13 June 2016-Draft-CERA-UK Conference 2016 Timetable PDF

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CERA-UK Conference 2016 Timetable

24th June
9.30 10.00
10.00 10.10


10.35 11.20

Registration (Cruciform B304 - LT1)

Introduction and Welcome Speech (Cruciform B304 - LT1)
Tinghe Jin, President of CERA
Katharine Carruthers, Pro-Vice-Provost (East Asia) and Director, UCL IOE Confucius Institute for Schools
Opening Speech
Minister-Counsellor Shen Yang, Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China
TBC, Department for Education, UK
Keynote Speech
Speaker: Simon Marginson, UCL IOE
Towards future world society: Some thoughts about China-UK relations in education and research
Keynote Speech

11.25 12.10
12.25 13. 15

14.20 16.00

Speaker: Sally Thomas, University of Bristol

Improving educational evaluation and teacher development: evidence from China
Lunch (Room 736)
Session A (Nunn Hall)
Higher education
Chair: Paiwei Qin
A1. A Study of the extent to which leadership is
distributed in the department level in a Chinese
Xintong Lu, University of Warwick

Session B (Committee Room 1)

Chinese students in UK higher education
Chair: Yini Hu
B1. Christian church participation of Chinese
students and cross-cultural adaptation
Yun Yu, University of Glasgow

A2. Exploring the use of drama pedagogy to develop

lifelong learning through College Chinese a drama
program case study in the Communication University
of China

B2. Using mixed methods to investigate the transitions

of digital practices and the development of digital
literacy skills among Chinese international
postgraduate Student
Mengjie Jiang, University of Leicester

Lu Wang, University of Cambridge

Session C (Clarke Hall)

Parenting and early childhood education
Chair: Ran Tao
C1. An ethnographic study of Steiner Fever in
China: Why are Chinese parents turning away
from mainstream education and to Steiner
Yifan Sun, University of Cambridge
C2. Parents' voices on WeChat: Exploring
parenting in early years context in China
Xin Luo, University of Edinburgh

A3. University students and critical thinking in

Republican China 1912-1945
Tao Zhang, Nottingham Trent university

B3. The transformation of learner identity:

Exploring the transition of Chinese Masters
students into UK higher education
Shuanghui Shan, University of Edinburgh

C3. Multi-case studies on British Chinese

parents perceptions of pre-school childrens
outdoor play
Liyuan Liu, UCL IOE

B4. Influence of the cultural context in developing

digital literacy skills: A study of Chinese students in
UK Higher Education
Tracy Simmons and Palitha Edirisingha,
University of Leicester
16. 00 16.20

Panel Discussion

Session D (Nunn Hall)

Higher education
Chair: Suyu Liu
D1. Developing critical thinking of
undergraduates in Business Transnational
Yewen Guan, University of Newcastle

Session E (Committee Room 1)

Educational companies and organisations
Chair: Shujing Liu
E1. Ordering the Chaos - How educational
technology can help discover and manage digital
learning resources
Aldo de Pape, TeachPitch

Session F (Clarke Hall)

Teacher education and development
Chair: Danyang Zhang
F1. Students' perceptions of teacher effectiveness
in rural China: An empirical mixed methods
Dini Jiang, University of Bristol

D2. Internationalisation strategies and the international

students experiences: two approaches of
internationalisation of higher education (IHE) in
universities of the UK and China
Lu Liu, University of Newcastle

E2. How free resources and inexpensive 'maker'

based educational technology turn world's
classroom into an inspiring space
Jesse Lozano, Pi-Top

F2. Cultivating preservice teachers' design

expertise: A case study of transfer of learning
Li Liu, Sichuan Normal University, China

D3. Nordic scholars experiences of Chinese

higher education: A critical intercultural
Fred Dervin, University of Helsinki
Anu Hrknen, the University of Helsinki and
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Panel Discussion

E3. Excellence first, a bridge for education

partnership between the UK and China: how we
have developed over the last 10 years
Paul Beashel and Lily Lin, Excellence first
education consultancy

F3. Can the England-China teacher exchange really

work in England? If yes, how? A critical visit to the
controversial BBC Two Are Our Kids Tough
Enough? Chinese School documentary and the ongoing Shanghai Maths Teacher Exchange

Panel Discussion

17. 50 18.35
18.40 21.00

Panel Discussion

Tea Break (in all session rooms)

