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Laboratory No.

Working with USM 36 apparatus part 2
Calibrating the USM 36
Calibration of the instrument
The location of a discontinuity can be instantly determined using its echo if the instrument is
correctly calibrated. Calibration means, linear display, from the zero point on the scale, of a certain
distance range of the object to be tested. The zero point on the scale corresponds to the surface of the test
object and the 10th scale graduation the maximum distance, e.g. 100 mm steel, 10 mm aluminum, 25 mm
brass etc. When specifying the calibration range the naming of the material is also important because the
displayed distance of the echo, sound path s, is always deduced from the time of flight t of the pulse and
the sound velocity c according to the equation:

s = sound path [mm]
c = sound velocity [km/s]
t = transit time [ms]
This relationship is not unimportant for the ultrasonic operator but it is not required for the
sequence of calibration.
The associated sound paths correspond logically to the paths being travelled in the test object, for
example with a straight-beam probe it is the multiple of the test object's thickness t, therefore:
1st Echo = t,
2nd Echo = 2t,
3rd Echo = 3t, etc.
We must now adjust 2 of these echoes on the corresponding scale graduation to the required
calibration range. The instrument is then calibrated, i.e. by reading off the scale position T the sound path
s (distance) of the associated reflector can be determined (location of reflectors, wall thickness
Calibration with a straight-beam probe
The reference piece used for calibration is called the Calibration Block, or Standard
Calibration Block, if the block used is standardized. The Standard Calibration Block 1, also simply
referred to as K1 block (according to BS 2704 - A2), has a thickness of exactly 25 mm and is made of
low-alloyed fine grained steel so that it can be used for nearly all types of calibration when similar steels
are to be tested.

Fig. 1 Standard Calibration Block 1


Calibrating the display range

Before working with the USM 36, you have to calibrate the instrument: you have to adjust the material
velocity and display range and allow for the probe delay depending on the material and dimensions of the
test object.
To ensure a safe and proper operation of the USM 36, it is necessary that the operator be adequately
trained in the field of ultrasonic testing technology.
Choosing the measuring point
The sound path measurement in the calibration process or in the subsequent echo evaluation process
depends on the choice of the measuring point which can be set either to flank, to jflank or to peak in the
USM 36. In principle, the peak measurement should be preferred because the measured distances do not
depend on the echo height in that case. However, there are application cases in which the flank
measurement is either specified, or it must be applied for technical reasons, e.g. in many tests using dualelement (TR) probes.
Attention: In any case, the setting of the measuring point must always be identical for the calibration and
for the subsequent test application. Otherwise measurement errors might occur.

Calibration with straight- and angle-beam probes

Case A: With known material velocity
Calibration process

Fig. 2 Transducer with calibration block

Set the known material velocity (function group RANGE for steel the velocity value is
5920 m/s).
Couple the probe to the calibration block.
Set the required display range using the function RANGE. The calibration echo must be
displayed on the screen.
Position the gate on one of the calibration echoes until the sound path of the echo is
indicated in the measurement line.
After this, adjust the setting of the function PROBE DELAY until the correct sound path
for the selected calibration echo is indicated in the measurement line.
You are carrying out the calibration for the calibration range 100 mm using the calibration
standard K1 (thickness 25 mm) which is laid down flat.
Set RANGE to 100 mm.
Set the known material velocity of 5920 m/s (please see ISO 10863).

Set the gate so that it is positioned on the first calibration echo (from 25 mm).
Read the sound path in the measurement line. If this value is not equal to 25 mm, adjust the
setting of the function PROBE DELAY until it is at 25 mm.
This completes the calibration of the USM 36 to the material velocity of 5920 m/s (233 "/ms) with
a calibration range of 100 mm/5" for the probe used.

Case B: With unknown material velocity

Use the semi-automatic calibration function of the USM 36 with the functions of the function
group AUTOCAL for this calibration case.
The distances between 2 calibration echoes must be entered as default data (see
figure 3). The USM 36 will then carry out a plausibility check, calculate the material
velocity and the probe delay, and automatically set the parameters.
Calibration process
You have to enter the distances (lines) of two calibration echoes as default settings, like
in figure 3. The USM 36 will then carry out a plausibility check, calculate the material
velocity and the probe delay, and set the parameters automatically if the plausibility is
given. Otherwise, an error message is given.
Fig. 3
Set the required display range using the function RANGE. The two selected calibration echoes
must be displayed on the screen. Set the range so that the second calibration echo is positioned in
the right half of the screen.
Switch to the function group AUTOCAL.
Enter the distances of the two calibration echoes in S-REF 1 and S-REF 2.
Position the gate on the first calibration echo. (A-START).
Switch to the function RECORD and press one of the selector keys.
Press one of the selector keys again to record the first calibration echo.
Shift the gate to the second calibration echo.
Switch to the function RECORD again and press one of the selector keys to record the second
calibration echo.
Set the required display range at 100 mm, using the function RANGE (see fig. 4). Validate pressing
button left.
The initial value for PROBE DELAY is 0 s (see fig. 4)
Set the known material velocity 5920 m/s (select velocity and pressing
possibility to change the value of velocity and after press again
RANGE, to validate the values made).

button left give you the

button left in the function group

and switch to the function group CAL and select AUTOCAL (see fig. 5).

Enter the distances (thicknesses) of the two calibration lines S-REF1 (25 mm) and validate the value
button left. After enter the distance S-REF2 (100 mm) and validate the value pressing
button left (see fig. 5).

Figure 4

Figure 5

Position the gate A (green line) on the first calibration echo (for gate a start, see figure 5).
Read the sound path (SA^) in the measurement line. If this value is not equal to 25 mm, adjust the setting
of the function PROBE DELAY until it is at 25 mm.
To made this press
and switch to the function group RANGE and select PROBE DELAY press
button left and correct the value of SA^ until it is at 25 mm (in this time the value indicated on PROBE
DELAY the value is changing and finally obtain 0.753 s) and after press

left button (see fig. 6).

and switch to the function group CAL and select AUTOCAL and after select RECORD S-

REF1 and press

to record the first calibration echo (see fig. 5).
The recording of the first calibration echo is confirmed by change the function RECORD S-REF1 in
RECORD S-REF2 (see figure 7).

Figure 6

Figure 7

Move the gate to the second calibration echo (for S-REF2 SA^= 100mm, see figure 8).
To make the positioning the gate A (green line) on the second calibration echo, press
the function group GATES and select GATE A , then press

and switch to

button right , after press

button left

and modified the value of gate A positioning from 24.19 mm till 96.54 mm, after press

button left


and switch to the function group CAL and select AUTOCAL and after select RECORD S-

REF2, and before, ensure first that the value for SA^ to be 100 mm, and after press
to record the
second calibration echo (see fig. 8).
The recording of the second calibration echo is confirmed and by change the function RECORD SREF2 in RECORD OFF.
If the second echo is not stored, the calibration failed and ERROR MESSAGE display.
The correct calibration is confirmed by the message with the message in line in video inverse
AUTOCAL COMPLETE (see figure 9).

Figure 8

Figure 9

If you see the message in line in video inverse AUTOCAL COMPLETE (see figure 9), also you can
read the material velocity 5920 m/s and probe delay value 0.758 s (see figure 9).
The correct calibration is confirmed by the message AUTOCAL COMPLETE (see figure 9).
The USM 36 will now automatically determine the sound velocity and the probe delay and set the
corresponding functions accordingly.

Each master student must repeat the example presented above

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