have made a difference in
my life today. I just wanted to remind my colleagues at HLS what an amazing job we do and
although these words are not always spoken we are making a difference in peoples lives. So let's
keep our spirits up and focus on our aims.
3.1.9 - Holistic Wellbeing Service - for 1 local GP Practice
Here we worked for each patient referred in for 6 appointments, it was a slightly different slant on
the above intensive support programme. This was working with patients in more depth and this is
also currently being evaluated.

The coming year will bring challenges and opportunities.

We have several funding applications in place,
which if successful will enable us to develop our work.

We are looking forward to being able to deliver more programmes on site and
build on the 'hub' model.

Our links with GP Practices will continue to develop and grow,
this year has lain excellent foundations for this to carry forward.

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