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Grammar 2
Present Continuous: future

A perfect weekend

Arrange a perfect weekend with your partner. Plan eight activities and write them in your diary. Choose from the
ideas below and/or use your own ideas, e.g. having dinner with Britney Spears, playing tennis with Peter.
have breakfast/lunch/dinner (what type of restaurant?)

go clubbing (where?)

play a sport (what type?)

visit a museum (which one?)

go to the cinema/theatre/opera to see (what?)

go shopping (for what?)

meet a famous person (who?)

do nothing

go to a place (where?)

study (what?)

have a lie-in (why?)

play a game (what?)

go to a live concert (what band?)

go for a walk (where?)




9 a.m.

12:30 p.m.

4 p.m.

7 p.m.

10 p.m.

2 Now talk to other members of the class. Try to persuade one more person to do the activities you have chosen with
your partner. Write his/her name next to the activity. If someone persuades you to do something in your free squares,
write down the activity.
A: Why dont you come for a walk in the mountains with me and Lola at 9 oclock on Sunday morning?
B: No, thank you. Im having a lie-in on Sunday. What are you doing on Friday afternoon? Im going shopping in Paris.
Do you want to come?
Photocopiable PearsonEducationLimited2011

Grammar 2
Present Continuous: future

A perfect weekend
Target language: Present Continuous: future arrangements
Activity type: roleplay
When to use: Use this activity after Lesson 3.2.
Time: 20 minutes
Preparation: Photocopy one worksheet for each student.

Put students into pairs and give each student a copy of the worksheet. Tell them to work
together to make arrangements for a perfect weekend. Encourage them to discuss the
options and to come to a compromise about what they are going to do. Students write
these things down in the diary, leaving some spaces free.
Then tell students to mingle with other classmates. Tell them to try to persuade one student
to do each activity with them and write the name in the diary next to that activity. They also
complete their free spaces with activities they have been persuaded to do. The winner is
the first person to find somebody to do all the activities with them.

Photocopiable Pearson Education Limited 2011

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