16. 20 16.35

16. 35 17.50

Panel Discussion

Conference Dinner

Juan Chen, Keystone Academy, China

F4. A comparative study on Chinese and British initial
teacher education program: A case study of Northeast
Normal University and IOE UCL
Wenxiu Xu, Northeast Normal University

CERA-UK Conference 2016 Timetable

25th June
Registration (Nunn Hall)

9.00 9.15

9.20 10.10

Session G (Nunn Hall)

Chinese language education
Chair: Lulu Sun
G1. Tending the garden of Chinese language
education: The unbearable heaviness of being a
Chinese teacher of Chinese in Finland?
Haiqin Liu and Fred Dervin, University of
Helsinki, Finland

Session H (Room 802)

School development
Chair: Julia Yang
H1. The changing nature of the work of Chinese school
principals in the wake of national curriculum reform
Michael Wilson, University of Leeds
Wenjun Zhang, Zhejiang University

Session I (Room 804)

English language education
Chair: Pingping Huang
I1. A comparative study of ESL writing among
Mandarin Chinese speakers on logic and
coherence in discourse
Ping - Abby Wang, University of York

G2. The impact of the professional learning of the

Confucius Institute for Scotland's Schools on the
Hanban teachers, teachers in Scotland and Scottish
teachers participating in the immersion course in
Meryl James, Strathclyde University

H2. The possibilities for inclusive education practice in

Qingdao primary schools
Xiao Qu and Steven Cowan, UCL IOE

I2. Using telecinematic dialogue as an alternative

source of spoken language teaching
Ai Zhong, UCL

Tea Break (in all session rooms)

10.10 10.25

G3. TCFL teachers epistemic beliefs in a

teaching abroad context
Jiaqi Guo, University of Cambridge


G4. They have it better there: Discourses and

counter-discourses about teachers of Chinese in
another country
Fred Dervin and Haiqin Liu, University of Helsinki
Robin Moloney and Hiu Ling Xu, Macquarie

H3. Developing effective group work for mathematical

achievement in Hong Kong primary school classrooms
Peter Kutnick, King's College London
Dennis C.L. Fung, University of Hong Kong
Ida A.C. Mok, University of Hong Kong
H4. What should China draw on the active experiences of
values education in British schools?
Lin Qiu, Shandong University, China

I3. Chinese EFL learners' oral English learning

strategies and self-efficacy beliefs
Sihan Zhou, University of Cambridge

H5. (Re-) imagining Chinese and British education: A

critical intercultural perspective
Xin Xing, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, China
Fred Dervin, University of Helsinki

I5. Improving the assessment of college English

foreign language competence: What China can learn
from UK
Yanjuan Huo, Shanghai International Studies

I4. Online interaction, identities construction and

language learning motivation
Luoming Zhang, University of Leeds


Panel Discussion

Session J (Nunn Hall)

Education and (economic, social and cultural)

Chair: Bixuan Zhong and Helly Chahal

14.15 14.35

14.45 15.30

15.35 16.20

16:20- 17.00

Panel Discussion

Lunch (Room 736)



Panel Discussion

J1. Can Shanghai students leadership skills and

cognition be improved by cross-culture leadership
Xuemei Xia, Shanghai Academy of Educational

J2. Providing quasi-state education for the

migrant children: the birth of an interim quasistate school system in Shanghai
J3. Plant the seeds of mobile learning across the
Guangfa Wang, Beijing Royal School
Panel Discussion

Session K (Room 802)

Education equity
Chair: Ying Fu

Session L (Room 804)

Educational policy and management
Chair: Xipeng Liu and Hong Zheng

The empowerment of women and girls in Chinese rural

schools - Experiences learned from two largest DFID's
aid education projects in China

L1. PISA for development: Education quality and

politics of international development
Xiaomin Li, UCL IOE

K1. The starting point of the first project: Gansu Basic

Education Project
Mary Surridge, University of Wolverhampton
K2. The dissemination and innovation: Southwest
Basic Education Project
Xin Guo, UCL IOE
Panel Discussion

L2. Leading on the edge: A case study of

principal leadership practices in secondary
schools in China
Cathy Ping Xie, University of Nottingham

Panel Discussion

Keynote Speech (Jeffery Hall)

Speaker: Yongcan Liu, University of Cambridge
Dynamic Assessment for the Language Development of Disadvantaged Migrant Children with EAL
Keynote Speech
Speaker: John O'Regan, UCL IOE
zheteng or Z-turn : Chinese post-multilingualism and the political economy of global English
Conference Closing Speech (Jeffery Hall)
Fred Dervin, University of Helsinki
CERA 2016 Committee

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